InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life In High School. ❯ Chapter 58: Life as we know it ( Chapter 58 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
: A Little Note : Here is the long waited last chapter. Sorry it took so long.

Disclamier : I own nothing, but my own storie line.

Chapter 58: Life as we know it

Kagome looked around the small room she was sitting in, The window was really small with not much of a view, It was starting to rain outside, when the small breeze got around the room, she got a chill down her back before she got up and closed the window.

She looked around once more outside before closing the blinds and moving to the small kitchen, where her bags still sat on the counter where Inuyasha put them. Sesshomaru asked her to unpack everything to make it look more real, then it really was.

She jumped when her phoned started to ring from the front room, she grabbed her small bag before going to the ring phone, She looked down at the caller id, not knowing the number or the name.

"So it begains."

Kagome took a deep breath in before answering the phone. "Hello. "

There was silence for the first few seconds. "Hello." She asked again, not getting an answer, she was about to hang up the phone.

"Don't Hang up. " The voice quickly said. "Don't talk just lisen."

Kagome was shocked think the call was form Naraku, She listened to the person the phone, she didn't say a word she waited for them to continue.

"You must not go threw with this, Get out of the building as soon as you can, don't even worry about your stuff, get out, there will be a cab waiting for you, Get in the car, and go back to the Hanyou."

Kagome was shocked and scared at the same time. "Whats going on?" She quickly asked.

"You must not ask question, you must not stay there, why are you still on the phone ? You must leave now. " The voice yelled.

Kagome didn't ask twice, she dropped the phone and ran from the room, she quickly unlocked the door and ran down the hallway. she ran around the corner, before she could get any where she ran into a hard body, she almost fall to the floor but an arm wrapped around her body pulling her body to there chest.

Kagome stood still for a moment trying to get the air back in her lungs. "Look who it is, never would have thought I would run into you in a place like this."

Kagome pushed away from the chest she was leaning on and looked up at the face of the person she ran into. "Oh."

"Hello to you to Kagome." He had a big smile on his face.

"Koga... What are you doing here ? " She asked.

"I was about to ask you the same thing." Koga ask as he moved closer to her.

Kagome moved back a few steps. "Sorry can't stay and talk I have a car outside waiting for me, I really need to go." Kagome told Koga.

koga moved closer for ever step she did. "How are you doing Kagome?" Koga asked with husky.

Kagome looked away from Koga. " I need to go, I have some place I need to be, I have a car waiting." Kagome told Koga again.

"Kagome, Kagome, whats this ? A baby on the way, and from the smell of things it's Mutt's. "

Kagome took a step back when she hit the wall. " Please Koga I really need to go." Kagome begged. In a second Koga was standing in front of her, pushing her body more into the wall. "Thats right Kagome Beg." Koga whispered in her ear, before moving his face away from hers his kicked up her neck. Kagome slammed her eyes closed, as tears ran down her face. "Please don't do this."

Before Koga could slam his lips on hers He was pulled away from Kagome and slammed into the other side of the hallway, Not looking up at the person that helped her, she fell to her kness behind him. "Thank you." She whispered.

She looked up when her body was lifted from the ground, She looked into Black eyes, Her eyes widened in shock. "No." She whispered before everything went black, as she passed out.

He smiled down at her. "I got you now Kagome, Everything going to be alright." Naraku whispered before turing around to leave the building.

"Your not taking her anywhere." Koga mumbled as he pulled himself from the floor. Naraku turned around and looked at the wolf. "And your going to stop me ? " Naraku asked.

Koga let a breath he didn't know he was holding. "Yes, yes I am."

Naraku laughted. "You and want Army."

Koga slowly looked up at Naraku, He had the biggest shit eatting grin on his face that Naraku took a step back, Not even realizing he did so. "This on."

Walking around the corner, each man stopped to stand beside Koga.

Naraku took another step back that he was really aware of.

"Thanks Koga for the help, Didn't think you would show up." Inuyasha Laughed

Beside Inuyasha stood Sesshomaru, Miroku and Bankotsu holding his Bonryu.

Inuyasha took a step forward. "Just hand Kagome over to me Naraku." Inuyasha warned Naraku.

"And why would I do that ? You won't hurt me when I'm holding her now would you ? " Naraku said.

"This all ends here tonight Naraku, there's no more getting away. " Inuyasha warned Naraku again.

"Ha ha ha, Ya It will all end for you all tonight." Naraku laughted.

"Come on Kagome open your eyes." Inuyasha whispered.

Naraku looked down at the woman in his arms, She will dies here tonight, if you won't let me leave his places, this is the only warning I'm giving you." Naraku warned them as he looked up from Kagome and looked Inuyasha in the eyes.

"You understand that I can't let you take her from here." Inuyasha told Naraku.

Naraku smiled. "So your going to let your mate and unborn pup die here today." Naraku asked.

"Thats never going to happen." Inuyasha told him.

Just then Inuyasha told another step forward when Kagome opened her mouth and screamed. Naraku looked down again at the woman in his arms. She was still sleeping and the looks of it, she was having a really bad dream.

"Come on Kagome open your eyes." Inuyasha whispered again... Just then her eyes did open this time. She blinked a few times before looked around the room trying to understand what was going on.

"Inuyasha, whats going on ? " Kagome asked.

"It's ok baby, everythings going to be alright." Inuyasha told Kagome.

Kagome looked over at Sesshomaru and the others, then looked up at Naraku. She tyred pushing against his chest, but his grip around her only tightened. "Please." Kagome whispered "Let me go."

The Fear in her voice was enough to make Inuyasha more mad then he was. He started to take another step forward when Sesshomaur places his hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Wait ! " He whispered. Inuyasha tooked from Kagome to Sesshomaru. "Why ? " He almost shouted. "Can't you see she's scared."

Sesshomaru never even took his eyes off Naraku to look at his brother. "Yes I'm very aware of that." Inuyasha pushed his hand from his shoulder. "Then why are you still standing there ?" Inuyasha yelled.

This time Sesshomaru looked to his brother. "Do you really want Kagome and your child to die here tonight." He asked Inuyasha.


Everybody turned to look at the new person that now stood in the hall.

"What the hell are you doing here. " Inuyasha yelled.

"Kagome." She whispered again. "You must let her go." She yelled.

Inuyasha pushed passed his brother to stand infront of the her. "Who the hell are you ? And why are you here?" Inuyasha yelled.

"My name is Ayame, I'm here to help Kagome."

Inuyasha looked from Ayame to Kagome. "How do you know Kagome ? How the hell did you know we where here? " Inuyasha screamed.

Ayame took a small step back from the pissed Hanyou. "Why don't you shut up and get her back from that Demon." Ayame Screamed back at Inuyasha. He nodded before going to stand back beside his brother and friends. Ayame stood on the other side of Sesshomaru.

"Your the one."

Everybody looked at Kagome. "The one what." Naraku asked. Kagome looked back at him before moving her eyes back to Ayame. "Your the one that called me, a few moments ago." Kagome mumbled. She smiled back at kagome. "Ya and you would have made it, if it wasn't for that stupid Wolf."

Koga turned and looked at her. "Hey, what did I do.?" Koga screamed back.

Not bothering to answer the wolf's question, she looked back over to where Naraku stood with Kagome in his arms. "Naraku let her go. you already no your not going to live threw this, Just put her down and get out of here." Ayame Told Naraku.

Inuyasha pushed Sesshomau away from Ayame. "No way in hell is he getting out of here alive." He screamed.

"Inuyasha has a point there." Bankotsu said.

"Ya I would have to agree." Miroku backed him up.

Ayame turned and looked at them both. "Don't you see this is the only way." Inuyasha took a step closer to her. "And why is that, huh, We can take him, he doesn't stand a chance."

Ayame placed her placed her hands on her hips. "So what do you plan on doing, Fighting Naraku with Kagome in his arms?" Ayame asked.

Inuyasha looked from Ayame to Naraku with Kagome in his arms. "We just need a plane to get her out of them." Inuyasha whispered. Ayame turned her full attention on Inuyasha. "Ok, I'm listening, Whats this big plane you think you have in that big head of yours."

Inuyasha glared at her but didn't say aword. "We need a distraction, something to make him forget about Kagome for a moment." Inuyasha whispered.

"That means I'm up." Bankotsu said.

Inuyasha turned to look at him. "What why you." Inuyasha asked. "He might still think I'm playing you. " Bankotsu told them. " All I need to do is trick him into believing I'm betraying you." Bankotsu said as he pulled his Bonryu up over his shoulder. "This might work." Sesshomaru said.

Everbody turned to look at him. "And why do you say that." Inuyasha asked. Sesshomaru turned and looked from his brother to his friend. "Beacuse he did it before."

"Hey, thats not far, they where going to kill him if he didn't." Inuyasha said. "Yes but he still did it to stay alive, so why won't he do it again."

"He's got a point there." Miroku mumbled.

Both Bankotsu and Inuyasha glared at him. "Hey, don't get mad at me."Miokru mumbled as he raised his hands to his chest. "It's true, It just might work." Miroku said. Sesshomaru nodded.

"Ok go." Sesshomaru said. "Huh" Inuyasha said. But before he was answered Bankotsu moved passed everybody and walked towards Naraku half way there he turned around and raised his Bonryu at Inuyasha and his friends.

"What the hell are you doing?" Inuyasha screamed.

"Sorry Inuyasha, this was the only way. It had to happen this way." Bankotsu said.

Naraku smiled and looked pleased. "See Inuyasha, See where his loyalties lie." Naraku smirked. "He has always been with me, He's been working with me, I hired him to kill you all." Naraku screamed.

Bankotsu turned and looked at Naraku. "It's time for you to kill them all." He told Naraku. He walked over to Bankotsu and stood beside him. "Yes, I think it's time I killed them all for good this time." Naraku said.

Naraku looked at Kagome one more time before handing him to Bankotsu. "Give me your halberd." Naraku asked.

Bankotsu smiled before he moved his Halberd and slammed it down on the ground, Naraku jumped back not to get hit with it. "Inuyasha take her." Bankotsu screamed

He didn't need to be told twice, Inuyasha was at Bankotsu side in less then a second, He took Kagome from his arms and ran back to Sesshomaru. "Here take her, I'm going to kill him myself." Inuyasha told Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru grabbed Inuyasha and Kagome at the same time to move they away from the blast that was coming there way from Naraku. "Lets do this." They could here Bankotsu screaming as he ran at Naraku again. "Inuyasha, you must help him." Kagome told Inuyasha, He nodded before passing her to Sesshomaru. He didn't even look back as he ran into the fight that would change everything for the rest of there lives.