InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Saturday ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Okay, this is the big shopping chapter you guys wanted! Sesshoumaru, Rin, and Ayame make their first appearances in this chapter. Enjoy!
Disclaimer: Do I really need to say it?
Chapter 6: Saturday
I was tired. I was hurt. But most of all, I was happy. I was tired because of today's events. I was hurt because of Moutomaru's second deception. But I was happy because I finally felt freed from Moutomaru. I was happy because I felt like, now, I could live my life without fear of hurting. I was—
I was annoyed. Who the hell was that banging at my door at… 10:00 p.m.? Whoever it was, didn't they know that normal people are usually asleep at this time?
“Sango! Open up, wench! I know you're awake! Open up damn it! I swear if you don't open this fucking door, I'll—,” SMACK, “Ow! Kagome! What'd you do that for, bitch!”
Apparently, Inuyasha and Kagome were the abnormal people banging on my door at 10:00 p.m. I could hear Kagome scolding Inuyasha for his crudeness. `Serves him right,' I thought, hearing another smack, `trying to knock down people's doors. He'll be lucky if Mr. Myoga doesn't call the police.' Suddenly, I was all too aware of the fact that there were other people besides me living in this building.
I groaned as I forced myself to open my eyes and awake from my semi-slumber. I rolled back the warm folds of my bed and stumbled toward the door tripping over a shoe. I nearly tumbled to the ground but grabbed the end of a chair before I could. And in the process of doing that, I know I made a lot of noise.
I finally made it to the door, yanking it open. Kagome, who was extremely angry at Inuyasha, who looked like he couldn't care less, looked at me and instantly went from pissed to pleased.
“Sango! I'm so sorry about the noise! Inuyasha wasn't acting like this until we made it to your fl—,” she paused to take in my disheveled attire, “Sango, were you asleep?” she questioned innocently. I rolled my eyes.
“I was, until someone started banging on my door,” I looked pointedly at Inuyasha who had his eyes closed, trying to ignore us.
“Yeah, well get off my back! It's not like I disturbed anyone. Besides,” Inuyasha opened one of his molten eyes to glance at me, “You were already awake.”
“You don't know that!” I retorted sharply. He growled in response, trying to intimidate me. I glared at him.
“Yeah, you could've shown a little respect for Sango's neighbors at least! Not everyone likes to stay up all night staring at a wall you know!” Kagome snapped pointedly. This time, the growl from Inuyasha was directed at Kagome, who looked miffed.
“Well, gee, I'm sorry that I have to protect you at night! And besides we wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your ass!” he snarled.
I was confused. “What are you two talking about? I for one would like to know why you're outside in this weather, banging at my door at 10:15 at night,” I stepped aside to let them in through the door, “Now, tell me what happened.”
Inuyasha snorted in annoyance while Kagome's scowl melted and she sheepishly fidgeted.
“Well, um—I was cooking and—um—I had some vinegar in a bowl and a spark flew out and—um—landed in the bowl, and it kinda, well—“
“It fucking caught on fire! Satsuki made us leave because of the smoke! My demon senses were going crazy!” Inuyasha blurted. He glared at Kagome who looked about ready to sob in humiliation.
“Inuyasha! She probably didn't mean to! You don't have to be so harsh on her!” I scolded, walking over to place an arm protectively over Kagome's shoulders. Inuyasha flinched at the tone of my voice. I noticed his ears flattening against his skull as he sulked. He looked very much like a puppy that had just gotten cuffed by a newspaper for being mischievous. I knew that look.
“Nope, not going to work, Inuyasha. Apologize to Kagome and maybe I'll let you stay here. Kagome, however, will be here regardless, so I suggest you hurry up.” I glanced at Kagome. She looked so upset. Knowing her, she and Inuyasha had probably gotten into another argument and she, as a peace offering, tried to make a nice dinner for the hanyou. A burner was probably on the fritz and sparked into the vinegar, setting it on fire.
“Keh. Fine.” Inuyasha said gruffly. I glared again at him, and ushered Kagome towards him. As Kagome walked to where Inuyasha was, I sat down to monitor his reaction. His eyes softened as he took in the distressing sight of his future mate. Kagome stopped a few feet in front of him and shifted her eyes downward.
“I'm sorry,” she whispered. “I'm sorry; I'm such a klutz at everything I do. And I'm sorry I set your kitchen on fire, Inuyasha.” A lone tear slid down her cheek and I resisted the urge to comfort my friend. Inuyasha sighed softly. I could tell he felt bad for making Kagome cry. He hated seeing any female cry, especially Kagome.
“Shut up, Kagome. You're not a klutz. And for fuck's sake, stop crying,” he moved to swipe the tear from her face affectionately. “It's no big deal. We'll just sleep here tonight. I'm sorry too. You know me. I was worried about you. You could've hurt yourself.” I beamed proudly at Inuyasha. It was one of those rare moments where he was actually nice.
I moved to go make up my bed for them. I would sleep on the couch, for tonight. I looked to Inuyasha who was nuzzling a sleepy looking Kagome on the top of her head with his chin.
And for once, I knew when I woke up in the morning, I wouldn't mind having a stiff neck.
Ah, yes. The stiff neck was present, as I expected. But, I ignored it and rolled off the couch to go wake Kagome and Inuyasha. We had a very busy day. We had planned to meet Ayame, Sesshoumaru, and Rin at Fuyu Sakura, although I wasn't too sure if I was allowed to return there after yesterday. I really hope Moutomaru didn't sign my name along with his on the bill.
I stretched my arms into the air then crept toward my room and nudged my head through the door. What I saw made my heart, at first, freeze with envy, then warm in happiness.
Inuyasha, with his eyes closed, laid with Kagome held protectively against his chest, her head buried in the crook of his shoulder. His ear twitched in acknowledgement of my presence. He opened one eye lazily and glanced at Kagome, then me.
“How'd you sleep? I hope well, considering all the noise you two made last night,” I said softly. He shrugged.
“I said I was sorry. Besides, nobody called the cops, right?” he stretched and yawned languidly. I grinned. Apparently, he didn't know which scenario of noise I was talking about.
“Inuyasha, I wasn't talking about when you came in last night,” I teased, “I was talking about after you two thought I was asleep and decided to have a romp; and in my bed no less. I guess Kagome wasn't as tired as she looked.”
He blushed deeply and cursed under his breath. I shook my head in disbelief.
“Wake Kagome up, Inuyasha. Do you guys have any clothes?” I asked. He shook his head.
“No. We were in such a rush to get out of the house, I guess we forgot to grab some,” he said, and then continued, “I can run over to my house and get some. Then I'll come back and take a shower and we can go meet up with my bastard half-brother.”
“Inuyasha, I'll wake Kagome, just hurry up with the clothes,” I said while gently shaking her. He murmured a `whatever' in response. A second later, I heard the door open and close.
“Kagome. Kagome, wake up,” I whispered. She mumbled in her sleep and turned over. I rolled my eyes in exasperation. She was one of the hardest people on earth to get up in the morning. Suddenly, I knew what would get her up. I took a deep breath.
“KAGOME! Inuyasha's ears fell off!” I shouted. Kagome bolted upright in the bed and snapped her eyes open. I snickered at the look she threw me after comprehending that Inuyasha wasn't even in the room.
“That wasn't funny, Sango,” she said with a slight frown. But I could tell otherwise, because her mouth twitched upward.
“I'm laughing aren't I? So apparently it was very funny,” I giggled. She glared at me, while stifling another yawn. I tugged her out of the bed.
“C'mon. You've got to go take a shower,” I continued at the puzzled look on her face, “Inuyasha went back to the mansion to get you guys' clothes. Don't worry he'll be back soon.”
She nodded in understanding and rose to her feet, stretching. I shook my head. Kagome could be so lazy sometimes, it was astounding. I guess I should be thanking kami, though. When she gets hyper, there's no stopping.
“Kagome, you better hurry, or we won't get to see Rin and Ayame. You know Inuyasha in the morning. He'll be so cranky, he'll leave us if we're not ready,” I reminded her.
She quickened her pace to the bathroom. I grinned; I knew that would work.
“No, actually, he's grumpy all the time; morning noon, or night.” She said over her shoulder. I rolled my eyes as she stepped into the bathroom, turning the water on. “That wasn't the case last night; I heard.”
I heard her distinct squeak of embarrassment through the door, and chuckled to myself.
Today was going to be very amusing; I could already tell.
“Damn it! Hurry the hell up, you two! We don't have all day!”
I pleasantly ignored Inuyasha as Kagome and I climbed into his car. The air outside was nippy and I snuggled into my coat while Inuyasha reversed the car.
“Inuyasha, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were in a hurry to see Seshoumaru,” I snickered at the disgusted look he threw me through the rear view mirror.
“Shut up, wench! I'm hungry!” he snapped. His ears twitched in annoyance. Kagome glared at Inuyasha and scolded him.
“Inuyasha! Don't yell at Sango! And where's your hat? Your ears are turning blue!” she reprimanded. She reached around him from the passenger seat and pulled a hat from the seat's pouch, placing it on his head.
“Now, doesn't that feel better?” she asked.
“Keh. Whatever.” He scowled. But even then, I could see the relief gradually seep into his face.
“So, Kagome, what are we going to do when we get to the mall?” I inquired from the back seat. Kagome shrugged.
“I dunno. Maybe shop a little. I can't wait to see Rin and Ayame! I'm even kind of eager to see Sesshoumaru,” Inuyasha snorted at this, while Kagome ignored him, “We haven't seen them in so long, it feels like forever!”
I nodded in agreement, “Yeah I know. Ayame hardly gets time off from work and Rin and Sesshoumaru live all the way on the west side of Tokyo.”
“I'm glad,” Inuyasha muttered, earning him an icy glare from Kagome and me. “What?” he shouted.
“Kagome, Sango! Over here!” a voice called.
Kagome and I spun around, turning toward the voice. Kagome squealed in jubilation while I shouted at her for yelling in my ear. We both ran over to Ayame and Rin and had a huge group hug, crushing each other in the process.
“Kagome! I've missed you so much! How've you been? How's everything?” Rin asked in pleased swiftness, squeezing Kagome. She squeezed back just as hard.
“Everything's great! I've missed you guys so much I couldn't stand it!” Kagome grabbed Ayame and I by the shoulders and hugged us at one.
“I've missed you guys too!” Ayame chirped, her fangs glittering in the mall lights. I grinned.
“Ayame, how's everything going? Are you well?” I asked, tugging her flaming hair. She nodded.
“Yeah, just busy. You?” she asked. I shrugged.
“Moutomaru and I broke up. He—“
“He cheated on her,” Kagome interrupted. I glared at Kagome. `Yeah, that went well.' I thought, watching Ayame's fangs expose themselves in a snarl of hatred. I patted her shoulder, comforting her.
“It's alright, Ayame. What's done is done,” I said. She didn't seem to like the answer, but quieted down.
“So, Kagome, how's Inuyasha?” Rin asked. Kagome grinned.
“Ask him yourself,” she pointed behind Rin's back. Rin turned and stared into the golden eyes of said person.
“Still talkin' behind people's back with that big mouth, huh?” Inuyasha scowled at Rin, who completely ignored his accusation and launched herself onto him in a fierce hug. Ayame, however snorted.
“Inuyasha,” she spat, “still behaving like a royal ass, eh?” Inuyasha growled loudly.
“Ayame,” he snarled just as fiercely, “You finally took a bath; I'm glad. You were beginning to smell like wolf shit.”
Ayame's face colored in anger and annoyance. I watched the two demons' argument with mild interest. `Why bother stopping them?' I thought watching Kagome slap Inuyasha's arm, scolding him. `He's never going to give up.' I thought with amused remembrance back to the time when Inuyasha and Ayame first met. “Wolves and dogs don't get along very well,” Ayame had told me. “They're way too temperamental and we're too close together gene-wise. Plus, they smell when wet.” I grinned at the look Inuyasha had shot Ayame when she told him he smelled anyway, regardless of what he did.
“Ayame!” Kagome scolded as she tried to untangle a distraught Rin from Inuyasha's iron grip. He had forgotten about her hugging him, and was practically squeezing the life out of her in blind fury.
“Damn wolf! Go crawl back into the hole you crawled out of!” Inuyasha snarled.
“Mangy mutt! Leave me alone! Always bitching about something! Go play with the other pups, since you act just like one!” Ayame growled back, baring her fangs again.
Before Inuyasha could reply, he was interrupted by a low, feral rumble. He stopped mid-retort and sniffed the air, then growled in annoyance.
“Impudent whelp. Remove yourself from Rin, or I shall not hesitate to remove your hands,” Sesshoumaru's icy voice sliced through the air like freshly sharpened needles.
I froze slightly. I never did feel comfortable around the icy demon. As a former demon slayer, I was trained to sense auras both of demon and human quality. Sesshoumaru's was always cold and dominant.
“Sesshoumaru!” Rin squealed, leaping over to bury her face in Sesshoumaru's chest. “You walk so slowly! I was wondering when you were going to catch up.”
Sesshoumaru regarded her lightly before narrowing his eyes at her.
“Rin. Next time, you will not run off, like some blatant child. You will wait.” He said in simple, frigid tones, before turning and going back the way he came. Kagome and Ayame shivered, also sensing the mighty demon's power.
“Bastard,” Inuyasha muttered, “Always thinkin' he can run me. Well I'm not done with him yet.”
Kagome glared hotly at Inuyasha, who shrunk back slightly.
“Sometimes, even I don't understand him,” Rin sighed, “I feel like he hates me sometimes, because I'm human.” Kagome hugged Rin reassuringly.
“That's not true, and you know it,” she said firmly, “If anyone can figure him out, it's you. Don't beat yourself up over nothing. I happen to know that he loves you very much.” Rin looked skeptically at Kagome. “What do you mean?”
“Well,” Ayame offered, “he chewed Inuyasha's ass for trying to kill you.”
I didn't try to kill her!” Inuyasha shouted before mumbling an apology to Rin under his breath.
“And besides,” I added, “he wouldn't have done that if he wasn't worried about you. He's too stubborn to admit that he was worried. He and Inuyasha are a lot more alike than they want to admit.”
Inuyasha stepped to my face and scowled. “I am nothing like my bastard half brother. Don't ever compare me to him again.” I, of course, bristled at his implied threat.
“You have no right to talk to me like that. That was meant as a compliment,” I ground out, narrowing my eyes.
“I do whatever the hell I want, bitch. And you're lousy at making compliments,” he bit back.
“Um, why don't we go inside and eat? We've just wasted about thirty minutes of our day, and this is probably the last time in a while I'll get to see you guys,” Rin interrupted.
“Yeah,” Kagome agreed, “Let's go.”
She, Rin, and Ayame turned and walked inside the mall, leaving me with a moody hanyou.
“Are you coming, you stupid dog?” I taunted. Inuyasha shot me a glare that should've intimidated me, but didn't.
“Shut up,” he growled.
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Inside the Fuyu Sakura, I chatted with Ayame and Rin, while Kagome tried to convince Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru to talk to each other. `Nothing can get through the barrier of Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha's hate for one another,' I thought in amusement, “not even Kagome.'
I turned back toward Rin who was laughing at Ayame who looked slightly annoyed.
“What's so funny?” I asked Rin with a raised eyebrow, “What're you laughing at?” Rin giggled at the looked Ayame tossed me.
“Nothing,” she grinned, “I was just teasing Ayame. See that guy over there; with the orange-ish hair and funny looking eyes, standing at the coffee machine?” Rin pointed behind me. I turned in my seat and glanced at the man Rin was addressing. I rolled my eyes.
“He's beautiful, isn't he?” Rin swooned. As a matter of fact, he was drop dead gorgeous. He had the most beautiful eyes. They were a swirling mix of amethyst and lavender, contrasting sharply with his near ginger colored hair. However, I don't roll over so easily as naïve little Rin, sensing the demon presence.
“Rin, he's nice, but he's—“
“A demon,” finished Ayame, with narrowed eyes. He nose twitched slightly. I heard Kagome and Inuyasha stop their bickering at Ayame's words. Inuyasha growled low in his throat and pulled a startled Kagome closer toward him. Sesshoumaru looked indifferent, but moved closer to a giddy Rin.
“What kind?” Rin chirped. Ayame sniffed.
“A cougar-demon, Rin,” Sesshouamru said softly. Rin jumped, and gulped nervously.
“They're very unpredictable and sometimes aggressive. We're lucky; he doesn't smell like he's mad,” Inuyasha rumbled. Kagome stiffened briefly.
“I knew I sensed some demon activity,” she mumbled. Inuyasha glared at her.
“Then why the hell didn't you say anything! We could've gone somewhere safe!” he snapped.
“Let's just eat and try not to acknowledge him. He won't bother us if we don't bother him,” I answered. Ayame nodded and sipped her tea.
A few laughs and curses later, we had finished breakfast and were on our way to the local mall. Mall trolling was really not my thing, but Kagome, Rin, and Ayame seemed to be all for it.
“This day is going to be so much fun!” exclaimed Kagome. Rin and Ayame squealed in agreement.
“Women are so stupid,” Inuyasha grumbled, “What is it with them and clothes anyway?” Sesshoumaru glanced at him in a seemingly bored fashion.
“Stop complaining and deal with it, impertinent whelp. You should be honored that a woman is even considering being around you and your half breed blood,” he sneered, “but considering your wench, it's no wonder.” Inuyasha's eyes snapped like golden fire at Sesshoumaru's insult.
“Listen, you stupid excuse for a demon,” Inuyasha bared his fangs at Sesshoumaru. I rolled my eyes in irritation, “Don't you fucking talk about Kagome that way! Last I checked, humans seemed to be in pretty high standards with you too!”
Sesshoumaru disregarded Inuyasha with a flick of his wrist, efficiently ending the conversation and making Inuyasha snarl. I was grateful that at least one of the inu-demons had common sense.
We arrived at the mall, Kagome, Rin, and Ayame shouting in joy. I just went with the flow, absorbing all of my friends' happiness at being together. Then, I remembered why I was here.
“You guys, I have to do something,” I said casually, “I'll be back. Just tell me where to meet you.” Ayame looked skeptical.
“Where're you going, Sango?” she asked. I swallowed. I didn't want anyone to know my plans for Kagome's wedding present. I waited to respond to the interrogation, scanning my brain for an answer.
“Um, I'm going to the—to the—“ Ayame walked over and grabbed my arm, tugging me to the side. She stared at me with bright emerald eyes and sniffed.
“Sango, it's not even worth lying over; I can smell your deceit. What's going on?” she looked concerned. I decided that I could at least tell Ayame. I had forgotten for a brief moment about her demon senses. I sighed in defeat.
“I'm going to go shopping for Kagome's wedding present,” her eyes softened in understanding, “I felt guilty because I had forgotten to get her present.” Ayame grinned.
“Is that all?” she smirked. “The way you were stuttering I assumed you were planning a heist or something.” I grinned sheepishly back at her.
“Don't worry. I'll help you find one. I'll even get Rin to help,” she glanced back at our group of friends, “but right now, I think we better get back to the others. They look pretty suspicious; especially that sorry excuse for a puppy.” I laughed at her remark about Inuyasha.
We both stepped back over towards the others. Inuyasha sniffed inconspicuously at me, while Sesshoumaru glanced sideways, as if trying to assess me. Too bad I noticed the silent interrogation.
“Don't worry you two,” I said, smiling at the disgusted look Sesshoumaru sent me, “I'm fine. No need to worry.” Kagome and Rin sighed in relief; Inuyasha rolled his eyes.
“As if I'd be worried about you,” he sniffed arrogantly, “I don't give a damn what you were trying to pull.” I rolled my eyes in silent perception. `Always playing the indifferent one, Inuyasha.' I thought.
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“Okay, so Rin and I will look for the ribbons, and you and Ayame will look for the light bulbs, right?” Kagome asked me. I nodded in approval. Since Ayame and I had made plans, we decided to fill Rin in later about Kagome's gift.
“What about `Yasha and Sesshy?” Inuyasha growled at his nickname from Rin, “What are they going to do?” Kagome, Rin, Ayame, and I turned toward the two demon brothers, ginning at the obvious pairing.
“Oh, hells no! I'm NOT going around a crowded mall with that conceited prick!” Inuyasha declared. Sesshoumaru's eyes sparked.
“I can assure you, little brother, that the feeling is mutual. I refuse to be seen with a filthy half-breed such as you.”
Inuyasha snarled. Great; one irritated hanyou versus a demonic ice-prince. I closed my eyes in irritation. What more could I do?
“Sesshy, please go with Inuyasha,” Rin pleaded with her fiancé, “You guys can look for tuxes or something. The rehearsal is in a few weeks and we still haven't gotten our outfits for the wedding.” Sesshoumaru growled lowly. I could tell Rin was affected when Sesshoumaru growled. She closed her eyes and squeezed his arm, almost desperately. Sesshoumaru seemed to calm down and I could see the rigidness flow out of his body.
“Rin,” Rin opened her eyes and gazed at Sesshoumaru, biting her lip, “I have told you repeatedly not to call me `Sesshy'. A demon of my status does not wish to be referred to as something like that. Refrain from calling me that.” he said coldly. Rin's eyes sparkled as she wrapped her arms around Sesshoumaru. “Yes… Sesshy.”
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A few curses and quarrels later, we had all split up, going different directions into the mall; Kagome and Rin, Ayame, and I, and Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru. I laughed out loud at the persuasion Kagome had to give Inuyasha to get him to go with his brother. Ayame looked at me, grinning. “What's so funny?”
I smiled, choking back another giggle, “Nothing. I was just thinking of how Kagome threatened to take away Inuyasha's ramen if he didn't agree to go with Sesshoumaru.”
Ayame giggled at the thought. “I know,” she sighed suddenly, like she was in thought, “Even though he bugs the hell out of me, I'm still glad to see the mutt. I'm glad to see all of you.” We turned into the Bridal Palace. I grinned, looking a puffy, white wedding dress.
“I'm glad to see you too, Ayame; you and Rin. How's the vet business going?” I asked, fingering a crystal earring. Ayame beamed proudly.
“It's going so great! I actually started my own business. Last week, a cute little girl named Satsuki Matanama brought in the cutest thing: a little fox demon that reminded me so much of Shippo. He even had red hair and green eyes too,” Ayame turned to me and grinned, “When I asked if he was her pet, she literally growled at me and told me it was her adopted brother! Imagine a little human growling at me!” I laughed at Ayame's little adventure.
I don't know what happened next, but I felt something telling me to look to my right. When I did, I gasped. There, hanging on a small pedestal, was a pink, rusted jewel; the very same jewel from my previous life. The very same one that Kagome, Miroku, Inuyasha, and I fought so hard to protect. I squinted and the transformation began. It sparkled brilliantly, the magical energy being seen only by me. After our quest, when the jewel was completed, we all made a wish for its magical power to be masked to others. This way, only we could see the jewel's true power, thus protecting it from greedy demons and power hungry humans. I needed to be sure.
“Ayame,” I called softly, “Do you feel that?” She turned and looked at me with questioning green eyes. She sniffed a couple times trying to sense what I was talking about.
“No. Why, is something bothering you?” Worry seeped into her eyes, changing them into a dark green. I shook my head reassuring her.
“No, it was nothing; maybe a draft. I found the perfect gift for Kagome and Inuyasha. Well for Kagome anyway,” I picked the jewel up carefully, noting the way it flashed in recognition. So it remembered me after all.
“Wow! It's beautiful! She'll love it!” Ayame cried joyously. I beamed at the praise.
“So, did you find something?” Ayame nodded merrily.
“Yup, sure did!” she opened the bag at her side. Obviously, she had already made her purchase. She pulled out a necklace, spiked with what looked to be demon fangs and rosary beads, “The perfect collar for Inuyasha! Think he'll like it?” I shivered, sensing the tiny, but evident magical pulse from the necklace.
“Yeah, he'll love it,” I said. “Hopefully,” I mumbled the last part too low for even Ayame to hear. I went to pay for the jewel, studying it. I could see the magic pulsing and billowing inside like a hopeless firestorm. Kagome would recognize it instantly.
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After buying our gifts, Ayame and I exited the store and went in search of Kagome and Rin. As we made our way around a corner, giggling at a movie that we both had recently seen, Ayame suddenly growled loudly.
A group of six boys were staring hungrily at us. I could tell they were demons. The usual warped aura that comes with demons was evident, flowing silently through the air. One of them, presumably the oldest, came toward us, grinning smugly. Ayame heightened her growl.
“Well hello to you too, babe,” he sneered. I grew angry.
“What the hell do you want, demon?” I demanded. The demon grinned boyishly.
“Well, what do we have here?” he taunted eying me up and down, “An exterminator. Hey guys, we have an exterminator here!” he called to his friends. The others came toward us smirking. Ayame was outright snarling at this point. I wanted to comfort her, but I knew she was more aware of everything right now than I could ever hope to be, with her demon senses and all.
“Hey Hiten, what's up?” a short, squat demon asked. He was downright ugly compared to the demon he was talking to.
“Manten, my brother, it seems that we have two young ladies here that are in need of assistance. And look Moshi, one of them is a she-wolf! Isn't that your kind?” The one name Moshi came forward and sniffed at Ayame and grinned.
“Yeah, and she's a beauty,” he looked toward Ayame flashing his fangs, “hey, wanna go for a ride?” Ayame cringed.
“No,” she answered bluntly, “I don't associate with the city's trash. Go find your fucking perks somewhere else.” I smiled at the way the Moshi's eyes widened in shock. Ayame grabbed my arm and tugged in the opposite direction, but was blocked off by two taller demons. She snarled in their faces.
“Move.” She snarled. I'd never seen Ayame like that, but it gave me a strange air of confidence.
“You heard her. Move out of the goddamn way,” the leader, Hiten came behind me and purred into my ear, “What's the matter, exterminator? Afraid to attack me?” I felt ill. I could feel something hard on the small of my back. I wanted to retch. I snatched myself away from his grasp.
“Don't touch me, demon. I don't wish to contract fleas,” I ground out. Hiten's eye's flared and he grabbed my arm with his claws. I wanted to cry out in pain, but I was too stubborn.
“Ooh, feisty. I like that. But you might want to rephrase that question, bitch. I could tear you to pieces if I wanted to,” he said in a low voice. I couldn't move, but Ayame could. I saw her out the corner of my eye, speeding toward Hiten. Next thing I knew, Ayame had slashed Hiten across the arm with her claws. He howled in pain, releasing me. As soon as he did, I turned and growled.
I was about to land a punch, when Hiten's eyes widened suddenly and he flew backward, grunting with the action. I saw a flash of silver and became suddenly afraid. Inuyasha.
“You bastard,” he said coldly, “leave them alone. They don't fucking concern you.” I wanted to say something, but judging by the look on his face I refrained. He looked at Ayame, who was still growling at Moshi, her eyes were flashing a dangerous green and yellow-green; a sure sign she wasn't kidding around.
“Ayame, c'mon. These fuckers aren't even worth our time. They're barely whelps, and I don't hit kids,” he glanced at Hiten who was snarling in feral tones, wiping blood from his lip, “well, not usually.”
Ayame's eyes sliced over to me, and she nodded, almost if affirming herself that I was alright.
“Fine. But remember this,” she turned to Moshi and the others, “next time, I won't be as generous as I was today. You're lucky you caught me on a good day.” With those words Ayame spun and stalked off. Inuyasha grabbed my arm and yanked me out of the crowd of people that had gathered due to all the commotion.
“What the fuck is your goddamn problem, challenging a demon like that!” he roared. I folded my arms across my chest.
“I don't have even the smallest clue of what you're talking about, Inuyasha.” Inuyasha growled loudly at me. His eyes darkened and clouded with anger and, dare I say, concern.
“Don't play dumb with me, bitch. You knew exactly what you were doing. You were teasing him, and you damn well know it!”
“I wasn't teasing him; I was testing him,” I replied.
“You were fucking taunting him, that's what you were doing! You could've gotten killed!” he shouted back. I tried not to notice the crowd of people we were attracting.
“It was self-defense. Stop yelling; you're causing a scene, Inuyasha.”
“You wanted to fight him, didn't you? You shouldn't have done that! Now he's gonna keep after you for revenge! I can't be there to protect you all the time, y'know!” I was starting to get angry. I don't know why I even bother.
“I'm a demon exterminator! What the hell do you expect from me?” I shouted back. Inuyasha growled. I knew he knew I was right. I also knew he was worried, but his pride was to delicate to admit it.
“Keh. Whatever. If you get killed don't expect me to come running. Just remember, it's your fault. You should've just walked away.” I snorted, displaying my anger.
“Would you have done the same thing? Would you have walked away,” when he didn't respond, I knew I had my answer. “Exactly. So don't lecture me, you hypocrite.” Before he could say anything more, I turned and walked away.
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I caught up with Ayame as she headed toward Kagome and Rin. I knew she was still tense; I could feel it. The amount of energy she was giving off was still dangerously elevated.
“Ayame, are you okay? You still seem pretty tense,” I asked softy, touching her shoulder. She tensed even more and then stopped walking.
“I'm fine,” she sighed, “It's just—nothing. Don't worry about it.” I shook my head.
“No, tell me. What happened?” I had a sudden suspicion that something might've happened behind my back; something that made the usual cool Ayame on nervous and jumpy.
“Well, you know that other wolf demon? He said something to me,” she started. I nodded encouragingly, “He told me that he'd see me again. The way he said it just gave me the creeps.” She shivered in emphasis. I gave her a warm smile and told her that there was nothing to worry about, since she was so strong. Ayame puffed out her chest in a very Inuyasha-like way. I giggled at her display of `masculine' pride.
“Hell no! I'm not being your fucking Barbie, wench!” Ayame and I rolled our eyes at Inuyasha's brazen announcement and rushed over to the male bridal-style store. What we saw could've been comical if it wasn't for the murderous look in Inuyasha's eyes as one of the female employees held up a blue and gold wedding kimono.
“Inuyasha! Stop being such a kid and try it on!” Kagome scolded. Inuyasha snorted.
“No! I'm not wearing that piece of shit! No way, no how!” he replied. I scanned the store for Rin, who was missing, and spotted her over by another rack of kimonos with Sesshoumaru.
“C'mon, Sesshy! I just want to see how you look in it,” Rin pleaded holding up a red kimono. Sesshoumaru looked away and muttered, “No.” Rin continued to plead with Sesshoumaru.
“Please, Sesshy, I want us to look nice for Kagome's wedding. Don't you want to look nice?” Sesshoumaru turned toward Rin and stood towering over her, like the demon lord he was.
“I said no. I don't care what we're doing. And I will not tell you again; refrain from calling me that ridiculous name.” I could tell Rin was afraid, but she still pursued.
“What name?” at Sesshoumaru's icy glare, Rin continued, “Oh, you mean `Sesshy'? But I've always called you that; you never seemed to mind bef—,” another icy glare from Sesshoumaru, “Okay, if you wear the kimono to Kagome's wedding I'll never call you `Sesshy' again.”
Sesshoumaru look vaguely amused, but overall, indifferent.
“Fine. I'll bend to your wishes just this once, Rin.” Rin squealed with glee and rushed over to hug Sesshoumaru around the middle, who nuzzled the top of her head. I smiled. At least someone was able to work out their differences.
“Look, it's going to be your wedding day! You only get one, Inuyasha! Just be happy with the damn thing and wear it, if not for yourself then for Kagome!” I heard Ayame's voice and headed towards the dispute.
“Please Inuyasha,” Kagome begged, “for me? You only have to wear it once. Please, for me?” Inuyasha tried to put on an uninterested face, but I could tell he was bending. I knew as well as he did that he'd do anything for Kagome. He sighed, relenting.
Fine, but only because it's for one day,” Kagome's eyes lit up, “but on one condition,” her face fell again, “I'm not wearing blue. I want red.” I remembered the kimono Sesshoumaru had. It was solid red, like Inuyasha's ancient fire rat kimono.
“Maybe you and Seshoumaru can trade?” I offered. Inuyasha turned toward me.
“Whaddya mean trade? He's not coming, is he?” I grinned.
“Yes, he's coming. He has a red kimono and you have a blue one. You should trade with him, since his trademark colors are blue and amber and yours is red.” Inuyasha looked subtly interested.
“Okay, fine.” He said, turning his back and folding his arms. I rolled my eyes and talked to Rin and Sesshoumaru about the switch, who gladly complied.
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Back in the car, I sighed happily. I had seen my three best friends, bought Kagome's gift, and had gotten out of the house, all in one weekend. And it was only Saturday. I also remembered that I had to go to Mrs. Sakawa's celebration the next day. I allowed my mind to wander toward her nephew. I wondered what he would look like, how old he was, what he liked, what college he attended. I wondered what I would wear to the party. I'd have to call Mrs. Sakawa to ask. But speaking of colleges…
“Hey Kagome,” I said from the backseat. She turned around in the passenger seat while Inuyasha's ears rotated toward me, listening, and trying to inconspicuous at the same time. “I have something to tell you. I got a responding letter from Tokyo University about my application,”
“Really! Wow! Have you opened it yet?” she interrupted. I laughed at her obvious enthusiasm.
“No, I wanted to open it with you and Inuyasha. If I get in, then I wanted to celebrate with you,” Inuyasha snorted.
“I don't care what you do. But if you don't make it and you fall on your ass, then don't come cryin' to me,” Kagome pinched Inuyasha's ear and her howled in pain, “What the fuck was that for, bitch!” Kagome simply glared at him.
“For being so mean to Sango! How could you be so insensitive? This is Sango's dream!” Kagome replied.
“It's okay,” I cut in, “If I don't get in, I'll just try again. But if I do get in, I'll think of something for just me and you to do Kagome. Maybe we'll have a junk food festival or something.” That got Inuyasha's attention. He immediately stopped muttering things like `Damn women, always so temperamental' and `tweaking my damn ears. Doesn't the bitch know how sensitive they are?'
“Anyway, I wanted to open the letter with you two,” Kagome squealed and clapped her hands enthusiastically.
“Okay! When we get to your house, we'll open it together!”
When we got to my apartment, I stuck my key into the keyhole, twisting until I heard the click of the lock undoing itself. I let myself and Kagome and Inuyasha in, closing the door behind us. I went to the stack of mail sitting on the kitchen counter and retrieved the pale tan colored envelope from the stack.
“Open it already,” Inuyasha said sitting down on the floor, crossing his arms inside of his long sleeves, “We have to be back home.” Kagome looked skeptical. “Why?” she asked. Inuyasha's cheeks flushed pink.
“Well… b-because Satsuki called and said that the house was okay, s-so I had her make a special dinner…” he trailed off. Kagome smiled but still coaxed him.
“For…?” she asked with a grin. Inuyasha's cheeks were on fire. He cleared his throat and glared at Kagome.
“Who do you think, stupid?” he growled. Kagome laughed and sat next and above him on the couch, and kissed his cheek.
“Thank you, Inuyasha,” she said softly. Inuyasha's cheeks turned even redder.
“Keh, whatever.” He grumbled. I snickered.
“Well, I'll open it. On countdown: one, two, three!” I opened the top of the envelope and gasped at the readings.
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