InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ Celebration ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Here's chapter 7! I still have a touch of pneumonia, so I'm kinda slow. If you see any mistakes, blame it on my throbbing head! Woot! o.0
Chapter 7: Celebration
I ran the words over and over in my head:
`Dear Ms. Tajiya,
We've received your test scores from last summer and we're very proud to say that you are an excellent student. Your grades were top record and such a refreshing change from all the ronins we've seen over the last few years. You're an exceptional student and should be extremely proud that you have been accepted into Kyomin University. Your seat has been reserved as a freshman. We'd also like to say that you're on a partial scholarship to the martial arts academy that you enrolled in while taking your entry exams.
Takana Syomin, University Principal'
I was absolutely stunned. I could vaguely hear Kagome asking what was wrong, why my face was so pale. I barely even heard her through the blissful shock I was experiencing at the time. I had actually made it! I seriously doubted myself at the time of the entrance exams; I almost gave up.
“Sango? Sango, what's wrong? Did you make it?” Kagome urged. I turned with a solemn expression on my face. Kagome's eager smile dissolved into a disappointed frown.
“So you didn't make it, huh?” she said, dejectedly. At that time, Inuyasha's molten eyes lifted in surprise and he grinned. He knew I was lying.
“That's bullshit and you know it, Kagome,” he said, never taking his eyes off of me. Kagome's eyes lit up hopefully, and at that, I broke out in full blown laughter. Pure exhilaration came over me as Kagome screamed in joy and rushed me. I laughed as I hugged her back, bouncing excitedly.
“You made it! I'm so proud of you! Lemme see!” she snatched the letter out of my grasp and scanned it feverishly, grinning the whole time. She gave another shout of joy and rushed to Inuyasha and hopped onto his lap, thrusting the letter into his face. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and smirked knowingly.
“Great job, Sango,” Inuyasha rumbled, stroking Kagome's hair, “I…,”
We're both proud of you.” Kagome finished, grinning at me. I felt so happy and proud, that I did something that I hadn't done in a while.
I did a victory dance.
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The next day, after Kagome and Inuyasha had gone back home, decided to cook myself some breakfast. Scrubbing my face free of the remaining images of sleep, I made my way into the kitchen, reaching for the refrigerator. Opening it, I was debating on whether or not I wanted eggs or cereal, when the doorbell rang. I groaned. This was the second time in a week that I was interrupted while trying to nourish myself. What was it with the gods and laughing at my obvious lack of luck with eating?
I sighed and made my way to the door and peeped through the peep-hole. Opening the door, I caught sight of a very good looking man with jet black hair and bright green eyes grinning back at me. He looked about twenty years old. He kept smiling at me through the door until I cleared my throat.
“Um, can I help you?” I offered. The man seemed to snap back to life and his grin soon became sheepish.
“I'm sorry,” he started, “it's just that I don't see someone as pretty as you very often. Please, forgive me.”
“It's okay. But, can I help you?” I replied, eager to have my breakfast. The man began digging through a bag that sat suspended from a strap on his right shoulder. He cursed under his breath when whatever he was looking for couldn't seem to be found. Finally, he pulled a blue envelope from his bag and handed it to me, apologizing.
“I'm so sorry. Here's your letter; special delivery.” He turned and walked away before I got a chance to thank him. I shrugged and closed the door. Glancing at the envelope, I froze. Moutomaru. He had sent the letter.
“Phrrph,” I scoffed, readying myself to rip the letter in half out of pure disgust. My fingers tensed, prepared to pull in opposite directions, when curiosity began to bloom. It scratched and clawed its way through my mind, burning a hole in my imagination. I had to find out what the bastard wanted in that letter…
right after breakfast. I had to agree with my stomach at the moment, seeing as I hadn't eaten anything since yesterday afternoon. If I didn't eat something, I probably wouldn't be able to read what the letter said anyway. I decided on toast and ham, and went to the refrigerator to retrieve said items. Just as I was inserting the white bread into the toaster, the phone rang loudly.
To hell with it!
I continued inserting the bread into the toaster, ignoring the sharp cries of the annoying device. I continued to ignore the call, slipping the ham into the microwave, until the answering machine starting going.
Sango? Are you there?” Mrs. Sakawa's voice rang through the speakers. I ran toward the phone picking it up, recognizing her voice instantly.
“Hello? Mrs. Sakawa?” I answered.
“Oh, Sango! Thank goodness! I was hoping you were home,” the relief was evident in her voice, “I'll bet you're wondering why I'm calling you this early?” I disregarded the thought of food.
“No, of course not, Mrs. Sakawa. Is something wrong?” Mrs. Sakawa made a sound of discomfort.
“Well, dear, I have a minor problem,” she cleared her throat, “You see, my nephew has arrived a bit early and I haven't prepared my room for him yet. Our spare room is the storage room, and Mr. Sakawa is such an old man, that he can't move everything out. So I was wondering…” she let her sentence trail off. I knew what she wanted. And strangely, I didn't mind all that much.
“You want me to house your nephew for the week that he's here?” I suggested. Mrs. Sakawa was silent over the other line. “Mrs. Sakawa?” She cleared her throat.
“Well, dear, it's more like… four weeks. About a month,” she paused at my gasp of incredulousness, then continued, “You don't have to, if you don't want to, dear, I'm not forcing you. I understand if you haven't got the time.” It wasn't that I didn't have the time. I was just shocked that she wanted me to house a complete stranger for a month. But, this was Mrs. Sakawa, the woman who was full of surprises.
“I'll do it, Mrs. Sakawa,” I replied.
“W-what? You will?”
“Yes. I understand, seeing as you practically took me in yourself. I have an extra room anyway.” Mrs. Sakawa shouted in joy across the phone.
“Thank you so much, Sango! I'm so sorry about—,”
“Nonesense. It's no problem. I'll be over tonight for the party,” I laughed.
“Okay, dear. Thanks again!” The click of the phone sounded, followed by the dial tone. I hung the phone up, and proceeded on to breakfast, thanking the cosmos for having pity on my raging stomach.
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I stared at my reflection in the large mirror. I couldn't even remember the last time I'd worn makeup. It felt so strange, yet it felt good to be reminded that I was still female. My clothes weren't overly dressy, but the satin red dress that I was wearing absolutely didn't qualify as casual. Kagome had slipped by and picked me up, taking me to her and Inuyasha's house. She'd made a big fuss about the party and even went so far as to argue with Inuyasha about it. As far as I knew, they still weren't talking to each other; and that was earlier in the day. When I offered to take her with me, she outright refused, sputtering excuses.
“Tell me again why you don't want to come with me?” I asked her. She continued spreading the pink gloss on my bottom lip while biting hers in thought, no doubt thinking of another excuse.
“Well, I just think that this party is something for you only, Sango,” she replied. Smooth, Kagome, really smooth. Unfortunately for her, I didn't believe a damn word she'd just said or any other in the last hour for that matter.
“Kagome,” I groaned, annoyed, “C'mon, why? I want a reason.” She made me blot my lips before she answered, sighing.
“I just gave you a reason,” she said.
“That was a statement. I want a reason, not a statement. If it has to be a statement, then it better be a reasonable statement,” I emphasized my words.
“All done! Is that okay?” She'd completely avoided my question. I was about to pry even further, when she showed me my reflection.
She'd brushed my cheeks over with a light foundation, exterminating any free oil. My eyelids shimmered with a faint apple colored blush, matching my almost cherry lips. I looked amazing.
“Thank you, Kagome! I look beautiful!”
“I know,” she beamed, “I did do a good job didn't I?” I rolled my eyes in amusement.
“Where are you going, all dolled up like that?” a new voice asked. I turned toward the door at quickly spun back around, blushing. Inuyasha was in his favorite pair of red boxers, without a shirt.
“Damn it! Inuyasha put some clothes on!” I screeched. I heard him snort across the room from the bathroom.
“Enough with the drama, Sango, we've known each other forever, so don't act like such a kid; you sound like Shippo,” He padded across the room to the bathroom and stopped in front of me, “and besides, don't act like you don't like it.”
I blushed even harder, because I knew he was right. As a demon, Inuyasha had his flaws. But his body was definitely not one of them. I was extremely embarrassed and the fact that he was grinning at me with that condescending smirk told me he knew it.
“Inuyasha, you really should learn some decency, you know. Walking around naked isn't helping anyone,” Kagome said coolly from behind me, brushing my hair. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes at his fiancé and stomped toward her, towering over her. Kagome didn't even seem the least bit intimidated by his close proximity.
“Well you certainly don't complain when I do walk around naked, Kagome. In fact, I remember a time when you begged me to strip,” he retorted. Kagome blushed mildly as she stepped up to him, pressing her chest into his, not going unnoticed by Inuyasha.
“Yeah, well right now, I'm telling you to put some clothes on. We have to drop Sango off at her party.”
“You're in my house, bitch. You can't order me around.” Kagome turned red with anger. I interrupted before she could retaliate.
“That's okay, Kagome. Just give me the keys to one of your cars and I'll drive myself.” Not seeming to hear me, she continued glaring at Inuyasha. Inuyasha continued glaring at Kagome, although his tongue darted across his suddenly dry lips. He seemed to be becoming… aroused. I could see the pink tint on her cheeks growing steadily redder; Kagome rarely, rarely ever lost her temper over anything, especially over something stupid Inuyasha did. But now was one of those rare times where Kagome exploded.
“If you think that for one minute I'll be talked to like that, then you've got another thing coming, buster,” she screeched, then continued, ”I absolutely refuse to stand here and be called a b—“ Kagome's last words were swallowed by Inuyasha's lips.
“Do you have any idea how sexy you look glaring at me like that?” he growled.
She struggled a bit, at first refusing to kiss him back, squirming and pushing. But when Inuyasha growled and nipped her lip, Kagome stilled and moaned. I decided that I really needed to give them their privacy and repeated my question of the key's whereabouts.
“They're in the—mmm…,” she stopped short as Inuyasha nibbled her neck. I tapped my foot impatiently as I felt a slight heat creep into my cheeks. I was becoming uncomfortable.
“They're in the kitchen, next to the ov—,” she moaned again. I shook my head as I made the interpretation of `oven'.
On my way downstairs, one of the butlers, another dog demon like Inuyasha, nearly ran into me with a large stack of papers bundled in his arms. I figured them to be some sort of documents.
“Miss Sango,” was his simple greeting. He bowed in formal salutation.
“Hello, Tenko. How are you?” I responded politely.
“Quite good, actually. I'm so happy that Mistress Kagome has decided to marry Master Inuyasha,” I wondered why he would bring up the wedding out of nowhere like that. As if reading my mind, his sea-green eyes sparkled with mischief.
“Judging by the noise they're making right now, I'd say that Master Inuyasha is quite jolly about it himself,” I stared at Tenko's retreating figure shaking with silent laughter. They were at it again! And with me in their house no less! Maybe they weren't as mad at each other as I thought…
I continued on downstairs, finally finding my way to the kitchen, the delicious aromas hitting my nose with the force of a truck. Greeting the cooks and other staff, I found a set of car keys and made my way into the cars' garage.
Now began the callous situation of finding the matching car…
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I sighed as I climbed into the dark red mustang convertible. Starting the car up, I wondered who the car belonged to. It had to be Inuyasha's, in view of the fact that nearly ninety-eight percent of the things he owned were some shade of red. Backing out of the long driveway, I turned into the main road, heading for Mrs. Sakawa's house. The car purred softly, a sharp contrast to my mind, which seemed to be roaring with unanswered questions and ponderings.
Who was Mrs.' Sakawa's nephew? What did he look like? Was he American? What did he study in college? The questions swarmed through my mind like an endless sea, battering at my brain. But then it occurred to me that I should be going to this party to help the Sakawas celebrate the joy and pride of their nephew, not looking to see if he would be a suitable looking man… right?
I arrived at the party scene and stepped out of the car, admiring the decorations. Mrs. Sakawa had really outdone herself. There were balloons of every color blowing in the wind, floating above the doors and garage.
On my way inside, I was nearly stampeded by an older man. He seemed highly… drunk. Looking at a man who looked to be his mid fifties, I frowned as he staged and nearly fell. His cheeks pink from alcohol and exertion, he slurred, “Oh, excuse me…,” the he hiccupped.
Not knowing what to say, I blurted, “You shouldn't drink; at your age, it very unhealthy.” I clapped a hand over my mouth, mentally berating myself. Why is it that everything sounded okay inside my head, but when voiced it sounded like condemnation?
“I apologize, sir. It wasn't my place to say that,” I bowed respectfully, “Please forgive me.”
The man glared at me and huffed, “Get up. Don't bow to me.” He hiccupped and wobbled away.
`What a strange man,' I thought.
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Minutes later, I was chatting with Mrs. Sakawa about work at the bookstore when she suddenly looked over my shoulder.
“Oh, just a minute, dear. I'll be right back!” She zipped off before I could say another word.
I continued sipping the cup of punch in my hand, aware of the slightly alcoholic taste. It tasted pretty good; I'd never had an alcoholic drink in my life. I surveyed the dancing bodies, probably friends and family of the Sakawas. Noting that the music was in English, the beat was thumping loudly. I liked it. I'd never heard anything like it before. I concluded it to be one of Mr. Sakawa's more blundering mistakes. Instead of `J-Pop' he'd probably went and got the American `Hip-Hop'.
`I didn't want to dance,' I told myself. I hadn't danced in so long; not since I was little.
Apparently, my body didn't agree with my mind.
At first I was swaying, swinging my hips only slightly to the pounding music. Then, as the tempo of the music increased, so did my movements. I was vaguely aware of the other bodies dancing to the foreign music, as I was fusing with the others. I had to admit, the style was catchy. It sort of clouded my mind and thoughts. No wonder Americans seemed so foolish at times. Their music was intoxicating.
I had started to move more freely, when I felt a strange presence. It was extremely similar to the auras of Kagome and Inuyasha. It was the power of the Sacred Jewel. I turned, but saw no one there. But the feeling was wrapped around me like a familiar song.
I kept trying to sort out the aura, seeing as it had suddenly disappeared. It seemed like forever when I found it again. It was dangerously close. I felt a warm body behind me, swaying in the same fashion.
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A/N: Okay! I said Miroku was going to be in this chapter, and technically, he is. But for the most part, I lied! Haha:Clears throat: But seriously, he's going to be in the next chapter, seeing as he IS the next chapter.
By the way, I have nothing against hip-hop. I'm African American, so I listen to it all the time. I'm 14 years old, so it's no big deal. I have no idea why I just told everyone that, but I'm under the influence of drugs and medication, so forgive me. Sango seems to be enjoying the party so far… but for how long…?