InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life, My Love ❯ An Early Occasion ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

:Chapter 11:
:An Early Occasion:
“C'mon! Move yer ass!”
Sango pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and index finger, and tried to ignore the obnoxiously loud driver behind her. It wasn't bad enough that she'd burned the Thanksgiving beans she'd originally had cooking yesterday for dinner at Mrs. Sakawa's house, but she'd burned herself in the process. Top it all off with holiday traffic and...
Again, trying to stifle the flowing, aching throb that was quickly spreading throughout her skull, Sango gritted her teeth, wincing at the increase of headache at her own action, as she fought the impossible urge to smash her foot into the gas petal, lest she kill herself, and possibly, Miroku.
Turning at the feel of a warm hand on her shoulder, she lifted her head to glance at Miroku. She didn't want to admit it, but seeing the warm, almost apologetic smile on his face somehow made her feel better, despite the pounding behind her eyes.
“Sango, do you want me to drive?”
“No, I'm fine,” she lied. She tried to smile, but it looked more like a grimace. If Miroku saw it, he didn't comment, but she could tell that he knew she was lying.
Shaking his head at Sango's show of vigor, he sighed. He could tell she was still worried.
After burning the beans, Sango had dashed to the store for more, but due to holiday cheer, the store's stock was completely depleted. Returning in obvious defeat, she'd come home, begrudgingly called his aunt, and told her the story, apologizing profusely.
Assuming by the somewhat relieved look on her face when she'd hung up the phone, Miroku guessed that his aunt had most likely waved off the mishap and invited them anyway. He could almost see her waving her hands, insisting that beans didn't matter...
Isn't there another store you could go to?” he'd asked.
Shaking her head miserably, Sango heaved a sigh. “No, I'm afraid not. All of the others are closed.”
Feeling extremely guilty over the whole situation, Miroku had promised to make it up to her later. It was his fault, after all...
“You know Sango, my aunt will still love you. It's no big deal,” Miroku mitigated gently.
“I know, but...”
“It's just that...well I don't want Mrs. Sakawa to think that I'm...incompetent,” shaking her head, she chuckled. “But that's stupid, isn't it?”
Miroku grinned. “It probably is, Sango.”
“I can't wait to see everyone,” Sango said with a smile, “Your aunt really is a sweet woman. When I called to apologize about the beans, she suggested that I let her invite Kagome, InuYasha, and her mother and little brother, along with Rin, Sesshoumaru, Shippo, and Ayame.”
“Is that right? That's very sweet of her. I always did love my aunt for her generosity; I've never known a more benevolent person,” Miroku said. The way he'd stated that comment, it seemed almost like he was...teasing her...
Arriving at the large house, the two made their way inside, sniffing approvingly at the sensational aromas drifting throughout the house.
—0—0—0—0—0—0—0̵ 2;0—
“I can sense them.”
“What? Who? Who can you sense?”
Miroku gave Sango a look, a look of both incredulity and anticipation. “You don't know who I'm talking about?”
Shaking her head in the negative, Sango shrugged. “Haven't the faintest idea. Why? Should I?”
“Yes, you should. Your senses aren't what they used to be, eh Sango?” Miroku smirked at the miffed glare Sango sent him.
“What the hell are you talking about, monk? Who's here?”
Miroku sighed theatrically and replied, “Our friends.”
Sango, seemingly starting to understand, grew irritated at the implications on the status of her senses. Miroku had developed the notion that her senses were—in his words—tired. However, contradictory to his beliefs, she'd known Kagome and InuYasha had made their arrival almost ten minutes ago...
`But apparently, my senses are dulled,” she thought sarcastically.
`Oh, stop griping. You know he didn't mean it like that.'
`Oh really? And just how do you know?'
`Yes, really, and I just know. So trust me. I swear to Kami, you take everything so seriously.'
Ignoring the patronizing voice and deciding to see why Kagome and InuYasha hadn't come inside, she turned to inform Miroku, but found that he'd gone across the room in order to chat with his aunt and uncle.
Shrugging, she turned and headed for the front door.
—0—0—0—0—0—0—0̵ 2;0—
Upon arriving outside, Sango found herself in the middle of a heated argument between InuYasha and Kagome.
“I still don't fucking see why we couldn't stay at the damn house, Kagome,” InuYasha's unmistakable voice growled.
“Because, Mrs. Sakawa invited us, and it's rude to turn down an invitation like that,” Kagome's lighter voice replied.
“We have perfectly good cooks at home; I don't see why we can't just go back!”
“Because, InuYasha,” Kagome suppressed her annoyance, “Sango's going to be here, and I'm sure Rin and Sesshoumaru are too. Not to mention my mother, Sota, and Ayame. This is a time for being grateful for what we have; and what we have is great friends and family.”
A distinct snort sounded from InuYasha, “Feh. Whatever, wench. But know this: if that damn bastard tries anything, I cut off his b—“
“If I could `sit' you, I would right now! Don't say that in front of my mother!” Kagome cried, “Insult your brother at another time, baka!”
“Oi, it ain't as if your mother hasn't heard it before, wench!” the hanyou growled back.
Deciding to intervene, Sango cleared her throat, gaining the attention of the two lovers.
“Are you two ever going to come inside? It's freezing out here, and you'll get sick,” Sango said, shivering slightly.
“Feh! Demons don't get sick, wench! I'm not like you weak humans, catching diseases and sicknesses.”
Rolling her eyes at InuYasha's prided response, Sango waved to Kagome's mother and little brother sitting inside the red SUV. She could even make out little Shippo looking over Ayame's shoulder into a mirror.
The sound of sniffing stopped her as she made her way to the truck.
“What the fuck is that smell? It smells smells like that damn monk!” InuYasha grumbled, apparently oblivious to what he'd just said. Kagome, however, was not.
“Is...Is” she ventured softly.
Nodding weakly at the sense of foreboding, Sango replied nervously, “Unfortunately, yes.”
Kagome's steady features unnerved Sango to the tips of her hair. “Why didn't you call and tell me?”
“Touching her two index fingers together and biting her lip, Sango responded. “I'm—I'm not sure.”
Swiftly moving towards InuYasha, Kagome jabbed her finger into his chest.
“Didn't I tell you? I told you I sensed his aura! But you didn't listen, did you? Something was telling me that he was here and—” Whirling around to face Sango, who'd turned pink with blush, she asked impatiently, “Well, Sango?”
“Well what?”
“Well, where is he? I haven't seen him in...,” ticking off her fingers in evident recollection, Kagome the replied, “over five hundred years! Where is he?”
Pointing in the direction of the house, Sango shrugged then sighed. “Does it matter?”
“Hells yes, it matters!” Inuyasha piped up. “I owe him an ass kicking, anyway! Right before the bastard died, he groped Kagome!”
Sighing in exasperation, Kagome mentioned for her mother and company to follow her and Inuyasha into the house, with Sango not far behind.
—0—0—0—0—0—0—0̵ 2;0—
Miroku stiffened at the familiar aura that suddenly engulfed the room. It was warm and pleasant, like Kagome herself. Also, not far behind Kagome's rather pleasant air, came the spitfire energy of the Inu-hanyou, himself.
`Ah, Inuyasha and Kagome; how I've missed you, friends,' he though with joy.
Something else familiar flowed into the air: a very vague feeling, yet, an incredibly distinct memory. `Ayame? Oh, my kami, it is!' Miroku grinned at the memory of the beautiful she-wolf demon. His grin widened even more at Shippo's small, but determined aura...
But the consuming pulsation of Sango's intense aura sent a shiver down his spine. Compelling, yet passionate, graceful, yet awkward; such words only grazed what Sango was all about. Fortunately for him, he'd long ago understood the complexity behind Sango's character. It wasn't easy to want a person like Sango. Her mind boggling atmosphere, coupled with her intense attitude, sometimes made Miroku wonder how he even came to like—much less love— Sango...
But then, there were times, like now.
He watched as she made her way into his aunt's living room, athwart from the kitchen; his current position. He observed the happy spark in her eyes as she giggled at InuYasha's scowl, and Kagome's annoyance with him. He smirked as she rivaled her reading and comprehension skills against that of Ayame and another woman that looked strangely enough, just like Kagome...
And at last, he smiled at the maternal shine that glistened as she stooped to lift up the eager little fox demon who demanded her attention for a bone-crushing hug.
And it was then at that moment, he knew...
Whether she knew it or not, she would bear his children..
—0—0—0—0—0—0—0̵ 2;0—
After sitting and catching up with his newly recovered friends, Miroku was introduced to Kagome's mother, Rei, and her younger brother, Sota.
“So, you're Miroku!” Rei exclaimed excitedly.
Nodding in agreement, Miroku bowed. “Yes Higurashi-san, I am.”
Rei wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Please, call me Rei. I'm not really comfortable with formalities, as it is. I assure you, I've heard quite a bit about you, Miroku.”
“You have? Why, I had no idea Kagome thought me popular enough to inform you of myself,” lifting a brow suggestively at Kagome, he drawled, “You love me that much, dear Kagome?”
“What the hell does that mean?” InuYasha hollered.
Half of Kagome sputtered at the ridiculous implications Miroku had so wittingly made. The other half winced at the growl coming from InuYasha. “Well, n-no of course not! I wouldn't—I didn't mean—” Breathing deeply to calm herself as the low snarl InuYasha was putting out increased in volume, Kagome shook her head.
“Well, when I was first able to travel into the Bone Eater's Well, mama wanted to know if I was traveling with anyone else besides InuYasha,” inwardly sighing in relief as InuYasha finally ceased his show of irritation, Kagome continued. “At the time, I wasn't. But then, Miroku, you and Sango came along, and I always told mama about our adventures.”
Nodding in conceding, Miroku spoke. “I see,” directing his statement to Rei, Miroku asked, “They were good things, I hope?”
“Of course; all Kagome said about you was that there was something wrong with your hand. What was it?”
Not wanting to relieve the past--or be rude to Kagome's mother--Miroku was grateful when his aunt informed them that dinner was ready and ensued to announce that Sesshoumaru and Rin had arrived.
Giving Rei an apologizing look, Miroku stood and made his way to the kitchen.
—0—0—0—0—0—0—0̵ 2;0—
“I have something to announce.”
Everyone at the table turned to Sesshoumaru in raw and utter stupor. Since arriving, Sesshoumaru hadn't said much besides a formal greeting to Mr. and Mrs. Sakawa for admitting him into their home.
“Did you finally listen to me, and neuter yourself?” InuYasha suggested pleasantly.
“No,” Sesshoumaru responded, sounding bored, “Although if I had, I would have framed the parts and given them to you for inspiration.”
“Like I'd want your ba—”
“InuYasha! Be quiet!” Kagome growled in irritation.
Mrs. Sakawa stared, transfixed at InuYasha as he glowered across the large table at Sesshoumaru. “I—Is he always like this?”
Kagome sighed in defeat. “Unfortunately, yes, he is. I'm so sorry, Sakawa-san! There's no telling what you think of us now, thanks to certain hanyous who can't keep their mouths shut!”
InuYasha's left ear twitched; a sure sign that he was irritated. “Feh. He started it, the bastard. Yell at him.”
Mr. Sakawa dropped his fork. “Y-you're half...demon?” he asked, with much difficulty.
InuYasha went on the defensive. “Yeah, what of it?”
Mr. Sakawa quickly rose from the table and marched to the stairs. Rin looked nervous.
“What's the matter with Mr. Sakawa?” she asked, concerned as she watched the balding head of the man disappear up the stairs.
Mrs. Sakawa snorted, “Oh, nothing; the fool. He's...always had a deep fascination with...demons and such. He's probably upstairs right now looking for his camera and autograph book.”
“Yes,” Miroku sighed, “He's always been this way. When I was younger, he'd always read stories from the bookstore to me, depicting tales of great and powerful demons and...” Miroku winked at InuYasha, Kagome, Sango, and Shippo, “wild-eyed hanyous.”
“Here it is!” All heads at the table swiveled toward the kitchen's entranceway, where a very excited Mr. Sakawa was clambering toward InuYasha. Thrusting a pen under his nose, he asked InuYasha to write his name in a small book that he held in his other hand.
“See?” Mrs. Sakawa said rolling her eyes at her husband's foolish attempts to coax InuYasha.
Kagome stifled a giggle at the disgruntled look her mate had plastered to his face.
“Oi, old man! Leave me the hell alone!” InuYasha grumbled. At the somewhat amused grin Sesshoumaru was giving to him, InuYasha growled. “If you want a full demon, talk to the bastard over there.
Jabbing a finger in Sesshoumaru's direction, InuYasha smirked as Mr. Sakawa's eyes widened a fraction.
“You're a full demon?” he asked incredulously at Sesshoumaru.
Looking very uninterested with the entire occasion, Sesshoumaru sighed. “Yes.”
“But—but how can that be? If InuYasha's a hanyou, then how are you a full demon?”
Wiping her mouth free of bread crumbs, Rin spoke. “InuYasha and Sesshoumaru are half brothers, Mr. Sakawa. They shared the same father, but not the same mother.”
Mr. Sakawa seemed to consider the response. “ any chance, would your father happen to be...The Great InuTaisho?”
“Yep, unfortunately, me and that bastard over there, share the same old man,” InuYasha put in.
“Really? I've read all about you!” Mr. Sakawa whooped. “But there's still something I don't understand. I know about Sango and Miroku do you all know each other?”
“I was afraid he'd ask that.” Shippo groaned.
—0—0—0—0—0—0—0̵ 2;0—
After the elucidation of everyone's history, Mr. Sakawa looked as if he finally understood.
“Well, that interesting. I guess all those tall tales you told Miroku when he was a boy weren't so tall after all,” Mrs. Sakawa said, sitting next to her husband in the living room.
“No,” he grumbled, “they weren't. I told you that those stories were actual happenings, and that Miroku was part of them. But did you believe me? No, of course you didn't!”
Smiling softly at her slightly irritated spouse, she kissed his temple and hugged him around the middle. “I'm sorry, dear. But they were a tad bit...farfetched, didn't you think?”
“No, I didn't,” he grumbled, softer this time, “and I never did; not after Mushin told me. Seeing as how he's Miroku's foster father, I'd thought you'd believed it too.”
Kissing him again, she whispered in his ear, “I'm sorry. But I've got something that'll make you forget all about it.”
Turning toward his wife, he ventured, “”
Mr. Sakawa swallowed thickly. “Is it...”
Running her finger along the contours of his jaw, she whispered huskily, “Yes...”
“Yes, your favorite: Triple Chocolate Cake; I made it last night, while you were asleep. Can you ever forgive me?”
“Hmm, I don't know. Does it have walnuts?”
“You're forgiven, then,” he said. Quickly kissing his wife, Mr. Sakawa stood up and headed toward the kitchen for his favorite dessert.
A few minutes passed before Sesshoumaru entered the living room. Looking up at the handsome demon, Mrs. Sakawa smiled.
“Oh, hello! Did you enjoy your meal, Sesshoumaru?”
Nodding once in affirmation, Sesshoumaru spoke. “Yes, the food was exquisite, madam. You have reason to be proud of your culinary skills.”
Blushing at the compliment, Mrs. Sakawa giggled. “Thank you, Sesshoumaru. You're welcome to come over anytime.”
“As you're aware of, a demon or a hanyou mating a human concerns two types of...weddings, correct?”
Slightly thrown by the course the small conversation had come to, Mrs. Sakawa answered, “Y-yes. I'm aware of it.”
“And as you know the human portion of this...bizarre human ritual...sometimes requires other people to bear witness to the aspect of the peculiar situation.”
“Yes, of course.”
“However, certain witnesses may be new additions to the—”
“I'd love to come to your wedding!”
Hiding the slightly surprised gleam in his eye, Sesshoumaru cleared his throat.
“I was referring to my baka half-brother's wedding. I doubt that he'll have any decency to ask you himself. And the miko will probably hyperventilate when she gets a chance to ask you. So as tai-youkai, I, Sesshoumaru Taisho demand that you attend.”
Barely containing her excitement, Mrs. Sakawa nodded.
“Also, I demand that you alert everyone to my announcement that my idiot brother ruined: My mate is pregnant.
“Y-you mean that charming young lady you were with—Rin—is your…mate?”
Sesshoumaru leveled a tolerant look at Mrs. Sakawa. “Yes.”
Turning to leave at the shocked expression on Mrs. Sagawa's face, Sesshoumaru glanced over his shoulder, “By the way, your mate is acting very...strangely over the pastry in the kitchen. I request that you see to it.”
“O-okay,” Mrs. Sakawa breathed, “I-I will.” Hardly containing her excitement, Mrs. Sakawa stumbled into the kitchen to see to it that her `mate' didn't make himself ill from all the cake that he was likely to ingest that night.
HUGELY REVISED! I decided to give Kagome's mother a name. It would be just a little too annoying to have to call her `Kagome's mom' or `Higurashi' the whole time she'll appear in the story.
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Ending Deliberation: Mr. Sakawa:
A demon! A real live demon!
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