InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life Without You ❯ The Memories ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but if I did the only thing I could say is rawr!...
My Life With Out You
Chapter 1:
The Memories
The sobs wracked Kagome's body as she cried silently at her current loss of life. She no longer felt the need to live. She felt empty, like a hollowed shell. She often found herself wandering the halls at Lake Stevens High School, her new school. The one she was forced to attend instead of the school she had come to know as home, South Anchorage High School. That was where she had lived her life and met the love of her life, Inuyasha.
Her heart ached to be with him. She had met him a little over a year ago when South first opened up in Anchorage, Alaska. She was auditioning for the school plays when the drama teacher had yelled at him for climbing up the pillars. She had laughed at the sight of him, but her heart immediately warmed up to him.
How could she go on living without him? He had made her so happy, taught her things in life she thought she had already learned but hadn't. He had made her happy, was her beacon of life when she thought she had none and dark times clouded her.
Oh Inuyasha, how could you? She thought as the tears poured down her face like the rain poured down her window pane at that very moment. The sky a bland grey like they always were. How could you leave me like this? How could you turn your back on me after everything we've been through? And all because of her?
She smiled remembering the time she came bouncing up to him while he stood blushing from ear to ear grinning goofily by Bankotsu who had currently been her interest in her love-life, and he turned to her with kisses all over his face in black lip-stick left by her two friends Yuri and Ayame. She had giggled at the expression on his face. He turned to her with his goofy grin still plastered from ear to ear, “They violated me.” She laughed as a blush threatened to rise to her pale cheeks as she thought to herself I wish I could violate you right now.
“Inuyasha…”she breathed his name as a new onslaught of tears hit her.
The next day she had found out after catching Inuyasha making out with Yuri back-stage that he had asked her out last night. There was a slight tug at her heart when she saw it was him, but pushed the feeling aside. She had just met him a couple weeks ago, she couldn't possibly like him now.
“Ooo, I'm gonna tell Ayame on you!” She had teased him. He grinned at her blushing.
She scampered off stage and ran up to Ayame, “Ayame! Did you know that Inuyasha and Yuri are making out backstage?”
Her friend calmly answered, “Yeah, I'm the one who set them up.”
Kagome looked at her friend confused, just the day before she had admitted to her that she liked Inuyasha and wanted to kiss him and it was she, Kagome, who had encouraged her to do so. How could her friend set the man she liked up with their other friend?
She had begun to hang out more with her friends as Ayame and her tagged along on Yuri's and Inuyasha's dates. She was starting to fall for him, but she refused to admit it she herself liked Bankotsu.
One day, she was handed a letter from her friend Xavier, an American exchange student at her school, from Bankotsu along with the Book of Mormon. She read the letter Bankotsu had gave to her inside that damn book telling her why he could not be with her.
She had walked numbly to down the commons towards her locker tears threatening her eyes. She was about to give into them when out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash of silver and turned to see amber eyes full of concern. She let herself fall into him and shuddered as she allowed the tears to fall. His strong arms wrapped around her in a comforting embrace as he whispered soothingly into her ear, “It's going to be okay.”
She pulled away from him trying with all her will to stop the tears and sniffed, “Do you even know what he said?”
“I read what he wrote during 6th hour, he asked me to proof read it for him.”
“How could he say such a thing? It's not fair!” She threw the book against the lockers a loud bang rang through out the halls as she sank to her knees and cried.
He sat down next her and lifted her chin, wiping the tears away.
“It's okay, hey, don't worry about it, it's his loss. If he can't see what a great person you are then it's his loss.”
She looked at him and smiled weakly.
The memory faded from her mind as a new set of tears poured from her eyes and the knife in her heart twisted even more.
He had called her that night, while he was at a mormon dance with Yuri and Bankotsu.
“How are you holding up?” His voice full of concern.
“I'm okay, it's just, it hurts so bad that I feel numb,” her voice was barely a whisper.
“Well maybe you were just too into Bankotsu to notice that someone else was interested in you,” she could practically see him shifting his weight nervously from foot to foot.
“Like who?” She asked precariously.
“Like me.”
“But you're going out with Yuri.”
“I know, but that doesn't mean I can't be interested in you.”
Sunday night she and Inuyasha were emailing each other when they got into a fight.
To: Bankotsu
He's an insensitive, cowardly asshole to use religion as an excuse to reject me. If he had any guts he would have just said no and that he liked someone else!
To: don't care how hurt you are because of him, no one calls my friend an asshole and gets away with it! I will forgive you this one time because I barely know you, but for future reference I would watch what you say!
To: you obviously don't care either! I might as well cut myself and no one would care! You don't care! Yuri doesn't care! Ayame doesn't care! And Bankotsu certainly doesn't care and I know my family won't either!
To: you show up to school tomorrow with so much as one cut on your arm and you say it's from your cat I will tell on you!
She had signed off tears pouring down her face as she ran into her room with a razor blade. Through a blurred vision she sliced her arms over and over again. There was a knock on her door followed by her step-dad entering her room. He looked at her arms and said with a sneer of disgust, “Don't get any blood on the carpet.”
The next day she arrived at school with her arms stinging as the fabric of her sweatshirt rubbed against her self-inflicted wounds, her pajama pants engulfing her legs. She finally saw him between fifth and sixth hour with Yuri waiting outside of the auditeria. Inuyasha called out her name and beckoned for her to come over. She complied, her stomach full of knots and butterflies all the same time. She sat down next to him.
“I'm sorry about last night, it's just I get really mad when people attack my friends.”
Yuri said something funny and Kagome laughed.
“Well I've got to get to class, I'll see you later,” she said cheerfully.
“Not so fast.” Kagome stopped dead in her tracks and faced him cautiously. “Show me your arms.”
“No,” Kagome looked at him, her doe-like eyes full of fear.
“Show me your arms.” His voice more razor sharp than she had ever heard him speak before.
“No,” she tried to flee but he grabbed the front of her hoodie at the base of her throat and pulled her close to him so that their noses were almost touching.
“Show me your arms.” He demanded through clenched teeth.
Kagome sat down defeated. Inuyasha sat down next to her, took her arm and lifted her sleeve.
“And the other one?” His voice wavered.
She held out her other arm and again he lifted her sleeve. She looked at him sadly, he looked down for a long time and it wasn't until she heard him speak and saw his shoulders shake that she realized he was crying.
“Why Kagome, why?”
“Inuyasha…” her voice was soft. She lifted his chin so he was looking at her and she wiped his tears away. “I swear to you, it will never happen again, please don't cry.”
“But why?”
“Because I hurt. I cannot tell you why because I just met you and I still need to get to know you. I swear it will never happen again.” She leaned her head against his and they sat there in silence until the two minute bell rang. “I'll see you after school.”
She squeezed his hand and whispered, “I promise it will never happen again.” Then she walked away her own heart breaking at seeing him cry.