InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Life Without You ❯ Sorrow ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own that gorgeous silky silver hair, nor those adorable ears, nor those intense amber eyes-okay so I don't own his hot ass!
Yeah this chapter is kinda short. I don't really care. Just felt like I had to update.
Chapter 2
Kagome weaved herself in and out of the other students attending Lake Stevens High, not caring if their shoulders bumped into her. Her skin was pale, almost ivory in contrast to her raven locks. Her eyes always held a permanent sadness that only one person could take away just by entering the room she was in and made her face glow with happiness.
Inuyasha…She thought bitterly to herself. Why? Why did you choose her over us? You know I would have never made you chose.
She bit her lip to hold back the sea of tears that threatened to spill forth from her chocolate eyes. Her whole body felt numb with pain and she would have given anything at that moment just to feel so that she could know if she was alive. She felt so empty without him in her life. She missed his silver hair, the comforting words that spilled from his soft lips as he held her against his strong chest. She missed the feeling of his fingers intertwined with hers and the warm feeling she got when he kissed her. But most of all she missed the hidden love that always shined brightly when he looked at her with his intense amber eyes.
She walked into her CAI (that's Current American Issues for those of you who don't know) class and threw her bag down as hard as she could as the dam broke and the tears she had been trying so hard to hold back, came spilling from her eyes. Her friend Yume hugged her while her friend Akiko ran her fingers through her hair soothingly.
“Shhh Kagome, it's okay,” Yume whispered.
“But it's not!” Kagome protested.
“It will get better, Kagome you'll see,” Akiko offered.
“How? I feel so empty without him. Inuyasha was my best friend! He was my best friend…”Her voice trailed off as she started to sob uncontrollably.
When Kagome finally managed to get control of herself, her voice was barely a whisper, “I loved him, you know.”
Akiko leaned in so she could hear her, “What?”
Kagome cleared her throat, “I, um, I love him. More than anything.”
Her friends gave her looks full of sympathy as Kagome looked down at her paper and allowed herself to be swallowed whole by her memories.