InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My life worth talking to ❯ this is me ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Notes: please comment on my fanfic!! thanx


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Ch. 1

Kaome came out of the well, spotting Sango , Miroku , and Shippo.

" Kagome- san! How are you?" Miroku protested as he walked up to Kagome and greeted her.

" Welcome back Kagome" Sango said joining up with Miroku.

"KAGOMEEE!!!!" the little kit said jumping into the mikos arms.

" Hi everyone, I missed you, Im so sorry I was gone. Where is Inuyasha?" Kagome asked.

" Im right here " Inuyasha said jumping out of the tree he was in.

" Hi Inuyasha...."

" Feh. I want to go find the jewls!" Inuyasha said.

"GRRRRRRRRRR!!! SIT!! SIT!! SIT!! SIT!! SIT!!" Kagome yelled.

" Here comes one of there arrguments..." Sango said.

" Yep, lets go Sango-san" Miroku said with Shippo following them back to the hut.

*********************************************************LATER ****************************

" DAMN! Kagome never wants to do the things I want to do..." Inuyasha yelled in one of the trees by the well.

No one understands me. Everytime I try to do somthing right it just turns out wroung. Really its hard to say that the person who sits me almost everyday is the person I fell in love with. Kagome....

Im not this mean.. well Iam but I really want to... umm... respect you....

This is who I am.................

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Alright it might suck but Im trying to get used to it ok.. Im trying to log in to so if you enjoy my story then please look 4 moonprincess1141

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