InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Light ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Here's another idea I found too cute to pass up, so I wrote it down.

My Light

An overcast night spilled pitch darkness throughout the forest. Frogs croaked a low melody over the click of cicadas and crickets. Sometimes the wind whispered through, generating the satin swish of dancing leaves. Aside from that? Perfect, unbroken silence.

A tiny, checker-clad figure jerked awake. Sweat gleamed on her brow. She knew she had nothing to fear, but every now and then the wolves, with their slavering jaws and low growls, nosed into her dreams.

Rin waited for her heart to quiet. She listened for Sesshoumaru's velvety voice to reassure her that she was safe, but his emotionless words never came.

Curious, Rin looked to the left. Sesshoumaru sat propped against a tree. He didn't lift his head when she stood up, which made her realize he was asleep. The demon lord rarely slept. But it was a quiet, peaceful night, perhaps he felt safe enough to let his guard down for a few short hours.

Then he made a sound. Something between a moan and a growl.

Rin tip-toed closer. She could hear Sesshoumaru panting and barely made out the movement of his eyeballs beneath their lids...he was dreaming.

"Lord Sesshoumaru?"

With a gasp, Sesshoumaru opened his eyes. His hand moved to clutch his stump. He clenched his teeth and gazed down at little Rin.

"What is it, Rin?"

"You were having a bad dream too."

He said nothing, but he did indeed have a nightmare. Every now and then he'd dream of the time he lost his arm. The most bitter, humiliating and infuriating loss he ever suffered.

Rin gazed up, her eyes wide and innocent. "Are you all right, Lord Sesshoumaru? Should Rin sit next to you until you feel better?"

"I'm fine." Sesshoumaru looked away. The phantom pain subsided. He looked over when he felt Rin moving his empty sleeve. "What are you doing?"

"Rin had a bad dream, too. It's so dark..." the little girl shivered in slight fear. "Rin can't see you good."

Sesshoumaru turned his gaze to the sky, his brow knit into a frown. He could see just fine in the dark...after all his pupils could open much wider than a human's.

He hated to see Rin unhappy.

Sesshoumaru lifted his head. "Rin, stay here. This Sesshoumaru will dispel the darkness."

Her eyes widened, but she nodded. He disengaged from her, pulled a leather sack off Ah-Un's saddle and stepped off into the trees.

Rin huddled against the roots and tried not to cry. Whenever Sesshoumaru said he'd do something, he did it. She smiled at the thought.

A few minutes went by. Utter silence.

"Rin." Sesshoumaru whispered, "Come with me."

"Okay!" Rin hopped up, hugging herself because of the cold. She padded behind her lord until they came to a small cave. "What's in there?"

"You'll see."

She hurried towards his footsteps. "Rin can't see Lord Sesshoumaru."

"I can see you. Follow my voice."

With that, Sesshoumaru entered the cave, the leather sack held tightly closed in his remaining hand. He glanced back to see Rin's small shape slip in behind him. As soon as she got inside, he sat in front of the entrance, blocking it with his body. His eyes tilted in amusement when he saw Rin look around in utter confusion. He thanked the darkness for allowing him a quick smile without her noticing.

Rin plopped down to sit, her eyes glued to Sesshoumaru's shadow in the cave entrance. He had a higher body temperature than her. As a result their combined body heat warmed the small space like a blanket.

"What's in the bag?"

"Open it and find out," he held it out to her. "Pull the string."

The little girl stumbled forward in the dark. She slipped and ended up sitting in Sesshoumaru's lap. Sesshoumaru didn't move, but held the leather sack down where she could reach it.

Rin pulled the strap and felt Sesshoumaru let go. Instantly the cave was filled with twinkling lights that flitted about. They were so numerous that she could clearly see the demon lord's face. The light made his eyes seem oddly soft and created a golden glow about the curve of his cheek. A few landed in his hair, coating it in living glitter.


Sesshoumaru held out his hand and gracefully captured one on his fingertip. He glanced down into Rin's wide eyes. "I said I would dispel the darkness, didn't I?"

"Wow! Rin believes Lord Sesshoumaru!" Rin curled up in his lap to watch the fireflies dance about his face. One or two landed in her black hair. "Rin isn't scared of the dark anymore..." and she yawned. Maybe the fireflies will be nice and scare away Lord Sesshoumaru's bad dream too! Rin hopes so.

Another invisible smile twinkled in Sesshoumaru's amber eyes. He watched the firefly on his fingertip flit off to join its brothers on the ceiling. Rin's even breathing told him she'd finally fallen asleep.

"Nor I..." he whispered to the sleeping child, "...because you are my light."