InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Girl ❯ Hello ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own InuYasha or any of the characters or songs I may use. Only the plot and girl Kyoko belong to my imagination.
InuYasha looked down at the 2 year old. Hanyou, just like him, only miko blood mixed into her. Kagome had died in childbirth, and he had taken his daughter in, along with the runt Kagome had taken in. The last thing Kagome said was a name that she willed the baby to have, `Kyoko.' The name suited the young Hanyou, for her cornflower eyes peered into your own searching your soul, truly a mirror to herself as well.
“Shippo get up you lazy runt! We have work to do.” The poor youkai got a swift kick in his side for oversleeping. “InuYasha it's 2:30 on a Saturday the sun has yet to rise so let me sleep!” Shippo whispered harshly for Kyoko slept quietly on the couch closed to the low cot Shippo was until recently sleeping on. InuYasha grunted, he had a bar to run and Shippo was going to help him with some work before his daughter woke up. “And what do you want me to do you baka inu?” Shippo was to tired to think, unfortunately the young girl chose that time to wake up rubbing her tiny hands on her eyes and pushing her onyx hair out of her gorgeous face.
Going unnoticed Kyoko slid of the couch and walked over to the corner closest to the front door where her drawing supplies were kept. A 24 pack of crayons and several pieces of paper scattered in a frenzied mess around her ankles, she took the violet crayon a half scribbled on piece of paper and began to draw the scene in front of her. Her dad was yelling at her brother, the teenaged youkai tried to ignore the persistent pokes trying to get him out of the falling apart cot. After finishing her drawing Kyoko put away her crayons, for she had taken out several colors by now and Inu and Shippo just went left the room and headed to the bar that was currently underneath Inu's house.
“If she gets hurt you're in huge trouble kid, ya got that!” InuYasha and Shippo were overly protective of the young pup and avoided leaving her upstairs alone whenever possible, Shippo got out the broom and started to sweep the place while Inu worked himself into a paranoid state of mind all the while whipping any residue of the tables and counters. “Don't worry, she'll be fine. Kyoko can take care of herself and if you want I can call my friend Kohaku and ask if he'll watch her. She seems to like Kohaku if you ask me.” “Baka it's not even 3 o' clock and your going to call Kohaku! Sango would kill me!” Sango had taken over watching Kyoko, when the bar was busy or needed to stay open later than planned she would have Kyoko come over and have a mini sleepover at her house. Those were the times Kohaku had come to like Kyoko although he could of sworn he hated kids younger than twelve. For some strange reason Kyoko was like a little sister to him and held a special place in his heart.
After Shippo swept, washed the dishes, and cleaned the windows he ran upstairs. Kyoko was sitting on the floor pretending to be a statue, the kitsune couldn't resist knowing he hadn't seen her and she didn't seem to smell him went behind his sister and started to tickle her. “Hey, HAHAHAHAHA that's not fair!” “Life's not fair” He pulled his auburn hair into a low ponytail and picked her up.
InuYasha was up to the very tips of his kawii ears in work, his employees started to slowly slip through the door at 4:32, and by that time the inu had calmed down, “Miroku, what are you doing here?” “Hello InuYasha! I got board so decided to visit my good friends!” “You got kicked out again Miroku.” A small smirk fitted carefully onto his mouth. Miroku looked defeated. Why did Sango do this? “So, you want your usual?” Miroku reluctantly nodded.
Kohaku woke up, and headed to collect his backpack pulling out his CD player and case. Kohaku was not a morning person, and he hoped he never would. The only way Kohaku would wake up was to listen to his favorite band, Guns and Roses. Grabbing a sweatshirt and popping his shoes on he walked the familiar path to the Takahshi Bar and apartment. He fell asleep in his close last night finishing his picture, Kohaku wanted to be an artist of any kind.
“Kohaku” Kyoko cried out merrily as she saw her friend walk up the drive towards the stairs of the apartment. The apartment wasn't small. There were 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom w/ a kitchen and dinning room. Kyoko ran over to her pile of papers and grabbed three of her newest. “Kohaku what are you doing here? Are you ok? I mean it isn't like you to get out of bed, and before 5 no less!” Kohaku grunted taking off his headphones and turned off his player. “Kohaku!” Kyoko wrapped her hands around his legs in a cute hug, “Look what I made!” waving her drawings up to Kohaku who took them and smiled, “Wow your getting much better, is that InuYasha and Shippo?” “Uh-huh” proud that Kohaku knew the drawings were all about her family, “and here are you and Sango” Shippo never understood how Kohaku understood his sisters drawings but she had gotten to be an excellent artist for her age.
Shippo and Kohaku were dressed almost the same from their low ponytail to the socks on their feet. Both had on a black shirt, Kohaku's tighter than Shippo's, blue jeans, and a sweatband on their right wrist. Kyoko wore a simple light blue short sleeve dress with a pink heart in the center. They joy that beheld them would put many people in shock that so much pleasure can come from just being with people you love. Who knows how long it will last?
I hope you liked it; this is my first fanfic so if anyone has suggestions of flames tell me. I've edited it a little, so if anyone sees any mistakes feel free to tell me.
Domo arigato.