InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Girl ❯ Of Blood and Emotion ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I own nothing! I'm happy Takahshi sensei gives me so many fun characters to play with! I don't own any of the songs either. Song lyrics will appear in italics.
When Inu put the broom down, a loud shattering sound came from the kitchen closely followed by a female shriek…
InuYasha ran to the kitchen to see Kyoko on the floor. Her head was dripping with blood and a piece of beer mug jutted out of her head as a tree branch on a trunk would.
Glass lay all around the floor and he could tell his daughter had stepped on it from the way her bare feet were shredded and bones could be seen. All of the beer mugs were on the floor broken and Kyoko's blood stained them all.
Her eyes were shut tight as if she was in immense pain. Her once onyx hair lay matted and a dark red, dull almost. The hand-me-down kimono that once belonged to Rin was torn showing a deep gash in her side where blood oozed out. InuYasha couldn't look at her any more in fear that she'd never wake up.
`No, this is just a nightmare!' InuYasha grabbed the phone and dialed the number calling an ambulance over immediately before hanging up and calling Kohaku's number telling him to go bring everyone to the hospital A.S.A.P.
Sirens were heard from the street and a stretcher was brought out. Climbing into the ambulance, InuYasha thought of his mate, Kagome.
The ride seemed to take forever and InuYasha refused to let go of the little girl's hand.
A/N- I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER! I wanted to get a little bit out so people can understand how scary the situation was.