InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Miko ❯ Always and Forever ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any of its characters as they all belong to Rumiko Takahashi.
Chapter 2
Kagome settled back into bed beside her husband. She was having a hard time getting to sleep because she was excited that Sango was coming to visit her with Miroku, Kirara, and Shippo. Inuyasha wouldn't be coming with them. She let out a regretful sigh as she thought this. He was still angry that she had mated Sesshoumaru and refused to come visit them.
It had been a month since she and Sesshoumaru had mated. Shortly after they had went back to her time to break the news to her family. They had been shocked but were happy for Kagome and told her to visit often. In the time since they had settled in Sesshoumaru's castle she had been treated like a princess. When she had asked Sesshoumaru what was up with all the attention from people who had seemed to hate her before, he had simply said, "You are the Lady of the Western Lands." She didn't think that was any reason to gain all this respect that she was sure wasn't genuine.
Sesshoumaru had been the most indulging of all. Where he was hard and unmoving with anyone else, he was soft and caring with her. He became doubly so when it was discovered the day after they mated that Kagome was carrying his heir. Kagome was very excited about the child. She couldn't wait to be a mother. She could imagine the child, the exact image of its father.
"What is the matter, mate?"
Kagome was pulled out of her silent musings by the sound of Sesshoumaru's voice. She looked at him with her excitement shining in her eyes.
"I can't wait for Sango to come and visit. I wish to see all of them, especially Shippo," she said as she thought of the orphaned kitsune.
"They will be here in the morning, love. You should get to sleep or you will be very fatigued in the morning and the pup will take all your energy away."
Sesshoumaru kissed her tenderly and brought her closer to his chest. She moaned softly then laid her head on his shoulder. He stroked her hair and she slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep.
"Kagome!" Shippo yelled as he launched his self into her arms.
She hugged him tightly. "Hey Shippo. I missed you guys a lot." Kagome smiled widely as she saw Sango and Miroku.
"Sango! Miroku! It's great to see you."
"Hey Kagome," they said in unison.
She rushed forward to hug them both. "We have missed you, Kagome," said Sango.
"Me too," she replied. "Come on, we have a lot of catching up to do," she said as she dragged them all behind her out of the room.
Kagome sighed as she lay back in bed that night. She was worn out from her day with Sango, Miroku, and Shippo. Rin had joined them in their activities. Since moving in with Sesshoumaru, Kagome had grown to love Rin as a daughter.
Sesshoumaru wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her closer to him. She smiled and snuggled close, pressing her face to his neck.
"Today was great," she said into his neck.
He didn't respond. Kagome hadn't really expected him to though. She moved her fingers up to clutch the hair at the back of his head as she began pressing light, chaste kisses where her face rested. Sesshoumaru growled slightly. He pulled her head back and gave her a hard, passionate kiss. After a few minutes of kissing, they both pulled back for some air. Sesshoumaru kissed her again lightly before he pulled back to remove both of their night clothes. He pulled back to admire the naked form beneath him. He smiled and lowered his head to her breast to capture her right nipple in his mouth. She moaned and thrust her breast more fully into his mouth. He tugged on it while he massaged her other breast. She moaned even louder as she felt his hot, hard length against her thigh. She felt herself growing wet. Sesshoumaru smelled her arousal and his free hand snaked down her body to cup her hot mound. She cried out as he sunk his fingers into her tight channel. He moved his mouth up to cover hers and delved his tongue into her mouth. As their tongues wrestled for dominance, his fingers began a slow rhythm inside her. The tension slowly began to build until she was gasping into his mouth and grinding her hips against his hand. Finally the tension reached its peak and she shattered into a million pieces, crying out his name, around his fingers.
Sesshoumaru hardly waited for her to come down from her climax before he entered her. He started his thrusts out slow but soon began to thrust deeper and harder and faster. Kagome moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, allowing him to thrust deeper into her. She grasped the hair at the nape of his neck and he growled. They were both thrusting against each other and moaning when it all shattered around them like broken glass as they reached their climaxes together, each screaming the others name.
Sesshoumaru caught himself on his arms and rolled over, taking Kagome with him so as not to crush her with his weight. They both lay there breathing hard as they came down from their climaxes. Sesshoumaru stroked Kagome's hair as she snuggled closer to him.
"I love you, Sesshoumaru," she mumbled before drifting off to sleep but not before hearing him reply, "I love you, too Kagome. Always and forever."
"Push harder, Kagome! The baby is almost here!" Kaede told her.
Kagome could not believe how much pain she was in, but it was worth it for hers and Sesshoumaru's child to be born into the world. She pushed down with all her might, trying to expel the child from her womb.
"One more, Kagome. Ye almost have it out," encouraged Kaede.
Kagome gave one more push and the baby slid free of her body. The child gave a cry.
"Wonderful job, Kagome. Ye have given birth to a beautiful son."
Kaede cut the cord and cleaned the baby before wrapping him in a blanket and handing him to Kagome. She had tears in her eyes and a wide smile on her face as she gazed lovingly at her son. The infant had ears like Inuyasha's and silvery-white hair like his father's. Kagome was surprised to see one magenta stripe on each of his cheeks and wrists. The infant stopped crying and looked up at her with the deep gold eyes of his father. Sango, who had been silently giving encouragement at Kagome's side through out the birth, took the baby from Kagome's arms so she could birth the placenta. Once all was done, Kagome took her son to her breast and closed her eyes.
Sesshoumaru paced outside Kaede's hut, waiting to be allowed entry. The birth seemed to be taking a really long time. As time passed, he became more nervous. After what seemed like days but was really only two hours, he heard an infant cry. He sighed with relief and tried hard to restrain himself from running into the hut right then and wait until he was called. About twenty minutes later, Sango came out with a big smile on her face and told him the news.
"It's a boy. He is very healthy. You all may come in and see him and Kagome now," she said before walking back into the hut.
He was the first to rush in, followed by Miroku and Shippo.
Inuyasha stayed hidden in his place in the trees. Why did she have to mate with Sesshoumaru? He thought. She barely knew the guy, and I was always there. Why couldn't she have just waited for me? I ready to take her as my mate; I got rid of Kikyo to be with her. Then she mated Sesshoumaru. Didn't she love me as much as I love her? Inuyasha blinked away the tears that threatened to spill from his eyes. Slowly, he jumped from his hiding place and joined the others.
Sesshoumaru and the others all gazed down at the sucking infant at Kagome's breast. Kagome beamed tiredly up at them all.
"He's beautiful, isn't he?" she said.
Everyone smiled and nodded. Sesshoumaru ran his hand over her hair.
"What would you like to name our son?" he asked.
She paused, looking down at the child for a minute before she answered. "I think we should call him Maru," she finally responded.
He smiled down at her. "Then Maru he shall be." She looked up at him, all her love shining in her eyes.
"Wow Kagome! When Maru is older, I'm gonna teach him all there is to know. I'm gonna be his big brother!" Shippo expelled excitedly.
Kagome laughed and nodded. She looked up at Sesshoumaru and asked, "Do you want to hold your son?"
He looked kind of nervous but he reached his arms out to accept him son. As Kagome fell back tiredly on the mat she was on, Inuyasha came in. She flashed a big smile at him but he didn't return it. Her smile faltered the tiniest bit. She wished Inuyasha would forgive her already. She missed him a lot. She still considered him to be her best friend and now a brother.
"Inuyasha! Look at baby Maru! I'm gonna be his big brother," Shippo said a little smugly.
Inuyasha moved his gaze from Kagome to the baby in Sesshoumaru's arms. He moved forward curiously and peered around Miroku and Sango to get a closer look. To him, the kid could be him if it weren't for the magenta marks. Those he stared at puzzled.
"Feh. Kid's kind of cute. What's up with the demon markings? He's only a hanyou," he finally said.
"It must be from Kagome's miko powers. That's the only logical thing I can come up with," Miroku stated.
Everyone nodded. Sesshoumaru looked down at Kagome and noticed how tired she looked.
"We should go. Kagome needs to rest," he said.
Kagome looked up at him gratefully with a small smile. He leaned forward and kissed her gently. Inuyasha looked away.
"Thank you mate, for giving me a beautiful heir," he whispered to her.
"Don't thank me Sesshoumaru. We made him together," she replied with a smile.
Ten Years Later…
"Mama! Maru won't give me back my dolls!" wailed her daughter Kura.
Kagome sighed. Life these days was tiring with three children and two that never seemed to get along.
"Maru!" she called tiredly.
He appeared in front of her looking suspiciously innocent.
"Yes, Mama?" he asked sweetly. She narrowed her eyes at him.
"Don't give me that 'I'm-so-innocent' look. Why do you continue to plague your younger sister? Please return her dolls and do not bother her again."
He looked chastised. "Yes, Mama."
He pulled the dolls from around his back and handed them to Kura. She smiled triumphantly, stuck her tongue out at him then stomped away.
Kura had Kagome's black hair, her father's eyes, and the same marks as her brother, Maru. She had her father's temper and manner. She seemed too old to be her total of eight years old. She hated being two years younger than her brother because he lorded it over her all the time. Maru was the spitting image of his father, but he had Kagome's personality. Maru was never quiet. He liked to be around people and was a bubbly person, while his sister liked quiet and liked to sit alone and read or play with her dolls.
Kagome sighed again after Maru and Kura left the room. She stood there for a moment with her eyes closed. She gasped and immediately whirled around as she felt arms snake around her waist. She looked up into the familiar golden eyes of her mate that looked very amused.
"Sesshy, you startled me," she scolded him.
Amusement danced in his eyes. "My apologies mate."
Sesshoumaru pulled her firmly against his chest and rested his forehead on hers.
"Inuyasha and his mate Aiko will be joining us tonight for our evening meal. Aiko is pregnant," he told her.
"Oh, how wonderful! I am so happy for them. If anyone deserves this, it's Inuyasha," she said excitedly.
Inuyasha had forgiven Kagome long ago. He completely forgot he was ever angry at her at all when he met Aiko a few years back. They had fallen in love quickly and had been mates for the past few months.
For Kagome, everything was coming together in her life. Miroku and Sango had married a few months after Maru was born and they now had three children. Kohaku and Rin had been courting for the past year after many years of friendship, but Sesshoumaru wasn't ready for them to marry. Inuyasha now had a new mate who was expecting and Shippo was courting another fox demon he had met. Everyone was finding someone and she was happy for them. She thought it was wonderful that they would experience the joy that she experienced with Sesshoumaru.
Kagome smiled up at Sesshoumaru and leaned up to kiss him softly. "I love you so much, Sesshoumaru."
Her love was shining in her eyes. He smiled at her and placed a loving kiss on her lips.
"I love you, too Kagome. Always and forever."
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