InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Ninja ❯ Kagome: 2. Liz: 0! ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Little Ninja

Chapter Four: Kagome: 2. Liz: 0!

By: OhJoy

Liz is getting frustrated with the handsome man seated next to her. He seems to be paying more attention to Kagome than to herself. "Aarrghh, I hate her. She's so clueless about men and yet guys always fall all over her. Why isn't InuYasha ogling me? My boobs are practically falling out of this damn dress."

"So, InuYasha, what kind of car do you drive?" Liz asks in what she hopes was a seductive voice.

Kagome rolls her eyes for the umpteenth time and responds before InuYasha, "Like that matters?"

"Of course, it does," giving Kagome a look of death. " You can tell a lot about a person by the kind of car they drive," Liz replies coyly, smiling up at InuYasha.

"Hardly. I think it's more of a testament of how materialistic the person is that's asking," Kagome retorts.

"Oh, then what do you use to gauge a person's worth?" Liz said haughtily.

"Oh, you know, the small stuff. Like strength of character, integrity, loyalty, honor, courage, honesty. " Kagome answers flippantly.

Kim pipes in, "You go girl!"

InuYasha chuckles at their exchange, catching Kagome's eyes he smiles warmly. "She is amazing. I definitely want to get to know her."

The table conversation turns to sex, everyone's favorite topic. Mild crude humor on favorite positions, and the whole table roars with laughter. Each person begins telling the agonizing tale of how he or she lost their virginity.

Liz seizes the opportunity to stomp on Kagome, belligerently she says, "At least, I didn't lose my virginity to some nameless guy at a Halloween party half-way across the world!"

A hush falls over the table and all eyes look to Kagome.

Kagome coolly turns to lock gazes with Liz and says matter-of-factly, as if she was commenting on the weather, "Hmmm… let me get this straight, Liz. You think it's far more scandalous for a 19-year-old to lose her virginity at a party than a 13-year-old to do her boyfriend of only one week?"

Hisses and laughter sprinkle the air. Kim exclaims, "Kagome: 2. Liz: 0!" And leans on David, both giggling. The others chuckle and hackle. Liz shrinks in her seat, pouting.

InuYasha's brows furrows. She lost her virginity only six years ago at a Halloween party... half-way across the world... "Oh, Gods! That's why she seems so familiar!"