InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Little Ninja ❯ A Day Together ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Little Ninja

Chapter Nine: A Day Together

By: OhJoy

Traffic was unusually light on Pacific Coast Highway. Kagome was watching the sun set, one hand holding her hair back in a twist as they made their way home from Malibu.

InuYasha loved the feel of his car, a Lexus SC 430, in his favorite color: Red. It handled like a dream. He glanced at the goddess seated in his passenger seat, "Gods! She really is amazing. What a great day we had and I even get to watch the sunset as I drive."

As he pulled up behind her car, he asked, "Are you hungry?" "I really don't want this date to end."

"I can always eat," she replied with a light laugh. "C'mon in and we'll figure something out."

The loft was pitch black. She quickly turned on the lights and found a note on the island, she giggled as she read it:

Hey Sis,

I'm spending the night at Satoru's. I tried calling your cell, but went straight to voicemail. I guess cell signals are weak in Malibu.

See you in the AM.


Your FAVORITE Brother

"InuYasha, I want to clean up. I'm gonna hose off real fast. Make yourself at home," she smiled warmly and headed over to the bathroom.

InuYasha headed for the fridge and pulled out a beer. He heard her in the shower, "How cute, she's singing." He wandered over to the sofa, reached for the remote and surfed the channels. He sensed a slight change in her scent. It was intoxicating. He smirked, "Man. Does she always get off in the shower? I wonder when she'll let me watch..." The sound of the water ended. She really did get down to business and was out in a manner of minutes.

Inside the bathroom, Kagome realized that her bathrobe was still upstairs in her bedroom. "Shit," she cursed. "Ok, I'm gonna show him a little more than I wanted to... but what's a girl to do?"

"Hey, the shower's free if you want to rinse off the sand and dust from today. Extra towels are there," she indicated the closet to the left of the bathroom door.

InuYasha couldn't believe what he saw. She stood in a towel that wasn't large enough to wrap around her. She managed to gather two corners above her luscious breasts, but it left an expanding slit down her side to where it ended - just barely covering her ass. "Is she deliberately tempting me?" He smelled the air again. "No her arousal has subsided. She is completely unaware of the effect she has..."

"Oh, a beer, that sounds good..." she walked to the kitchen and got one for herself. His eyes followed, mesmerized. She reached into the fridge. He gulped hard when she bent over, exposing her soft pussy to him. He let out a low moan. His mouth went dry as he watched her.

"I'll be down in a minute!" she called out as she took the stairs two at a time.

Absently, he headed for the bathroom. Her scent filled the air. For the second time that day, he sniffed the drain and relished the aroma of her orgasm. Under the rain of the water, InuYasha sighed. Then he looked at the source, "Ah-ha! A Shower Massage... a girl's best friend." He grabbed the washcloth she used, lathered it up and made quick work of the grime from the beach. "Shit.... I forgot to get a towel."


The door opened slightly, "Everything ok?"

"I forgot to grab a towel."

"No worries. Hang on."

A moment later, she opened the door completely and walked in, towel in hand. The glass shower doors had a light layer of steam on them, but she easily saw him. She just drooled as her eyes hungrily took in the sight. He was magnificent. He was lean, every muscle was cut. The water drops glistened on his tanned skin, made her think of a Greek god. His chest was chiseled, six-pack abs, little "happy trail" of hair that led to...

He slid a door open, "You gonna hand me the towel or just stare...?" He thoroughly enjoyed her appreciation of his body.

"Mmm..." she cocked an eyebrow and captured his gaze, a slight flush warming her face. "I suppose, I could always do both." She handed the towel to him and quickly exited the bathroom. She returned just a few seconds later to see he had the towel wrapped around his waist with the same expanding slit on the side.

"Here's some of Souta's clothes. They should fit. He likes to wear his clothes 5 sizes too big." She placed a pair of shorts and a t-shirt on the counter. She was dressed in a pair of drawstring cropped khakis and his fast favorite: a form-fitting t-shirt without a bra.

She turned her back as he got dressed. "I'm thinking we order some Chinese or Thai. What are you up for?"

"Either one. Unless there's a sushi place that delivers."

"Today is your lucky day. There is! Sushi Dot Com delivers, lemme find their menu."

He smirked. "Oh, yeah. Today has been my lucky day. Now how do I tell her that I was her Demon Lover? And that I could go for more? That I want her in my life... always, My Little Ninja..."

"Ok. So we'll take a double order of the California rolls, cut; an order of Spicy Tuna, Octopus, Eel, Yellowtail and Salmon," she said into the phone. Kagome turned her attention to InuYasha, "Do you want anything else?"

"Not from the sushi place."

"Cool. That's it then. How long?.... Wow, 30 minutes, that's fast."

With that task completed, she sauntered to the stereo and put on her favorite Eva Cassidy CD, Time After Time. She turned around and was face-to-face with InuYasha's chest. He quickly wrapped his arms around her waist, and just before he brushed his lips against hers, he whispered, "I had an amazing time with you today."

The kiss was so tender and full of emotion. Her head began to spin. Her senses were invaded by his entire being. She took in his scent - he smelled like the forest, fresh air, something wild. She reveled in the strength of his arms wrapped around her. He gently nipped at her bottom lip. She opened her mouth without any hesitation. Her arms reached up behind his neck, pulled him closer and returned the kiss with passion. One of his hands had slid off her waist and up her back, into her hair, stroking through the damp long tresses. His tongue explored her mouth with an increasing need.

Finally, his mouth left hers, each caught their breaths in a pant. His lips moved to her jaw, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses as he found the mark he made on her neck so many years ago. When his tongue licked it, she gasped, her knees buckled and her body began to tremble. He tightened his embrace. His warm, wet, tongue sent shivers down her spine. Kagome felt as if she was having an orgasm and she melted against him with a moan. He smirked. He knew what licking his mark would do to her. He enjoyed every minute of it, inhaled the scent of her arousal and groaned against her neck.


He grumbled, turned and gently placed her on the sofa. He went to answer the door and brought their dinner to the living room, placed on the coffee table.

"Mmmm… I'm hungry," Kagome mused.

"Me too. Let's dig in!" he replied enthusiastically.

The sushi was delicious and the conversation drifted. They spoke of their day at the music festival, the sunset, his car, her car, her brother moving to San Diego for college, his recent move to Los Angeles. They talked and talked. She was mesmerized by him. She was unbelievably comfortable around him, like he was an old cherished friend come back from a long trip.

She started to clean up and was surprised when he assisted, "I got it."

"I don't mind. Half of the mess is mine," his smile warming his eyes. "Who'd've thought a one night stand could hold such magic?"

He gathered the remaining items and followed her to the kitchen to dispose of the mess. Once again, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. This time the kiss wasn't tender. It was hungry, demanding more. He pulled her close to him. She gasped against his mouth when she felt his erection. She let out a soft moan. A hand reached up through her hair, rested at the back of her neck and held her there as his tongue danced with hers, mimicking the in/out action he so wanted.

"InuYasha..." she said, her voice husky with desire.

"Mmm..." he moved to her neck, to HIS mark... he ran his tongue up, over, on, and around his mark.

She was mush. "Oh Gods! What are... you... to me... Gods!" she moaned.

He pushed her up against the fridge. His hands roamed freely, up and down her sides. One stopped on a breast, gently cupped it through her shirt. His thumb ran circles around her already erect nipple. The other hand found the hem of her shirt and started its journey across her flat stomach, up to her other breast.

His hand was so warm, it burned against her skin. Left her wanting more, she wanted to feel his skin on hers. She moved her hands from the back of his neck to his shirt and began lifting it up from his body. He caught on quickly and shed the shirt immediately. He pulled her shirt off her and crushed her between the fridge and his bare chest and reclaimed her mouth.

"" he moaned against her full lips. His hands wandered to the drawstrings on her pants and untied them in one pull causing them to fall to her ankles. His hands wandered to her hips and felt her underwear.

He pulled back, amused, "Boy shorts?"

"Mmmm..." was her response before she pulled him back to her lips so she could devour his mouth once more. He pressed his arousal against her. With a moan, she pushed him back just enough to reach the button at his waistband while her other hand drifted to slowly graze his hard cock.

"Tease..." he whispered on her lips. She smirked, amazed at her boldness. Never had she experienced such raw sexual desire with someone... "Not since my sweet Demon Lover..."

"Inu...Yasha..." she managed to get out.


"Not here..." she pushed him back a little more. Her eyes filled with desire and lust. She grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to her bedroom.

Once upstairs, she fell on her bed. He immediately laid half his body on top of her and he attacked her breasts. His mouth and hand on one, gently sucked the nipple while the other hand found its twin and gently massaged, stroked and cupped it. She felt herself getting wet, oh so wet.

Her arousal scent was intoxicating. He wanted more. He wanted to taste her. He wanted to be inside her. His desire to reclaim his mate once again was overwhelming. His human side was battling fiercely against his demon instincts. He growled and one hand blazed down to her silly boy shorts and pulled them down. He couldn't take it any longer. He couldn't contain himself, his want, his need. He moved down her gorgeous body and positioned himself between her legs, inhaled her essence. He dipped his head and licked her nether lips.

She gasped. "Oh... Inu...Yash... aahhh..."

She tasted so good. He held down her hips as she bucked wanting more. He continued with the unbelievably intimate kiss, he licked and tasted her juices that were dripping out of her heated core. He moaned with desire, he slid a finger in... She arched her back and moaned a broken version of his name. He slid in a second finger. The tightness in the pit of her stomach wound tighter. He felt her getting close to her climax and found her nub... that glorious pleasure center of nerves, began running his thumb in small circles. She let out a loud, "INUYASHA!!!" He lapped up the juices from her orgasm. "Gods! She tastes even better than I remember!"

He pulled his shorts off and stalked up her body. He nudged her legs a little further apart and arrogantly smirked when she instantly complied.

He rested his forehead against hers, "Kagome... I want you... I want to love you." He rubbed the tip of his cock against her moist center to make his point clear.

She moaned, "Ye-yes... pl-please..." She thrust her hips forward and took in two inches of his shaft. He needed no further invitation and sank his length inside her wet heat until his balls rested against her. She mewled at his intrusion.

"Gods... soooo... goooood....... fuck...." he moaned into her neck. The pace quickened. He thrust into her with passion, lust, arrogant pride, reclaiming what was his since from so long ago. She met him thrust for thrust, ran her hands down his back, held onto his ass and pulled him deeper into her. Until she reached her climax and screamed, "INUUUUYAAASSSHHHAAAAA!!!!"

He quickly followed her and spilled his seed into her, once again claiming her completely. He fell on to her side and pulled out. Gathered her to his chest, encircled his arms around her and they fell asleep.