InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Lord Sesshomaru ❯ My Angel ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Lord Sesshomaru

By: KazeShinai

PG-13: For language and eventual suggestive themes

A/N: Well, this is my first Inu-Yasha fic that doesn't revolve around Inu-Yasha and Kagome. For once, my focus is on Rin and Fluffy-sama… Hopefully by the time I will have posted this, my one shot `It Comes Out Wrong' will be out… At least I hope so… I might change the title of this story; I am not sure at this moment. If you (the reader(s)) like it, then I will keep the title. Thanks to all of those who reviewed Because Of You… and yes I know I am way overdue on posting a new chapter… Next time I do post, I will post two chapters, okay? OK! Here it is:

My Lord Sesshomaru:

Chapter 1: Then I'll Protect You


I knew something was following me, I couldn't see it, but the uneasy feeling in my stomach told me so, and I could hear it. I knew my hearing wasn't even a quarter as good as my lord Sesshomaru's, but he always taught me to be aware of my surroundings. I stopped finally and shifted the small bundle that hung from my back to my other shoulder.

" Come out! I know you're there!" I shouted. I didn't know what I was thinking. I had no way of protecting myself, save the small dagger I had hidden in my obi… But I had no idea how to use it. I heard something stir in the bushes, heck with the dagger, I ran. And it pursued.

Lord Sesshomaru's castle wasn't far from here. In fact, I was barely out of its perimeter, so I didn't know why I was so scared. But I was. I ran as fast as I could, through the gates, through the door, to the room where lord Sesshomaru always was.

And there he was, as I thought he would be. I ran to him and clung to the fabric of his sleeve. He looked down at me, a questioning look in his golden eyes. How much solace I found in those piercing eyes of my lord, " Something was chasing me, Sesshomaru-sama!" I gasped, breathing heavily after my sprint.

He looked at the door when we both heard the hysteric laughter of that green, reptile like youkai….

" Jaken…" I whispered through gritted teeth, I felt heat in my cheeks as soon as I came upon the realization that HE was the one who was chasing me, to embarrass me, in front of my lord no less. Damn it, why did it always have to be him, prodding and poking fun at me all the time? What did I ever do to him? And why did it always have to be in the face of lord Sesshomaru… I felt tears fill my eyes, tears of humiliation, tears of sorrow. My lord would never see me as I longed for him to see me if I ran to him just because another servant of his was taunting me. Why…? I held back the tears and clutched the fabric of my lord's sleeve with all my might and tried with all I had to hold back my tears. I would not allow my lord or Jaken see my cry.


I sensed it, the distress in the girl behind me. I smelled the salt of unshed tears, and the quickening of her pulse. Jaken had done it again. I told him to fetch Rin for me, not to scare her. I'm sure he did it on purpose, and I am not sure I would have minded him scaring her if it hadn't been for the fact that he had done it countless times since I brought her to stay at my castle ten years ago. Had it not been for that, I might not be scolding him for it right now.

" Jaken." I said, beckoning him to me with a clawed finger. I smiled inwardly when I saw his expression change to cautious. I quite like that I can strike fear into people without barely lifting my hand. The only one I seem not to have that effect on is the girl standing behind me…

He approached cautiously; most likely because he was unsure of how I was going to deal with his…misbehavior.

" Sesshomaru-sama," Rin said softly, her face cast downward, " I will go to my room if there is nothing you need from me." She said, a few tears landing on the floor below her.

" I will call if I have need of you." I replied to her calmly, knowing that her nerves were fragile at this moment. Why I cared, I could not tell. I was not able to tell many things I thought of her since she had become… a woman.

The young girl hurried out of the room, dropping her small bundle at the door.

I blinked my eyes and turned my attentions back to the servant in front of me, fixing him with an icy stare, " Was it entirely necessary for you to do that, Jaken? And do not think I have not noticed that you have a certain dislike towards Rin."

The small youkai shifted uneasily and turned his big yellow eyes away from mine.

" Well, my lord… uh… It…I was just having a little fun with her…" He said nervously, clutching his staff.

I narrowed my eyes at the toad like demon in front of me, " Have we not spoken before about your idea of fun? I'm sure you remember the time you were `playing' with Rin's dreams when she was a child…"


I stood still behind the wall, shocked at what I just heard. Lord Sesshomaru remembered that? I smiled inwardly. Perhaps he did care for me, if only a little, even if it was only a little, it was enough for me. How I wish he cared for me as he did when I was younger…I slid back on the wall, and sat down as I remembered that night my lord Sesshomaru just mentioned…


~ It was raining, and it was cold outside. And worse than that our village was being attacked. Yelling and fighting is all that ensued outside. Utter Chaos.

"Mama," I whined, clutching the fabric of my mother's kimono, " Mama, what's going to happen???" I asked. I was scared. Papa went out a while ago to fight the people who were attacking our village… I went to the window to look outside… My eyes widened in disbelief, gulping down the urge to scream and cry at the same time. I turned quickly from the window and ran back to my mother, and held on to her… My papa… When I looked out the window, a man was shoving a sword down his throat… "Mama!" I screamed, when somebody started to bang our door, Mama looked at me, with her sweet, loving brown eyes, " Hide, Rin!" She whispered fiercely at me, " Run!" She said when she threw herself at the door, as if to use her self as a human barricade. I stood dead still, petrified, when someone used a katana to open the door. The wood door cracked and my mother crumpled in front of it, " Please Rin, run!" The man who killed my father looked at my mother. He looked at my mother as if she was a deer in a still forest, and he was a hunter ready to move in. He didn't take any notice of me, and forced his large katana into my mother's already crumpled form… ~

"MAMA!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, sitting straight up in my bed. I quickly scanned my surrounding and remembered where I was. The pretty surroundings gave it away. I was at Sesshomaru-sama's castle. I climbed out of my bed, I was afraid I was going to have a nightmare again. I was afraid to even go to sleep. I peered out of my room into the candlelit hall. At the end of it was Sesshomaru's room. As quietly as I could, though I wasn't really quiet at all because I was still sobbing and sniffling because of my dream, I walked down the hall, to his room.

I opened his door, and went to the side of the bed he was on, " S-sesshomaru-s-sama…?" I sniffled, trying not to stutter… I looked at Lord Sesshomaru, he looked like an angel…sleeping like he was… He looked really peaceful. If Mister Jaken hadn't told me so, I would not believe that he was a demon.

Sesshomaru's golden eyes gleamed in the dark and peered at me, a questioning look in them, " I h-had a b-bad d-dream…" I stuttered…." I s-saw my p-papa and m-my mama die…And I couldn't sleep…" I cried, covering my eyes with my hands to try to make it stop. I was so scared…

" Shh, it's alright." He said as he brought me up in his arms. He lay me next to him and tucked the covers around me… " I'll stay awake until you fall asleep, alright Rin?"

" What if I have a bad dream again?" I asked, " What if the nightmare gets me again?"

" Then I'll protect you and make sure it doesn't get you, Rin." Came his simple reply. And I was satisfied with that.

No one would dare challenge Lord Sesshomaru, not even bad dreams…~

End Flashback.

I smiled at the memory, and stood up to go to my room.

Only to others was Lord Sesshomaru a mighty demon lord.

But to me he was my guardian angel.


Well, that's chapter one… I sort of got sidetracked with that chapter…. It will be better next chapter. Suggestion is welcome! So are reviews and constructive criticisms (i.e. flames) Long live the Pharaoh (Yami from Yu-Gi-Oh!)! Owari

~2 B C (2 Be Continued)