InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Love, My Life ❯ Rin's Decision ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hello again. I'm finally ready to write the second half of this story. I'm actually debating on whether I should just put the two halves together into a one-shot. Let me know your opinion when you review. Thanks and enjoy!
P.S. I do not own InuYasha, though I wouldn't mind owning Sesshy ^_~
By the time they returned to the castle, Rin had cried herself into unconsciousness. For the next three days she lay in her bed asleep, with Sesshomaru never once leaving her side, though Jaken pleaded often that he do so. The inu-youkai hated how helpless he felt. For the first time in his life he actually wished to use the sword his father had made for him, and it would do him no good. Rin was not suffering from anything physical but everything mental. She would have to heal herself.

The only thing he could be grateful for was that he had decided to watch her bath that day, however wrong it was. At least he was able to save her...sort of. When Rin did finally awaken, Sesshomaru saw her smile at him thankfully. That was all he needed to know she would be all right, then he left the room so that she could be tended to by the female servants.

The next few days passed rather awkwardly. Both Rin and Sesshomaru refused to come out of their rooms and Jaken didn't know what to do. On the night of the full moon, Sesshomaru stood on his balcony looking up at the magnificent glowing orb, when a scent caught his attention. It was a sweet scent that he vaguely remembered, but had not smelled for some time. He then heard his door open and shut. As he slowly turned to see who had come in, he recognized the smell.

It was Rin, only...she didn't have the scent of guilt anymore! She was the happy and cheerful Rin he used he used to know, with more maturity. And, she looked beautiful! Her silky raven tresses glowed in the moonlight, as well as her milky skin, which was covered in nothing more than a gold silk robe that clung to every inch of her.

'Wait. ONLY a robe? Since when did she sleep like that? Only he did that.' Sesshomaru thought to himself with utter confusion on his face. (A/N: Truly a rare site to behold. Where's a camera when you need one? ^_^)


"Yes, it's me," she spoke calmly as she move towards the stunned demon.

"Are you feeling better?"


"Your..scent is...different," he stammered as she got directly in front of him.

In fact, her scent had grown even more different with every step she took.

"As it should be," she smiled and untied her robe.

Sesshomaru arched an eyebrow at her actions. What was she doing? (A/N: Apparently, he went brain-dead at some point.) The robe then slipped off of Rin's shoulders to the floor with a soft rustle.

" your robe," Sesshomaru stared at the back wall thinking that if she was teasing him, he would have to kill her.

Rin giggled and embraced his tall form, leaning her head against his heart. It was beating rapidly and she knew it was beating for her. His sudden lack of intelligence warmed her because she knew that he would never let down such a guard unless he Truly trusted someone.

"How very observant, Sesshy."

Sesshomaru noticed that she had not added the -sama to her name for him. Relaxing, he moved one hand to her bare back as the other hand stroked her long hair.

"Do you want something, Rin?" he asked passionately and moved her head up for their eyes to meet. "I will do nothing unless you ask."

"I want you. I want you to make me your mate, Sesshomaru," Rin declared with out hesitation.

"You seem so certain. Why the change? You don't owe me anything."

"Well, I still think I do. But, that is not what this is about. It may seem that way, but it's not," she stated firmly. "Over the last few days, I've thought of all the times you saved me. How you put aside your hatred for humans so that you could love and protect me. You act completely different with me than you do with anyone else. For all those reasons and more, I realized that I love you."

It took a moment for her words to sink in. Rin loved him. A smiled started to form on his lips. It wasn't the usual 'you're so weak and I'm going to kill you' smile, but the tender smile of a man (or youkai in this case) in love.

He wove his hand behind her hand and leaned down to kiss her. Her lips were soft and silky, just like every other part of her. His tongue gently parted her lips and snaked around Rin's own tongue. As they kissed passionately Sesshomaru scooped her into is arms bridal-style and placed her on the futon. Next, he leaned up to remove is own robe, leaving himself as nude as she was. (A/N: He sleeps naked. And ladies, get a mop, you're drooling.) Kneeling back down at Rin's side he glanced over her long voluptuous body.

He wanted her so badly, to touch her, taste her, and anything else possible. But, he knew he would have to take it slowly. She was still a virgin, on top of the fact that she had just nearly been raped. He made a mental note not to put his fingers inside of her...the last thing he wanted was for her to have bad memories as she made love to her. Instead he ran his right hand up her belly to rest on her left breast.

"Mmm," Rin moaned with pleasure to let him know that it was ok to proceed.

As began to massage the firm mound of flesh, Sesshomaru leaned forward and flicked his tongue over the nipple of her other breast. Her body stiffened for only a second before relaxing and using her hand to draw him down to her breast once more. Delighted, Sesshomaru sucked deeply on the taught bud, causing Rin to let out a happy gasp. He then repositioned himself to over just over her body and began to nibble at her neck.

"Teehee, that tickles," Rin laughed.

"Does this?"

He started sucking at her neck and kneading her breast more vigorously. His hardness pushed demandingly against her leg, letting her know how much he desired her.

"Ah! I want you, Sesshomaru."

A moment later he stopped and looked into her eyes once more.

"Are you sure about this? You know it will hurt the first time, as well as me biting you."

"I know. But I also know that if you could keep the pain away from me, you would," Rin pulled him into a deep kiss.

Knowing there was know time like the present, whether killing someone and making someone your mate, Sesshomaru kissed his way down to her neck and simultaneously bite into the flesh and drove his long shaft into her virgin body.

"Eeep!" Rin nails dug into her lovers back.

It was done. She was his mate, and she was happy. Sesshomaru gave her a moment to let the pain subside as he licked the blood from the wound he had inflicted on her neck. When he saw that it was clean, he kissed his new mate and began to rock back and forth inside of her. She felt so tight and hot around the length of him. It felt wonderful. As he began to thrust harder, Rin's moans became louder and more pronounced.

" feel so good, Sesshy!"

"So do you, Rin."

Just a few more thrusts and Rin practically screamed as her very first orgasm overtook her. Her sheath spasmed hard around him, causing Sesshomaru to quickly burst and flood her channel with is seed. They both both breathed heavily for a few moments as he rolled off of her. He then pulled Rin into his tight embrace and kissed her again.

"You are my mate, my love, and my reason for living, Rin. Thank you."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~

Yea! Mushy lemons! I hope you all enjoyed reading my first InuYasha hentai as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please review and tell me what you think. ^_^

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