InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My love: Rewritten ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

She waited for a while before giving him an answer. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. `When one door closes, another opens I guess,' she thought to herself. He leaned in and captured her lips in the best kiss she has ever had, granted she hadn't kissed that may boys but you get the point.
Sesshomaru put his arm around her waist and brought her close to him. His tongue lightly brushed her lips to silently asking her to open her mouth. She complied; she happily complied, wrapping her arms around his neck, she made the kiss even deeper, tongues fighting for dominance. After a minute of such a heated kiss, they broke apart for some much-needed air. Then it hit her, `What the hell am I doing!? This is Sesshomaru I was kissing!' “Wait this isn't right, and we're defiantly going way too fast!” she said pushing him away as much as she could, trying to get out of his grip as best she could.
Sesshomaru was getting angry. Why was this not going the way he planned? He intended to tell her his feelings, make love to her, make her his mate and make her happy the rest of their days, lingering doubt was not a part of his agenda! “Was it right for my half-brother to invite someone else to lay in his bed, when he had you?!” He said letting go of her.
“How dare you bring your brother into this conversation! He has nothing to do with any of this!” she said balling her hands into fists. She couldn't believe him! Of all the nerve!
“Kagome you are a beautiful woman, there should not be a reason why a person needs to love you besides…”
“Wh-What?” had she heard him right? Did he just tell her he loved her?
“I love you and I want to prove to you I mean it. I am not like my brother I mean what I say, I'm a youkai of my word.”
Kagome pondered what he just told her and made her decision. “I'll give you a chance to prove that you mean what you are telling me is the truth. I'll give you seven weeks to prove to me you really want to commit with me, and in that time I want to know the real you; your past, and what you hope for in the future as well. Do we have a deal Sesshomaru?”
With an uncharacteristic roll of his eyes and a sigh, he nodded and grasped her tightly at the waist as he took off in the crisp night air, guided by the glistening moon. Kagome, taken completely by surprise, grasped tightly onto him and closed her eyes just as tight, as her fear of heights reawakened from within her. Soon after the take off, she fell asleep and after Sesshomaru landed near a cave, one that was about a half of a day's flight from his home, and set up a small camp.
Slowly I opened my eyes and wondered where I was. I looked around the dimly lit room. When my eyes wandered towards the light, I hissed in pain at the intensity of my headache, so I quickly looked away. I sat up, lifted my sore arm, and hissed at the new pain. What happened, I wondered. Seeing what I could, I could tell that my I was badly injured, my chest was bandaged as well as parts of my legs; I moved my limbs checking to see if, all things considered, I was alright; and thankfully I could feel all my appendages. I relaxed and lied back down, slowly though as to not hurt myself too badly.
The rustling I made must have disturbed the people of the house, because the next thing I know there was a woman with long silver hair, locks tucked behind her pointed ears; big beautiful blue eyes and ivory skin. From the looks of her I could tell she was lean and about the average height of a woman, maybe an inch or so taller. She wore a layered blue floral kimono that pooled around her feet and immediately I could tell she was a woman of importance, especially if the group of servants behind her didn't give it away. From what I could tell, pure awe plastered upon her face at the way I appeared, why I do not understand. “You're awake,” she told me; the bewilderment in her voice was easy to detect. “Where am I?” I asked her, and she proceeded to explain where I was and that she found me washed ashore near a small stream, barely conscious. She then proceeded to tell me her name, Lady Aimi of the North and asked for my own. When I told her, I did not know, within mere seconds her hopeful eyes went dim with disappointment, she continued to ask me other questions that I didn't know the answers to. Finally, she bid me a goodnight, telling me that I needed to rest, and before she walked out of the room, she told me, “The way you look now is cute, but I do enjoy the way you look with you puppy ears better.” After she left I began to wonder what she meant by that statement, and as I did I began to dose off and entered the world of dreams.
Ok peeps I can't write anymore for this chapter, and I'm really sorry but summer is almost over and I have several other stories I want to finish writing; but I do hope you like this chapter. So until next time TTFN!