InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Love, The World's Savior ❯ My Love, The World's Savior ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

You just had to go into the battle.
You had to fight alone.
Why didn't you want us to help you?
Why did you want to do this alone?
You went into that fight,
With your usual cockiness.
But now there is none.
You wouldn't let us help you fight.
Yeah you won the battle.
But at what price?
I know the price you paid,
In order to win.
I now sit here by your side,
Though you don't know I'm here.
Our two children are playing
Just in front of us, do you see them?
Our son looks just like you.
He even looks like you.
Our daughter looks just like me.
Though she's a lot like you.
I miss you so much.
They never even got to know you.
Well I know we must be leaving soon.
I can sense our friend coming to get us.
You'd be very proud to know,
He's been taking care of us while you've been gone.
Well Kouga's here and the kids are already there.
They're all waiting for me.
So my love, I must take my leave of you,
But I'll return to your side soon don't worry I still love you.
The wind blows across a silent field.
The field is empty,
But if your quiet and you listen.
You'll hear two voices upon the wind.
“I love you too Kagome and I do see our son, Maru.”
“I love you too Kagome and I do see our daughter, Yasha.”
The only thing present in the field,
Is a white stone with a two red roses at its base.
The stone has writing chiseled on it.
The stone reads:
Here lies Sesshoumaru
Former Lord of the West
Here also lies Inuyasha
Younger brother to Lord Sesshoumaru and an inspiration to all half demons.
They lost their lives in the final battle with Naraku to save us all from a horrible future.
We'll always remember what they did for us that faithful day and they will be missed.
Lord Sesshoumaru is survived by his son Maru
Prince Inuyasha is survived by his daughter Yasha.
Both are survived by their mate Kagome Higurashi.