InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Loving Hanyou, Inuyasha ❯ The Exciting News ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Loving Hanyou, Inuyasha: Chapter Thirteen: The Exciting News
Summary of Last Chapter: Kagome was so happy that it was the last day of school. Hojo is now bugging Yuka, so Kagome is free to love Inuyasha even more. Kagome goes to the Feudal Era after Souta tells her Inuyasha isn't there. They fight a demon, but it seems he didn't have a jewel shard. Kagome saves Inuyasha, this time.
Chapter Thirteen: THE EXCITING NEWS
(QUICKAN: If `U' appears out of nowhere, it is a sweat drop. If appears out of nowhere, it is that angry symbol.)
Bree (Breezie): Thanks so much! Yeah, I had figured it was time he did; always so stubborn. I know, heh. Hmmm….wonder if that'll happen? Only if that pervert stops groping her. Really? Aww! So sweet! *huggles Bree* Hello!
kajunmom: Wow, dono arigato (thank you very much)! I'm so glad you enjoy my writing. ^_^
The next morning I awoke in a cabin. It was ours that we always happened to stay in, except that it was new due to the fact that an ugly spider had destroyed it from when Inuyasha was a human. Stupid Naraku.
I felt slightly colder than I usually felt when I awoke. Inuyasha was outside sleeping, I suppose keeping guard. Miroku was in a corner alone with a red mark on his face U, and Sango was sleeping with Kirara closer to me. Shippo was also asleep in my bag.
I got up and stretched my arms. I woke Sango up and quietly told her I was going home for a while. She just nodded and dozed back off to sleep. I carefully picked up Shippo and placed him next to Kirara, and slung my bag over my shoulder. I quietly walked out of the hut, only to be greeted by the dazzling sun. It didn't seem like morning as I'd thought though, more like around 2 in the afternoon. Oh well. I took a deep breath and prepared the biggest challenge of the day…. how to get past Inuyasha.
I was hesitant everytime I took a step closer. I didn't want to wake him, or argue with him because he didn't want me to leave and didn't feel like following me.
I wonder if he smells me. I thought and stepped over his head.
If his eyes had been open, he would have seen under my skirt…..phew, glad he's still asleep. I almost made it down to the ground when I was pulled down.
“AHHH!” I yelled.
“OW! MY EARS KAGOME!” Inuyasha growled.
I sighed heavily.
“Well, why'd you pull me down, baka?” I said angrily.
“Where're you going wench?” he said, opening his eyes and insulting me right back.
“And,” he said before I said that word, “before you try and sit me, I have you in my hold.”
I let out a small `hmmph!' and crossed my arms. He kissed my forehead, which of course, made me soften. He let me go with a sigh.
“Why do you have to go home so soon?” he asked, his ears drooping.
“Aww, Inu!” I said sympathetically, and scratched his ears, perking them back up.
“I HAVE to. My mom wasn't expecting me to stay, and it's been a while.” With that said I got up and walked towards the well.
As soon as I heard footsteps, which I know oh-too-well to be Inuyasha, I yelled “NO, you can't come, I'll be back really soon” and jumped into the well.
Once back in my own time, I walked into the back door.
“Ow…” I said, getting up to rub my nose. I then walked INSIDE the house.
“Kagome, dear, why didn't you tell me you were staying?” my mom asked, placing a plate of onigiri infront of my face.
“Heh, U, sorry, Mom, wasn't planning on it. I told Souta to tell you.” I said.
“Oh, he did, but I'm a mom, I worry.” She said with a smile.
“Oh, Kagome?” she asked me as I was about to go upstairs.
“Well, I've been thinking. Now that it's summer, we should take a trip.” She said with a smile.
“No WAY? REALLY?” I screamed, jumping up and down like a little kid.
“U Really, sweety. You never get to go anywhere with your friends, so I thought you could take a trip to Atlantic City.” She said.
My eyes bugged out, I could FEEL them do it.
She replied with a really big smile, “Yes sweety. But, I wanted just you and your friends to relax. You ARE 16 and I know you aren't a party-girl. So I don't think you'd need supervision. And besides, Grandpa won't leave, I have too much work, and Souta is too young.”
“H-how many tickets are there?” I asked, sitting down at the kitchen table, trying to inhale what was happening.
“Well, let's see….One for you, Yuka, Ayumi, Eri, and 3 others, whom you can figure out, belong to.” She said brightly, and went on to do laundry.
I sat there at the kitchen table, thinking. When suddenly it hit me.
“INUYASHA, SANGO, AND MIROKU!” I said aloud in a high tone. I ran upstairs and into my room, one of the happiest girls in the world. I decided to take a shower and relax before going back to the feudal era.
I sat on my bed and made a list of everything we'd need for the trip. Definitely new clothes for them, I'd need to teach those things, and god this would be a lot of work. Knowing Inuyasha, he would have major questions. Miroku would want to stay in a room with Sango; Sango wouldn't want to and would be smart enough to teach the things to……gosh this was a lot!
Maybe I should stay here and go shopping instead of coming back to the feudal era. But then, Inuyasha would be mad at me. But doesn't he AND the others have a way of coming here? Oh no, wait, I needed Sango and Miroku's shards back. Darn it. Well, I will stay here and plan, ask mom about the details, and wait to go back until tomorrow. That's good. I thought to myself while lying on the bed.
It was currently… 4:00pm? So I WAS right about it being about 2, and it must have taken me a while to shower and think.
All this thinking was starting to give me a headache. I went into the bathroom and took some aspirin for the headache, and then hopped into bed.
“If I rest a while, I'll feel better.” I said to myself, and started getting sleepy.
Man, I haven't even been AWAKE that long I thought, and fell asleep.