InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My mentally challenged cousin ❯ settling in ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My mentally Challenged cousin
Chapter three: arcade, School, and demons.
Mental speaking
Kurama walked to the arcade while thinking about Kuwabara's comment about Shippo looking like him. It was true the kid did reassemble him a great deal. They had the same hair and eyes but it seemed that they were alike in other ways. It was strange if he'd didn't know any better he'd say that Shippo was a fox demon child.
They reached the arcade and Shippo took off like a bolt of lighting into the arcade. When the other caught up to him he was playing The Simpson's game.
“Who's hungry?” asked Kagome.
“I am,” was the shout, of Shippo, Kuwabara, and Yusuke.
“I'll go get some pizza and nachos,” Kagome sighed.
“Allow me to assist you Kagome,” offered Kurama.
“Thanks,” was Kagome reply.
About ten minutes later the food was done and Kagome found a table while Kurama told every one food was ready.
Yusuke, Kuwabara, and Shippo finished their food in ten seconds flat then went off to play more video games. Meanwhile Kurama and Kagome started talking.
“Kagome?” said Kurama
“Yes Shuichi,” replied Kagome
“What was your old school like?” asked Kurama
“It was ok my friends were always trying to fix me up with this guy Hojo. I told them I didn't like him that way but they wouldn't listen to me. They kept trying to hook us up. I was sick a lot which caused me to miss school. I used to be top of my class but when I became sick that changed. I'm hoping that now that I'm better I can get my grades back up,” answered Kagome.
“That sounds rough,” said Kurama.
“It not so bad, I get to start over in a new school,” answered Kagome.
“Your right hopefully things will be better then they were at your old school,” replied Kurama.
“So what's the name of are high school?” Questioned Kagome.
It is called Sakura high, answered Kurama.
“So how in the world did you and Hiei meet my cousin?” Asked Kagome.
“What do you mean by that?” Asked Kurama.
“Come on! We both know Kuwabara is not the brightest star in the sky. So how did he meet you a honor student who went to a totally different junior high school then him. Then there's Hiei a quiet enigmatic person who seem way more mature then most high school kids,” stated Kagome
Kurama had to hand it to Kagome she was very perceptive person. Now that Kurama thought about they did make a really odd group.
We had a chance meeting fallowed by a series of unusual events that led to us being friends,” answered Kurama.
“Unusual how?” Asked Kagome.
Let's just leave it at that. It's not only my story to tell, replied Kurama.
“Hey where did Hiei go?” Asked Kagome.
“I don't know arcades are not really Heie's thing. He probably left and went somewhere else.
“Oh! Well I think it's time we left. Dinner will be ready soon said Kagome checking her watch.
“Your right,” said Kurama as he checked his watch.
Kagome and Kurama found Shippo and Yusuke playing some fighting game. Shippo was winning and Yusuke was swearing.
“Take this,” shouted Yusuke. As he did some combo move.
Shippo did a counter combo that won him the game.
“I win,” shouted Shippo.
“I let you win,” stated Yusuke
“Yea right, replied Shippo.
“Shut up,” shouted Yusuke.
“I beat you I beat you,” sang Shippo
“You did not brat,” growled Yusuke.
“Did too,” replied Shippo
Did not
Did too
Did not
Did too
Did not
Rematch they both shouted.
Kagome was trying hard not to laugh at the twos antics but figured it was best to end this know. Other wise they would end being late for dinner. Kurama was sweat dropping over Yusuke's actions.
“Shippo we have to leave know,” said Kagome.
“Just a few more minutes mama please I have too beat Yusuke again,” wined Shippo.
“No know Shippo or will be late for dinner,” demanded Kagome
“No buts shippo we are leaving now, said Kagome as she grabbed Shippo's hand and began to walk out.
“She makes a wonderful mother,” stated Kuwabara who just walked in on the seen. Kurama and Yusuke nodded as they too walked out. The next few days were spent going to the arcade, park, or the movies. Kagome Made fast friends with every body Even Hiei.
How that happened was like this.
Kagome, Shippo, Kurama, Kuwabara, Yusuke, and surprisingly enough Hiei had just come out of the movies. As they were walking home Kagome decided to try and get to know Hiei a little bit better.
“Did you enjoy the movie Hiei?” Asked Kagome.
“Hn,” was Hiei's response.
Is that a yes or a no? Kagome tried again.
“Hn,” said Hiei again.
“If you hn me one more time I swear to Kami that I'll beat you into a bloody pulp,” threatened Kagome
“Hn,” Hiei said with a smirk.
Wham! Kagome's fist connected to Hiei's nose. Every one gasped except Shippo. Who wasn't the least bit surprised by his mothers actions. Hiei was so stunned that he just stood there for a sold minute then he growled and launched at Kagome before any one could stop him. Hiei made fist and had the full intention of hitting Kagome back.
“You'll Pay for that wench,” snarled Hiei as he attacked Kagome.
Kagome was ready for this however and grabbed his wrist and kneed Hiei in the abdomen. She then ended her counter attack with a roundhouse kick.
“Are going to answer me now? Inquired Kagome as Hiei hit the pavement.
“Way to go Mama shouted,” Shippo while jumping up and down while clapping his hands.
The rest of the group was shocked.
“I enjoyed the movie, answered Hiei with a smile that was normally reserved for Yukina
End flashback
What nobody new was that Kagome and Shippo had their own schedule that they did every day. Kagome would get up at four in the morning and practice sward fighting until six. Then she would wake up Shippo. Kagome then would spend three hours teaching Shippo how to use his demon powers. Shippo now had mastered his shape changing abilities and could hold an illusion for an hour at most. He could manipulate plants to some degree. Kagome also taught Shippo some martial arts. At nine Kagome would tell Shippo to shower then he could do what ever he wanted until breakfast. For an hour Kagome would practice fighting in each of her forms. she would also Practice her demon powers, miko, and physic powers.
After dinner Kagome and Shippo would say they were going to the park but really did more training. They would start at six and end nine. In that time Kagome would teach Shippo some basic training as well as fox magic. While Shippo practice what Kagome taught him Kagome would practice her blood magic, shadow, darkness, and elemental powers.
The week flew by and soon it was first day of school. Shippo was running aroud singing, “it's the first day of school it's the first day of school,” in his excitement. Kagome was trying to calm him down and having little success. Kuwabara was stirring at Shippo like he was insane. Kagome gave up on trying to calm Shippo and went to get her and Shippo's backpacks. Then the doorbell rang Shizuru answered it looking annoyed Kurama, Hiei, and Yusuke looked confused as they walked in.
“Shuichi,” shouted Shippo as he ran into the room.
“Hello Shippo. How are you?” asked Kurama
“Great it's the first day of school. I can't wait to make new friends, and meet my teacher. Are you excited about going to school? Do you like School? What's your favorite subject? Do get good grades?
“Shippo let Shuichi answer before you ask a new question. Sorry about him he Shuichi he is just way to hyper,” stated Kagome.
“It's ok,” Kagome. Said Kurama.
To answer your questions yes I'm excited about going to school, yes I like school, my favorite subject is environmental science, and yes I get good grades,” answered Kurama.
“Ready to go guys?” Asked Kagome.
“Yea shouted,” Shippo and grabbed Kagome's hand and started to run out of the house.
Kagome laugh as she was pulled out of the house. Everyone else sweat dropped and left the house. They walked a few blocks to Shippo's school.
“Be good,” Shippo said Kagome with tears in her eyes.
“I will mama,” said Shippo.
“Listen to your teachers,” said Kagome.
“I will,” replied Shippo.
The bell range.
“I love you Shippo. Be a good boy,” said Kagome.
“I love you too Mama and I will by,” answered Shippo.
“By,” said Kagome as she hugged him for the last time.
Shippo ran into the school. Then Kagome and the other left. They walked a crossed the street to their school.
“You ok Kagome?” asked Kurama.
“Yea I'm just miss him,” said Kagome.
She's a good mother, said Youko
Yes she is, said Kurama
We have to make her are mate, said Youko
Not this again Youko, said Kurama.
You know you like her, stated Youko.
She is my friend of course I like her,” said Kurama.
She has been trying to get your attention for the last five minutes fox said Hiei.( He was fallowing them. He is in a tree near by watching them
“Shuichi Shuichi Shuichi,” shouted Kagome.
“Sorry Kagome what did you want,” Kurama finally answered.
“Where did you run off to Shuichi? I was trying to talk to you for five minuets,” sated Kagome.
“Sorry I was just thinking what is you wanted?” Replied Kurama.
“I was just wondering if you could show me around the school, said Kagome.
“sure,” answered Kurama.
Kurama led Kagome to the office so she could get her schedule. Kagome found out that she had all of her morning classes with Kurama. Then she had her afternoon classes with Yusuke and Kuwabara. Kurama led Kagome to her locker then to their first class. Kagome who was paying more attention to what Kurama was telling her then the reaction to other students. So she was surprised to see the open hostility when she and Kurama sat next to each other.
“Why is every girl in the class room glaring at me?” Asked Kagome.
Kurama groaned he had forgot to mention that he was the most popular boy in school.
“Sorry Kagome I forgot to tell you that I'm the most sought after boy in school,” answered Kurama.
“Great! This should be an interesting day,” said Kagome sarcastically.
Boy was Kagome right when she said the day would be interesting. During gym class Kagome was dubbed the most sought after girl in the school. So in between classes Kagome and Kurama would be seen running from various mobs of fan boys and fan girls. At the end of the day Kagome beat up at least twenty boys and thirty girls. She also gotten a month worth of detention. Kurama had to restrain Youko at least five times from taking over his body. So he wouldn't kill any of the boys who were after Kagome. All and all it was a fun day for the two.
After school Kagome and the rest of the gang went to pick up Shippo since he would be out of school in twenty minuets.
“Hey where was Hiei today I didn't see him at all? Asked Kagome.
“Hiei goes to a different school,” lied Yusuke.
“Oh what one?” Asked Kagome.
“I don't remember I think it's an all boys school though,” answered Yusuke.
The bell rang then there was the sound of stampeding feet as the children ran out. Shippo ran to his mother and jumped in to her arms.
“Mama I missed you so much!” Exclaimed Shippo.
“I missed you too Shippo,” replied as she hugged him.
Were you a good boy? Asked Kagome
“Yes,: answered Shippo .
“Well do you want to go to the arcade or the park?” Asked Kagome.
“Arcade,” shouted Shippo.
“Alright let's go,” said Kagome.
“We're coming too shouted Kuwabara and Yusuke.
“Are you coming too Shuichi?” Asked Kagome
“Sure,” said Kurama.
As they were walking Kagome suddenly stopped “demon” thought Kagome.
“What's wrong Kagome?” asked Kuwabara.
“Oh I just remembered I had to do some shopping. Can you guys take Shippo to the arcade while I pick up a few things?” Asked Kagome.
“Ok,” every one answered.
What's wrong Mama? Asked Shippo.
Demon just outside the city borders answered Kagome
Be careful Mama, said Shippo
I will be. Don't worry kit replied Kagome.
Kagome then took off. As soon as she was far enough away she teleported to where she sensed the demon. Kagome arrived where the demon was. The demon was about to start attacking people when Kagome made a barrier around her self and the demon.
“You dare to interfere human,” growled the demon.
“How did you get passed the barrier between the worlds demon?” Asked Kagome.
“Die human,” was the demons response.
The demon charged at Kagome who dodged the attack.
“You'll have to do better than that,” taunted Kagome.
The demon went for Kagome only to be sent flying by a round house kick thanks to Kagome. The demon fazed out and attacked Kagome from behind. Kagome spun around and grabbed the demons arm purifying it in the process. The demos screamed as its arm tuned to ash.
“Miko bitch,” shouted then smirked.
Kagome's eyes widened as the arm grew back right before her eyes.
The demon charged at Kagome again barely missing her. Kagome glared at the demon then she went for the demon. Demon charged Kagome at the same. The demon was able to block the first two attacks but was unable to block the energy blast that went right through his stomach.
“Give it up wench. As long as I have a piece of the jewel of Kura I am invincible” said the demon.
As the demon spoke these words Kagome saw a fragment of a jewel glowing an eerie yellow in the demon's forehead.
“What is the jewel of Kura?” asked Kagome.
“That is something you will never know wench. Now die. Screamed the demon as he launched himself toured Kagome.
Kagome stood where she was and charged her fist with purification energy. The demon was about to punch Kagome but Kagome grabbed his fist and punched her purified fist through the demon's forehead. The demon turned to dust and Kagome held the now emerald green shard of Kura in her fist.