InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My mentally challenged cousin ❯ The start of a new quest ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Mentally challenged cousin
Chapter four: Start of a new quest.
A/N: Hey ok I need votes for couples so Vote Vote Vote you can use the poll on my profile to vote. This is the last chapter to vote for couples so let me know what you want. Hiei and Kurama are close in votes to be paired with Kagome so I'm thinking of a threesome.
Last chapter
“Give it up, wench. As long as I have a piece of the Jewel of Kura I am invincible,” said the demon.
As the demon spoke these words, Kagome saw a fragment of a jewel glowing an eerie yellow in the demon's forehead.
“What is the Jewel of Kura?” asked Kagome.
“That is something you will never know, wench. Now die,” Screamed the demon as he launched himself toward Kagome.
Kagome stood where she was and charged her fist with purification energy. The demon was about to punch Kagome but Kagome grabbed his fist and punched her purified fist through the demon's forehead. The demon turned to dust and Kagome held the now emerald green shard of Kura in her fist.
Chapter four
Great! Another jewel of power, just my luck!” thought Kagome.
Mama are you ok?”
I'm fine,kit but looks like we'll have to pay Sesshomaru a visit this weekend.
Because the demon I dusted had a shard of a jewel in its forehead that made him able to regenerate. He called the jewel the Jewel of Kuraso we need to visit fluffy to see if he knows anything.
Not again
My thoughts exactly Shippo
How do we find him?
Easy, we go to the demon world known as Makai. He should be somewhere towards the west.
How do you know that?
I can sensethe barrier. I felt it when we got back and wanted to know what it was. I went through the barrier by accident. When that happened,I found a demon world and over heard someone call it Makai. We know that Sessshomaru doesn't die easily so he most likely is still alive. Knowing Sess,he would die before leaving his lands so he is most likely still lord of the Western lands.
You're right. So when do we leave?
We'llleave thisweekend. We will tell everyone were visiting mom. We'll go see mom tell her what is up and go see fluffy.
Sounds good to me.
Okay,I'm going to the store now, do you need anything?
Okay,okay see you soon.
Kagome made her way to the store. When she got there she got ramen, chocolate, pocky, and other groceries. Kagome was on her way home when she felt another demons presence, only this time it was Hiei. Kagome knew he was there but pretended she didn't. Kagome continued to walk back to her cousin's house and Hiei continued to follow her secretly unaware that Kagome knew she was being followed. Kagome was wondering why Hiei was following her instead of walking with her but couldn't say anything or else her stalker might get suspicious of how she was able to know he was following her.
Why am I fallowing the wench? It's not like I care what happens to her. She maybe smarter than her idiot of a cousin but she is still a weak human. (Yet she was able to bloody your nose and knock you down) said a voice in Hiei's head. (Face it; you were worried about her when you suddenly felt a demon's energy spike then dissipate. Then you saw Kagome walking home and decided to follow her back to her cousin's house.) I was not worried about the wench. I don't care what happens to her. (You do know that you are talking to yourself not the fox right? You can't lie to me like you do to him you like her.) Then the voice just vanished. Hiei growled inwardly. Then he noticed that they were at Kagome's house, so he left.
Kagome arrived home and was attacked by her son almost immediately.
“Mama! Kurama and Yusuke said that you went shopping! Did you get me anything?! Hugh! Did ya?! Did ya?!”
Kagome shook her head then glared at her cousin and Yusuke.
“How much sugar did you let him have?” asked Kagome in a voice that said `you're so dead'.
“Um, I think I should get home. See you, Kuwabara,” said Yusuke as he made a hasty retreat out the door.
“Wait, Urameshi!” shouted Kuwabara. But it was too late. Yusuke had already made it out the door.
Kagome glared at Kuwabara.
“Well, are you going to answer my question?” asked Kagome
“Um?” Was Kuwabara's answer.
“How much sugar did he have, cousin?” repeated Kagome.
“Err, well… Umm,” Kuwabara stammered.
“Answer me or I'll beat into a bloody pulp,” growled Kagome.
Kuwabara began to sweat.
“Um, not much,” lied Kuwabara.
“Do really expect me to believe that he is practically bouncing off the walls?!” snarled Kagome.
Just then, Kurama walked in.
“You! I can't believe that you would let theses morons give Shippo so much sugar!” yelled Kagome.
While Kagome's attention was on Kurama, Kuwabara made his escape to his room. Kurama has the classic deer caught in head lights look.
“Damn,she scary when she is angry,” said Youko.
“Agreed,”replied Kurama.
“Are you listening, Shuichi?” asked Kagome.
Kurama sweats and answers.
“Yes, I'm sorry. I left Yusuke and Kuwbara alone for a bit and when I returned they had given him ice-cream and chocolate cake,” apologized Kurama.
Kagome's anger deflated like a balloon when she heard that Kurama didn't knowingly participate in turning her son into the little terror; who was currently using the couch as a trampoline.
“It's not your fault Kurama, I'm sorry,” Kagome sighed.
It's all right. I'll see you tomorrow at school,” answered Kurama.
“Ok, bye,” said Kagome.
“Man, Red we have got to remember her temper in the future. Even I thought she was going to kill us for leaving those morons with her son,” said Youkoas they were walking home.
“I agree,she certainly is a spit fire,” replied Kurama.
She definitely is the perfect mate for us,” stated Youko.
“Not this again. Are you forgetting the fact that she is human and knows nothing of demons?
Neither did Keiko,but she adapted well to the fact demons exist
She was nearly killed at least twice by demons. I don't want to put my mate in danger like that”
We can protect her the same way that Yusuke protects Keiko.
Yeah,and what happens if we go on a mission and someone tries to kill her like during the saint beast fight?
Kagome is,in my opinion,a lot smarter and stronger then Keiko. I'm sure she could handle herself well in a situation like that one. Plus,we can make her a sanctuaryto protect her if anything happens while we're away. She and Keiko couldgothere to be safe.
Look,Youko,I admit she is beautiful and feisty and would make a great mate,but she is human and it doesn't matter how well we try to protect her; demons will try to use her against us. I don't want that life for our mate. End of discussion.
Kurama then blocked Youko out. A few minutes later Kurama was home.
“Mama! Mama! Lookie! Lookie!” shouted Shippo who was currently hanging upside down on the arm of the couch. Kagome turned around in time to see Shippo do a back flip and land on his feet in the center of the couch.
“How did you--”
Kagome's question was cut off when Shippo decided it was a good idea to launch himself at her.
“Humph. I'm never giving him sugar again, thought Kagome as she some how managed to catch him.
“Okay, we are going to the park,” said Kagome
“Yippy!” shouted Shippo and jumped out of his mother's arms to bolt to the door.
“Mama, hurry up! Mama, hurry hurry!” squealed Shippo.
Kagome sighed. “This is going to be a long night, Kagome thought.
I am so going to kick Yusuke and Kuwabara's ass Kagome vowed.
They went to the park and Shippo was a blur going on this and that then demanding Kagome push him on the swings. Then, he jumped off the swing while still in the air, nearly giving Kagome a heart attack. Then he climbed the tower to the slide then slid down. He repeated doing that a few times. After that, he ran like a nut all over the park. He had to be called back into Kagome's sight seven times. Kagome was about ready to rip her hair out or kill her kit. It was nearly midnight and Shippo showed no signs of wearing out.
“Kagome,” a voice called.
Kagome tuned around to see Shuichi walking towards her.
“Shuichi, what are you doing here?” asked Kagome.
“Couldn't sleep so decided to take a walk,” answered Shuichi.
“Oh well. Shippo doesn't seem to be tiring any time soon,” said Kagome wearily.
“Sorry about that. I shouldn't have left them alone with him,” apologized Shuichi.
“Not your fault,” yawned Kagome.
Two hours later, Shippo was wiped out and walked in front of Kagome who sitting on a bench talking to Shuichi rubbing his eyes.
“Can we go home now, Mama?” yawned Shippo.
“Yea,” replied Kagome as she picked up Shippo.
Shippo wrapped his arms around Kagome's neck and put his head on her shoulder.
“Goodnight, or should I say good morning, Shuichi?”
“Goodnight to you too, Kagome.”
“Goodnight to you as well Shippo,” said Shuichi.
A slight snore was all the response Shuichi got.
Kagome giggled and Shuichi chuckled at the sleeping child.
I'll see you tomorrow, Shu-Chan,” said Kagome as she and Shippo left.
Shuichi blushed at the nickname Kagome just gave him and said he will see her later.
Why are you letting her leave?You should grab her and kiss her until she melts inourarms, said Youko
When are you going to stop this,Youko?I will not put her in danger.
She is perfect for us.She is feisty, caring, loyal, and a great mother what more could you want in a mate?
Again,she is still a human. She will not only be in great danger,butshe will die and we will live on. Do you understand? It doesn't matter if we can keep her safefrom the demons,we will still lose her.Youko stopped talking at this and Kurama walked home.
“Wake up, Shippo it's time for training,” said Kagome.
They have rearranged their schedule to fit in training with school. Kagome still woke up at four in the morning. Then she would wake Shippo up at six like normal. They would train together until seven-thirty doing shape changing, fox magic, plant manipulation, martial arts, archery, and swords play. It may seem like a lot, but they mostly just did sparring matches to see what they needed to work on. After the arcade, which was around three, Kagome would work with Shippo on what they decided to work on that morning until seven then they would eat with Shizuru and Kuwabara. After dinner they would spar together until nine then Kagome got Shippo ready for bed. After Shippo was asleep, Kagome would train on her own in each of her forms until one o'clock and then she would sleep. That is what their week days consisted of. On the weekends they followed their normal training schedule. Which means, Kagome would get up at four in the morning and practice sword fighting until six. Then she would wake up Shippo. Kagome then would spend three hours teaching Shippo how to use his demon powers. Kagome also taught Shippo some martial arts. At nine, Kagome would tell Shippo to shower then he could do whatever he wanted until breakfast. For an hour, Kagome would practice fighting in each of her forms. She would also practice her demon powers, Miko, and psychic powers. After dinner, Kagome and Shippo would say they were going to the park but really did more training. They would start at six and end at nine. In that time, Kagome would teach Shippo some basic training as well as fox magic. While Shippo practiced what Kagome taught him, Kagome would practice her blood magic, shadow, darkness, and elemental powers.
“Shippo, wake up,” said Kagome again
“Shippo moaned “Wanna sleep…”
“Shippo, wake up. We have work to do.”
“Tired,” mumbled Shippo.
“Well, that's what happens when you don't go to bed until two because you ate too much sugar.”
“Mama, please, I'm sleepy,” mumbled Shippo, turning on his stomach.
Smack. Kagome gave his bottom a smack.
“Hey!” shouted Shippo as he jumped out of bed.
“Good, you're up. Get ready. We have training to do,” said Kagome with a smirk.
“Meanie!” shouted Shippo.
Kagome laughed and picked up her pouting kit.
“Good morning, baby,” whispered Kagome and gave Shippo an Eskimo kiss
Shippo giggled. “Morning Mama.”
That morning, Kagome decided that Shippo needed to work on his martial arts, archery, and sword play. Kagome decided she needed to work on sword play, psychic powers, darkness, and perfect her form changing. She wanted to be able to change into any of her forms with the slightest amount of thought. Later, Kagome, Kuwabara, Yusuke, and Kurama were walking Shippo to school.
“Hey guys, Shippo and I are going to visit my mom this weekend,” said Kagome.
“Oh, you must miss not living with her a lot,” said Shuichi.
“Yea, it seems like it's been ages since I've seen her,” answered Kagome.
“What's the big deal about seeing her? It's only been a week and it's not like you've been gone for years?” said Yusuke.
“Urameshi, will it kill you to be a little more sensitive? She hasn't seen her mom for a week and before that she's hardly ever been away from her mom,” lectured Kuwabara.
“Whatever,” replied Yusuke.
Kagome dropped Shippo off at school then went to her classes. Kagome was glad that demons didn't need much sleep, otherwise she would have been half dead by now because of her only getting two hours of sleep last night. It was lunch time and Kagome was waiting for Shuichi, Yusuke, and Kuwabara. Somehow they managed to get the same lunch.
“Hey, Kagome?” said Shuichi.
“Hey Shu-Chan what's up?” answered Kagome
“Not much,” said Shuichi, blushing slightly
“How are you handling your classes? You didn't get much sleep last night?” asked Shuichi.
“I could say same the same about you. Or have you forgotten our time in the park last night?” asked Kagome.
Before Shuichi could answer, a girl interrupted them.
“What were you doing in the park with Shuichi?!” yelled the girl.
“Yea, you have no right to be anywhere near Shuichi!” shouted another girl
“That's right; just who do you think you are? You don't even deserve to breathe the same air as Shuichi let alone walk on the same ground as him,” stated another girl.
“You are always hanging on him! I bet you're a stalker too,” another one said.
As this was happening, Shuichi slowly started walk away before long he completely escape the fan girls before they noticed him. Sorry Kagome but I'm not going to risk getting caught in that mob, thought Shuichi.
Damn,those girls and I thought I was cutthroat.
Agreed.I feel bad about leaving Kagome alone with them,but she can handle them.
True. Shame we're going to miss the show but I rather be far awayfrom those girls or I might just kill them.
Sigh,I know what you mean. Fan girls are annoying,but Kagome is rather amusing when she is not ticked off at you.
You do know that she isn't going to be to happy with you when she realizes you abandoned her.
Oh shit,thought Kurama
Youko just laughed
Kagome was getting pissed. Royal pissed.
If these bitches don't stop running their mouths soon, I'm going to beat the shit out of all of them, thought Kagome.
“Shuichi would never go out with a weak little slut like you,” said another fan girl.
That's it!” thought Kagome.
“Shut the fuck up!!” shouted Kagome.
“You guys are the sluts, not me! You chase Shuichi like crazed bitches every day and he doesn't like any of you. You fight over him and yet none of have any claim whatsoever when it comes to him. He despises you and wishes you all would drop off the face of the earth!!” screamed Kagome.
“That's not true! Tell her that she is wrong, Shuichi,” cried a fan girl.
All the girls looked next to Kagome where Shuichi once was but he wasn't there any more.
That bastard he left me,” thought Kagome.
“Where did Shuichi go!?” shouted a girl.
“He was just here!” replied another fan girl.
All the girls ran away calling out “Shuichi.”
Kagome sweat-dropped and balled her hand into a fist.
Damn that Shuichi. I swear when I find him I'm going to turn him into compost and feed him to his plants! Grrr… The nerve of him leaving me to deal with those psychos. He is so dead when I find him and if any tries to stop me I'll send them to meet Shuichi in the after life.
Meanwhile, Shuichi managed to avoid the rampaging fan girls and was eating lunch with Yusuke, Kuwabara, and strangely enough, Hiei.
“Why you here, shrimp?” asked Kuwrabara.
“We need to talk about a potential problem,” growled Hiei.
“What's that?” asked Yusuke.
“I felt and demon's energy spike and dissipate yesterday,” replied Hiei.
“Are you sure?” asked Kuwabara
“No, idiot, I just made it up for no reason.” said Hiei sarcastically.
“Hey who are you calling an idiot shrimp,” said Kuwabara as he lunges at Hiei.
Hiei dodges and Kuwabara ends up on face down in the dirt.
“What happened,” asked Kurama.
“I don't know. I felt the demon's energy spike, then dissipate, then nothing. I looked for the demon but couldn't find it or any sign of a struggle,” surmised Hiei.
Before any more could be said about the demon, Kagome shows up pissed.
“Shuichi,” said Kagome in a sweet voice.
Shuichi looks at Kagome nervously.
“Kagome,” Kurama says.
Kagome punches Shuichi in the nose.
“Don't you `Kagome' me. You left me with those bitches and you are going to pay for it!” says Kagome as she continues to beat Shuichi.
“Who the hell do you think you are disserting me? Those are your fan girls and you just left me to deal with them all by myself. I had to listen to them spew crap about how unworthy I am to be around you and I didn't even get a chance to pound the ever loving shit out of them because as soon as they realized you weren't there they ran off screaming `Shuichi',” lectured Kagome as she trounced Shuichi.
When Kagome was done with her rant, Shuichi was unconscious. Kuwabar and Yusuke were in shock and Hiei was amused.
“And as for you two,” said Kagome. Then she started beating them up for giving Shippo too much sugar.
Hiei POV.
“I came here to talk to the rest of my team mates about the demon I sensed. Of course, that damn baka had to once again prove what a stupid gorilla he was. Would I even bother to come here if I wasn't sure I felt the demons presence? He tried to attack me after I made an ever so true comment about his brains, or lack there of. Seriously, he knows I'm faster than him. You would think by now the buffoon would know that if he lunges at me I would move faster than he could blink; he would end up eating dirt. But no, the idiot keeps on doing it. I swear, Yusuke damaged more than few of the oaf's brain cells with their annoying fights. Idiots, the both of them. Of course, even the peace maker Kurama asks what happened. Damn annoying fox. Before I could reply, that baka's cousin Kagome comes up to us. I swear, there is no way in hell that those two are related. First off, Kagome is smart. Well, smart for a human anyway. She is also very amusing. She is proving that point right now as she beats up the annoying fox for leaving her alone with those fucking fan girls. Why Kurama or Kagome don't kill those pathetic wastes of space, I'll never know. Anyhow, Kagome is finished beating Kurama into mulch. Then starts beating up her cousin and that damn detective for giving her son too much sugar. I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Kagome starts talking to me.”
End Hiei POV.
“Oh Hiei, what are you doing here?” inquired Kagome.
“Hn,” said Hiei
Kagome groans and rolls her eyes.
“Well come on, they have ice cream here I'll buy you some,” offers Kagome.
She grabs Hiei arm and leads him towards the cafeteria.
“So what do want? They have ice cream sandwiches, Sunday cone, chocolate éclair, toasted almond, Sunday cups, and vanilla and chocolate cups,” inquired Kagome.
“Sunday cup,” answers Hiei
Kagome buys a Sunday cup for Hiei and a chocolate éclair for her self.
So, why are you here?” asks Kagome again.
All Kagome gets is an “Hn” from Hiei.
“Do I have to punch you in the nose again to get you to talk to me?” asks Kagome.
Hiei smirks and says, “Haven't you beat up enough people today?”
“They deserved it," growled Kagome.
“Hmph, that's one way of putting it!” replied Hiei.
Kagome just looked at him and laughed.
“So Hiei, why aren't you in school? Yusuke said that you attend an all boy school.”
You're dead detective” thought Hiei.
“My school is going on some stupid trip that I'd rather die then go to, so I ditched school today,” replied Hiei.
“Oh,” said Kagome.
The bell that signaled the end of lunch rang.
Well I guess I'll see you later said Kagome.
“Hn,” was Hiei's retort.
Kagome walked to class rolling her and shaking her head, “Damn annoying demon, thought Kagome.
After school, Kagome picked up Shippo and went to the park instead of the arcade.
Shippo was having fun playing with other children, building sand castles then smashing them, and going on slides.
With the spirit detectives '
“Man, who new your cousin could it so hard,” groaned Yusuke.
“Not me,” answered Kuwabara.
“She hits harder then Keiko,” said Yusuke.
“How is Keiko?” inquired Kurama while holding his ribs.
“Still pissed at me for breaking our date again,” answered Yusuke.
“How are you feeling Kurama?” asked Kuwabara.
“I'll live,” answered Kurama, holding his ribs.
“You all are pathetic. She's human, she can't have hurt you that much,” said Hiei annoyed.
The other detectives just ignored him and continued walking down the street.
An: This chapter would have been updated sooner if Hiei could just show/admit he has feelings other then hate an annoyance. I decided to cut this chapter short and up load it now as it as 8 pages already next chapter Sesshomaru joins the party.
Ps: My friend edited this for me. I have two betas pending so let me know if I should edit this story more.
Pss: Don't forget to vote. USE THE LINK ON MY PROFILE TO VOTE!!!!!! If you don't have and FF account then just say in a review what you want.