InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only Koishii ❯ My One and Only Koishii ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
DEA:Hello everyone!I'm Dark Emotionless Angel and this is my story!

Christy:She can't get on fanfiction because it won't let her log in.

DEA:(glares)Well why don't ya tell them my whole life story!

Christy:Ok!Well,there was this-

DEA:SHUT UP!!On with the one-shot!

Disclaimer:I don't own Naruto or Inuyasha!But you don't either!(jk)

Note:I don't know how _____ (I'm not telling you!) became a Jounin so fast,she was just REALLY strong!Okay?And everyone is 15 when _____ comes to Konoha!


My One and Only Koishii


Unknown POV...

How did it happen?

I wasn't supposed to feel this way about anyone.Not after that incident.Not after I lost everyone I cared for.I was supposed to be cold and not care about anyone that way.I cared for my team,yes,but in a way someone would care for a pet.

So why was she different?

Why did her long raven black hair make me want to run my fingers through it?Why did her soft porcelain skin make me want to caress it while I held her in my arms to never let go?Why did I get lost in her warm chocolate brown eyes?


I didn't know why I felt this way.But that doesn't me I don't like it.

I love this feeling,actually.

What a laugh.I,the supposedly cold and unfeeling Uchiha,felt this way.The one who wasn't supposed to fall in love.The one who everyone thought would never fall in love.

The one who is in love.

I couldn't help but let a small smile cross my face as I remembered when she first came to Konoha.Four years.It's been four years since she came to Konoha.My team and I had been fifteen at the time and she was too when she woke up.Of course,she didn't exactly make a-What was the word?Normal?-normal entrance.Someone had found her by an old well just on the outskirts of Konoha.They had brought her to Hokage Tower and we were already there because Naruto had completely destroyed someone's field of crops while he tried a new jutsu.I still smile now when I remember Tsunade's pissed off face.That day she just happened to have a truck load of paper work.And with Naruto's foolish horseplay just seemed to make her angrier.

But just as she was about to explode that ninja who I don't know and don't care appeared in the room using a teleportion jutsu.He was holding her in his arms and her clothes were blood soaked.She had a deep stomach wound in her stomach at the time and hundreds of scratches and bruises.Tsunade ordered the ninja to take her to the infirmary where the medic-nins would heal her.

Three days later she woke up and my team and I were there to see her.Well,we just went to see her because 1:Naruto was curious.2:Sakura was worried.3:Kakashi had finished his perverted book and had nothing better to do.4:Well,I also had nothing better to do.But more importantly we just had nothing better to do that day.Anyway,we she woke up we took her Tsunade to ask her some standard questions.Where was she from, what buisness she had here,etc.

She told us that she didn't come from anywhere.In fact,she didn't even come from this era.She told us that she was fighting in the Sengoku Jidai period against a hanyou named Naraku for the Shikon-no-Tama.The jewel was broken and the pieces were scattered all across the Japan.If one sliver,one tiny sliver,fall into the wrong hands,it would increase their power.She told us that eventually they had gathered all the pieces of the jewel and defeated Naraku with the help of her friends.But with the complete Shikon-no-Tama there came more demons after her group of friends. It was on that day,three days ago when that ninja found her,that they were fighting a particulary strong demon.The demon had wounded her badly and she ran into the forest.The demon chased after her and was about to kill her when she saw a well and jumped into it.She told us she probably bumped her head on the way down which was why she was unconscious.That,or the amount of blood loss.

When she finished her story everyone looked at her with a disbelieving look,including myself.But how could we believe her?Her story seemed too unbelievable!After a awkward silence Tsunade asked her to leave the room for a bit,which she did.Ibiki was in there too and he told Tsunade that he sensed no lies from the girl.Although we didn't entirely trust her we let her stay in Konoha.

In a spand of a few months,on her birthday to be exact,she passed the Academy exams easily.We were all there with her,congratulating her on her success.She had become close to everyone,even me somewhat.She was now an official ninja,wearing the Konoha head band tied on her right upper forearm.We had given her new clothes which just consisted of black shorts and a black and red sleeveless shirt.But I thought she looked beautiful in it.

Even though at fifteen we were all Jounin,even me after I ran away from Orochimaru,she was merely a Genin.But since she was apart of our team,we didn't care.She had asked Tsunade to be apart of our team and Tsunade agreed,not really caring because she had too much paper work to do.But she was determined to become a Jounin at all cost.I remembered when I would wake up early and watch her train hard outside,pushing her body to its limits and beyond.After a year,which we were all sixteen by then,she asked that she both take the Chunin and Jounin exams.



This had been never been asked,but they agreed to set aside a time for her to take the tests.She passed the first part of the Chunin exams easily enough,but she had no idea what was in store for her when she would enter the Forest of Death.But she was determined to become a Jounin and be like the rest of us.Surprisingly,well,not to us since we saw that she was an excellent ninja in the first year we met her,she passed the Chunin exam.Half dead,yes,but she passed it.She was still weak from the Chunin exams,but she took the Jounin exams anyway the day after she passed the Chunin exams.

We warned her that the Jounin exams were going to be way harder than the Chunin,but she still was determined to pass.She surprised all of us when she passed the Jounin exams,too.Yes,she was more than half dead by now,but she passed it.There was a special ceremony that Tsunade organized (but what I think she just did it to get away from her paper work for a few hours) a week after she became a Jounin.Tsunade gave her a special award and made a long boring speech about how she became a Jounin in only a year's time.She was by far one of the most strongest ninja's anyone had ever seen.She was a regular Jounin,but she was stronger than most of the Jounin in Konoha.Tsunade had asked her how she became a Jounin in such a short period of time.She just smiled and said:

"Well,that's my little secret."

Though I had stayed up countless nights trying to figure out what that secret was,I came to nothing.On one of those nights,however,my damned brother decided to attack Konoha.Why?Because he just wanted to see if I,his 'worthless little brother',had gotten any stronger.My team stood by my side and fought him,trying to help me.But she helped me the most.Even though Orochimaru is dead,his damn spell still haunts me and makes my Sharingan near to useless.That was why she helped me.She was a strong Jounin for her age and it was unbelievable that she was the same age as I was.In the end,all of us were badly wounded.But so was Itachi.I smirked as I remembered the cold glare he gave us before he disappeared out of our sight.

But she suffered some of the most dangerous wounds.Because of me she almost died.I couldn't help but feel guilty for it.At the time,I didn't know why I cared if she died.I thought because she was apart of my team is why I cared for her.But I cared for her more than a teammate.I wanted her to be more than a teammate.Which is why I was by her side until her wounds were completely healed.Me and her had become close,trusting each other and confiding in each other.We were very close and were almost always seen together.Rumors floated around the village that she and I were together,but it wasn't true.

Well,not yet,anways.

It was a shinny spring day when I asked her to come with me.She looked curious,but not surprised because we often took walks,talking about any random topic.But that day I took her to a special spot that I had found a few days eariler.It was a clearing outside of Konoha with sakura trees surrounding it.The grass was a deep emerald green and was soft enough to walk barefoot on with no discomfort.After we got there I stopped walking and turned around to see her looking at the area.I knew that she would like it,which was why I brought her there.

"I need to ask you something."I had said quietly,not used to this.

"What is it?"She whispered and settled her gaze on me.I had pushed down a blush and taken a deep breath,obviously nervous.

"I'm new to this because it's usually the girls who ask me this question but...will you go out with me?"I had said,using all the courage I had.

She had stared at me for a while,but smiled and pulled me into an embrace."Of course I'll go out with you!"She yelled,sounding happy.

For once in my life I forgot all the pain I had suffered.I had forgotten everything.The world had seemed to stop for an instant and there was just me and her.

For once in my life I was truly happy and content.

It's been three years since she and I had been together and we're now nineteen.Close to twenty.Which leads to why I was here in the forest.I had always gone to the forest to think when I had to make a hard decision.But this decision wasn't hard.I knew it when the thought had first crossed my mind two weeks ago and I was sure of it.I wanted this.

I wanted to be married to her.And only her.

Sighing,I jumped out of tree and walked back to the village.Today just happened to be the same day I asked her out,which was why today was perfect to propose to her.It was just like the day I asked her out,too.I was near to reaching the village when my pink haired teammate ran up to me,forcing me to stop.

"Hey Sasuke!"She greeted happily.

"Hello Sakura."I said indifferently.

"Where are you going?"She asked curiously.

"None of your buisness."I said coldly and tried to walk away,but Sakura stopped me.

"Oh,I guess you're going to see your girlfriend!"Sakura said,but her tone was cold and hinted with disgust.

"What of it?"I asked,raising an eyebrow.

"It's just I think you two don't belong together."She said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You've always said that,but you have yet given me a reason to believe it."I growled,getting a little impatient.

"You want a reason?She's not good enough for you Sasuke!"Sakura yelled.

"Why not?She's one of the strongest ninja in the village and is an S-class ninja,too.Or have you forgotten that just last year she was dubbed an S-class ninja and can beat you in a fight without even breaking a sweat?"I asked coldly.

Sakura glared at me and puffed out her cheeks."You deserve better.Don't take this the wrong way,but she's a slut."

I growled angrily at this.How dare she speak this way to her!She has done nothing to her!

"Don't speak of her that way,Sakura!She is not a slut!In fact,she must be the only MODEST girl in the whole village!I though you were her friend!" I yelled angrily at her,my blood boiling.

Sakura gasped,surprised."But Sasuke,she's ALSO a bitch!She betrayed me!"

"No,you're wrong.YOU'RE the bitch.SHE did not betray you.YOU betrayed HER.She's not talking about you behind your back,is she?"I growled.

"She betrayed me by taking you away from me!"Sakura countered.

"I was never YOURS to begin with!Look,I don't like you like that.You're my teammate,nothing more!"I countered,my temper rising higher and higher.


"I know her better than anyone does!She wouldn't do something like that.She's a caring person who wouldn't purposely hurt someone if she didn't have to!"I yelled again.


"Sakura,you need to stop acting like a child and grow up."I whispered coldly with venom laced in.With that,I shoved her out of my way and stomped off towards the village.

I know what I did wasn't nice,but I had to set her straight.Sakura's logic wasn't right.She had to be told something because I was sick and tired of her and everyone else hanging off my neck.Which was why I loved only her.She wasn't like the other girls in Konoha.She was modest,sweet,and not clingly.She was everything I could want in a girl,too.

I eventually found her playing with the children of the village.Her eyes shinned with happiness and her laugh was like bells.I couldn't help but smile at the sight,but I had something important to ask her.

"Ahem."I coughed,catching the their attention.

"Oh,hello Sasuke!Do you need something?"She asked happily.

"Yes,I need to ask you something.In private."I said,glancing to the children who clung to her legs,begging her not to go.

"Alright.Why don't you kids go and pick me some flowers?"She said.The children nodded and ran off to go pick some wild flowers for her.

"Coming?"I asked and held out my hand.My koi smiled and grabbed my rough hand with her soft one.

"Lead the way."She laughed.

I nodded and led her through the village.At first,people would stare and whisper about how the 'Uchiha kid' finally found someone he liked.Now it was an everyday occurance.After a few minutes,we were outside the village.I kept on walking until we were finally at the same special spot where I asked her out.

"Sasuke...What do you have to tell me?You only take me here when you have something important to tell me."She whispered.

I turned around to face her,but I didn't answer her question.Instead,I got on one knee,never breaking the hold of our hands.My koi's eyes widened in shock,but hope was shinning in them.Taking in a deep breath,I began the question that was on my mind.

"Over the past four years you and I have come to know each other inside and out.Over the past three years we have been boyfriend and girlfriend.Over the past two years we have become lovers.And finally over the past year you and I sleep under the same roof."I began."And now I have a very important question to ask you."

"S-Sasuke..."She whispered quietly.

"Will you marry me and be my wife?"I asked and slipped on a silver ring with a crescent moon with a flower in it made of crystal on her left ring finger.

"Oh Sasuke,of course I'll marry you!"She replied instantly and gave me a deep,passionate kiss.My eyes widened,but I relaxed and returned the kiss with all the passion I had for her.


It was now the day of our wedding and I was getting impatient and worried.Everyone was here and Tsunade was the one who would marry us.I wore a black silk wedding kimono and for once,closed toe shoes.Everyone was waiting for my koi to get here.But she had yet to come.

Is she standing me up?I thought to myself as my heart sunk.No,she wouldn't do that...I hope.I thought and continued to wait.

A few minutes passed and Tsunade was about to speak when the doors were shoved opened.Everyone turned their heads sharpely and I was sure I had given myself whiplash.There,leaning in the doorway was a shadowed figured due to the sunlight behind the person.

""The person whispered weakly,but echoed through the room because everyone was silent.

My eyes widened.I knew that voice!I instantly ran over to the person's side and caught them as they fell into my arms.It was a girl.My koi,to be precise.She was badly wounded and her breathing was shallow.My eyes filled with tears and I held her close to my body,not caring that her blood was soaking the expensive kimono.

"What happened to you?Who did this?"I asked,trying to keep my voice steady but it still cracked.

"S-class....stone-nin...."She whispered and blood leaked out of her mouth.

"Shh...Save your energy,koi."I whispered and wiped away the blood from her mouth.

"Sasuke...please don't cry...."She whispered and tried to lift her arm up.I saw her wince in pain and her arm fell back down to her side.

"D-Don't worry about me....Just...please...don't die."I begged as I looked into her seemingly souless brown eyes.

"I'll be fine...okay?I won't die...not now..."She said and conjured a weak smile.

"Are you sure?"I asked,tears now blurring my vision.

"Yes..."She said,but coughed up some blood.Worry and sadness filled my heart and I held her closer,almost as if she would disappear.

"Just...let me sleep for a while..."She whispered and closed her eyes.

My eyes widened,and for a second I thought she had died.But I saw that her chest was slowly,but surely,rising up and down.I sighed in relief,but didn't dare let her go.I still sat there on the ground,holding my wounded koi to my chest with all of Konoha staring at me.But for all I could care they weren't there.There was only me and my koi.No one else.

Even if my koi died she would still be here with me.Not physically,but in spirit.Her spirit will never die out in this village.Her spirit will forever linger in the village and everyone would remember the joy she gave everyone.

But even so,death would not keep me away from my koi.

And as long as she lived nothing will ever keep me away from my Kagome.



DEA:Well,the re ya go!R&R please!