InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ So...Did You? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Terribly sorry for the delay, but I have parents that limit my internet usage. And I have a bunch of other things to do. Thank you so very much to KiraTakahashi13, and darkwhiterose two of the first to review for my story. So this chapter is for you.
Chapter 2: So… Did You?
`Inu is late' a girl with black hair and blue eyes thought. She sat on the steps of the Higurashi Shrine, or better yet, the Sunset Shrine as called by most American tourists, that she called home. She was waiting for her best friend to pick her up so they could go to school. Soon she heard the horn of the car she knew to be her best friends.
“Hey Kagome! Hurry up and get in the car!” Kagome rolled her eyes as she hurried down the stairs. As Kagome reached the bottom of the stairs, she looked inside the car and saw a fuming Inuyasha sitting in the driver's seat. She went up the passenger side, opened the door and got in.
“Why are you in a sucky mood today?” she asked. Inuyasha just continued driving and after a few minutes finally answered.
“My brothers version of a wake up call.”
“What did he do?” Kagome asked. She knew Inuyasha's brother Sesshomaru. She also knew of the side of him that liked to pull pranks once in a while. Although she thought he could be distant and cold around people that he didn't know, once you got to know him, he could be very nice and warm hearted.
“He doused me with cold water, that's what he did.” Inuyasha snarled. Kagome giggled. “That's not funny!” he yelled.
“Yes it is. I know how hard it can be to wake you up, so I'm not really surprised.” She said.
Inuyasha growled. “So you're just going to take his side. I thought you were supposed to be my best friend.”
“Inuyasha, I am your best friend, and I am not siding with Sesshomaru. I'm just saying that seeing how hard it is to get you up, and how you keep breaking all of your alarm clocks, even the supposed `indestructible' ones, he, we have to resort to unkindly methods of getting you up.” She explained.
“Feh. It's not my fault that they don't make them `hanyou proof'.” Inuyasha grumbled.
“Not the point. Have you ever thought of not breaking your alarm clocks and just getting up on time?” she asked.
Inuyasha didn't even have to think about the answer. “No, you know I love to sleep.”
“Okay then, that's why we resort to those methods. If we don't get you up for school using these methods, how will you get an education?”
“Feh, I don't want one.” He answered.
Kagome sighed. “That's not the point either. The point is that if you get up on time, you will not get, as you say, `doused' with cold water.” Kagome finished making quotation marks with her fingers. “Try it. You'll see.”
“Hmph.” Inuyasha just pulled into the student parking lot. He parked the car in the space he marked as `his' and turned off the engine.
He and Kagome got out of the car, and walked over to the usual spot where they always met their friends Sango and Miroku.
Sango had long, black hair and magenta colored eyes. She was wearing a light pink v-neck shirt and a white jean skirt with pink Converse shoes. Her favorite color was pink, so you would hardly see her without some form of pink in her outfit..
Miroku had short black hair that was pulled back and tied at the nape of his neck. He was wearing black jeans with a dark purple button up shirt. He also had beads wrapped around his wrist. He wore them everyday. When people asked him why he was wearing them, he told them that he didn't know, that he just had a feeling that they were important.
Miroku Oriyama had a huge crush on Sango Arima. He thought she was the most beautiful creature ever to walk this earth. Problem was, he couldn't tell her how much he liked her, and when he tried to show her, he ended up getting smacked and called a pervert. Could the reason for that be that he always tried to grope her whenever she was near him? Maybe, but there was nothing he could do about that.
Kagome and Inuyasha were sitting by their tree talking when Sango and Miroku came up. “Will you stop touching me?!” Sango yelled.
“But Sango, my love, I can't help it, your radiant beauty shames the sun.” Sango blushed.
“I see you two are still at it. Why don't you give up all this petty fighting and just go fuck each other? It's better.” Inuyasha asked. The last statement piqued Kagome's interest.
“How can you think that I like this lech?” Sango yelled. `Okay, that was a lie, I just don't like it when he gropes me in front of all these people.' She thought. She then realized what her previous thought was describing and quickly added, `Not that it's okay when we're alone either.'
“I like your idea.” Miroku said to Inuyasha. “Sango, my place after school.”
“Stay away from me hentai!”
Meanwhile, as Miroku and Sango were arguing (mainly Sango), Kagome had something to talk to Inuyasha about.
“So what?” Inuyasha asked confused.
“So what did you mean by that?”
“By what?”
“When you told Miroku that he and Sango should just go fuck and that it was better.” She asked moving closer to Inu.
“What are you getting at?” Inuyasha asked backing away inch by inch. Kagome could be really scary when he wanted to know something. This was one of those times.
“Did you do `it'?” She replied. (a/n: rather blunt and to the point isn't she?)
Inuyasha looked at her as if she'd grown another head. “Uh, do what?” he asked confused even more.
“You know the `dirty deed'” she emphasized even more.
“What `dirty deed'?” Inuyasha asked.
“Kagome's face fell. `How can he be so dense?' She thought. “Had sex, you moron.”
Suddenly flustered, he said, “What?! NO!! And even if I did, why would I tell you?”
“Aww, come on Inu, I just want to know her name. You tell me everything, remember?” she whined.
“No I don't!”
Who's the one that couldn't sleep without a nite-light until he was eight?” Kagome asked.
“Who is the one that still has the `pink' bunny that his mother gave him?”
“I can't get rid of that! That's the only thing of hers that I have left!” Inuyasha defended.
“Okay, but who still has a blankie that was so soft he named it Mr. Snuggles?” Kagome embarrassed him even further, “That you sleep with every night?”
“OKAY! OKAY! STOP! I do tell you everything. Or more likely, you find out in some odd way, but I can't believe I'm admitting this to you, but I have never had sex.” He said with extra emphasis. “Believe me, when I do, you'd know it by actions alone.” He turned his head away from hers.
Kagome sighed of relief. She didn't know what she was going to do if he said yes. After all, she did love him. `I mean, how could I not? Those amber eyes, that long, silver hair, that never-ending smirk.' Kagome sighed again, only this time, it seemed almost dreamily. `Oh my gosh, I sound like I'm a love-sick puppy.' Kagome shook her head, clearing her mind of all thoughts before getting back to the situation at hand.
“Yeah, I'd know, I'd have to deal with twice your cocky attitude.”
“Arrrgh!” Came from an angry Sango. Before Inu could retort, Sango grabbed Kagome by the arm and pulled her up from the ground.
“Come on Kagome, lets go.” And she pulled the girl into the school building, leaving the guys sitting dumbfounded.
I'm back! That's it for right now. I have up to chapter 6 written out, just adding a few minor details. Since I type really fast, the next chapter should be out soon. It just depends on whether or not I feel like typing. I'm really lazy, honestly.
Isn't Kagome just too nosy? She gives great advice though, so I guess it all evens out. Review Please ^^