InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ Plans ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Sorry, I took so long. I've been sleeping, and trying to figure out what to get for my guy friends birthday. If you have any suggestions, that would be greatly appreciated. Oh, and I forgot to say that I don't own Inuyasha, and you don't want to know what would happen if I did. So, anyway, on with the show.
Chapter 4: Plans
Kagome was in her room doing homework when the phone rang. She went over to the nightstand and picked up her cordless. “Hello?”
“Hey Kagome, it's me,” came the voice.
“Yeah, I know Sango, I have caller ID.” She answered crawling into bed.
“Yeah, anyway, is it too late to back out of this date thing?” she asked.
“What? You can't back out! Do you know what I went through to get that date? No you can't back out!” Kagome yelled frantically.
“Oh, come on Kagome. I'll pay you!” Sango pleaded.
“You can't buy me off!”
“50 bucks!” Sango added.
`Hmmm, there is that new outfit I wanted.' Kagome thought, `What am I thinking? No, no, no, no! Kagome chided herself. “NO! There is no way that you can back out! You are going on that date with Miroku whether I have to drag you or not!” Kagome shouted.
“Fine.” Sango said defeated.
“Good.” Kagome calmed herself down. “So, why did you want to back out in the first place?”
It took a while for Sango to answer. “It's not that I don't want to go out with him. I mean you know I think he's cute, I would love this chance, it's just that I was wondering what would happen after the date. What would if happen if we find out we have more in common?”
“Well, number one, you would go together, with your consent of course,” Kagome explained. “Number two, you would start spending more time together.”
“I know that,” Sango rolled her eyes. “I'm just saying, would that change anything between us? Would I have to stop hanging out with you, to hang out with him?”
“No, I doubt Miroku would be that demanding. He would never tell you to stop hanging out with me. And if he did, I wouldn't let it happen. I'm sure you wouldn't either, right?”
“Of course.”
“Just give him the right amount of spending time together, and everything will be fine.” Kagome consoled her friend.
“No prob.” Kagome smiled.
“So, you never told me when.”
“When what?”
“When is the date stupid?!”
“Oh! It's Saturday, the official date night, duh!”
“Oh, okay then.”
“Alright, bye!”
“Wait, don't hang up yet!” Sango interjected just as Kagome was about to hang up.
“What?” Kagome asked. “Sango, I have to finish my homework.”
“Could you make it a double date with you and Yasha?”
“No, this is for you and Miro.” Kagome denied her friend.
“Please? Just to be safe?” Sango pleaded.
“Safe? Safe from what?” Kagome wondered.
“Safe from Miroku's wandering hands through the night.”
“It's not like me and Yasha being there is gonna help that problem.”
“Yeah, but I'd feel much better if you were there.” Sango begged.
“Fine. I have no problem with it, but I'll have to ask Miroku.”
“Okay, what about Yash? Don't you have to ask him too?” Sango wondered.
“No, he doesn't count.”
“That's mean.”
“Yeah, but you don't have dirt on him like I do.”
“Yeah, but that's blackmail.”
“Do you want us to come or not?”
“Yes,” Sango said quickly.
“Fine. Hang up so I can ask Miroku.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.”
And both girls hung up the phone. Kagome then called Miroku.
“Hello?” came the voice from the other end.
“Miroku? Hi, Kagome, ummm, you do know when you're going on your date don't you?” she asked.
Miroku chuckled in embarrassment, scratching the back of his head with the hand that wasn't holding the phone.
“Uh, no, we never really had the chance to go over that.”
“Okay,” Kagome sighed. This was hard work. “Lucky you, she called me, it's on Saturday,” She was going to say something else, but she decided against it and sighed again.
“Okay, but you ended that sentence like you had something to ask me.” Miroku wondered what she could be thinking.
“Yeah, um,” Kagome paused. `How should I put this?' She thought about it for a moment. `I guess it's best to come right out with it.' “Sango wanted to know if we could make this a double date.”
Miroku thought about it. Suddenly Kagome, taking his silence as a bad thing, spoke up.
“I know, I told her, it was supposed to be just you and her, but I guess she's a little nervous.”
Miroku finally came out of his thoughts.
“Yeah, I guess I would be nervous too.” He said in a quiet voice.
“No, No!” Kagome said thinking he thought Sango didn't want to go out with him. “She does want to go out with you. She's just nervous. I promise you, if you agree to this, after dinner, we'll go off and do our own thing.” Kagome explained.
“Okay.” Miroku said.
“Alright. Remember. Saturday. Dress nice. Bye.”
“Bye” and those two hung up the phone.
Kagome then proceeded to call Sango once again.
“Hello” she answered.
“Yeah, he said he doesn't mind as long as we split up after dinner.” Kagome rushed. `I am never doing this again.' She thought. `Hopefully, I won't have to.'
“Okay, I don't mind, I guess.”
“I'm guess he has something he wants to do. Wink. Wink.” Kagome inferred.
“SHUT UP!!!” Sango yelled.
Kagome laughed. “Okay, gotta go, bye.”
“Bye” and they hung up.
`This is sooooo exhausting.' Kagome thought, then called Inuyasha.
“Hello,” a deep voice answered.
“Hi, Sess, is Inuyasha there?” she asked.
“Yes, why?” Sess answered.
“Because I have to talk to him.”
“About what?”
“Look, could you just put him on the phone?”
“My, my, my, such a temper.” Sesshoumaru laughed.
Kagome sighed.
“Inuyasha. Please. Now.”
“I love messing with you.”
Sesshoumaru pulled the phone away from his ear. “Inuyasha,” he called.
“What.” Came the hanyous voice from the kitchen.
“Kagome's on the phone and she wants to talk to you.”
Inuyasha came out of the kitchen with a bottle of soda. He took the phone from Sesshoumaru and sat down on the couch.
“Inuyasha. Yeah. Any plans for Saturday?”
“Um, yeah.” Kagome was surprised.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching TV, sleeping, eating, playing basketball…video games…” The list went on and on.
“So you're not doing anything?” Kagome interrupted.
“Okay. Good. You have just won the grand prize,” Kagome said sounding like a game show host. “You get to go on a date with me, Sango, and Miroku.”
Inu was confused. “What? Where did that come from?” he asked.
“I don't know. Tired. Need sleep.”
“Okay, what?” he asked.
“You get to go on a double date with me, Sango, and Miroku.”
“How did you come up with this?”
“Sango got nervous and tried to back out and I said she couldn't, so we came to an agreement that she would go as long as we went.” Kagome rushed out for the last time that night.
“And Miroku's okay with this?”
“Yeah, as long as we split up after dinner.”
“So I have to go?”
“Okay, I know how you are so there's no backing out.”
“What's that supposed to mean?” Kagome huffed.
Inuyasha laughed. “Nothing. So, when is it?”
“Saturday. Dress nice, and you are picking me up.”
“Why do I have to drive?”
“Because you're the guy, you're supposed to.”
“I'm not driving, this is a new era. You women fought for your equal rights. This is your chance to be equal. You drive.”
“Inuyasha….” She mumbled. Inuyasha had to strain to hear, her voice was so low.
“I am not driving!” she yelled.
“Fine, fine. Your voice is hurtin' my poor ears.”
“Good. Now don't forget, Saturday. Dress nice. Bye.” And Kagome hung up the phone.
“Well, Saturday should be fun.” The hanyou sighed.
Okay, that's it. My hands hurt. I'm going to sleep. If anybody doesn't understand, email me, and I'll try to explain it to you.