InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ Past, Present, and a New Son ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My One And Only!

Disclaimer: Come on people I do not own Inuyasha or any of the Inu cast I might lock them up in my closet but I don't own them!

Hey everyone thanks so much for all the reviews it made me so happy to find out that you really liked my story. So I decided it would be evil of me to keep you waiting on the next chapter. Here it is Enjoy and let me know what you think. Oh and this is a long chapter!


As Sesshomaru makes his way back to his castle he sees 14 figures appear out of no wear and they tackle him to the ground in affection. "Gomen Sesshomaru-sama." they all sang out in affection. In normal cases Sesshomaru would of minded but since it was his girls he didn't mind, much. Pleased to see that his girls were all fine and happy, Sesshomaru noticed something. `Something's missing, or is that a someone.' Sesshomaru growled and all 14 Vixen turned to see why their master was displeased.

"Where is Kagome?" Sesshomaru said in a low voice "She went to the village today to gather some herbs from the old miko." Replied his oldest Vixen, Hearing this made Sesshomaru's blood boil even more. He despised human villages, and hated it whenever one of his Vixen went in to one. "Thank you Rin." Sesshomaru said placing a gentle kiss on her forehead, making her blush furiously.

With that said Sesshomaru turned to leave for the village "Sesshomaru-sama!!!" they all cried out hoping they didn't do anything wrong. "I'm just going to the village to make sure your sister isn't harmed, who knows what might happen in a village of humans. The Vixen were all silent for a moment remembering what it was like to live in a village after they were done, they were even more glade to be with Sesshomaru.


The Village

"Ok, and I need some yellow sleeping man and that should do it for now." Kagome said with a cheery tone of voice. "Kagome ye remember how to use it for ye potion." The old Miko said with a hint of worry in her voice "Hai Keade-baba, I remember." The village that Kagome used to live with her friends was only a day's walk from Sesshomaru's castle, and Kagome loved to walk there. During the walk she would think about how great it is to live with Sesshomaru, and how kind he had treated her in the lowest time of her life.



"Inuyasha watch out." Kagome yelled. A bear demon had attacked Inuyasha and his companions for their jewel shards. The bear demon already had 5 shards in his forehead "Feh, this over sized teddy bear is a synch!" Inuyasha said smirking pulling out the transformed Tetsusaiga. "Yo wench, where are the shards at." Kagome looked frantically but didn't sense them, just then the demon launched it's self at Inuyasha "Inuyasha his forehead." But it was to late the demon had already gotten to Inuyasha. Knowing Inuyasha he never stays down for long, and swiped the Tetsusaiga killing the beast with one blow, and receiving 5 more shards of the ancient jewel. That made him happy then he remembered Kagome pausing before telling him where the jewels were located. `The wench tried to kill me well I'll show her who's boss.'

The pressure from the swipe of the mighty sword Inuyasha had hit full force and blown Kagome back and she hit her head on a near boulder. Furious that Kagome didn't give him a quick answer about the shards Inuyasha stomped over to where Kagome lye and picked her up and started to shake her. Kagome started to wake, but felt her whole body was going through an earthquake. "Your useless to me wench!" Inuyasha screamed

"I don't know how you're the reincarnation of Kikyo?" As on cue Kikyo stepped out of the darkness of the forest "Inuyasha, come to me!" Kikyo said in an emotionless tone. Inuyasha threw the weak Kagome to the ground and walked over to her. All Kagome could do was stare as Inuyasha picked Kikyo up and literately fucked her against a nearby tree. (A/N: I'm so sorry Inu/Kag fans, and about my language.)

Seeing this not only was Kagome's body in shambles, but her mind, and emotions were crushed. She was in such disappear; she hadn't noticed the presence of another demon.

Sesshomaru sat in a nearby tree, watching the fight hoping that his worthless brother would be beaten to a pulp. As soon as Inuyasha defeated the bear demon Sesshomaru was going to leave but saw that his brother was more then pissed off. `This could get interesting.' After an half an hour of viewing the torment, and abuse his worthless brother applied to the young woman, Sesshomaru thought about his Vixen waiting patiently at the castle for his return, and how much he now cherish them, and would never harm them.

"Yo wench when you pry your lazy ass off the ground Kikyo and me will be back at the village." "Hope you can find it, soon because night is coming." Inuyasha laughed `Why Inuyasha, I loved you!' Kagome thought `How could you betray me like this?' As soon as the two lovers were out of sight Kagome sobbed into the dirt. Then a shadowed figure stood before her, as she looked up she saw beautiful silver hair flowing in the wind. Knowing that Inuyasha wouldn't be back this soon, she knew it could only be one other person/demon.

Sesshomaru felt guilt for the young woman-child. He walked up to her quietly, and kneeled down to look at her dirt-smudged face. `Her scent is pure, and her heart is true.' `My foolish brother didn't know what he had.' Sesshomaru then stood and unleashed the Tensaiga to heal her. Kagome was so confused, she knew Sesshomaru hated all humans, but here he was helping heal her battered body.

Kneeling back down to where she lay he slipped his arms underneath her armpits and brought her into a deep and long embrace. Kagome didn't care about the many times that he tried to kill her all she cared about was that he didn't turn away from her. She then wrapped her tiny arms around him and sobbed into his chest. `I can't leave her not like this anyways.' Sesshomaru thought to himself. `I could always use another Vixen, but the question that would remain would she be loyal to me instead of my worthless half breed of a brother.'

"Kagome, I know it hurts but the pain will leave eventually." Sesshomaru said calmly gently rocking her back and forth in his arms. Kagome tilted her head up and looked him in the eyes. `This isn't a trick I can tell by his eyes they have so much compassion in them.' `It feels like he's done this before, and for the first time I feel safe, and comfortable.' Sesshomaru could see the trust in her eyes, and got the courage to ask her. "Kagome, would you like to come back to my castle with me?" Sesshomaru said gently "Before you give me an answer, have you heard of a group of females called Vixen?" Kagome thought for a minute "Yes, I heard one of the villagers talking about a group of young women with amazing fighting abilities." Sesshomaru smiled, pleased that his women that he took in, and trained were now getting noticed. "Kagome I took those women in when they were hurt, abused, and abandoned." Kagome couldn't believe her ears as Sesshomaru told her how he gave them each the powers, and the ability to change into a specific animal. After he was finished telling her about his amazing girls one question still remained. "Kagome, would you become one of my Vixen?" At first Kagome was reluctant, but she agreed on one condition that she could go back to her time every now and then and visit her family. Sesshomaru agreed to let her go back to her family, only if he went with her.


End of Flashback

Whenever Kagome traveled to the village she made sure that Inuyasha wasn't there. She couldn't put up with his attitude right now, she was indeed stronger then him. Yes Sesshomaru trained her well as he did with all of his Vixen. As Kagome started to leave a red fur ball came crying up to her and flung itself from the ground to Kagome's chest. "Kagome, where did you go I've missed you so much?" "Shippo, I've missed you too, I've been living with Sesshomaru-sama!" The little kit looked at her with large eyes, and noticed that she indeed looked different.

(A/N: Whenever a Vixen would go into a town they wore a long silk skirt, with a hint of cream to it. And they also wore sort of a sports bra type of top made of silk, and that too had a cream color. When the Vixen would go scouting they each wore a black sports bra type of top, and a very short black skirt. Sort of how the sailors in sailor moon wear theirs. When in the castle they would be required to wear beautifully made Kimonos, with the finest silk. Sesshomaru gave them a new one almost everyday.)

Indeed Kagome's appearance was different, her long black hair was put into a tight bun, and she looked more fit then the last time the little kit saw her. No matter where the Vixen went they were to always carry their weapon with them except the castle, in this case Kagome was carrying a beautiful bow that glowed a beautiful turquoise blue, and it was made of a material finer then diamonds. The material Sesshomaru received from a faerie, because she owed him for sparing her life. The rock was not from Earth, but the bow made her arrows fly free and true, and not one of her arrows would break since they were made of the same material. At the end of the day the arrows somehow made their way back Kagome. (A/N: Sorry I'm going into such detail, but I wanted to give you a good picture of what they looked like.)

Kagome's eyes dark brown eyes had a hint of red to them, since Sesshomaru turned her immortal. "Why did you leave me, Kagome?" Wailed the little kitsune holding Kagome tighter. "I'm so sorry Shippo, I promise I will never do it again." Just then something just hit Kagome, Shippo usually travels with Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Kikyo. "Shippo where is Inuyasha" Kagome asked with a hint of worry, but before Shippo could reply "Over here wench."

Kagome looked at the hanyou that she used to love. `He looks really mad; I really don't want to fight him. But I won't leave Shippo here alone again.' Kagome thought to herself. She gathered her fallen supplies, and Shippo and turned to leave. With his inhuman speed Inuyasha appeared in front of Kagome. "You look different somehow Kagome." Inuyasha said seductively, and moved a clawed hand over one of her cheeks gently making her tremble a little. (A/N: Did I mention when Sesshomaru turned her immortal, her scent changed to a luring power over men.)

Kagome knew all to well that voice, and kept on walking. Inuyasha wouldn't be denied, he grabbed her wrist making her drop all her stuff and knocking Shippo from her shoulder. "Where do you think your going wench?" Inuyasha said pulling her towards his chest. "I'm going to my master, now let me go." Kagome said sensing Sesshomaru near, and tried pulling free of the hanyou's grasp. "What master, I usually get what I want, and tonight I'm getting you." Before she knew Inuyasha went flying into a tree dropping Kagome. "No one touches my property not even you!" Sesshomaru growled possessively "Kagome are you alright?" "Hai Lord Sesshomaru-sama, now that you're here." She looked up and Sesshomaru stood there proudly, Kagome quickly got up and bowed to him.

Glade to see his favorite Vixen Sesshomaru pulled Kagome in for a deep embracement. Soon the other traveling companions got to the village and were shocked to see what was going on. They helped Inuyasha out of the tree, and ran over to Kagome to see if she was all right thinking that Sesshomaru had hurt her and they were glade to see her. "Oi wench what are you doing, that's my evil brother, in case your memory is dying." Inuyasha yelled, "YOU'RE THE EVIL BROTHER INUYASHA, AT LEAST SESSHOMARU KNOWS ABOUT FEELINGS, AND LOVE." "HE TOOK ME IN WHEN YOU BATTERED MY BODY, MY HEART, AND MY SOLE."(A/N: It's been a year since the flashback)

When Kagome told her two ex companions what Inuyasha did to her, Sango and Miroku both turned to Inuyasha and gave him the worst look that even Sesshomaru would be afraid of. They then heard Kagome say something "Oh by the way Inuyasha I forgot to give you a gift of appreciation." "SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT SIT!" Inuyasha was in a 5 feet crater after Kagome got through with him "That isn't even close to the pain you gave me." Sesshomaru looked so proud at his youngest and vicious Vixen. `Note to self never make Kagome mad." Sesshomaru thought in his mind. When Miroku and Sango turned to see Kagome and speak some more with her Sesshomaru, Shippo, and Kagome were long gone.

When they were a good two miles away from the village. Kagome embraced Sesshomaru again thanking him for what he did. Shippo then spoke up hey Kagome why is it that you smell a little of fox. Kagome looked down at the little Kitsune pup that she had claimed hers, and said "Sesshomaru-sama gave me an ability to change into a fox." "Really!!!" Shippo bounced up and down. Seeing this made Kagome giggle a little. "Settle down, I'll show you but then we must get home soon with these herbs." Kagome pushed out of Sesshomaru's loving grasp, and concentrated a bright light came and encircled Kagome. When the light disappeared, there stood a beautiful white fox with golden eyes. "Well how do I look?" Kagome asked and turned around as if she were modeling a new dress "Kagome you look just like my momma." Shippo said in a low and teary voice.

Kagome giggled as she transformed back to her normal self and gathered the young kit in her arms for a deep hug. "Shippo I consider you to be one of my own, and I hate seeing you so down so I think I'll give you a tickle attack." Then Kagome started to tickle Shippo all over making him laugh and gasping for air.

Sesshomaru, finding this very amusing thinking how good of a mother she would make to his pups, but he did want to get back to his castle and see his girls, so he broke the laughter by saying. "Alright you two lets go, I want to be back at the castle before midnight." As he did that he used his tail and wrapped it around Kagome "Master I can walk you know." Kagome giggled because it tickled her "That's precisely why I'm going to run and your going to get a free ride." Just before he took he turned to the little kit and picked him up, and raised one eyebrow. "Looks like I just inherited a son." And placed him in Kagome's arms.

With that Sesshomaru launched himself towards his castle.

A/N: Thank you to all of you who reviewed in my first chapter. Your wonderful comments to me made me feel very happy. Ok I know I made this chapter very long, but I don't think the rest of my chapters will be this long. And before you all start to say wait the Kit is Sesshomaru's son now, let me try to make this clear. Kagome adopted Shippo when his parents died we basically all know that. But when Sesshomaru got a Vixen she belonged to him. So basically they became his mate with out the joys of sex. I know you Miroku's out there are drooling, but please try to contain yourself.