InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One and Only ❯ Mistaken Urge ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha...I mean, can we say, "Duh?"

Author's Note:

1) I only do happy endings.

2) Please review! I don't want to continue if no one likes it, ya know?

3) I only do happy endings without Kikyou. Now onward!

Chapter 1: Mistaken Urge


Mist shrouded the dark forest in a gloomy light, weighing those hidden inside with a heavy burden of thoughts and hopes. For once, it was silent and still. The forest held its breath, as if it was waiting for something…


The form of a young woman lay prone in a campsite. A faint glow emitted from her closed palms, and pain creased her brow. Her sable hair was tangled from her frequent movements of discomfort. Her pallor worried the six figures around her.


Sango fidgeted nervously with Kilala's tail, highly agitated at Kagome's worsening condition. "This isn't fair to her! We finally manage to get the rest of the shards from Naraku and - and -" Sango lost her speech as she gazed at the near lifeless face of Kagome.


Miroku, for once being a complete gentleman, placed his hand over Sango's in comfort. "Kagome will be fine. She is just exhausted from having to use all of her energy day after day to cleanse the Jewel of Four Souls. You heard Myouga. The Jewel shards had been under the power of Naraku for too long. The battle within the Jewel had almost been completely won by evil. Kagome's subconscious has been in the Jewel, fighting that battle with her purification powers. For her to even be alive still ..."


Miroku's eyes widened in horror as he realized his words of comfort had the opposite affect on Sango, and that she had began to sniffle quietly.


"I'm okay, Sango."


All was silent for a moment, before everyone once again crowded around Kagome. Inuyasha jumped out of a nearby tree faster that an eye could see and reached her side first. Everyone besides Kagome shifted instinctively away from Inuyasha. The past week had left one and all fearful of the deadly Inuyasha. Dark demon energy radiated from him and there was constantly a formidable glare of cruelty in his eyes ever since the day the group had battled with Naraku. That day (though no one mentioned it or even spoke to the fearsome Inuyasha), Kikyo had finally died at the hands of Naraku. Ever since, Inuyasha had been unapproachable.


Shippo speedily made his way to Kagome's other side. "Kagome! Kagome? What -"


Inuyasha glared, bonked Shippo on the head, and cut him off with a low growl. "Let her be!"


Not one to be easily intimidated, Shippo pouted and glared back at Inuyasha. "Hey! I just wanted to -"


Kagome's mouth tilted up slightly at the corners. She was nearly paralyzed in her exhaustion, and her voice was barely above a whisper. "I am so glad to be back here with all of you. Are you all okay?"


Inuyasha switched his glare to Kagome, silently assessing her form to see if she was okay. He had been covering his panic and worry over her with anger for the past week. He had been extremely worried. However, Inuyasha would never admit that, not even to himself. "Feh. Don't be stupid. Stop worrying about everyone else first. You're not in a good condition, so be selfish for once."


Kagome's tender eyes opened slightly, meeting Inuyasha's glare and softening it. "You all were still injured when I began to purify the jewel. Are you okay, Inuyasha?"


Inuyasha broke his gaze away, mumbling a few choice expletives beneath his breath. A dull shade of red tinted his cheeks.


Sango, happier now that Kagome had regained consciousness, addressed everyone in a calm manner, "I am glad everything is back to normal. Is anyone hungry? You really need to eat, Kagome."


"I can't," spoke Kagome. "I may have helped recover the power of good in the jewel, but it is still separated and weak. I need to mend the shards of the jewel or else our world will bear the consequences."


Kagome was falling unconscious again, and it seemed she had no notion that she was speaking these words.


For the first time, Sango's brother Kohaku spoke up. He had been rescued from Naraku during the final battle. "How so?"


But Kagome never answered, because before she could, the Jewel pulsed once between her hands. She was once again unconscious.


A few hours later…


Inuyasha rocked back and forth at Kagome's side. He had been rocking back and forth ever since he had sniffed the wind and found a most disturbing scent. Whatever it meant, he refused to leave Kagome's side.


Sango glanced over at Inuyasha for the hundredth time. Everyone else was wondering the exact thing she was! So what if she was the only one brave enough to ask? "What's wrong, Inuyasha?"


Inuyasha didn't bother answering.


Miroku decided to lend his support to Sango. "Yes. What is wrong, Inuyasha?"


Inuyasha simply growled. "Feh! Nothing."


Miroku shook his head silently, but Sango did not give up. "What?"


Inuyasha finally just answered. "What? It's nothing. Kikyou's scent of blood is just on the wind is all. It's not like it matters anyway. I can't leave Kagome."


Sango just stared at him, dumbfounded. "But - Inuyasha, that can't be right. Kikyou is dead."


Inuyasha's brow furrowed with worry. "I know. That's what I thought too ..."


No one said a word. Suddenly, Kagome's hand shot out and gripped Inuyasha's arm. Everyone jumped, and Shippo even shrieked at the sudden movement from the previously unconscious girl.


Kagome's eyes snapped open and burned with some inner strength. "Inuyasha…If you smell Kikyou's blood, then she is alive and injured. She needs your help ... You have to go to her ...


Inuyasha glared at her and placed her hand back on the Jewel. "Don't be an idiot. I have to stay here and protect you. You shouldn't be awake anyway!"


Kagome bravely retained eye contact with Inuyasha. "You have to go. I am safe with Sango and Miroku to protect me. Kikyou has no one. I couldn't - just could never imagine having no one. You have to go to her ... now ..."


Inuyasha's face twisted into a mask of confusion. His voice softened so only Kagome could hear. "I have to be with you to protect you. I - I couldn't bear for anything to happen to you ..."


Kagome smiled warmly at Inuyasha. "I like you too, Inuyasha. I will be here when you return ... I always will be."


For countless minutes their gazes raged a silent battle, until Inuyasha finally glanced away uncomfortably. "Feh! I will be back soon ... Be careful."


Then he was gone.


And all anyone could do is watch pityingly as a single tear ran down Kagome's cheek.


~End of Chapter 1~


Author's Note: Ya like? Review and I will answer any questions. ^-^