InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My One True Love ❯ Kaori ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My One True Love
By: Inu-koi's Life Mate and Sessomaru and InuYasha's mate
Chapter 1

"You lecherous monk!" Sango's infuriated screech echoed off the mountain's rocky walls.
"But Sango, dear! I'm only trying to show you how I feel!" Miroku pleaded. It was a normal morning with our favorite group.
"No, you pervert! Hiraikotsu!" Sango whacked Miroku with her boomerang, right in the nuts.
"Ughh!" Mirku wheezed, falling to the ground in pain.
"Idiot..." Shippo said. This kind of thing was always going on, but Miroku never learned.
"Kirara!" Sango growled, rounding on the innocent neko. She mewed in fear. "Take Miroku to my village. We need to teach him a lesson." Kirara lifted the monk onto her back and flew away.
"That's new." Inuyasha said. Kagome nodded in agreement.
"I know Inuyasha. I wonder what lesson Sango is gonna be teaching him, don't you?"
"I don't give a damn, let Sango do what she wants to that lecher." Inuyasha scoffed, turning to hide his faint blush.
"Well, Inuyasha, do you know where there's a hot spring around here? I could use a soak, I haven't bathed all week! Even I can smell how bad I stink!"
"Feh! Fine, take your stupid bath! There's hot spring just up ahead." Inuyasha growled, turning back to her. She smiled merrily.
"Thank you, Inuyasha."
Kagome grinned as she settled down into the steamy waters. It felt so good...
"Kagome?" The priestess's eyes opened wide.
"Kaori-chan?!" She cried. "It's good to see you!"
"Kaggie! How are you! May I join you?"
"Of course, Ko-chan! I'm just taking a bath." Kagome smiled, patting a rock next to her. Kaori sat next to her sister.
"How've you been?"
"Great." Kagome said, her face glowing red, the heat getting to her.
"Is Inuyasha still as stubborn as ever?" Kaori's voice floated into Kagome's ears.
"Yeah...He still doesn't get it...I love him so much..." Kagome's eyes were getting blurry. "Stubborn..."
"Have you tried hinting to him with physical affection? He is an Inu-hanyou, after all."
"No...But, maybe I will." Kagome's smile seemed drunken. "Would he like that?" Just at that moment, Inuyasha was standing by a tree, and his ears twitched, listening to Kagome's soft voice. He dropped his crimson pants and continued listening. "If he loves me like I do him, he'll like it..."
"Just remember, Kaggie, you have to think of things dogs like. Like ear rubs, but you have to be gentle. No tugging on them, ok?" Kaori sniffed the air, and smiled. "He's nearby, Kaggie."
"WHAT?!" Kagome drunkenness cleared almost instantly. She stood up, and glared around the trees. "Sit, Boy!" A crash came from Inuyasha, and soon, cursing followed.
"Kaggie, he was just relieving himself. Don't be so hard on him."
"Oh..." A blush covered her cheeks. "You don't think he heard me, do you?" She covered herself demurly.
"I do think he heard how you feel about him. So, are you gonna introduce me, Kaggie?"
"Yeah, I guess so." Kagome's head was spinning. Inuyasha knew! He knew she loved him!
"Kagome..." Inuyasha walked down to the edge of the hot spring. "You love me?"
"Well, Kaggie! Is this him?"
"Oh! Inuyasha, this is Kaori...she's my older sister. Ko-chan, this is Inuyasha." Kagome smiled, still shaking from the realization that she'd just blurted her feelings in front of Inuyasha.
"So, you're the guy who my sis waxes eloquent about." Kaori looked him over and nodded. "Nice choice, Kaggie! He's well endowed, too."
"K-Ko-chan!" Kagome blushed madly. Inuyasha smiled.
"You got that right!"
"And if Kaggie wasn't my sister, I'd be tempted. Next time, remember to pull your hakama back on before you come forth, ok?" Kaori said.
"W-wha- gah!" Inuyasha hid behind the closest tree, and a blush covered his face. "Don't look!"
"He really is just a big softy, huh Kaggie? I didn't believe you at first!" Kaori said, giggling at Inuyasha's antics.
"He is a bit eccentric, huh, Ko-chan?" Kagome giggled, her eyes locked on Inuyasha's huddled form.
"Yah, but I get the feeling he really likes you, Kaggie. Why don't you ask him on a date?" Pink dusted Kagome's cheeks.
"Ah...Ko-chan, I don't think-"
"But I do think. Let's go on a date." Inuyasha interrupted.
"You see, Kaggie!"
"Oh...okay..." Kagome smiled, the blush fading.
"Kagome?" She turned to him.
"What's a date?" Inuyasha asked.
Hearing this, Kaori giggled.
"Inuyasha, Kaori would be able to explain it better." Kagome giggled, hiding her grin behind her hand.
"Kaori?" Inuyasha turned, confused to Kaori. "Could you explain?"
"Inuyasha, for humans a date is the same as a courtship stroll. Basicly, you take her to dinner and a movie. Then you bring her home. Or if you'd rather have the date here in this era, take her someplace quiet and romantic, and set up a picnic dinner. You understand? Dating is the same as courting."
"Oh." Inuyasha nodded. He turned back to Kagome "You mean you want to be my mate?" Kagome's chestnut orbs widened.
"If that's what a boyfriend is, yes."
"Inuyasha, one step at a time! You know that courting comes before mating! Kaggie, he's actually asking you if you want to be his wife in demon terms." Inuyasha's face turned bright red.
"Ah...if that's not what you want I..." Kagome smiled.
"Inuyasha, we can court, but I'm not ready to get married."
"Inuyasha, she has agreed to be your courted. Just take it slow, one step at a time."
"Right." He grinned, and took Kagome's hand. "Let's go somewhere."
"Okay, um, I'm going to go with Inuyasha, Ko-chan."
"Alright, Kaggie. Inuyasha, a word please?"
"Right. Kagome, I'll be right there." Inuyasha followed Kaori behind a tree. "What's the matter?"
"Inuyasha, if I find out later that you broke Kaggie's heart, I will hunt you down and make it so you can't have pups of your own!"
"I would never hurt her! She's my life!" Inuyasha protested, his eyes hardening.
"As long as we understand each other. Kaggie told me about you always running off to a woman named Kikyo. When you come back, she says you never talk to her and avoid looking her in the eyes. I want to know right now, do you have feelings for Kikyo that are strong enough for you to possibly leave my sister?" Inuyasha's eyes swept the dirt floor.
"I used to love Kikyo, but not anymore. I'd never leave Kagome for her again!"
"I can tell that Kaggie doesn't believe that, Inuyasha. You have to show her that fact. Lots of affection, and making sure that you tell her you're kissing her because you love her, and not because she looks like Kikyo. That is her biggest fear, Inuyasha."
"What can I do to make her believe me?"
"Do things for her that you've never done for anyone before. Show her how you feel, even if there are others around. That is how you can prove it to her."
"I will." Inuyasha was completly determined to show Kagome he loved her, and only her.
"Now go. I'll be checking up on you two, just because I haven't seen Kaggie since she was 10."
"Okay. Take care, Kaori." Inuyasha turned, and walked back to Kagome's side.
"Inuyasha!" Kagome called, and Inuyasha looked up at her. "Hey. Let's go." He smiled. It would be a good day.