InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Only One ❯ My Only One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimers: I do not own InuYasha or any of the manga/anime characters. They belong to the lovely genius Rumiko Takahashi.
My Only One
He wanted her. He needed her but could he finally do something about it. He decided not to deal with it but time didn't agree with him and now, once again, he came upon a difficult situation.
“Kikyo…” whispered the silver hair hanyou as he quickly jumped down from the high tree he was occupying onto the ground. He walked towards the resting, sleeping bodies that were lying on the ground making sure they were truly sleeping and then he walked towards the girl; his girl. He kneeled down and stared at her. It was going to be two years now since their paths crossed and if he knew even half of the stuff he knew now he would have treated the “new aged” girl differently. He pressed his face to the side of her face and inhaled deeply. After taking in a deep breath of her sweet scent he loves so much he stood up and started walking towards the direction of the forest. As he made it to the edge he gave one last look at his friends and made his destination towards the undead presence he could sense.
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“Inuyasha…where are you? Inuyasha…Inuyasha?” said the slightly scared girl. She didn't recognize where she was but stood in the center of a cabin that kind of resembled Kaede's. It was a relatively small size but inside the cabin, in the right hand corner, was a small fire that did not help much. She could still feel the chilliness in the wind from outside and began to rub her arms so she could at least create some kind of friction to make herself warm again. As she walked closer to the small fire she heard a voice coming from behind her.
“Oi, wench, what are you yelling for? I'm right here,”
“You scared me. I thought you had left me alone,”
“I did…” the half demon said as he crossed his arms, hiding half of it inside the sleeves of his red Hitoe and giving her a slight smirk.
“Excuse me…”
Listen…as soon as the Jewel is pieced together I want you as far away from me as possible. I'll just take the jewel and you will go back to your own time and leave me the hell alone!” said Inuyasha as he walked up closer to Kagome, almost face to face.
Inuya…” whispered Kagome right before she heard someone else say his name.
“Inuyasha,” was heard from inside of the cabin that made the hanyou turn and the human girl to stare out of shock.
“I've been looking for you,” said Kikyo as she walked up to Inuyasha, in which he accepted her with open arms, and gave him a small peck on the lips.
“I was just talking to this weakling,” said Inuyasha in a harsh tone.
“See Kagome, this is why I want you gone. I had chosen Kikyo before and I still do. I was in love with her in the past and I am still in love with her now. She is strong and beautiful for which I can't say about you.”
“But Inuyasha… I thought… I thought.”
“You thought what… that I was growing feeling for you. That maybe one day I would fall in love with you. I was just faking being kind to you baka for the shards.”
“Oh, inuyasha, how could you…” sobbed Kagome as she looked at the ground.
“Very easily Kagome,” said Inuyasha as he looped his arm around Kikyo's lower back then turned and started to walk away from Kagome heading out of the cabin.
“NO!!! INUYASHA!!! Please don't leave me! I know this can't be true, it can't be! Inuyasha! INUYASHA!” screamed Kagome as she abruptly woken up screaming the familiar name with tears rolling down her cheeks unexpectedly.
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“Kagome,” said Inuyasha with a worried tone as he stopped at the end of the forest. As he turned around to head back to the sound of the worried scream he heard someone else, “Inuyasha…” said a mellow, low voice.
“Kikyo…” he said once again as he turned back to face her.
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“It was just a dream…yeah…a dream… more like a nightmare,” said Kagome as she tried to recover her senses but couldn't. As she stepped out of her sleeping bag she whispered his name, “Inuyasha…Inuyasha?”
She went to the tree he said that he was going to be keeping a look out from but saw nothing. I wonder where he is- she said to herself but then an image of Kikyo in Inuyasha's arms from the nightmare popped in her head. She didn't want to deal with that again so she shook her head to try to get ride of the images from her mind.
“No, he wouldn't do that to me,” said Kagome as she walked back to get her backpack. “He did say that there was a river around here somewhere, maybe I'll go and take a nice bath,” said Kagome as if she was talking to someone. She walked up to Miroku who was sleeping next to a bolder and camp fire. As much as Kagome shook him to wake up he only turned his body the opposite way and grumbles a questionable yes.
“Miroku, I can't sleep. I'm going to the river that Inuyasha mentioned. Make sure to tell him that when he returns, ok.”
“Sure Kagome,” said Miroku as he tucked his arms close to his body.
“I hope he heard me,” said Kagome, with her new set of pajamas and soap in her hands as she made her way to the forest. As she entered the forest plane she was trying to remember the direction Inuyasha said where the river was and pushed away all the branches that came in her way so she wouldn't get hit directly on the face or anywhere else. Even though she half-tripped a couple times from the twisted, tangled branch that grew on the floor she never once fell flat on her face. When she looked up from the green floor she noticed that there was a clear spot ahead and headed for it but then as she got closer she started to hear noises.
“Kikyo, if only you knew how much,” said Inuyasha who was standing right in front of the undead miko as she stood with her back to a very large tree looking almost exactly like the tree she rested on when she tried to take Inuyasha to hell with her a little over a year ago.
“Inuyasha…” whispered Kagome for her ears only to hear.
“Kikyo, I've told you I'll always protect you and I will. This hunt I am doing now is not going to change that. Nothing could stop me from protecting you.”
“I know Inuyasha. That is why I have come tonight. It is time for us to become one again and bring our paths together. I want you to travel with me from this day on,” said Kikyo as she closed the gab between her and the hanyou. Inuyasha couldn't help but stare at her eyes.
“Tell me Inuyasha. Will you forget about your group…will you forget my reincarnation and join me,” asked Kikyo as she caressed his cheek.
“Kikyo, I…” he couldn't finish.
“Inuyasha, how could you?” said a shocked Kagome from the clearing of the woods. Inuyasha turned and looked straight at her. In other times when he met up with Kikyo without telling Kagome and found him with her she could never look at him directly in his eye but this time was different. In stead of looking at the ground or figeting with her skirt she looked at him, dead on, straight onto his eyes. He could tell by the expression in her eyes that she was hurt, once again, and tired of the whole situation between him and the girl. Every time she felt she had even the slightest chance to win his heart she would get deeply disappointed because it was always Inuyasha running back to Kikyo and not the other way around.
“You know what Inuyasha, I'm sorry. I thought I could handle this and I know I promised to always be at your side but I can't. I'm sorry I can't be like you and keep my promises but I give up. I hope that at least you have the happiness you were always looking for,” she didn't even let the hanyou speak a word before she turned quickly and ran through the forest. She didn't care where she ended up at the moment but right now all she needed was to get away and away fast.
“KAGOME!” screamed the hanyou, as he ran to the place she once stood at.
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Broken this fragile this now and I can't,
I can't pick up the pieces and I've
Thrown my words all around but
I can't, I can't give you a reason
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“Inuyasha,” said Kikyo to receive his attention back unto her. He turned around and as he looked into her eyes he finally realized what…who he truly wanted. There was just something about Kagome running away from him that broke his heart and that was something he never wanted to go through again.
“Kikyo, things have changed. I will say that I was in love with you because you were the first person in a very long time that actually gave me their time of day. I will always remember how secretly happy I was when you first spoke to me but know our lives have completely change. I have a future and that future is with Kagome,” said Inuyasha right before he dashed to the forest leaving a hurt Kikyo before she could say another word.
Kagome! Kagome…you can't leave me! Baka how could you do that to her after everything she has done for you - he mentally screamed at himself. “Kagome, I'm nothing with out you. Please hold on, don't give up just yet, just not yet.”
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I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know
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Kagome didn't know what kept her feet moving. Her breath was extremely heavy and she felt exhausted but the thing that she felt most was her broken heart. In all five hundred years that separated her from her hanyou she would have never thought he would have ever betray her like that. She kept running; running straight ahead to Kami knows what. She didn't care if demons where after her, she didn't care if there was a bandit hiding in the trees. Right now she just really didn't give a damn. With tears in her eyes she looked up and saw something ahead.
“Oh please Kami; let it be what I think it is.” Sure enough she made it across the forest without any fights or struggles apart from branches hitting her left and right. She stood about ten feet away from the well and cleared her eyes.
“Cool it Kagome, just for a little while, you can't let mama see you like this,” she said to herself as she started to walk again with a somewhat clear mind. she reached the well and rested her hand on the edge. She turned her head to see from behind her to get one last look at what was some of the best times of her life. She knew that she was going to come back but it wasn't going to be the same. Just because her relationship with Inuyasha didn't turn out good she wasn't going to let the world be punished because of it. She felt really upset, aside form Inuyasha, about leaving her friends but she knew they would understand. She turned her head and was about to hop in when she heard her name be yelled from inside the forest
Oh please, not right now- she said to herself.
“Kagome! Baka wench! Didn't you hear me call you!” he said with her back to him.
“Inuyasha…don't…not right now. I can't take it anymore; I'm tired…my heart is tired…I'm tired of the whole thing between you, me, and Kikyo. I've always know that you belong to her but my heart belongs to you. My heart didn't want to accept that you, all along, chose Kikyo instead of me,” she whispered to him while looking at the ground with her feet steady on the ground and her arms straight at her side with her fists in a ball. It took all of her courage she had left not to cry at that moment. After a long moment she finally looked up and straight into his eyes.
I love you, you must have known that for a long time now. That is why this hurts so much. From now on our relationship, what ever you want to call it, will no longer be. I will be here, with you, to collect the chards and nothing more. That is what you wanted from the beginning and now are going to get. I heard you tell Kikyo you will be with her so I will not do anything to make your life harder that what it already is. Goodbye Inuyasha,” were her last words before she turned away slowly putting her hands once again on the edge of the well but as she was about to jump inside she felt her right hand being covered with something. As she opened her eyes, not really noticing she had them closed, she saw that it was his hand on top of hers.
“Inuyasha, please don't, just let me go.”
“Inuyasha don't let me say “it”,” threatened the girl.
Inuyasha did the one thing he wanted to do for quite some time know. He grabbed her right hand away from the well and brought her close to him so he could give her a fierce hug, having her head rest on his chest.
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Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one
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“Kagome, you didn't finish hearing what I was going to tell Kikyo. I told Kikyo that…that I am in love with you,” said Inuyasha as he kissed the top of her head and lowered it so it could rest nicely on top. He moved his left hand from her back to her play with her hair while he made small circles on the curve on her back with his right.
Kagome couldn't believe it. As she was being hugged by him she started to cry, “I can't believe you are doing this to me Inuyasha. I never thought you could play with my heart after confessing my feelings towards you. I thought you were better than that,” said Kagome in an angry tone as she raised her hand in between them and pushed him away but Inuyasha didn't loosen his grip on her.
“You don't believe me? I know I should have told you I was going to visit her but I didn't want you to be worried about me meeting her. When I was up in the tree I couldn't help keep my eyes away from you. I've wanted for such a long time to tell you how I feel but I was scared.”
“You were scared?! You were the one who keeps going back to her. I have always stayed with you no matter what; even after Koga and Hojo. Please Inuyasha, I don't want to fight.” Said Kagome screaming at him first but after she controlled herself she realized it was doing her no good to get angry at him. “I'm going to go home. I won't be back for a couple of days so I can think about some things. Please don't go through the well,” said Kagome in a mellow, sad voice that broke his heart.
“Kagome, I am telling you the truth. I do love you and because I love you I will let you do as you want and leave you alone for a couple of days but I will come back for you. I will not forget about you. You are my other half, you are my mate,” said Inuyasha as his golden eyes shine under the twilight moon that made him look incredible. Kagome started to believe in him again but then Kikyo popped in her head which brought her back into reality.
“Fine Inuyasha, but please give me my space ok,” said an almost crying Kagome as she turned around and jumped inside the well.
“I do love you Kagome. I will prove it to you,” said Inuyasha as he sat on the grass and stared at the almost full moon.
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Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone
And something's breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one who gets me like you do
You are my only my only one
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One the other side of the well Kagome appeared from the purple, pink light that disappeared into the bottom of the well. As she stood up at the bottom of the well she felt incredible dizzy. As she was loosing her balance she placed one hand on her forehead and the other against the well to help her stand up.
Keep it together girl. Just for a little bit- said Kagome as she grabbed the thick twigs she used to help her climb out of the well. As she jumped out of the well and exited the small temple she saw the tree. The tree that brought her and his life together; the tree that brought their fate together. She stood in front of the tree and stared up admiring its beauty.
You…you are what brought me to him. Was this how it suppose to end up, with my heart broken- she screamed to the tree. “After everything I have given up. Why Kami! At lease tell my why it had to be like this!” she screamed to the tree hitting and kicking the poor tree to release all the anger she had within her. After a few moments of hitting the tree she turned so she could rest her body, leaning onto the tree and sliding down on the floor sitting on the root of the tree tucking her head on her knees and hugging her legs. There was no holding back anymore; she let every single tear she had fell down.
Back into 500 hundred years into the past Inuyasha sat at the foot of the well thinking about how screwed up the whole situation had become in all in one night. “I should have told her a long time ago! Baka Kagome, I do love you, wench. Maybe it is too late…maybe she won't ever come back. She will be better off without me anyways. I would only bring trouble to her life but she is what makes me a better. Because of her I have friends I could rely on, I can trust in people, and she taught me to love. If she wishes to stay in her time I will let her. I have hurt her too many times for her to come back to me,” said Inuyasha as his final hope for them to be happy together left his head. He stood up, wiped the grass and the tears he had and started walking away from the well, away from his true love he was going to give up. After a couple of steps he felt a pain within his chest. His heart had tightened and his arms and legs were hurting. What he was feeling was the same feeling he had every time he had finished fighting with a demon. As he finally realized what he was feeling he knew it wasn't coming from him but from someone else, Kagome.
“Kagome! I'm coming after you, I don't care! I love you and I will make you believe me! You are my only one, my soul mate, my love,” said the hanyou as the last words he said echoed inside the well.
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Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see
Right through me
So let me go and you will find someone
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one, no one like you
You are my only, my only one
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“Kagome,” said a soft, loving voice ahead. Kagome raised her head and cleared her eyes. There in front of her, kneeling down, was Inuyasha.
Koishii,” whispered the hanyou as his hands reached out to grab hers. He gently took one of her hands and placed it between his and began rubbing both sides that was making her incredibly calm.
Koishii, I didn't lie to you. Everything I have told you earlier was the truth. You are the one person I would never lie to. I love you Kagome, I truly do.”
“But Inuyasha, I heard what you said to Kikyo; I even heard you when you said `If only you knew how much.' Don't lie to me when you confessed your love to her at that moment,” said Kagome as she slightly jerked her hand away from him.
“Kagome, you didn't hear all of it. That was my answer to her when she asked me a very important question that made me realized to finally tell you I love you,” said Inuyasha.
“What was the question she asked you?”
“She had asked me if I was in love with you. That is when I told her `if only you knew how much.' That is when I finally told her I was not going anywhere with her. I told her that I am in love with you, koishii, and that my future is with you.”
“Oh, Inuyasha! I love you too! I'm so sorry! I should have never over reacted. Can you forgive me?” screamed Kagome as she spread her arms and jumped forward hugging him so fiercely that she tumbled both of them onto the ground with Kagome lying on top of Inuyasha.
“There is nothing to forgive. I should be asking you for forgiveness. I should have never left you all those times to see Kikyo. I do love you, Kagome and I will prove it to for the rest of the days of my life.”
“Oh Inuyasha…I love you…so much!”
Inuyasha and Kagome stared at each other expressing their love with their eyes. Inuyasha couldn't hold it any more and Kagome couldn't wait any longer. He raised his head up and she lowered hers and for the first time they kissed. The kiss was gentle and passionate and for them they knew it would not be the last of the great adventures they were going to experience, their love for each other.
My only one
My only one
My only one
You are my only, my only one
Ok, just let me say I loved writing this story. My sister said I used the word “love” too much but there could never be too much “love” in a story. Ahhh…youngsters… ha! No! Stupid hormones! Anyways the song I used in this story is called “My Only One” by Yellowcard so I do not own that song as well. Too bad…so sad! Let me know what you all think! Thanks!