InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Other Life ❯ Surprise visits and emotions ( Chapter 16 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I'm so ashamed of myself. It's been what? Over two months since I last updated? I'm sorry for the long wait, but I just had no inspiration for this story. I couldn't think of a single thing to write. But then I looked at how long I hadn't updated, and thought, `Okay, whether you have inspiration or not, you sit your bottom down and write whatever comes to mind'. And I did. So if it doesn't make sense, then blame my brain. It thought of the ideas.
On a lighter note, I tried to make this chapter as long as possible. Hopefully, it meets up with your expectations Oh, and when you're done reading this chapter check out my bio and look at my first resolution. I sure as heck killed that a long time ago. And since I'm in a complaining mood, I might as well get this off my chest too. I was bored and had wanted to check out my story from the beginning (don't ask.) After I had gotten to the third, maybe fourth, chapter, I was horrified. I was like, did I write those? They're awful. So, most likely I'm going to have to edit every single chapter (or most of them). They're that bad. Yeah, I'm really picky when it comes to my writing. Can't help it. Okay, now go on and enjoy!
. . .
Daichi's gaze fell onto Kagome and then flickered back to his date. Thoughtfully, he said, “You know, if one didn't happen to look closely at you two, one could say you guys are sisters.”
Kikyou gave Daichi a cold glare before she stepped into the warmth of the mansion, her date behind her. The butler instantly closed the door and a servant appeared out of nowhere to take the couple's coats. Kikyou turned her disgusted expression to Daichi and said coldly, “Please don't ever compare me with someone of her breeding. It's an insult to my family's good name.” She didn't have to see if her words had any effect on Kagome by the heated glare she all of a sudden felt on her exposed neck.
Sango put a restraining hand on Kagome's shoulder to stop her from doing something she would most likely regret later on. Kagome balled up her hands into tight fists, trying to get a hold over her temper. Your being tested Kagome, remember? Don't lose it!
Reminding herself of why she was going to have to put up with Kikyou's crap helped Kagome somewhat calm herself. Through clenched teeth, she said, “Please enjoy the evening. A servant will show you the way to the ballroom.”
Kikyou brushed a non-existent wrinkle from her pure white kimono. The shiny silk of the kimono sparkled from the bright sunlight shining down from one of the many windows at Kikyou's movement. Kagome couldn't help but notice how perfect the simple piece of white lace tying back Kikyou's raven hair went with her outfit. No make-up was to be found on Kikyou's flawless skin, though Kagome thought she caught a whiff of some type of perfume every once in a while. She had amazingly managed to snag a pair of white low heel sandals without there being a trace of dirt on the colorless surface.
It's not her fault she's able to look perfect in anything she chooses to wear, Kagome thought enviously. Kikyou smiled at her, as if she could hear every jealous thought going through Kagome's mind. Her gaze flickered over the almost plain pink dress Kagome was wearing. The dress was, in fact, far from plain though.
The dress had long sleeves with a square neckline and a hem that reached to her ankles. It molded Kagome's every curve and imperfection to a T. Sango had reassured Kagome when she had given it to her that the dress would made her look as sophisticated as a Queen. My dress may have been made from the finest silks in the world, or so Sango says, but when compared to Kikyou's dress, Sango might as well have gotten it from a bargain store! Kagome thought furiously.
Daichi watched all of this with an amused smile on his lips. Whatever the human girls' disliked each other for, Daichi knew the evening would definitely prove to be an entertaining one. Not that it was going to be boring for him when it was time to take care of Kagome…
Kagome gestured slightly with her wrist for a servant to come and was instantly obeyed. Kagome turned to the mismatched couple, a false smile on her lips and said as sweetly as possible, “This servant will show you where you are to go.”
Kikyou turned from Kagome and ignored the balding head that was currently bowed down in respect. “I can find my own way to the ballroom. I have been, after all, over here more times than you could ever imagine.” Daichi held up his arm and let Kikyou place her hand on top of it, escorting her to where the other guests were located at.
Kagome's eyes followed the cool and collected bat demon and his cold, emotionless date down the hallway until they were no longer visible. The old servant only had to turn his aging eyes to Kagome to know he should leave while he was still with a job. He, like every other servant in the household, hadn't spent too much time with any of Prince Inuyasha's guests. He wasn't sure how any of the girls' acted or what their likes or dislikes were. If the one who so resembled Lady Kikyou acted like Lady Kikyou in any shape or form, he knew he would have to stay on her good side. With that thought in mind, the servant discreetly disappeared without being noticed in only the way servants knew how.
Sango looked at Kagome in concern, never noticing the servant that disappeared. Hesitantly, she asked, “Are you okay Kagome?”
Kagome finally snapped out of her musings and turned her attention to her friend. Giving her a cheery smile, Kagome said, “Of course Sango! Aside from the fact that when the door was opened and, expecting to see another demon lord snob, only to have something worse thrust upon me. The very woman who tried to get me disqualified and who absolutely hates my guts, I am perfectly fine.” Her smile grew wider. “Why do you ask?”
Sango gave Kagome a weird look, before she shook her head sadly. “Are you sure that the presence of Kikyou won't effect you in anyway?”
Kagome shrugged, before her smiled fell from her lips and in place was a frown. Miserably, Kagome said, “No. I'm going to have to be on constant alert now that Kikyou's here, which in turn will detain me from putting my full concentration onto whatever my little mission will be.” Kagome heaved a big sigh. “And that, Sango, seriously puts a dent on my chances of winning this contest.”
Sango gave Kagome a sympathetic look, understanding how she felt completely. She suddenly brightened as an idea occurred to her. Gently, she said, “If you feel that bad about it, why don't you go over to the ballroom and make sure that all the guests are happy.”
Kagome looked at Sango in surprise, before her gaze softened. “Sango…?”
Sango nodded her consent, before gently pushing Kagome in the direction towards the ballroom. “Go on,” she urged. “I can take care of myself.”
Kagome opened her mouth to reply, but closed it shut when she saw Sango's steely glare. With a half a nod, Kagome quickly followed the hall that Kikyou and Daichi had gone down not to long ago.
Kagura watched Kagome's retreating figure before shaking her in disgust. The stupid human had just let a golden opportunity pass her by! And for what reason? To help out her `friend'? Kagome wasn't supposed to be her friend; she was her competition.
Not bothering to hide the contempt she felt for what she felt as a stupid thing to do, Kagura said, “You are probably one of the most stupid humans I have ever met. You just let a golden opportunity pass you by, and that move could have cost you you're chance of winning.”
Sango glared at Kagura before replying coldly, “Yes, but as far as I'm concerned, no competition is more important than my friends. I would gladly hand Kagome this competition on a silver platter if that's what it would take to help her out.”
Kagura shook her head, before turning back to the door. An evil smile made its way across her lips as an idea came to her. I wonder...? Casually, Kagura turned towards the hall to the ballroom and made her way to where the festivities were being held.
Sango noticed the movement out of the corner her eye and said sharply, “And where do you think you're going Kagura?”
Kagura said almost cheerfully, “To help out Kagome. I mean, after all, she may need help with handling Kikyou. I'll just be there if she does.”
Sango looked at Kagura's retreating back suspiciously, instantly wary at Kagura's so called offer of `help'. She didn't trust that girl as far as she could see her. She wanted to help Kagome as much as Sango wanted to kill her brother.
Go with your instincts Sango, her mind whispered. And right now, her instincts were telling her to stop Kagura. Sango snapped her attention back to where Kagura had been only to open her mouth in surprise.
She wasn't there anymore.
Sango had only taken a couple of steps before someone knocked on the door. She froze in her tracks. She had forgotten. She needed to greet the guests. Actually, they were all supposed to greet the guests, but seeing as she was the only one who wasn't occupied with other things…
Sango sighed before sending a worried glance towards where Kagome would be. I hope you can take care of yourself Kagome.
Sango sighed again before turning around to stand near the door to greet their next guest. She nodded her head slightly to indicate to the butler she was ready, before fixating a smile on her lips.
“Welcome to the party. I hope you will-”
Sango abruptly stopped speaking as she stared at the person standing in the doorway. She opened her mouth to gape before shutting it closed. A feeling of dread came over her. There was no way he would be here. Only if…
Sango stared in shock as the man with features similar to her own stepped into the clearing, a sickening frown across his face.
“Why are you here? Is something wrong?”
The man shook his head before saying grimly, “No. It's about Kohaku.”
Sango felt like a bucket of ice cubes had been thrown at her. “Father…?” she whispered.
Sango's father heaved a sigh before putting a hand in his trench coat. “He's dying Sango. There's nothing we can do. They've tried everything I can afford, but it just wasn't enough.”
Sango took in a deep breath before asking, “Is he still alive?”
He nodded before saying quietly, “Yes. But it's estimated he only has two weeks to live.” He sighed again before saying, “Which brings me here. He's asking for you Sango. He wants you to be with him before he goes.”
Sango turned pale before saying quietly, “But I can't. I'm in the middle of the contest and if I leave now, I just may be disqualified.”
Sango's father looked in her in the eye. “Well make a decision Sango. Do you want to stay at a place where you don't even know these people that well, or do you want to fulfill your brother's dying wish, whom you won't see ever again?”
Sango looked at her father and then to the ballroom. What was she to do? Was she too pick what her father was silently asking her or was she to choose the money? The money that she could still win to save her brother's life if she stayed with this competition?
All of a sudden, her decision was clear. With steady resolve Sango said, “I choose to…”
. . .
Kagome slapped the hand that was trying to grab her rear end back to its rightful owner. I swear, just because I'm human these lords think they can take advantage of me. Well, I'll show them who they're messing with! Kagome thought furiously.
A snake youki leered at Kagome before he hissed out, “Why don't you take me out back and show me the garden? I would love to give you a lesson on what rose is sweet and which ones are not.”
Kagome smiled at the lord, though no warmth was to be found in her gaze. Sweetly, Kagome said, “You may find out, my lord, that some flowers aren't as sweet as they appear. In fact, some can be deadly despite their beautiful appearance.”
The snake youki blinked at that, before he smiled at Kagome in what could interpret as respect. “Very good my dear. Maybe not all humans are as hopeless as I thought.” With that comment, the snake slithered away to go and find some other unlucky female, no doubt.
Kagome let out a breath of silent relief, before she smile grimly to herself. She wasn't sure if that had been her test or not, but it was better if she still kept up her guard. Speaking of which, where was Inuyasha? He was the reason she came into the ballroom ahead of time in the first place.
Kagome searched out the crowd before she finally landed on a white mass of hair. The guy had his back turned to her, but even from where Kagome was standing, she could tell that he was definitely too short to be Sesshomaru, but tall enough to be Inuyasha. Relieved to see that Kikyou wasn't nearby, Kagome began to make her way to him.
Her arm, however, was gently tugged on, momentarily stopping her from leaving. Kagome was annoyed that she had been detained, and was ready to give whoever detained her, a good lashing with her tongue.
“I'm sorry Kagome, but was I keeping you from going somewhere?”
Kagome turned her eyes and was met head on with a pair of the most beautiful golden color eyes she had seen. Daichi smiled at Kagome, and Kagome's stomach broke out in a set of wild butterflies.
What the heck is wrong with me? Kagome thought in annoyance. I thought I'm in love with Inuyasha?
You are, her mind whispered.
If that's the case, then why do I feel this sudden attraction to Daichi? I'm not supposed to be attracted to anybody else if I'm reallyin love with Daichi.
Daichi lifted a black eyebrow in the air, still waiting for Kagome's response. Kagome flushed slightly at that, remembering that he had asked her a question.
Kagome tried tugging on her arm in hopes that Daichi would get the hint and let her go. Sadly, he either got her hint and chose to ignore it, or he just didn't realize she wanted to be let go. Kagome snorted. Daichi was too astute to not know she wanted him to let her go. It was most likely the former option.
“I'm sorry Daichi, but what did you ask? I wasn't paying attention.”
Daichi smiled warmly at Kagome before brushing her apology aside with a wave of his hand. “Don't worry about apologizing to me Kagome. I only asked if I was keeping you from somewhere.”
Kagome's eyes went to the spot where Inuyasha was and saw with relief he was still there. Wait, who was that next to him? That wasn't…Kikyou, was it? It is, Kagome thought angrily. How dare he talk to that woman after all he she had done to him? Was the guy that stupid or had he just forgot? Probably the former.
Kagome turned away from the site of Inuyasha and said brightly, “Nope. In fact, I was just going to make sure all the guests are having a good time.” Kagome's eyes widened. “You are having a good time, right?”
Daichi smiled at Kagome and then winked. “I am now that I'm in the company of a beautiful woman.”
Kagome blushed at the compliment before scolding herself immediately for doing so. How dare she blush? She was in love with Inuyasha, right?
He doesn't seem to share your feelings though. It seems that Kikyou has done a fine job of replacing you.
Kagome quickly put a lock on her mind, not wanting to hear that type of talk. A burst of laughter had many heads turning to its source, Kagome included. She narrowed her eyes as she saw Kikyou and Inuyasha together with their heads bent, their backs still turned to me.
Oh, so that's the way the cookie crumbles, huh? Fine, if he could ignore her, she sure as heck could ignore him too. Kagome turned her full attention to Daichi, awarding him with a blinding smile.
“I hope you're enjoying yourself Daichi. I really would like to impress as many demons and humans as possible. If there's anything you think isn't where it could be, then feel free to tell me.”
Daichi smirked before he swooped down to whisper in her ear. Kagome's eyes widened slightly, before she giggle nervously, hoping he was joking.
But when her gaze met his, Kagome realized that Daichi was dead serious. Kagome was baffled at how to respond. “I'm, uh, flattered that you feel that way Daichi, but you came with Kikyou after all. Not to mention I'm in love with someone else.”
Daichi's eyes flashed a dark gold before they returned to their normal golden color, making Kagome question her sanity. He smiled at Kagome before chuckling. Kagome didn't know whether to feel insulted or annoyed at his obvious amusement. She raised an eyebrow and asked, “Care to share the joke?”
Daichi smiled at Kagome. “I find it quite amusing to know that you love this half-demon, but apparently from the way he's flirting with that other female, he doesn't return your affections.”
Kagome flushed before saying in retaliation, “And in case you haven't noticed, that other female is your date.”
Daichi shrugged, apparently not concerned over that fact. “I found that human to be lacking in emotion. I prefer women who show some type of feeling. She has none.”
Kagome glared at Daichi. Who did this guy think he was anyway? “In case you haven't noticed, I look very similar to her.”
Daichi shrugged. “So? You may look like her somewhat, but that is where any other resemblance ends.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment? Because if it is, then you really have some work to do.”
Daichi smiled. “Yes it is. You see, Kagome, your like the sun while Kikyou is like the moon. You're bright and cheerful and give people a warm fuzzy feeling when they're with you.”
Kagome resisted snorting at his comparison. The guy was laying the icing down just a little too thickly. “And I take it Kikyou is the exact opposite of me?”
Daichi nodded his head, his black hair gleaming as it caught some of the beams of sunlight from the windows. “Yes. Kikyou is distant and cold more often than not and, though she lends out light too, her type of lighting can give a man chills.”
Kagome looked at Daichi strangely before saying, “You're a strange man, you know that?”
Daichi shook his head. “No, I'm a strange demon.”
Kagome rolled her eyes and said teasingly, “And there's a difference?”
Daichi nodded. “Of course. Humans are weak and stupid creatures, while demons are intelligent, strong, not to mention beautiful.”
Kagome looked at Daichi incredulously before she demanded angrily, “Are you calling me ugly?”
Daichi laughed at Kagome's response, momentarily leaving Kagome speechless. Kami, this guy is good-looking when he just stands there, but when he laughs… He can make hearts go a fluttering. Mine in particular.
A flash of guilt followed that thought making Kagome all of a sudden find it difficult to talk to Daichi. Why was she feeling like this? I need to leave, and I need to leave now! Actually, Kagome ruefully admitted, she just needed to leave Daichi's company.
“Excuse me Daichi. I need to be somewhere else.”
Daichi smiled at Kagome, his smile secretive. “Are you attracted to me Kagome?” he asked bluntly.
Kagome immediately opened her mouth to refuse, but shut it when she realized she was. As much as it angered her to admit it, she was definitely attracted to Daichi. But he didn't have to know that.
Daichi eyes narrowed before he said to her, “I don't like liars, Kagome.”
Kagome glared at Daichi, her anger slowly taking place of her embarrassment. “Are you calling me a liar Daichi?”
Daichi didn't respond right away but instead slowly closed the distance that separated them. “Yes.” When Kagome's glare intensified, Daichi stated, “Prove me wrong.”
Kagome blinked, before her eyes turned suspicious. “How?”
“Kiss me. If you don't respond, then I apologize. But if you do…”
Kagome had a brief moment of panic at the thought of her lips and Daichi's together. Daichi took advantage of her internal battle to close the remaining distance between them. He grabbed her wrist and yanked her forward, Kagome landing momentarily on his chest. Daichi gave Kagome a triumphant smile before he slowly lowered his mouth to hers.
“Lady Kagome! Where is Lady Kagome!” a frantic voice called out.
This time it was Kagome taking advantage of Daichi as she used his surprise against him to push herself out of Daichi's arms. Not meeting his eyes, Kagome hurriedly walked off in search of the voice calling her.
“I need to find her! Where is she? Lady Kagome!” The voice was getting more frightened than it already was as the moments passed by and with no answer to his question.
Kagome pushed her way through the throng of demons that had surrounded themselves around the messenger.
“Excuse me. Pardon me.” The demons and demonesses didn't part even though it was apparent she was the one the messenger was looking for.
As soon as Kagome made her way to the front, the messenger was looking decidedly pale underneath his green skin.
“I have to find her! She is the only one who can-”
“What is the problem?” Kagome's voice was cool and collected as she looked at the toad demon.
The toad couldn't hide his relief fast enough as he spotted Kagome. Kagome realized that the toad now waddling to her was the same one who had spoken so disrespectfully to her when she had first arrived.
Jaken said in a rush, “There is trouble at the front doors. We need you to take care of it.”
Kagome raised an eyebrow. “Why me? Why not Sango or Kagura?”
Jaken brushed there names aside impatiently. “Sango has been disqualified and Kagura is nowhere to be found. Not to mention the Lady at the door is demanding she see you and you only.”
Kagome stared at Jaken in shock. Sango was disqualified? But…why? Ask Jaken, her mind whispered.
I'll do that.
“Why is Sango disqualified?”
Jaken kept jumping from foot to foot while looking over his shoulder fearfully every few seconds. At Kagome's question, he snapped, “This is an emergency and you ask me about your friend? Are you mad woman?”
Kagome crossed her arms over her chest and said stubbornly, “I'm not budging from this spot until you tell me what happened to Sango.”
Jaken sighed impatiently. “I don't know. Lord Sesshomaru wouldn't tell me.”
Kagome opened her mouth to respond but Jaken had apparently gotten too impatient with Kagome and had grabbed her arm, dragging her to the front doors.
Kagome let herself be dragged all the way to their destination, though she didn't mind being pulled. As soon as they got there, Jaken, to Kagome's surprise, led Kagome past the main hallway to the library. He promptly pushed her inside the already opened doors, then shut the door behing her.
Kagome fell down onto the carpet, the breath rushing out of her lungs in a loud woosh. For a small demon, he sure has a pretty strong grip.
Kagome gently lifted herself up from the floor and stood up. Her eyes closed shut as she gently rubbed her bottom, not yet noticing the other figure in the room.
“I see you've raised yourself up in society.”
Kagome stopped her rubbing as shock entered her body. She knew that voice. She had known that voice for most of her life. Kagome slowly lifted her eyes open to stare at the face of her `mother.'
Kagome felt the old fear come back and angrily pushed it down. She wasn't that spineless coward. She wouldn't be intimidated by her. Not any more.
Kagome's eyes looked over the appearance of her mom. Her yellow tattered dress looked like it had been slung through the mud one time too many. Her hair looked like it hadn't been washed in weeks, though she desperately had tried to divert attention from that by the appearance of her heavily made up face.
The weeks hadn't treated her mother well, though Kagome held no sympathy for her. After all, this was the same woman had beaten her for no apparent reason at all. “What are you doing here?”
Mrs. Thorn turned away from Kagome and clasped her hands behind her back. “I know about this competition your in Kagome. I know what the prize is and I know what your competition is like.” She paused, wanting to build up the tension until she revealed the reason she was there.
Kagome walked over to the wall near the door and leaned her back against it, her arms crossed over her chest. “So? If the reason you came by was to tell me that, then your wasting my time and yours.”
Kagome noted with satisfaction the sharp breath her mother inhaled. Coldly, Mrs. Thorn said, “You know that I can make you pay for that remark. In fact, I will make you pay once we get home.”
Kagome felt a chill go down her spine at her mother's words. “What do you mean when we get home? I'm not going anywhere with you. I'd rather shoot myself than go anywhere willing with you.”
Mrs. Thorn turned around and smiled at Kagome. The smile was the coldest and deadliest smile Kagome had ever seen on anyone's lips. A shiver went through her body as she awaited her mother's next words.
“You see, Kagome, I'm in debt. I don't have any money and am about to lose my home. So I want you to win this competition and to marry that stupid demon. You are to then get as many valuables and money from your new husband to give to me when you return home to America.”
Kagome's bark of laughter surprised her mother into the pausing of her orders. “If you expect that to work, then you are very stupid indeed.”
Mrs. Thorn narrowed her eyes and stated quietly, “It will work. It has to. Because if it doesn't Kagome, I have nothing to lose. And if it all comes to that, I will make sure you go down with me.”
. . .
Naraku nodded his head before disappearing into the shadows. His voice called out just before he completely disappeared, “She's waiting for you in there. Don't worry about demons stopping you because you are on the guest list. Good luck with saving her.”
The boy disappeared out of his line of vision as Naraku disappeared. His smile was evil as he gleefully thought of what would occur when the boy showed up. All hell would break loose.
Too bad I won't be there when Kagome learns her husband to be has come for her. Naraku smirked. Hojo will take care of everything for me. All I'll need to do is collect my reward.
“Make sure he doesn't fail me Kagura.”
Kagura nodded her head in consent before she too left Naraku. Her gaze was hard as she walked to the back of the palace. This is it Naraku. Something big is going to happen. I don't when and I don't know where, but it will be big. Her gaze hardened.
“Whatever happens, though, I will be free from you.” A cold smile played across her lips. “Even if I have to kill you, I will be free.”
The wind brushed against Kagura's pale skin, teasing her before jumping back into the sky. Kagura longingly glanced into the sky, wishing with all her heart she could be like the wind.
Freedom, as far as she was concerned, was all that mattered.
And she would get it, one way or another.
A/N: Phew! That took forever. I have been typing this up for the last two days nonstop. Hopefully, it will make up for the long absence of time. Okay, now to start working on the next chapter for my other story. Review and tell me what you think of this chapter. Until then, toodles!