InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Own Rockstar ❯ Of Crazy Fangirls and Running for your life..Yep that's the life of Sesshomaru Taisho!! ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Where we left off at...

Kagome's blush deepend, "But...I...I don't even know your name." She stuttered slightly.

She heard him chuckle again before he whispered into her ear, "Sesshomaru."
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Kagome gasped as she whispered, "Radical." Sesshomaru sighed in relief, "Can I go back to my seat before my friend, Sango, comes back and starts worring, thinking that I got raped or kidnapped?"

Sesshomaru smirked, "As long as I may join you."

Kagome blushed but nodded her head, "Yeah, that's fine Babe...Oopsie..Sorry I call everyong Babe, honey or sweetie."

"It's alright. Let's get back shall we?" He asked as he let go of her arm. She walked ahead of him, slightly stumbling from being slightly drunk.

"Hey little miss, need some help with walking?" A guy asked Kagome.

Kagome nodded her head no, "No thanks I already have someone to help me."

Sesshomaru walked up closer to her and put his arms around her waist, "That would be me."

The guy backed up a bit, feeling Sesshomaru's strong aura and slightly afraid, he held up his hands in the air, "Sorry man. Didn't mean to come onto your girl." With that he walked rather quickly away.

Kagome slightly blushed at being called his girl. When Sesshomaru was sure that the guy was gone he let go of her waist and she walked back with him behind her.

When they reached the booth, Sesshomaru sat down by the wall, and Kagome sat down next to him, so that way just in case she needed to throw up, she can run to the bathroom rather quickly.

"Do you want something to eat now?" Kagome turned to see Leon next to her.

She smiled, "Yes, that would be nice I am rather hungry."

He smiled back, "What would it be?"

She looked at the menu, "I would like 3 steaks, well done. I would like a hamburger, no bun, but I would like some ketchup still. I would also like 4 hotdogs. No bun for them either, but I would like them on the grill if you don't mind."

"Not at all. Would like something to drink, or would like another dose of your drink that you had earlier?" Leon asked.

"I would like some more Tiquilla." She answered.

"Coming right up." He went back towards the kitchen area so he could get her order.

Sango came back a little while later. When she came back she sat down and hadn't yet noticed Sesshomaru, "Kags? Are you going to just sit here or are you going to go find something to do?"

Kagome sighed in aggravation, "I am talking to someone...Thank you very much. If you haven't noticed him yet, you must be blind."

Sango turned and saw the man sitting next to her, "Kags! That's the same dude that you bumped into earlier at Hot Topic!"

Kagome hit her head with her hand, "Uh, der der der. Retardo. His name is Sesshomaru..."

She didn't get to finish as Sango screamed, "YOU MEAN SESSHOMARU TAISHO!?!?!?!?!"

The whole place got quiet all of a sudden, then a roar of screams were heard from many women, "SESSHOMARU!!!" They all suddenly strarted to run towards him. He had a terrified look on his face.

Sesshomaru grabbed Kagome by the arm and picked her up and jumped over the seat and ran quickly towards the exit. He kicked it open and quickly ran towards his home, using his youkai speed to avoid the fangirls.

He kicked that open as well and sat Kagome on the ground, who was breathing really hard, trying to catch her breath. Sesshomaru locked the doors quickly, just incase one of them were a demon as well and were still looking for him.

Kagome looked at him and started giggling, making Sesshomaru look at her weird. She waved her hand towards him, "Sorry, sorry. That was just a funny face that you had, when The Fangirls started after you."

Sesshomaru slightly pouted, "Hn. That was not funny. I could have died. And it's all your friends fault, Sango I believe you called her..."

"Sango! I have to call her. Fuck!" Sesshomaru slightly winced at her cursed word that she just used, which she just practically just yelled.

"What?" He asked.

"When you grabbed me I left my purse back at the club. Which has my cell phone and everything." She complained.

Sesshomaru reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone and threw it at her, which she caught. She quickly dialed Sango's number.

It ringed a few times before Sango answered, "Hello?"

"Sango! I left my purse back at the club when Sesshomaru grabbed me. I need you to get it and bring it to me at Sesshomaru's house..." Kagome once againwas interupted by a squeaking Sango.

"You're at Sesshomaru's house!?!?!?" Sango said loudly.

Kagome brought the phone from her ear, Sesshomaru looked at her weird. Kagome pinced the bridge of her nose, slightly annoyed, "Yes Sango, I am. Now can you please bring it to his house? Wait let me ask him where it is."

Sesshomaru looked at her, "It's 1995 Kitley Ave. Off of Washington."

Kagome nodded her head, "It's 1995 Kitley Ave. Off of Washington. Be here okay. Don't foget to bring my purse." She demanded Sango.

"Yes ma'am I will be there soon. Bye!" Sango said.

"Bye!" She replied back. She hung up the phone and threw it back to Sesshomaru who put it back into his pocket.

Kagome fell back and layed on the ground, her arms and legs spread out as she closed her eyes, "God damn I have a headache."

Sesshomaru lightly chuckled, "It might help if you get up off of the floor and sat on the couch." She sighed loudly but got up and sat on the couch. Sesshomaru looked at her and smirked. "Be right back let me go get you something for your headache." He went out of the room and came back rather quickly in her opinion. He handed her a bottle of Advil, which she took rather happily.

She opened the thing and took out two of the pills and popped them into her mouth without any water. She put the lid back on it and gave it back to Sesshomaru who took it back out of the room and came back. She sat back on the couch.

Kagome looked at Sesshomaru, "Why don't you sit down? I don't bite that much."

Sesshomaru looked at her like she was crazy `Must be the drink.' He thought to himself, but sat down next to her. She smiled and as she layed her head on his chest, Sesshomaru felt himself blush.

Kagome snuggle into his chest a bit more, making Sesshomaru's blush deepen, She lightly whispered before she went to sleep, "You know you smell quite nice. Like Axe, but better."

Sesshomaru knew hi blush was bright red but replied, "So is your's. So is your's."

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Heh heh, I am so EVIL!! Muwhahahaha!
Sorry Sesshomaru, had to do it. TheBlackAngels gave me a good Idea, so I made Sango do it instead of Kagome. BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Oh, and by the way..
To show my Appreciation to the wonderful reviews I keep on recieving!

I dedicate this Chapter to theblackangels and im_inuyashas_dirty_little_secret!
Thank you guys lots for your GREAT reviews!

is out!!!