InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Plague ❯ The Return ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bright yellow eyes with ashen-gray adorned upper lids narrowed at the sight below her. Ookami youkai. How repulsive. The Lady of the Northern Lands growled softly and her jaki began to gather, pulsing and rippling with her growing fury. Her pupils dilated, turning light blue then began to bleed red from her pupil outward. The dark gray slashes on her cheeks melded together, forming stripes and her fangs lengthened, all of her teeth becoming sharp and pointed. The jagged, vaguely `H' shaped mark on her forehead began to move as though it were made from ghostly crimson flames, flickering and dancing. Twin, fluffy black tails, pulled over her torso then left to hang from the opposite shoulder, slid from their resting place and began to lash. The gray-white stripes that ran up and down the lengths of both tails began to resemble moving flames, the dormant power that once resided within her now coming out in full force. A lightning-like flash of light cast a shadow of a monstrous feline, eyes glowing blood red and the stripes ebbing and shifting upon an ebon-black body.
The tora-youkai threw her massive head back and opened her maw, roaring. Dual tails moved in a serpentine manner, the flaming whitish stripes emitting a steady flow of jaki. Huge paws bore thick tufts of black fur, the same flaming fur of the stripes. With the grace and agility of a feline, she jumped from mountainside to mountainside, intent on ridding her territory of the canine plague.
Ayame and the other wolves didn't know what hit them. The wolf princess could only watch in horror as a massive black tiger slaughtered her tribe. Black tiger? Her eyes widened. Her grandfather had told her stories of a clan of noble tigers that once inhabited the North. The Torataisho had been a powerful ally to the Inutaisho of the West, having fought many wars alongside the former lord of those lands. The last of the clan had left more than fifty years ago, to fight against their fellow feline youkai, the leopard tribe. But there were never any black tigers, at least not from the clan she had heard about. The wolf girl scowled. These were her tribe's lands now and she wasn't going to give them up to a possible ruler who had been absent for more than half a century. “I, Princess Ayame of the ookami youkai of the North, order you to stop!”
The black tiger did stop, the mangled corpse of a wolf falling from her jaws. Black mist rose from her paws, enveloping her and concealing her entire body. When the mist cleared, the Lady of the North stood amongst the bodies of wolves, felled by her true youkai form. “Your title means nothing to me, cur. I AM the true ruler of these lands and I won't have filthy wolves taking root in sacred ground. This is tora-youkai territory and mongrels aren't welcomed.”
The wolf princess glared at the obviously older female. She had the look of nobility; from her condescending tone to the way she carried herself. The tora-youkai's hair was shiny black, falling below her waist in a thick, straight curtain. There were three gray stripes on each cheek and a jagged, red crest of some sort on her forehead. The crest of a tiger demon. Ayame continued her observation of the other female.
Her eyes were bright yellow, not golden or amber but yellow. The eerie shade that the full moon sometimes took, that yellow. Upper eyelids were the color of fresh ash from a fire and her skin was pale peach. One thing that struck Ayame as odd was that the tiger didn't wear the female style of kimono. She wore the tattered remnants of a male style kimono and equally tattered hakama pants. Both were dirty and stained with old blood. Upon each shoulder, in the form of armor, was a wolf youkai skull, both desecrated with symbols of the tiger. Securing the twin skulls was a necklace-like string of youkai bones, the center being a leopard's skull. The ribcage from some type of youkai, covered her abdomen and was held in place by a red-stained white obi. There were no visible weapons unless the two tails that hung over the front of each shoulder counted as such. For one of noble blood, she certainly didn't look it. She looked…defeated, almost. “There haven't been tigers in this land for more than half a century. MY family claimed this territory after it was abandoned. You are trespassing and you WILL pay for killing my people.”
“You are a stupid pup, aren't you? The Northern Lands were never abandoned. A surrogate was left in charge upon my departure. If I must, I will annihilate every last one of your wolves then take you apart, piece-by-piece. I will not ask you again, wolf bitch.”
Ayame growled softly and her hands curled into fists. The nerve of the feline! The young youkai growled and sent a flurry of razor-like leaves at the other female. If she wanted to fight, Ayame was more than willing to give her one. Her chest tightened when a single wave of the tiger's clawed hand released what looked to be crescent-shaped blades of ice into the mass of leaves, effectively neutralizing the attack. “You intend to fight me with foliage? Leave it to wolves to have such worthless attacks. It's time to die, pup.”
Another wave of the hand and more ice blades materialized, going in several different directions and cutting down the remaining wolves. A blade connected with Ayame's side, tearing open her armor and her side. The wolf princess fell backwards, whimpering in pain as she curled her hand over the wound. She winced and her green eyes widened as the tora-youkai closed in on her. The only thing that saved her was a flash of white and a series of angry snarls. It was her grandfather! Tears began to build up and she blinked them back in vain, witnessing the brutal demise of her beloved grandfather at the hands of that cruel tiger wench. She winced when she heard his sharp yip of agony, his innards spilling from his canine body and forming a puddle at the tiger's feet. “Grandfather! No!” Her scream became a mournful howl and she scrambled to her feet. The wolf princess had no choice, she had to find Kouga and seek his help for vengeance. He was stronger than this…bitch tiger! Ayame knew he could help. With a longing glance at the carnage that was once her tribe, her pack, her family, the youkai took off running. Their deaths WOULD be avenged.
The sight before her eyes was enough for her jaki to start rising from her body like steam. The once beautiful and imperial house of her clan was in shambles. The twin tiger jade guardians, set upon the posts of the front gate, were weatherworn and gray, unacceptable conditions for the sacred white jade tigers. The front gate itself was rotting and falling from its hinges. The surrounding wall that encircled the castle and several acres of surrounding land was knocked down in some places and covered in a heavy growth of kudzu. The taiyoukai growled softly and pushed the gate open, stepping into the courtyard. The beautiful koi fountain in the center was stained with watermarks and all that was left of her father's prized koi were their bones. The female tiger rotated in a full circle, taking in the horrible condition of her home. There were bones from the servants, the shishi mounts, the small neko youkai her family raised, and what appeared to be wolves; youkai and animal. Eyes narrowed into tiny slits and another growl escaped her throat. But where was Shizumi? The rat youkai wasn't amongst the bones, the fetid stench was absent…and that was rather intriguing. “Shizumi! Show yourself at once!”
In a matter of seconds, a small shape came scurrying out from the main house. The rat youkai pounced on the tiger's leg, hugging it in the same fashion as a human child would. “My lady! You have returned after SO long!” Large, unblinking red eyes stared up at the taiyoukai. “I missed you SOOOO much!”
She glared at the smaller demon, jaki oozing from every pore. Shizumi hadn't changed much from the last time they were together. The rat was still short and still…disgusting. Her long, braided hair had been white at one point but it was now a mottled mix of earth tones. As was to be expected from a demon whose hair was close to six feet in length; never washed or brushed and exposed to the daily activities of a rat. Shizumi's eyes were big and bright and red. Her youkai markings were light pink and the sakura blossom crest on her forehead was dark pink. For a youkai, Shizumi was…weird. She was perky and cheerful and had annoying habits that were usually reserved for humans. But, she was loyal and powerful.
“What happened here? I left you in charge and I return to find my family's castle and grounds in such a vile state. Why is that?”
“What? Oh! That. No worries, Lady Majuun. It's only a simple illusion to avoid unwanted attention. Without a taiyoukai to protect the fortress, wolves seeking territory invaded us. They killed many of your family's servants, my lady. I conjured an illusion of your honored sire's youkai form and scared them off. After that, I made it look like the castle was abandoned and slowly transformed the illusion until the castle looked as how you now see it.” She replied with a grin, showing off chisel-like teeth instead of fangs.
Majuun snorted and crossed her arms, sliding them inside the tattered sleeves of her kimono. She didn't like looking at the state of her castle, even if it was just an illusion. “Remove it at once. Post sentries at the wall and send word to the Western taiyoukai, Sesshoumaru. I must speak with him at once concerning the leopard youkai. Several escaped my claws and they took the leopard daimyo's body with them.”
Shizumi blinked. Wow, her mistress had been totally left out of the loop. “Um, my lady, Lord Sesshoumaru dealt with those of whom you speak several months ago. He is currently pursuing a hanyou by the name of Naraku.” She replied meekly, not wishing to offend the taiyoukai. It was bad form to tell one's lord they were wrong. Very bad form indeed.
“A hanyou? Why would Sesshoumaru bother with the likes of a lowly hanyou?”
“He is very powerful. He possesses the Shikon, almost fully completed. He has hordes of youkai, all types, under his command and it is said that one of his offspring, a wind youkai, annihilated nearly all of wolf youkai in the borders between the south and the west.”
The female taiyoukai was now interested, her pointed ears perking up and the slight tilting of her head. A hanyou who could father full-blooded youkai? She smirked and nodded. “I wish to meet this Naraku. Send patrols to locate the hanyou and inform me immediately if he is found. I'm going to take a bath. Have my armor polished and repaired. I am not to be disturbed for the next few hours unless it concerns the hanyou.” Majuun replied, striding into the castle, which now looked exactly the way she left it. It was good to be home.
S.W.H Speakeths- I started another fic. I know, I know…I need to update Revival but the lack of inspiration has been a total bitch. It's coming, I swear…dun kill me, Jay!
Anyways, this fic is the result of reading too many fics where Fluffy gets paired with a youkai bitch. By bitch, I mean some type of canine. It also struck me as odd that Fluffy is TOTALLY in love with these youkai while they don't return the feelings or it's the opposite, she's in love with him and he won't commit. Thus Majuun was born! Mwahaha! I know I made her history VERY vague and all but we'll learn more about her later. As you can plainly see, I HATE the wolves/wolf demon tribes. Kouga WILL get his ass beat and made a total fool. I don't care…I hate him that much.
Another interesting tidbit, Majuun wears youkai bones as armor. Usually, only taijya do such things but I figure since Majuun obviously hates wolf and leopard demons so much, she'd probably incorporate their bones as part of her outfit.
Yes, the fact she is a black tiger DOES have symbolic meanings and you should probably make sure that I don't leak out hints. It has a lot to do with the moon. XD
Shizumi is based off of my Inuyoukai expert, Amber and the pinkness that is she belongs to us…like 60/40. Majuun is my brain child and so are any other charries you don't recognize. I don't own Inuyasha or anything related. If I did, Fluffy would so be my bitch!
Sesshoumaru: I heard that, woman.
SWH: O_o; Uh-oh….
Sesshoumaru: -draws Toukijin- Run.
SWH- -^_^- You know, Fluffykins…I have pictures of you naked.
Sesshoumaru: -______-* Bitch.
SWH: Aww…poor puppy. Watch for updates as this WILL turn into a HUGE thing…and stuff.