InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Protector ❯ My Protector ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N: I've wanted to write an Inuyasha story for a long time but my other fics have gotten in the way. So here's just a little Inu/Kag oneshot story, that I wrote up one night. First Inuyasha fic so go easy on me. Please R&R!
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha.

My Protector:
“Kagome, look at me, are you all right?” Inuyasha asked her worriedly.
They were huddled around the fire that Inuyasha had built them, tending to the injuries they had received from an unexpected attack courtesy of Naraku.
Kagome hadn't said a word since the attack, which was so unlike her, and he was beginning to worry that she was more hurt by the attack then she actually showed.
“How could I have been so stupid?” he cursed himself.
Kagome and Inuyasha were on their way back to Kaede's village after a futile hunt for a jewel shard, when nightfall came. They camped near a stream. And Kagome told him she was going to bathe and he had let her go, alone, he hadn't even kept watch for her. Something he now regretted.
She looked up at him with an intense gaze and just as quickly she looked away.
He came to her side and took the cloth she was holding to a deep cut on her right shoulder and gently cleaned the cut for her.
“I shouldn't have left you alone. This is all my fault,” he said to her, sounding dejected.
“No,” she whispered, he stared up at her, “Never. None of this is your fault. Naraku is evil. He is to blame.”
He looked away from her intense stare, not quite accepting her waiver of blame.
“How could he not be to blame,” he thought, “Everything he ever encountered got hurt. Now it was Kagome's turn.”
He suddenly felt her cool soft hand on his chin, turning his face towards hers.
“It's not your fault,” she told him, quietly, yet her voice still held force in it.
“How can it not be?” he yelled suddenly angry, “I left you alone and now you're hurt. I was selfish. I wanted to be alone and was glad when you left.”
She smiled at him. She actually smiled.
“Inuyasha, you can't always be by my side. Of course you'd want some time alone. Every one wants that once in awhile. Just think, if we were next to each other every second we'd drive each other even more crazy then we already do,” she told him.
“I'm supposed to protect you,” he practically whined.
She laughed and did something unexpected, she leaned in and gave him a chaste kiss on the cheek.
Inuyasha instantly blushed and touched his cheek.
“Despite what you say about yourself. I always feel safe when you are around. And I know as long a you're near, you will try your hardest to protect me. And I'm grateful for that,” she said contently.
“But Kag-“ Inuyasha started.
She put a finger to his lips, quieting him, “But, nothing. You, Inuyasha, are My Protector, my savior and that's the truth.”
It seemed as if he was going to keep going so Kagome quickly silenced him with a kiss to his lips, that surprised Inuyasha so much that he knew he wouldn't be saying anything for the rest of the night.

When the heated kiss ended they sat there side by side, somehow Inuyasha's arm had made it around Kagome's shoulder.
Kagome laid her head on his shoulder and they sat there each content with the silence that ensued.
That's it!
I hope you guys liked that!
Let me know what you think.