InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Psychopathic Dreams ❯ Dream One- Yume Ichi ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Psychopathic Dreams
Akimori Nishihana
(Autumn Forest/ West Flower)
We all have those days with weird dreams, right? The dreams in here are from what I am dreaming about. This is very weird and psycho and has things like burnt potato chips, giant pokey sticks and man-eating ramen. If those things will make you wanna puke, vomit or bonk me on the head with a heavy inanimate object, please leave immediately. This story if for people brave enough to be random in public. I am a Dragon lover and a Dog lover. I have pointy nails that hurt if I scratch you with them. I am Psychic (I'm a Seer) And Telepathic (Reads minds- Like Goshinki, just not ugly! ^^). This story takes place when I am the beautiful age of 15. Kanaye is 12 and Shima is 18.
Disclaimer: I am not rich or famous. Does that answer your question?
Yume Ichi:
I was walking in my house when my brothers come over to my house and visit. Its my
B-Day. I have my big green backpack with me full of clothes and stuff, cuz I'm gonna go to there house later.
Me: Lets play hide n' seek!
Kanaye and Shima: Ok!
Me: 123 NOT IT!
Shima: NOT IT!
Me: HA! Kanaye, You have to count!
Kanaye: *Puppydog eyes* I do?
Me: *Smacks him upside head* Yup!
Kanaye: *pouts* I always get stuck doing this stuff.
Kanaye pouts and Me and Shima go hide. We are having a serious hiding spot problem…
Shima: Where to hide!?
Me: That shed over there!
We hide
Kanaye: I heard something in that shack
He walks in
Shima: Boo!
Kanaye: Ahhh!!!!
Me and Shima: *ROFL*
Kanaye: Yeah, yeah! Very funny! Hey that mirror is glowing!
We turn and see a mirror that is glowing. I poke it and its warm on the other side.
Me: Lets go inside!
We go through the mirror and find ourselves in a forest.
Me: Time to find out where we are!
We explore for a little while and we reach a big clearing. Some people are having lunch. A girl with a tiny skirt, a woman with a huge boomerang (Hirikotsu!), a guy with a staff, a guy with dog ears, a kid with a poofy tail, and a cute kitty (Nekomatas rule!)
Me: Hello!
Girl-With-Tiny-Skirt: Hello! Hey- you don't look like you are from here!
Shima: Were not!
Kanaye: Were from the future!
Guy-With-Dog-Ears: Who the heck are you?
Me: My name is Akimori. This is Shima and Kanaye! Call us Aki, Shi and Kana!
Guy-With-Staff: Miss Akimori, Will you do me the honor of bearing my child.
Kanaye: Not as long as I'm living!
Shima: I don't know he's kinda cool…
Me: I'm sorry. I'm not allowed to know that boys exist for another year.
Girl-With Boomerang: *Hits guy on head* Sorry, Miroku is a bit of a letch. Shippo! Kirara! Can you help me out here?
I look away and see some guy with a fluffy thing on his shoulders coming into the clearing.
Me: Thinking: Wow he's hot!
Guy-With-Fluffy-Thing: InuYasha…
Guy-With-Dog-Ears/A.K.A. InuYasha: Sesshomaru! Kagome, get back!
Me: Sesshoma-what now?
Girl-With-Tiny-Skirt/A.K.A. Kagome: Sesshomaru! InuYashas half-brother!
Kanaye: Hey! You! Yeah, you! Sessho-Whateva! Whats the fluffy thing.
Guy-With-Fluffy-Thing/A.K.A. Sesshomaru: The end of your life. *Looks at Me* Who's she?
Me: My name is Akimori.
Sesshomaru: You're hot.
Me: ?! I am?!
Kanaye: *Jumps in front of me* Keep away from my sister. Boys don't exist in her Psycho world for another year!
I push Kanaye aside and walk up to Sesshomaru.
Me: *Alphonse Elric happy face w/ tears* Thank you so much! I never thought I'd meet someone so sweet!
Shima: So Miroku what your saying is, to get a free room in any house all I have to say is :I detect an ominous black cloud above your home?
Miroku: Yup! ^o^
Shima: And all I have to do to get a girl to like me is say: Miss, will you do me the honor of bearing my child?
Miroku: Yup! ^O^
Shima: *Walks up to Sango* Miss Sango, will you bear my child?
Sango: WHAT!? *Smacks him hard upside the head* NO!
Shima: Ow! Miroku! I thought you said it would work!
Miroku: It will only work on the right girls. Also, don't touch Sango. She's mine.
InuYasha and Kagome: Whats going on here?!
Then a cute little girl and a toad thingy run into the clearance.
Cute-Little-Girl and Toad-Thingy: Lord Sesshomaru!
Me: Lord Sesshomaru?
Sesshomaru: Rin, Jaken, What is it?
Cute-Little-Girl/A.K.A Rin: Master Jaken said you didn't love me!
Me: Aww, that's so sad! Jaken come here.
Toad-Thingy/ A.K.A. Jaken: Why should I?!
I jump on Jakens head
Me: That's why!
Kanaye: Keep away from my sister! * Tries and fails to move Sesshomaru*
Me: Hey Kanaye. I don't think he's moving.
I look down and see that Kanaye is only up to Sesshomarus obi (Me and Shima are up to his armor) Then I look at the swords in Sesshomarus obi.
Me: OOOOH Pretty swords!
I pull a random sword out of his obi.
Me: What's this one called
Sesshomaru: Tenseiga. It heals people.
InuYasha: Ha! I got the better sword! *Pulls out Tetsusiga*
Me: Wow. What's this one called? *I pick it up*
Sesshomaru: Tokijin. I can't believe you picked that up without becoming possessed.
InuYasha: I still got the better sword!
Me: Well, I think the little swords are better!
I look down and see that I'm still standing on Jaken.
Me: I wanna take a bath!
Kagome: Good idea!
Sango: Yeah!
Miroku: Lets go!
All but the lecher: Not you, Pervert!
Miroku: *Anime streaming tears* No fair!
I still have my backpack so we go and take a bath and bring Rin and Shippo along. We hear yelling and some boinks. When we finish taking our baths, we find an extremely angry Kanaye sitting by a knocked out Shima, InuYasha, Miroku and Sesshomaru.
Sango: I expected your brother and Miroku, but not InuYasha and Sesshomaru…
Me: Yea… *Read Sesshomarus mind* Hey! That's not funny! That's plain weird! I'm not even allowed to know guys exist!
Kagome: What is it Akimori?
Me: Sesshomaru is thinking about making out with me!
Rin: Wow! Lord Sesshomaru must have gone crazy!
Kanaye: Stupid pervs! I'll teach `em not to mess with me!
Sango: I sense a demon!
Me: *Sniff Sniff* Wolf
Kagome: How can you tell?
Me: I have a good sense of smell and hearing. Now that I think about it…
I walk over to Sesshomaru and tug his ears. His eyes snap open, confused.
Me: Ya know what? *Tug^^Tug* Your ears are cool! *Tug^^Tug^^Tug*
Sesshomaru: Um…Thanks.
I go and tug InuYashas ears
Me: I don't like your ears as much as Sesshomarus *Tug*
A guy in a miniskirt comes.
Guy-In-Miniskirt: Hello Kagome! I hope you've fared well with mutt-face over there. Who's your new friend?
Kagome: Koga this is Akimori. Akimori this is Koga.
Me: Dude! Put some clothes on!
Guy-In-Miniskirt/ A.K.A. Koga: I do have clothes on!
Me: You're half naked!
Koga: Am not!
Me: Are to!
Koga: Am not!
Me: Are to!
Kanaye: SHUT UP!
All: *Look at Kanaye*
Kanaye: If you don't be quiet I'll kill you all!
All: Thinking: Sure you will…
Kanaye: All I wanna do is get back on freakin' World of Warcraft
Me: *Reaches in backpack and pulls out laptop* Knock yourself out.
Kanaye: W00.T!!! *Gets on World of Warcraft*
Me: I'm gonna go home.
Sesshomaru: What! So soon?!
Me: To get some stuff. Your welcome to come if you like.
Shima: And I'll come too. Ya know just incase. Can't trust him. *Points at Sesshomaru*
Me: Whateva! See you all later!
The three of us walk to the mirror and go through.
Me: Wow! Its time for school!
Shima: We should have brought Kanaye to suffer with us!
Me: But we have Sesshomaru! That's even better!
Shima: Good point! Lets go to school!
Yes Shima is 18 and I'm 15! We are both in high school! Don't ask ok! We HAVE to go to school together. Why, I don't know. My dreams says that its mandatory. R/R ^^ JA NE!!!
~|~I'm an illusion of your heart. A manifestation of your adolescent psyche~|~