InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rag Doll ❯ 6 months ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter Two

6 Months Later

"Hey Kag, can you believe it's been 6 months already? Half a year! Our first date..." Kikyou sighed as she reminisced the past six months.

"Not really... but hey! You guys are great for each other." Kagome commented as she helped her sister into her dress then zipped the back for her. Kikyou whirled around when Kag was finished. "We need to hook you up with a guy Kag." Kikyou commented and sat down at her vanity, looked into teh mirror and began brushing her long black hair.

"No way- Not another shy, nice guy like Homo-Hojo-whatever. And definitely not another violent, egotisical asshole like Kouga who can't take a no!." Decalared Kagome sitting behind Kikyou working Kikyou's hair into an updo.

"Sadly there's only one Inuyasha and he belongs to me." Kikyou joked, knowing Kagome's high opinion of Inuyasha.

"You can keep him, though don't know why you'd want to. He's too arrogant and he never says the right thing. Ever." Kagome replied while finishing Kikyou's updo.

"You know Kagome. He's not as bad as you think. And also, he doesn't always say the wrong thing, just a lot of the time. You have to admit, he's a great advocat for actions speak louder than words." Kikyou huffed and defended her boyfriend.

"I don't have to admit anything. After all, you're the one he's done all these 'actions' to that speak 'oh so much louder than words'. And for the record, I'm perfectly happy being single." Both girls knew that was a lie, but continued working on Kikyou's makeup.

Kikyou smiled to Kagome and Kagome applied eyeshadow on her eye for her. Kagome always was better at applying makeup and doing updos that she would ever be. Kikyou didn't understand why she was still single. Kagome was 19 and an actress. Not that famous of an actress but starts of Broadways shows, so she was somewhat famous. She had a wonderful smile, shining eyes, and long dark brown hair. Kagome's goal in life was to have a husband she loved and a few children.

Kagome saw Kikyou's smile and knew she was thinking about her. It had always been easier for Kikyou. She always had boyfriends, and lots of girlfriends. She was always prettier than her and smarter. And now Kagome was alone and Kikyou had the man of her dreams and they were probably going to get married and have children and live out her dream. Kagome sighed and continued with Kikyou's makeup but pausing to look at the time. "Kikyou? What time is Inuyasha going to pick you up at? It's 5 already."

"Oh! He's going to be here in 20 minutes! I must have lost track of time."


"Shit Miroku! I have twenty fucking minutes to get ready! I told you to wake up up at 4! No... wake me up at 5! Thanks a lot bastard." Inuyasha yelled at his laughing friend as Inu ran into the shower.

When Inuyasha was out of the shower he got into a nice pair of black slacks and a silky red button up shirt. He combed his long hair out and walked into his living room. He found Miroku helping himself to a cup of ramen. "So... Inuyasha. You're sure about this right?" Miroku questioned not knowing the death glare he was recieving for eating someone's ramen.

"Of course I'm sure. I paid a lot of damn money! I better be sure!" Inuyasha glared, "And is that MY ramen?!"

"Haha... no... why would you say that? I... um... brought it with me?" squeaked Miroku running away from Inuyasha knowing how fiercly Inuyasha protected his vast supply of ramen.

"Feh. Whatever I have an important date tonight!" Inuyasha growled and combed his hair back with his fingers.

"Yea... date, I'm sure you're more excited about tonight's activities, eh?"

"Bastard, you know Kikyou is saving herself for marriage." Inuyasha pulled on his shoes and walked out the door.


"Oh Inuyasha! La Chateau des Coeurs! You know I love this restaurant! Inuyasha! I thought I said 'No expensive restaurants!'" Kikyou huffed, trying to hide her excitement as Inuyasha pulled the car in front of the restaurant. They got out and handed the keys to the valet and walked into the restaurant
"Aww... come on Kikyou. It's our six month anniversary! I had to pick somewhere special. You know, you look very beautiful tonight." Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her and whispered in her ear, "and you know I love little red dresses."
"Oh trust me, I know." Kikyou whispered back in his ear and giggled.
La Chateau de Coeurs was an old-style french restaurant and one of the best in the city. The food was wonderful and always recieved high marks in all the magazines and on some TV shows. The food was pricy but Inuyasha had no worries. His parents had died and left him a lot of money as his dad was the ruler of some minute country that was taken over in WWII by the Soviets. His parents survived the war but had to withdrawl their claim to the throne which left them with a lot of money. They moved to America to start over. When they died Inuyasha got their money because Sesshomaru had his own business.
Their waiter showed them to a cozy table where they were surrounded by candles and roses. Kikyou smiled and looked all over the place. "This place is nicer than I remember."
"Feh. It might be nice but that doesn't mean I can read the stupid menu. Keh! French restaurants..." Inuyasha grumbled as Kikyou pointed out his favorite things because she'd taken french in high school. When the waiter came back they both ordered.
When the food came, Inuyasha surprised Kikyou by eating with manners. "Kikyou, I'm sorry that I never say the right thing and I know I'm rude and arrogant."
Kikyou looked surprised, "it's ok Inuyasha. Your actions always make up for everything."
"Well... I love you Kikyou," Inuyasha leaned towards Kikyou and kissed her on the cheek. "Will you please marry this jerk?"
"Yes!" Kikyou began to giggle and hugged Inuyasha then leaned in for a kiss as Inuyasha slid the diamond ring on her finger.
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