InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ Therapy ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Redone June 8, 2010. Edited for grammar, spelling, clarity, and Yura/Yuri's name.
"Nice to see you again Kagome, how was your thanksgiving?" Kagura asked. She was sitting across from me as usual. She was in her small chair, it looked as uncomfortable as she did in her suit. I was wearing my usual; hoodie and jeans. Mom dragged me to yet another therapy session and I hated this one just as much as the last one.
"Fine, and yours?" I asked, not caring what her answer was. She could pick up on that vibe because she began writing things down on her pad of paper.
"It was great; so today's session is going to be half an hour. Are you ready to talk about it more?" Kagura asked.
"I guess" I mumbled. I hated her perky demeanor and attitude. What is there to be so happy about? She gets to go home to her loving boyfriend in her apartment and I go home to my house, where I am alone.
"So you were raped three weeks ago, is that correct?" She asked. She had her pen and notebook in hand. She taped the pen lightly against her leg and she looked at me curiously.
"Yes, that is" I said, looking away.
"How have you been coping with life since then?" She questioned. She already talked to my mother for 15 minutes, she must know everything by now.
"I have been doing fine" I said, not looking at her still. I hated the way her eyes glared at mine, as if she was trying to read me like some type of book.
"Your mother says you are now homeschooled, why did you decide to do that?" She asked.
"I don't want to see people at school. I tried to go back, to be a normal girl. But everyone knows that I killed Sesshomaru, the most powerful guy in school. He was a senior, a football star, a ladies' man, and a part of a powerful family. Everyone looks at me like I did something wrong. So I told mama to take me out" I said. She went back to writing, I guess notes about Sesshomaru. I had never spoken his name in a session before until now.
"What about Sango and Yura?" She asked. I cringed at hearing Yura, because I saw her true colors.
"Sango calls every day, but I don't talk to her long. Yura hasn't talked to me since it happened. She never was a real friend anyways" I said irritably.
"Do you sleep well now?" She asked.
"No, I can't sleep much at night" I answered.
"I see, have you tried medication for that?" She asked.
"No, I don't want to use that" I snapped. Her eyes widened and then she began scribbling violently on the pad.
"What I've noticed Kagome is that you're still not adjusting to life. Yes, you were raped; yes, you had something horrible happen to you. But you cannot let that stop you from living. Why don't you go out and re-enroll in school? Why don't you hang out with Sango? Why don't you find a new hobby? You need something to pass the time, or the time will pass you by. These are your young years and you'll never get them back" Kagura said gently.
"Thank you for your advice, but I think time is up" I said, I glanced down at the watch. We had two minutes to go, but I was done talking to her.
"Alright Kagome, see you next week. I hope you have a Merry Christmas" She said cheerfully. I gave her a fake smile. Mom was waiting in the lobby for me.
"Hey baby, how was it?" She asked, she always said the same thing after I left the room. I know she wanted me to get better, be the old Kagome I was before, but how could I?
"It was fine; she wants me to be more sociable" I answered, buckling myself into the car and waiting for her to drive off. I know Kagura must call my mother or something because she always seems to know exactly what I talk about each week. Mom allowed me to play Evanescence during the car ride home, even though she deemed it suicide music and told Kagura about it.
I went straight to my room, and began listening to more rock music on my iPod. Mother bought me one to help pass the time while I sat in my room. Sometimes I would log into the site where I do tests and quizzes for my homeschooled diploma and other times I would just play video games and watch music videos. After being raped, I deleted my face book, my MySpace, and my twitter. I didn't want to see the outside world, or let them see me.
"Kagome, phone" Mom yelled. She had Souta deliver out wireless house phone up the stairs to me. I decided to take Kagura's advice and put it to use.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Kagome?" Sango said.
"Hey" I said.
"It's good to hear your voice. It's been a week since we last spoke. Every time I call, you're sleeping" Sango said sadly, I felt guilty for having Souta and Mom tell her that but I was never in the mood to talk.
"Yeah, I've been really tired lately and I don't sleep well at night anymore “I confessed. No point in lying to my best friend anymore. She knew the truth.
"I understand…I know this is weird of me but can I come by and see you? It's been almost a month Kags and it's almost Christmas so I'll be gone for the 2 week vacation coming up" She asked. I could hear the hope in her voice and that just laid the guilt on me even more. Sango was trying really really hard to be a good friend to me and I wasn't letting her in.
"Sure, drop by tomorrow" I said, trying to perk myself up.
"Really? I'm glad to hear you say that. I have a lot to catch you up on. See you tomorrow" She said, excitement in her voice. That was the first time in a long time I actually had something to look forward to the next day. I wandered downstairs to put the phone back on the base.
"How was it with Sango?" Mom asked, I knew she had eavesdropped. I decided to play along with her and let her know the good news. Maybe she'd call Kagura and tell her I'm making progress.
"She's coming over tomorrow to see me. I'm gonna wash and flat iron my hair" I announced. Then I went upstairs, grabbed my favorite shampoo and pjs and got ready. I wasn't going to sleep tonight anyways so I had plenty of time to try every type of eye cream to hide my dark circles under my eyes and freshen myself up for Sango.
Once I was sure my mother as fast asleep, I locked my door as I always do and then turned my Mac laptop.
I punched in .com into the address line of safari and then when it loaded, I typed in Sesshomaru Taisho. That was the first time I had ever made it to that point. Over the months I have typed in his name but never hit enter.
Sesshomaru Taisho (August 14, 1992- October 31, 2009) is the eldest son of Inu no Taisho. He was the CEO of the Taisho Corporation. He was a businessman, a high school student, and accepted to Stanford University. He has one brother, Inuyasha (Age 16), who is also working alongside their father at the corporation. His death was tragic; he was stabbed repeatedly in a bathroom at a house party. The police refuse to disclose his murderer, the only statement they have released is that he allegedly raped a young woman and she killed him in self-defense.
I reread those words over and over again; they didn't use my name, they never used my name in the article. And Inuyasha? Was that the boy who busted into the door? I turned the computer off, and laid down into the bed. I pulled the covers up high around my neck, and thought about the golden eyed, puppy eared, silver haired boy that I saw that night.
"Good morning sleepyhead, Sango called to say she's coming by for lunch. You got an hour to get ready" My mom woke me. She smiled warmly at me, I know she was surprised I had guests coming and then I slept through at least part of the night.
I made myself presentable. I actually went through some type of morning ritual of hygiene and waited for Sango to arrive.
"Hey Mrs. Higurashi, it's so great to see you" I could hear Sango in the doorway. She took of her shoes and then came into the kitchen. I could feel myself growing nervous but then I remember I had nothing to be afraid of. This is Sango, my best friend of 5 years.
"Kagome" She came through the doorway smiling.
"Hey" I said, pushing a smile on my face.
"It's been too long!" She came over and gave me a tight hug. It felt good to have her here again.
"Yeah it has. I'm sorry I didn't see you sooner it's just…."We both took a moment of silence for what we knew was not being said.
"Nah I understand, it's been crazy lately but now no one even talks about you anymore. People are ready for you to return. I brought you a present. I know it's two days early but I hope you don't mind" She handed me a tightly wrapped box. I accepted the package and then looked around for something I could give her.
"Thank you, I wish I had something for you"I smiled apologetically but Sango waved me off and plopped into the kitchen chair beside me.
"Just seeing you is a great present for me. Yura also sent an apology card to you so hopefully it arrives before Christmas. She knows she did you wrong by not being there when you needed support, but her new boyfriend, Naraku, was a close buddy of HIM and she was so deep in love that she just followed him. But I never did, you know I've been there from the start" She said fiercely.
"I know you have, and I appreciate it" I replied.
"I'm dating that Miroku guy that I met from the party; he's a real sweet guy once you get past his lecherousness. I want you to meet him one day. Maybe we could all go out one day and just hang or something" She offered.
"You know what, that sounds great. I think for the new year I'm gonna make some changes" I said.
"Like what?" Mom asked, she had come back into the room. I didn't want to make any promises but Kagura was right about trying a normal life again.
"I want to enroll back in school, start hanging out with people again and maybe work on getting my driver's license too" I smiled, my first real smile in almost 2 months. I guess seeing Sango made it real again.
"I hope you do Kagome, I miss having you around. You know?" She said, I saw her phone light up and it began vibrating on the table.
"Hello? Yeah I'm at Kagome's house. Yup she's gonna come back to school and be normal again and everything. Yeah wanna talk to her?" She said into the phone. I watched with morbid curiosity. She handed me the phone and I held it to my ear.
"Hey Kags" Yura said.
"Hi" I stuttered. I was just shocked, I wasn't expecting her of all people to be on the other end of the phone call.
"Sorry it's been so long. I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend to you, but I want to let you know that I miss you too and I'm sorry. I hope we can still be friends and I can't wait to see you real soon" she said.
"OK" I said stiffly, then I handed the phone back to Sango.
"Yeah alright, see you there, bye" Sango hung up the phone.
"Yura set up a double date with Miroku and I have to go get ready, but I'll see you soon, ok?" She gave me a kiss on the cheek and then she left. I still felt more alive than I did before. So alive that I wanted to go outside and play with Souta. I opened the front door to go join him when I saw…