InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ Bloody Knuckles ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Redone June 9, 2010. Edited for spelling, grammar and clarity.
Bloody Knuckles
I waited for what seemed like forever and a million years for Inuyasha to come out. I couldn't hear a word that was being said and her door was closed.
"I'll see you back in a week Inuyasha, I hope by then that you have calmed down" Kaede told him. Inuyasha just rolled his eyes and walked over to me.
"What happened in there?" I asked, but Inuyasha didn't answer. Some of the students looked at us but they didn't hold eye contact, Inuyasha looked pissed.
"Suspended Inuyasha?" taunted Yura. I frowned that we had to see her. Things were still too fresh for me.
"Shut up bitch, go help your punk ass boyfriend feel better" spat Inuyasha, grabbing my hand and storming past her. It felt so good to have him hold my hand, almost like we were a couple. But I refused to let my hopes get high when I knew Kikyo, even in death, was blocking him from me.
"What happened?" I repeated, trying not to sound impatient with him. We whipped down the hallways and was pretty much running to the car. I could barely keep up, the baby swimming around in my stomach and playing with my bladder, but I didn't want to slow Inuyasha down. I placed my free hand safely on my stomach. We finally made it to the car and I realized that Inuyasha was still pissed and ridged in his movements.
"I beat Naraku's ass for what his little girlfriend and her friend did to you. I was pissed" Inuyasha grunted, he was gripping the steering wheel so hard I thought he was going to break it.
"You beat up Naraku for me?" I repeated in astonishment. Could Inuyasha feel this way because he actually likes me? Or did he just want an excuse to beat up an old rival?
"Keh, don't make it sound like I bought you a diamond ring or anything" Inuyasha brushed it off, and I went back to being quiet. I can never tell what this guy if he's interested or not, he's so hard to read. But then again, what guy isn't? I should be happy I finally met one that isn't a liar or a cheat.
"I won't be able to take you to school for awhile, pops will probably ground me for what I did to Naraku" Inuyasha said.
"I'm sorry, I hope you don't get in trouble over me" I turned to face out the window.
"I don't care if I do, it was worth it" Inuyasha answered, and I felt those little butterflies flutter in my stomach. Could he actually want me?
I saw my mom pull up in the driveway so I said goodbye to Inuyasha and met my mother at the door of her car.
"Well what happened Kagome? I hate to be called at work, you know that" Mama started right in.
"Sango and I had an argument at school that went too far. Sango told everyone I was raped by Sesshomaru, it was my secret to tell and she revealed it. I hate her Mama! This is all because of her new friend, Yura, that's why she's acting that way with me" I said, growing so angry at her.
"Kagome, you can't hide what happened to you forever and although Sango was truly in the wrong for what she did, you knew it would come out one day. I'm going to talk to the Slayers after I leave here. Did anything else happen at school today?" Mama asked, locking the front door. I had taken my customary seat on the couch and Mom came to join me.
"Inuyasha beat up Naraku, Yura's boyfriend, to protect me and my honor. I can't tell if he likes me or not, some of the things he says makes me thing so but then other times he pushes me away like he doesn't want me" I blurted, I saw Mama smile, for the first time in awhile, at me.
"So you like Inuyasha? You never told me" Mama said.
"Mama, I don't know…I mean I think I do…but then I can't really be sure. Plus he looks like HIM so much" I confessed.
"Don't stress yourself over it, I'll set an appointment with Kagura so you can talk it out with her and get some advice. Sound good?" She asked. I remembered what Inuyasha said about that voice that let me that awful voicemail.
"Actually Mama, I don't want to see Kagura anymore. I think I'm done with counseling for right now, it's gotten me this far and I think I'm ready to stand on my own again" I said. Mama smiled at me warmly and accepted what I said.
"That's fine Kagome, I'm glad to see you can handle more things on your own" She said. Suddenly the house phone rang, which was unusual because it never does. Mom got up and answered it in the Kitchen.
"Higurashi residence" Mama answered.
"Yes my daughter is home with me, is there a problem?" I heard her ask.
"Alright, I'll pass the message along, thank you" Mama finally hung out.
"Mr. Atasha called, he said that he scheduled you to come see him tomorrow for counseling as requested by your principal" Mom said as she grabbed her coat off the rack.
"Going to work?" I asked, watching her closely.
"Yeah, but first I have to stop by the Slayers. Will you be ok at home?" Mom asked.
"Yeah I'll probably invite Inuyasha over or something" I answered, grabbing the remote for the T.V.
"Alright, love you. Don't stay up too late. Souta's at Grandpa's so he won't be here to bother you" Mom said as she dashed out the door. I curled up on the couch, feeling awfully lonely. I wanted to call Inuyasha but I figured he'd be busy getting chewed out by his dad for what he did.
DING DONG~ the doorbell rang and awoke me from my nap. I had accidentally left the TV on. I rubbed the sleepiness from my eyes and opened the door. It was the red-headed bitch who called me out in school.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, closing the door slightly. She wedged her foot into the front door.
"I came here to talk to you. I'm sorry about what happened at school. By the way my name is Ayame" She pushed her way through the door. She didn't appear threatening but that didn't stop me from keeping my hand on the phone in case I needed to call the police.
"Look Ayame, you're not welcome here. I don't know where you got your information for, or how you got the nerve to talk to me that way at school, but I damn sure didn't appreciate it" I hissed at her. If she could see my face, she didn't let on.
"I know how it feels to have something taken away from you, and to be shunned by your peers for something that isn't your fault. And I know you're pregnant too" Ayame continued as if I hadn't just said anything to her.
"Well you're mistaken, I'm not" I lied, trying to say it confidently.
"Sesshomaru finished inside you, did he not? There's no way you aren't pregnant. Stop pretending. What you need to do is take advantage of this moment. You can go to the press, as the poor rape victim impregnated by her rapist, who just happens to be a famous Taisho" Ayame suggested.
"If I do that, then the Taishos are going to be very hurt, and I can't do that to Inuyasha. Besides I don't want to draw attention to myself by going to the news. They always spin information around and then it'll make me look like a money hungry ho. Besides you don't know anything about what I'm going through, why should I take advice from you?" I said, walking away from her. She was too familiar and too personal with me. The girl placed her hand on my arm, and I tried to shrug away from her touch.
"I see you're not going to trust me. My name is Ayame Wolf, I am 18 years old, and 2 years ago, Sesshomaru Taisho raped me as well. I was a junior, and very attracted to him, so when he invited me over to his house to study, I was thrilled. Even back then Sesshomaru was considered a GOD. I got over there, no one was home, and I thought we were just gonna fool around or something. Things started going too far and I told him no, that I didn't feel comfortable. He told me that I must have wanted sex because no girl would go over to a guy's house with no parental supervision if she didn't want it, then he raped me. A few weeks later I realized I was pregnant, and I went to his parents to confront them. They paid me money to be quiet and have an abortion, like a fool I did. After they paid me $3 million dollars, I left them alone and didn't speak of word of it to anyone. By being secretive and allowing my own desires take over what is right, he was able to rape again" Ayame confessed. I stared at her in horror. She was raped too!
"How do I know you're telling the truth?" I questioned, looking at her for any dishonesty.
"Because Kagome, I wouldn't have risked everything to come talk to you. I have a friend that works as a T.A in the office, and I had that person go through your records to get your address, and I also used my connection with the local police to get your statement that night you went to report the rape. There's a lot of legal trouble I can get into for that" Ayame answered.
"I am not going to hurt Inuyasha and his family by telling. Sesshomaru is dead, he cannot hurt anyone again. Yes he hurt you and he got me too, but he's dead and that's the end of it. I will not do this to myself" I said, holding my hand on my stomach. I was starting to grow bigger but it wasn't like I was about to burst any minute. I am about four months along now, a little under half way.
"Why is Inuyasha so important to you? It's not like you two are dating, he hasn't dated since Kikyo committed suicide. And he actually loved her" Ayame spat like I was stupid. Does everyone know about her except me?
"Why did Kikyo kill herself? How do you know he loved her?" I questioned, tired of not knowing anything.
"He followed Kikyo around like she was a fucking goddess. He walked her to class, held her books, bought her lunch, drove her to school, took her on dates, remembered every anniversary and birthday, and even hung out with her friends. Then one day she just changed, instead of being a sweet little girlfriend who was loving towards him, she started treating him badly. It started off with her not spending as much time with him, calling him names, telling him she was too good for him, not talking to him at school, didn't want to be around him in public, used him for his money, etc. No one knows why she changed, and then she just committed suicide and that tore him apart. That was over a year ago" Ayame answered.
"He could have moved on from that, he treats me just as nicely as he treated Kikyo. Not once has he ever treated me less than" I countered.
"He probably just feels guilty, I mean his brother did rape you" Ayame added.
"He never treated you this way, so I think that means something there. You were raped before me but he didn't once try to help you" I said, and she looked hurt. But it was too late to take the words back after they came flying out of my mouth.
"I see I've overstayed my welcome, remember what I said Kagome" Ayame said, opening the door and letting herself out. I watched her drive off in an unmarked vehicle and I was kinda mad at myself for not asking her more questions.
I decided to call Inuyasha, just to see how he was doing. I needed a friend to talk to after that visit from Ayame.
"Hey Inuyasha, wanna come hang?" I asked.
"Look Kagome, now's not a good time. My dad is pissed about me being suspended. He's on his way over to talk to Kaede now. Maybe another time alright" Inuyasha said, sounding sad.
"Can you at least stay on the phone with me? Today's been an awful day and I really need someone to talk to" I pleaded.
"I know what happened at school today was rough but at least it's over. Are you going to go to school without me tomorrow?" Inuyasha asked.
"I have no choice, Kaede had Mr. Atasha call my mom and they set up a counseling session with him for tomorrow. Plus I got a test in English I can't afford to miss. But Ayame came over today to talk to me" I said.
"Who's Ayame?" He asked.
"The red-headed girl who revealed my secret in class today" I answered.
"How did she find you? Did she hurt you? IS she still there?" Inuyasha asked in a fury.
"She left a few minutes ago, she said she got my address from the school records, and no she didn't hurt me. She just came to talk. She told me that Sesshomaru raped her two years ago and that your family paid her off to have an abortion and keep quiet" I said.
"Ayame Wolf? You can't listen to her Kagome; it's not what it sounds like. She told everyone who would listen the same story. That she went over for a study date, and they started fooling around but it went too far and he raped her. But that isn't true. Sesshomaru really liked Ayame, and the sex was consensual. The only reason she started crying rape was because her parents found out that she gave up her virginity to another boy, and they had already arranged a marriage for her. They were pissed because she ruined the deal of the arranged marriage. They were suppose to get paid big bucks by the boy's parents for a virginal bride. She was no longer worth anything to them with her virginity lost. So she cried "rape" to make herself seem like a victim and still be able to do the arranged marriage. We paid her money to stop calling it a rape, but it wasn't for the abortion. She asked us if we could hire private doctors to perform the abortion and no one would know, she wanted it a secret. That's the truth Kagome. That's why she never went to the police because she knew the sex wasn't rape" Inuyasha explained.
And now I wasn't sure what to believe, I mean was Ayame raped and bribed to be quiet and have an abortion? Or was Ayame actually embarrassed about what she did and had the abortion to keep what she did a secret? Inuyasha wouldn't lie to me, but that doesn't mean he wasn't lied to by his parents. I mean two years ago would make him 15, and a freshman. Maybe he really didn't know.
"Did she say anything else to you?" He asked.
"No, that was it" I lied, I couldn't tell him about the Kikyo part because I knew that would cause a problem.
"Well I'm glad she didn't do anything to you. She is a very dangerous person Kags, ok? She is a psychopath. She tried all during the last year to get Sesshomaru to look at her and talk to her again, she still wanted him after the so-called "rape". She gets violent and angry if she doesn't get her way. If she ever comes by again or corners you at school, you have to get away from her. Promise me that Kagome" Inuyasha said, his tone dead serious.
"I promise Inuyasha, I will not let Ayame close to me again" I agreed, now seeing how she may be a threat to me.
"I gotta go, my dad is coming to my room, but I'll pick you up tomorrow at regular time to take you to school. Ok?" He whispered.
"Sure, and thanks Inuyasha" I replied, hanging up.