InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Rapist's Brother ❯ Mr. Atasha's weirdness ( Chapter 14 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Redone June 9, 2010. Edited for name change, spelling, grammar, and clarity.
Mr. Atasha's weirdness
"Good morning Mrs. Higurashi, glad to see you could make it to school on time" Kaede said. I had to check into the office first.
"Yes, Inuyasha dropped me off as usual" I confirmed her unanswered question. She frowned slightly but I didn't let that bother me. She couldn't stop Inuyasha from pulling into the school's parking lot, even though he couldn't step foot on school property.
"Mr. Atasha is waiting for you down the hall. Give him this slip" Kaede handed me a slip of pink paper and sent me out of her office. The hallway was already lined up with people waiting to see her. I avoided eye contact after what Ayame did to me those days ago and I made my way down to the counseling office.
"Hello Mrs. Higurashi, I was expecting you. Do you have the slip from Kaede?" He asked. He was seated behind an old wooden desk in a crummy old chair. He was a plain man, his features not too eventual and he spoke in a monotone boring voice. I knew this was going to be a long session.
"Yes sir" I handed him to the pink counseling slip. He read over it briefly before letting it fall into the pile of mess on his desk. He motioned for me to sit on the couch by the chair. And he joined me with a legal pad of paper and a pen.
"So Ms. Higurashi, I heard that you had a verbal altercation with several female classmates recently, tell me about that" Mr. Atasha asked.
"Well I was yelling with Sango about what type of friend she is, when this girl I've never seen before came in and started talking about the rape I experienced at the end of last year. Sango embarrassed me by agreeing, I slapped her, and I left" I wrapped it up pretty quickly. Mr. Atasha wrote down pretty much most of what I said.
"Was that the end of your communication with those 3 girls?" He asked.
"Yes, we haven't spoken since" I nodded. I was glad, as if I wanted to talk to that backstabber, Sango, and her fake friend. I conviently left out the part about Ayame's visit to my house after school.
"I heard your boyfriend, Inuyasha, beat up Yura's boyfriend, Naraku. Can you tell me about that?" Mr. Atasha asked. I wondered where he got the assumption that Inuyasha and I were dating, I never once told him that.
"Inuyasha is not my boyfriend, and actually I don't know a lot about it. When I saw Inuyasha in the hallway, his knuckles were bloody and I asked him about it. He said he got in a fight with Naraku. That's it" I said. I wanted to make sure I didn't tell him too much about Inuyasha.
"So how long have you been friends with Inuyasha?" He asked. I wonder what got him on the Inuyasha tip. I needed this man's approval to go back to class and he was dragging it out to the fullest.
"A few months, I met him in January" I answered. I didn't remember exactly when I met him but I sure remember how.
"So in the last two months that you've known him, has he been violent, abusive, or short-tempered towards you or anyone else?" The counselor asked. That question came way out of left field and it left me wondering actually how he came up with that. I decided it was best not to tell him that Inuyasha had blown up at me a few times especially after our kiss incident and the Kikyo thing.
"No, Inuyasha has been very patient and understanding with me. He helps me out all the time and doesn't complain. The only time I've seen him be violent was when he got in the fight with Naraku" I told the truth. I could see him scribbling but he kept the pad at an angle where I couldn't see what he was writing.
"How has Inuyasha been helpful towards you?" He questioned.
"He takes me to doctor appointments, back and forth to school, keep me company when I can't sleep at night. Just being there, you know?" I tried to keep it casual. I didn't want all this to be in my records. Luckily he changed the subject.
"Yes I see. So what type of relationship do you have with Yura?” He asked.
"We don't have one at all, she and I were friends in the beginning but we haven't been in months. Sango used to be a mutual friend but she isn't my friend anymore" I said angrily, just thinking about them made me pissed.
"Your mother went to talk to the Slayers yesterday, correct?" He questioned, I was surprised he knew about that.
"She said she was going to, I don't know for sure" I watered it down. He seemed surprised that I didn't know more.
"You weren't with her when she went?" He asked, astonished.
"I was exhausted from the emotionally upsetting day, and tired from my pregnancy. I wanted to stay home and rest" I lied.
"So during the time you were home, did anyone stop by or did you invite anyone over?" He asked. What did that have to do with what happened yesterday in the classroom? This man is off his rocker.
"No, after I rested I called Inuyasha to see how he was doing" I answered.
"He didn't stop by?" He questioned
"He's grounded for two weeks so we just talked" I insisted.
"About what?" He pressed.
"Just what happened that day, and his parents being upset about the suspension" I lied again.
"And Inuyasha still drives you to school? Even though he's suspended?" He asked.
"Yes, my mom works two jobs with crazy schedules. My grandpa keeps my brother, and I'm on my own most of the time" I said.
"And your mother, she knows about the time you spend with Inuyasha?"
"Yes of course, I don't hide anything from my mother" I scoffed, as if I was some typical teenager that lied and hide things from their parents.
"Why do you think Inuyasha would hurt Naraku?" He said, leaving me stunned for a few seconds. It's as if he wants something incriminating on Inuyasha.
"I'm not sure; he didn't want to talk about it" I said.
"Is he always so unwilling to share his feelings with you?" He asked.
"Not usually, just certain things" I said slowly.
"Like Kikyo?" He offered.
"I don't know a Kikyo" I lied, hoping he could tell me more.
"Kikyo was a student here, and a friend of Inuyasha's. Mysteriously she committed suicide and no one knew what happened. She was a smart, straight A student, who was involved in a lot of clubs and community service opportunities. It was strange and the entire school missed her. Inuyasha refused to talk about his feelings when it came to her" Mr. Atasha elaborated
"I don't know what to tell you, I've never heard him mention her before" I insisted. He finished up whatever he was writing down and then he grabbed a white slip from his desk drawer.
"Thank you for your time, you can go to class now" He handed me a hall pass and send me on my way, it was awkward but I was relieved to be free of him and that and able to return to my 90 minute periods of hell.
I got into my English class but I noticed that the desk I usually sat in, in the back was missing.
"Mr. Ward, my desk is missing" I said, he glanced over his right shoulder to look and I was right.
"Use my chair and share a desk with someone" He rolled over his teacher chair and I looked at it like it was something foreign. None of the students wanted to talk to me, let alone share a desk.
I rolled the chair as quietly as I could to the corner where my desk should have been and placed my papers and stuff on my lap. I wasn't going to force anyone to share. I just wanted this period to end and let me go. I saw Yura turn around and stare at me. I looked up, trying not to care about her.
"Must be hard not having your desk, Kagome. It's awful that it just went missing" Yura taunted. I knew she had something to do with it.
"It must be hard having to nurse your boyfriend back to health after Inuyasha whooped his ass, isn't it?" I retorted, and her little lips pierced together and her face went red. Some of the students laughed behind their hand and Yura turned back around to face the board.
Luckily I had no more problems for that period, or the rest of the day and Inuyasha was there to pick me up after school.
"How was school?" He asked instantly.
"Fine" I said
"No problems from Yura or Sango?" He questioned.
"Yura tried to embarrass me but I shut her up" I gloated.
"What did she say?"He asked, interested.
"She was teasing me because the desk I always sit in went 'missing' today so I had to put everything on my lap. So I teased her about you beating up Naraku" I answered.
"He deserved it, he needs to keep his girl in line" Inuyasha said.
"I gotta hurry home you know, I'm technically still grounded" He said kinda harshly, I know it was his way of covering up the embarrassment so I just nodded and got out.
"Call me later?" I asked.
"Yeah tonight" He said, speeding off.