InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Revenge ❯ The Hatred Within ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Revenge

Hi everyone I know it's been awhile since I last wrote a story but I've been real busy with school and all that crap. But I have another story for you all and I hope u all like it. Oh before I forget the crew of Inuyasha is not mine but the character Izumi is mine.

Prologue: The Hatred Within

Thoughts & Memories- written in italics
Speaking- written with quotations

I laid there unable to move from the position I was in. My body wracked with pain as a single tear slid down from my eyes. I slowly but painfully stood up.. My hair falling freely over my face. Gathering the remainder of my clothes I tried adjusting it as best as it could be adjusted. I turned around and stared blankly at the man who lay in the silk sheets bed. This is the man who has taken everything that I was once was.. Into everything I would soon become. The purity I had was now turned into filthiness, the free spirit that was once within me.. was now a broken tormented soul.. and the love that I once obtained for this man was now turned into pure hatred. Hatred.. which was now fueling my desire to seek revenge.. my revenge.

I needed to leave this place and leave it fast. Running to gather the rest of my items I passed by the shower. "Why should I be in such a rush to leave?" "Maybe I should take a quick bath first." Got to hurry though so I can leave before he wakes up. Passing by my room (well at least once was my room) I stopped to get my materials that I would need in order to take a bath. As soon as I reached the bath I shed what was the remainder of my garment. Carefully I stepped in the water trying not to cause any further pain on the already fresh wounds I had. "God the water feels like heaven" I sighed. Not forgetting I was on a time schedule I quickly took the materials that I had been given by his servants and started washing my self. Oh I feel so dirty! No matter how hard I scrub I still feel so DIRTY!! Quickly finishing with my bruised and battered body I began on my hair. Gently yet firmly scrubbing all the dirt out of my hair I submerged my self in the water and came back out clean. Well I'm not as clean as I was but then again who would after you've been raped?

I stepped out of the bath quickly drying myself with the towel and dried my hair as fast as I could. I stopped to look at myself in the mirror perched on the wall. My once beautiful lavender hair was now no longer what it used to be, my body had bruises everywhere, my blue eyes which once contained innocence and life now looked as if they were dull, and on my back laid a cut, a deep wounded cut going from my shoulder to my hip. I took one last glance at myself and put on a kimmo I had found. It was a white kimmo beautifully adorned with pink sakura blossoms. I tied my hair in a bun with some stands hanging out. I was soon to be on my way when I realized I had left my sword in his room. Danm how am I supposed to get it back now? I ran quietly to his room never making a sound. The only sounds that were heard were the sounds of my heart beating rapidly. I slowed down as I approached his room. I went in there carefully in hope not to wake the demon that lay asleep. Where is it? I can't leave without it. Once I had spotted it I went to fetch it. Oh no.. it's right next to him. My face dropped as I stood at the foot of the bed. I can't give up now. I went to where that bastard lay asleep and there right next to him lay my katanna (sp please). As I reached for it a hand grabbed my wrist. I slowly removed his hand and laid it back on the bed. Once I had successfully retrieved my katanna I made a dash for the castle gates while storing away my sword. Taking one final glance at the castle I dashed into the secluded forest of the west territory. Once I thought I was far enough I slowed down due to the wounds. As I walked I thought about the last thing he said to me before he took my innocence.
My dear Izumi you have to realize that it's a dog eat dog world out there.
away I thought It's a dog eat dog world out there.. Well than I think it's time for this dog to get her revenge and trust me I will get revenge.. MY REVENGE .

Authors Note: Well what do u guys think? Please don't be to mean but a little feed back would help. Oh and FYI the character's name is Izumi.J Just thought you should know so you don't get confused.