InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Saving Grace ❯ Sesshoumarus decision ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Stepping into the clearing, InuYasha called his brothers name. A moment later the bushes to his left started to rustle and his brother emerged. “Why are you here?” For once, InuYasha did not act rash and stupidly, but asked his question calmly and collectedly. “I am here because there is something of my....interest, and I wanted to check up on.... it.” “Yeah, right. You may be an icy ass, but I can see straight through that lie. You’re here to see Kagome, admit it.

And I know she was bathing, and you better not have been spying on her either” InuYasha was almost shouting by the time he was finished. He saw Sesshoumaru flinch and hesitate a few seconds before he answered. “You are correct, this once, little brother.
I am here to see the miko, Kagome, and what I do when I am here is none of your concern. Why is it that you have come out here and ask me this, when I know you were fully aware what my intentions were?” InuYasha laughed half-heartedly. “I have come to give you a proposition. I have finally taken Kikyo as my mate, and she is to join our camp tomorrow, but she thinks Kagome wants to kill her. I have promised my mate that I will kick Kagome out of the group tomorrow morning. S...”

InuYasha was cut off when he felt a hand wrap around his throat. “Why would you kick her out, knowing fully well what dangers lie in these forests?” Sesshoumaru looked, and sounded, like he was going to kill someone. “I was getting to the good part, the part that benefits you.” InuYasha wheezed out his answer, and just as he suspected, his words had the desired effect. InuYasha was dropped unceremoniously to the ground.

Crawling up to his feet, InuYasha stood up and dusted himself off. “Speak, hanyou, I grow tired of your company.” Sesshoumaru’s cold voice cut through his musings. “Fine, whatever. Like I was saying, she has to be gone. So I was thinking that we could work up some kind of arrangement.”

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Kagome bolted upright in her sleeping bag. Breathing hard and covered in sweat, Kagome was shocked. Had she actually had that dream? With Sesshoumaru? Oh my. I’m really losing it. Like Sesshoumaru, ice king of the world, would ever love her. The dream was unexpected. Kagome remembered the way she felt when he touched her in places she never knew existed, the way he looked at her, and the way he said her name.

Gods, she was getting delusional. I know I have feelings for him, she thought sardonically, but that doesn’t give me an excuse for these dreams. Shaking her head stupidly, Kagome got up and decided to take a bath. Slipping out of her sleeping bag, Kagome gathered her supplies and a dark blue and silver kimono and obi, and walked silently out of the hut. Looking up to the sky, Kagome realized it would be light out in about an hour’s time.

Chuckling at the thought of what InuYasha would say to her if she was late, Kagome happily made her way to the spring, glad to get this sweat off of her. Peeling off her huge shirt and undergarment’s, Kagome slipped into the cool water, sighing in contentment. She seemed to be doing that a lot lately. Sighing was something she normally thought was rude, especially when in someone else’s presence. Shaking her head, she thought back to the dream she just had.

She never thought that she would think of the Tai Youkai like that, feeling or no feeling. But she had to admit the thought of being with the Lord in that way was pleasing. Shaking her head to rid herself of the pleasant, but not totally unwanted thought, Kagome jumped when she heard someone’s yell.

Rinsing off her body and hair, Kagome hurriedly slipped into her clothes and gathered her supplies. Walking briskly back to Keades hut, Kagome wondered who could have been out at this time yelling at someone.

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“What kind of arrangement?” InuYasha laughed, pleased he had his brother attention. “I was thinking, sense I know Kagome, I thought that you cold take her as your mate.” Sesshoumaru stood there in stunned silence, pondering what his brother had just said.

Could there be a downside to this? I love her? Do I? Will I? What will the court say about a human woman mated to me? He was cut out of this particular thought when InuYasha decided there was a little bit of information he had left out. “Oh, and by the way, she’s not a human anymore, she was turned into a dog youkai by the jewel because her body wielded so much power that her human body could not harbor it.”

Again, another plus side to the situation. But he still wondered if she would run away. Could there be a downside to this? “You have 10 seconds before I go back to camp and tell Kagome she has to leave.” Sesshoumaru pondered the arrangement for another 7 seconds before answering. “Fine. I will take her to mate. I will pick her up in one hours time from now. Tell her, and make sure she knows she can not run away, and that I will not hurt her.

Gather her things up also.” Sesshoumaru turned on hid heal and was about to fly off when InuYasha stopped him with one last surprise. “And make sure you get another room ready for her, she’ll bring her kit Shippou, with her. I wouldn’t try to persuade her to leave him either, because she very protective of him. Just thought I would let you know ahead of time.” Sesshoumaru nodded and proceeded to his home, leaving a triumphant and slightly weary hanyou behind.

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“Are you sure he’ll let me bring Shippou?” InuYasha sighed for the umpteenth time. “Yes” “And he.... won’t hurt me?” “No, he wont hurt you.” “Did you tell him about the well and me being a demon now?” “I told about you being a demon, but not about the well. I figure you would want to do that.” “You’re right. Thank you.”

Five minutes later Sesshoumaru entered the clearing and picked her up. Saying her good byes, and promising to visit when she could, Sesshoumaru loaded her stuff, and Shippou, up on Ah and Un. Kagome slowly stepped up to her mate to be and he wrapped her arms around her waist and gathered his cloud. Taking to the air, Kagome waved good bye to her friends and settled into Sesshoumaru’s arms trying to think of something to talk to him about.

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I know, this ones kinda short too, but I’m working on it, and it doesn’t help that my brother is always on. Next chapter Jaken gets beaten. Fun stuff. Anyway you know what to do. Read and review please. I won’t update until I have 4 reviews