InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kouga stopped for a moment. He raised his sensitive nose into the air took a tentative sniff, fearing what he would find. His suspicions were confirmed when the scent of blood reached him. He took off running in the direction from which the scent was coming.


Inuyasha sat on the lip of the Bone-Eater's Well, staring intently down into its murky depths. Kagome had promised she would be back this morning, but she had yet to show.

The hanyou shifted uncomfortably, contemplating his situation. He sat a moment longer before hopping up and disappearing into the well.

He reappeared a full three minutes later, looking rather confused. Mrs. Higurashi said Kagome came back last night. But she's nowhere to be found. What happened? Worry slowly etched itself into his face. Kagome had come back last night, but she wasn't here. Where could she be? What happened to her?

It was then that he noticed a trail of dried blood to his left leading into the forest. He immediately began following it meticulously, worry filling his mind as he chewed over what this could mean.


He found her lying by a large stream, presumably sleeping. But as he came closer, he could see two arrows protruding from her body; one from her shoulder and the other from a thigh. He immediately rushed to her side, turning her over so that he could see her face. She had been bleeding rather heavily but it had stopped now. As he lowered his pointed ear to her chest, he could barely distinguish a faint heartbeat.

Kouga sighed in relief at this revelation. He took a moment to assess her wounds. If he didn't get her some help, surely she'd die. He wrapped strong, tan fingers around the shaft of one of the arrows and pulled it free of Kagome's tender flesh. He promptly wrapped a strip of cloth around her shoulder to help stop the bleeding. He pulled the other arrow out and did the same.

The wolf growled deep in his throat as he gently cradled Kagome to his lean chest. Dog-breath will pay for letting this happen to my woman! He leapt over the stream with ease and retreated into the forest once again, holding Kagome tightly as he bounded swiftly through the heavy foliage.


The trail ended at the edge of a wide creak. There, he found a large puddle of crimson liquid that smelled of Kagome. But not just his companion… a certain wolf also.


Ginta and Hakkaku sat vigilant guard on either sides of their campsite. A motionless Kagome rested in the middle of the small clearing, a fire blazing beside her. Their leader, Kouga, had returned nearly an hour ago with their injured sister with instructions to watch her carefully. He left shortly after to hunt for food.

A twig snapped and the two wolves jerked their heads to the sound. Their leader stepped out from the trees and they sighed in relief.

"Nothing happened to Kagome while I was gone, did it? She's still doing okay?" Kouga asked as he made his way over to said woman's sleeping form, worry seeping into his rough voice.

"Nope!" Ginta said proudly. "We watched over her the whole time."

"Uh-huh," his companion agreed.

Kouga moved nearer to examine Kagome more closely, setting the hog he had killed on his hunt down beside him. She seemed unmoved.

"Alright, you guys can dig in," he told the other two carelessly.

Their eyes widened in surprise. But you know what they say. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. So Ginta and Hakkaku just nodded enthusiastically and began tearing chunks of meat from the kill, stuffing it into their mouths hungrily.














