InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Savior ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Inuyasha suddenly felt Kagome tense in his arms. With a strangled cry, the girl pushed at his chest with bloody fists, effectively knocking him to the ground. He looked up at the girl, confusion showing in his shining amber orbs.

Kagome was clutching at her head, muttering incoherency as she trembled with suppressed urges. "Please…" she whispered.

"What…? Please what, Kagome?" Inuyasha begged, wishing nothing more right then to hold and comfort her, to help her in some way.

"Please," came her weak, quiet, broken voice. "Please… please, Inuyasha… I b-beg you… Please kill me…"

At this, the hanyou was up immediately. He grabbed he girl's shoulders and shook her, staring deep into her still battling eyes with a tenacious growl. "You don't know what you're talking about! You don't mean that!" he yelled into her face, trying to convince himself as much as he was her.

Tears came to Kagome's eyes even as the orbs flickered from her own gray-blue to a vicious crimson, the potion continuing its ongoing war with her scruples. "I-Inuyasha… I feel the want… the need… to kill. I don't want to kill anymore… I don't want to kill you. Please… before I lose control again…" she pleaded desperately.

The hanyou stood speechless, just staring into her ever-changing eyes in disbelief. 'How did it come to this? How could I let this happen?'

Inuyasha didn't have much time to dwell on these unanswerable questions as Kagome suddenly screamed in horror. His head jerked up in time to see the girl's form glowing in an eerie black light. Luminous light blue swirled around her aura, fighting desperately to overcome the black atrocity. But within seconds, the black monstrosity had swallowed what was left of Kagome's pure blue aura.

The black clouds of power visibly rolled off the girl's form in audacious waves. The billows sneaked and twisted around Kagome's lithe form, weaving in and out of her arms, her legs, her hair. It writhed and warped around her like something living… And all through this Kagome just stared forward into nothing, her eyes alternating between black and deep crimson red.

Thunder suddenly boomed in the sky as ominous ebon clouds covered the setting sun completely. Rain seemed to pour from the sky like a waterfall and what was left of the group had to wonder how such a fair-weather day had suddenly gave way to this flooding storm. It was nearly as dark as midnight as they stood there, staring at what their friend had become.

A flash of lightening illuminated the clearing and all could see that Kagome's will and the potion were once again battling for dominance of the girl's body. In a last-ditch effort to warn them, Kagome's conscience held the tonic's power at bay for just a moment longer. "Run… Get… Get away!" she managed to choke out before the black consumed her completely.














