InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Scary Halloween! ❯ Chapter 3~It Begins! ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Scary Halloween By Mija

Disclaimer~Dont own Inuyasha and Company.

A/N~omg I had no idea that Yuri meant lesbian..(face is all ablush) dang it im soo sorry for that guys and thank you all for the corrections and the other friends name..:-) Ive corrected the Yuri name to the proper one on the other bout that you guys..but thank you for letting me know and telling me the names..huggles and smiles Mija..:-) and again sorry its been taking soo long but gots phnemonia, yuppers thats where all the sickness I was feeling led to so Im sort of laggaing big time, sowwy..:-)

Chapter 3~It Begins!

~~~Kagome really really wasnt liking this. Her whole entire body tingles like it did when she felt demons or sensed a shikon shard. She grasped the Shikon Shards around her neck and thought to herself that she should of left them at home. But she got so used to carrying them and then after that thing with the mask in her own time, she was affraid to leave them at her house in case something came there while she was gone and did her family harm. She looked at Yuka, Eri and Ayumi. You could tell that even though they didnt have her senses, they felt something and were scared. She tried again to talk them out of it. Ayumi looked as if she wanted so much to agree with Kagome but as usual Yuka called them chickens and Eri went along and of course both Ayumi and Kagome had to go along lest they be called chickens and weaklings.

~~~They set up thier sleeping bags in a circle around the lantern and layed down. All of them were scared to fall asleep. Everytime the house creaked or made a noise they couldnt quite identify they all flinched or jumped, then laughed it off, but all thier eyes roamed the darkness around them, making sure there was nothing in the darkness. What creeped Kagome out alot was the sounds she could identify. The sounds of large scuring roaches and rats, thier sharp little claws scraping against the old wood. And the was another thing. The smell. It reeked of oldness, must and mold, dust and something ancient.. Kagome seriously didnt like being in this house, and once again clutched her necklace and whispered Inuyasha's name.

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~~~Inuyasha growled. He was frustrated and irritated and annoyed as hell. Sango and Miroku had gone off to another village two days before Kagome had decided to leave. Oh he and Kagome had gone a whole round of verbal jabs and sparring of wits, about her going back to her own time. He still didnt understand this funny custom of hall-o-ween. It sounded stupid and childish. There was enough scary shit in the world and Kagome had had her fill of it lately, so who in thier right mind would want to deliberatly scare the stuffing outta them selves? It made no sense to him and he let her know his feelings on the stupidity of it. She had told him she wanted to spend some time with her friends. That had hurt. It was like he wasnt her friend, and was tired of being around him. So of course he had went off on her as he usually did and ended up eating dirt when she said the stupid 'S' word. Then she threatened to do him real damage if he dared follow her.

~~~Inuyasha didnt care what sort of damage she trying to deliver him, he was going to her time and dragging her back, or at least hiding out there till she came back. He was tired and annoyed with Shippo's whining. He always whined when Kagome left, always blamed him for her leaving. The stupid Kitsune didnt know when to shut up. So he pounded him, then the old hag Kaede had started in on him and finally he just had to get away. Of course he was planning on sleeping in the God's tree and staying there till Kagome came back, but he thought what the fuck for? If she wanted to go back to her time then so be it, he was going to be there too. With that he leapt into the well and came out on the other side. Sniffing he quickly surmised that Kagome was not home. Hmmmm what to do?? Where did she go?? He could always ask the little brat of a brother of hers. With his mind made up he leapt up to the tree to Sota's window.

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~~~Somehow Kagome had fallen asleep. She couldnt remember falling asleep. One minute she was talking with Yuka, Eri and Ayumi and the next thing she knows is that something made her jolt up in her sleeping bag. Kagome looked around and realized something frightening. She was alone. I mean really alone. She was in her sleeping bag on the same floor she and her friends had made camp for the night. The lantern was still there, but everyone and everything else was gone. Her friends were gone, thier sleeping bags were gone, and so were the bags and stuff they had kept thier snacks in.

"Yuka?..Eri?..Ayumi??...where are you guys?? is this some sort of joke?? because this isnt funny you guys!" Kagome called out in a hoarse whisper. No one answered and she hugged the top of her sleeping bag closer to her chest and looked around. She couldnt even see any footprints or marks in the dust around her.

~~~The floor. It was caked with a layer of dust and you could see one set of footprints leading into the house to where she was, but nothing else. No imprints of sleeping bags, no other footprints to tell that her friends had ever come intot his creepy old house with her. Kagome's heartbeat raced. What was going on. She was scared. More scared than she had ever been in her life. What was going on here? Oh Inuyasha...I need you! She thought franticly in her head.

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~~~On the stair case the smaller shadow looked down at the young Miko. She was looking around with wide eyes and a scared look on her face. He smirked and wanted badly to laugh out loud at the look on her face. She was confussed and frightened and that made the pinkish aura around her light up even more. The more scared she got the more it seemed to flare. This made him frown. If the miko powers that shielded her kept reacting to her fear like this then there would be no way in seven hells that they would ever be able to get near her or the shards. Not even Saya would be able to get near something so pure. They would have to taint her some, make her less affraid and more relaxed, more open to thier wicked ways.

~~~Turning away from the Miko he walked threw walls and went into one of the bedrooms where his brother was even now tormenting the girl tied to the bed. She didnt actually have binds upon her body and her eyes were shut. But she was thrashing about and her arms and legs were spread eagle on the bed as if her hands and feet were indeed bound. Thats what she was really. In her mind, her dreams. That was the way he and his brother attacked, drained thier power. Right now his brother was grinning with glee as he let himself take pleasure in the fear he was inflicting on the girl on the bed. Yuka was her name. The one who had acted so brave. Now she was running down the rickety old stair case of the mansion as something she couldnt see chased her threw the darkness, never coming into the light, but always in the shadows. She could hear it breathing, and growling.

~~~Yuka didnt know what the hell was going on. One minute she had been in the foyer with the others talking. The next thing she had awoken in a bed. She was tied to it. She screamed for Eri and Kagome and Ayumi, but she got no answer. She strained against her binds, they werent tightly bound but enough to chaff her skin and then she saw it. Something moved in the shadows of the room. As it was it was the dark. The only light came from the full moon outside of the opened window. Then to her horror something swung out from the shadows near the edge of the bed and she felt a searing pain as claw marks were left on her thigh. She screamed without shame, the pain in her leg burned. Then like as if they were not there, her hands and legs were free from any binds. She was free. She jumped off the bed and ran out of the room. She looked downt he hallways and saw the stairway leading to the main floor. Maybe Kagome and the others were still there, they would help, they had to. As she turned to run, she caught a movement from the corner of her eye. She couldnt make it out, but it sort of slithered and writhed in the darkness. Thats when she heard it, the breathing, the growling. Screaming she took off running down the stairs. But they seemed to go on forever, and everytime she looked behind her she could see it. Not really all of it but she caught glimpses of it along the shadows on the wall. She could hear the breathing and growling getting closer and closer. She felt wind blow next to her shoulder before she felt a stinging burning pain. Something had taken a swipe at her again and her shoulder like her leg was bleeding. Again she screamed. She was running, screaming and praying hard that her friends would hear her and come to her aid. Its getting closer she thought, the breathing, the growling. Closer. Closer.

A/N~okies guys heres a short chap to this fic, again Im sorry for lack of updates, phnemonia and all that so my chaps arent all that long right now. Anyhow I hope you liked this chap and it wasnt confussing. As ive said many times I dont know what ever possesed me to write this story. Not good at writing spooky em to death but am not good at writing them..anyhow I still hope you enjoy. And Rose Inuyasha? gf I know what ya mean, trust me I dont think your crazy or anything like that, believe it or not ive had my own supernatural experiences growing up, not really concerned if anyone believes me or not, cause trust me Ive had some people look at me wierd or call me I am nuts but I dont halucinate and I dont I have witnesses..hehe anyhow hope you all liked this chap and let me know what yall think ok?? will get the next one up soon as I can k?? till next chap you all be safe well and good and much huggles and smiles Mija..:-)