InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Scary Halloween! ❯ Chapter 6~Enter Inuyasha! ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Scary Halloween By Mija

Disclaimer~Dont own Inuyasha and Company.

A/N~Sorry about the late update and to my reviewee on MM dont worry Im not stopping on this fic till its done, even if halloween IS anyhow I am a bit stumped but will do my best to update with new chaps when I can till its over, but its not meant to be long so hopefully just a few more chaps to bare with me on the long periods between updates k?? and thank you all for your wonderfull reviews specially to Sly who reviews all my stories on MM your the best girl and to all my wonderfull friends and regular reviewers on AFF whom i adore with all my heart you are what keeps me writing, you inspire me with all your great comments and reviews thank you all huggles and smiles Mija..:-)

Chapter 5~Enter Inuyasha!

~~~Inuyasha rolled his eyes as he sat cross-legged on the couch as Sota explained where Kagome's friend Yuka lived. What was this kid mental? After alot of nonesense to him, he growled and jumped up, glaring down at the boy who sat on the floor with a video game controller in his hands.

"Look brat if you forgot Im from the fuedal era here..I dont know jack about signs and street names..just point to the damn direction already and tell me what the heck her house looks like." Inuyasha demanded and Sota chuckled.

"Ok ok, its that way..south of the shrine..Yuka lives in a light colored house with green tile roofing, you cant miss it, its right next door to some creepy old house thats abandoned, they say its haunted you know, but I guess nothing scares you huh Inuyasha?..You fight demons everyday and all, bet your not affraid of any stupid ghosts." Souta replied with that hero worship thing again and Inuyasha just rolled his eyes again.

"Theres not such thing as ghosts..spirits yes but ghosts no..anyhow thanks to you later." Inuyasha said as he leapt out the door thinking to himself, way later. He liked the kid and all but he was as annoying as Shippo, except oppisite. Where Shippo teased and purposly annoyed him, Kagome's little brother adored him and pestered him with questions and stuff. It made him uncomfortable and that irritated him.

~~~Taking a sniff of the air in the direction the kid had pointed, he caught a slight trace of Kagome's unique scent. He didnt think he would ever forget her scent or tire of it. Of course hed never tell the wench that. Leaping from roof to roof he made his way towards the place he smelt Kagome the strongest. Soon he came to a house that looked like the one Sota had described and Kagome's scent was really strong, as well as the scent of her three friends. But he could already tell before he peeked into the room where he smelt the scent the most, that they were not in there. Taking another wiff he smelled Kagome at the old house next door. It was dark and run down and the whole garden in front and back was over grown and unkempt. The kid wasnt kidding the place was creepy. But what the hell would Kagome be doing in there?

~~~Leaping his way down to the house he could smell Kagome stronger and soon smelt something else. Fear. Lots of fear, but the one that bothered him the most was the fear of Kagome. His heart raced as he ran towards the door and flung it open. That was all Inuyasha remembered before he felt as if he was slammed into the Gods tree by Sesshoumaru. After that things went black.

*************************************************************** ******************

~~~The two shadows hadnt believed it when they had felt the presence of another demon. Well half demon anyway. It had been so long since they had seen or been in the presence of a demon. They thought they were all gone. How could any demons especially half ones, who had been hunted and killed by both humans and demons, survive all this time?

"We can not let the hanyou interfere with out plans." hissed the shorter shadow.

"I know..I dont know how he survived all this time but after we are done with him he will wish he had never been born." replied his companion. Both laughed evilly as they set in motion the torture they had in mind for the Inu-Hanyou.

*************************************************************** *******************

~~~Saya had been watching what her captors were doing to the four young girls and what they planned on doing to the hanyou. That still surprised her. All her life she had been told of demons and half demons but she had never believed them. Not till she was sucked into the void of nothingness that the shadows called home now. She was tired. She had done her best to help the last occupants of this house, but she had only managed to save the child. That had been so long ago. What Miko powers she had possesed were almost totally gone now. The shadows drained her, feed on her energy as they did all the others they had taken. But normal humans didnt last long and when their energy was drained they faded into nothing. The only reason she had survived this long was because of the miko powers she possesed. Now the shadows were in the process of getting a new Miko and from what Saya could tell, a very powerfull one at that. Not to mention she had the Shikon shards on her. She had to help her somehow. She couldnt let that girl suffer the same fate as she did. Maybe she could get the hanyou to help her somehow. She felt that he was diffrent and that he had a pure heart.

*************************************************************** *******************

~~~Inuyasha woke up with the nastiest of headaches. He moaned and groggily opened his eyes. What the heck had happened? Where was he? The last thing he remembered was...Kagome! With that he snapped his eyes open and looked about him and saw the most terrorfying thing in the world to him. His heart seemed to stop and he couldnt breath. Lying there on the floor of the old house in her sleeping bag lay Kagome. Blood pooled all around her body as she bled from several major gashes on her delicate form. He looked down at himself and saw his clothes covered in blood. His claws. Oh Gods his claws and hands were covered in blood. Her blood. He could smell it. He could taste it on his fangs and in his mouth. He felt sick. He doubled over and puked out what ever he had eaten that day and didnt stop till he had nothing left. He then fell to Kagome's side, kneeling in the pool of her own blood and grabbed her lifeless form. No! No! NOOO! He cried.

~~~Then all of a sudden Inuyasha cringed as his head was hit with a jolt of intense pain. Then Images started to flood his mind. They were jumbled and mixed up, but he pretty much got what it was. How was this possible he thought? In his mind he saw himself turn into a full demon just as he entered the house, not really knowing what had triggered it in him. Then he had smelt Kagome and growled. He saw Kagome wake up and gasp as she saw him in his demon form. He had chuckled then pounced on her. Inuyasha crumpled on the floor still holding Kagome's lifeless body as he howled out his pain and grief as his mind rang with the sound and images of her screaming and begging him to stop, to remember her, as he clawed her and bit her and basicly ripped her to shreds till she was dead. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOO! He howled again filling the rafters with his anguish. He wanted to die. He had killed Kagome. His worst fear had come true. He had turned full demon and killed the only woman he would ever love.

A/N~Okies there is the next chap sorry its short but sigh..dont know how to really write spooky I hope you like it and would love to hear from ya either all be well safe and good..till laters much huggles and smiles Mija..:-)