InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Tik Tok ( Chapter 13 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Enjoy and review! Xx
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It was going to be a long day Sango thought as she watched Kagome pull a long black strapless dress on. It was a stunning dress though, very beachy in the sense is was tight around her bust but loosened considerably in a wavy fashion down to her feet which adorned a pair of black sandals. The funeral started in an hour and Sango was very concerned for her best friend, the crying had stopped but her eyes turned to a dull bright blue. An empty dark hole.
“You look lovely Kagome.”
Kagome simply trudged gracefully to the elevator her long black hair swaying sadly underneath the black sunhat and veil she had used to hide her tired eyes. It was going to be a long day Sango thought sadly as they headed towards the graveyard.
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Inuyasha sat on the comfortable beige seat of the limo playing idly with the hem of his Armani tux. The funeral had been painful, watching Mrs. Higurashi cry like that, she had no one. Not even Kagome showed up, he thought she would at least come for her brothers funeral. Clearly he was mistaken about the bitch. It was a sunny day, weird how life goes on even though there is death. Souta would have loved it, the sun that is, he loved playing in the sun. It was a pretty crowed funeral, not only was it emotionally painful but all the salt from tears burned his nose violently. Sighing he gazed out the window as he reached the Higurashi shrine, there was another memorial for the community being held there, Souta would have wanted that.
“INUUUUUUUUUU, how long are we going to be here? I mean I have to go get my nails and hair done, then lunch with the girls, then I have my party. The day is just full of stuff ya know?”
“Kikyo, this is your cousin, we are here to pay respects to his death. Try and be patient, your party can wait.”
Inuyasha sighed, how can she be so heartless? It was just for few hours.
“Ya and I paid my respects at the funeral, jesus christ Inuyasha we're getting married tomorrow and you don't even care! People die all the time, life goes on!”
“Kikyo, it is important we are here, I am very excited for our wedding but remember we're already married. Maybe we should postpone the wedding a few weeks.”
Kikyo screeched ferociously as they got out of the limo, how dare he?!
“Inuyasha there is no way we are postponing our wedding because of some dead boy! Stop being so selfish!”
“Kikyo, shut the fuck up, you're causing a scene.”
Inuyasha whispered harshly under his breath. The living room was filled with people, he noticed his father in a far corner with his mother speaking with a few of their relatives. His eyes continued to scan the room when his eyes laid on Ms. Higurashi being consoled by… KAGOME! He remembered seeing her at the back of the ceremony but he couldn't recognize her with the veil. Obviously he rushed over there in a strange overexcited manner.
“Ms. Higurashi, I apologize for your son.”
“Oh Inuyasha, thank you for coming. Souta really adored you.”
Her eyes were bloodshot, he couldn't imagine how much she had cried.
“Its no problem really, it's the least I could do. If you would excuse me quickly.”
During his brief conversation Kagome had managed to slip away to the bathroom, so he decided to stalk her but came to an abrupt halt when he heard he sobbing on the other side of the bathroom. It broke his heart, he remembered seeing her cry when he broke up with her. That face made him want to kill himself, he just couldn't handle it.
“Kagome, are you ok? Can you please open the door?”
He heard one final sniff and then the door opened to a pair of void azure eyes rimmed with red. He was right, it did break his heart.
It was only a whisper, it was all the effort she could make. Even standing was proving to be difficult.
“Kagome I'm so sorry.”
The whisper was contagious, and he pulled her into an embrace and she broke down again. It was just too much work to be so strong all the time, she just couldn't do it.
“What the fuck is this!?”
It went completely silent as everyone turned to stare at the mortified pair being screamed at by a furious Kikyo.
“Kikyo, I know its difficult but learn to have some respect. This is my brothers funeral not a soap opera.”
Her harsh voice sent chills down its viewers.
“Excuse me bitch?! Not while your man handling my husband!”
“Kikyo please stop.”
Inuyasha's golden eyes pleaded, she was so over dramatic some times.
“No Inuyasha, I'm so sick of her trying to steal you from me! She tried to do it in high school now she's doing it again!”
Kikyo lifted her pale manicured hand and slapped Kagome harshly across the face.
Gasps were heard throughout the room, disappointed glares reached Kikyo, Anger seethed from the eyes of Inuyasha's parents. Inuyasha looked into her lifeless eyes pleading for forgiveness but only saw anguish, she was broken and he wasn't even able to help repair her.
“Don't feel sorry for the bitch!”
“Kikyo we are leaving now.”
“Finally! Ugh this was such a downer.”
Inuyasha viscously pulled the smug Kikyo out of the room, he was never going to here the end of this.
“Kagome are you ok?”
Inutaisho asked warily at the empty girl but she simply walked right past everyone and outside away from their pitiful eyes. She was the strongest demoness in the world, but she couldn't handle a single death, yet she killed too many people to count. They were supposed to be terrible people, but its hard to imagine their family saw them that way. She didn't know how much time had passed, but the sun was still shining brightly and she could here the chatting resume inside. It was all gossip, she could here it.
Can you believe she slapped her?!
I know! I can't believe she's a Taisho, Kagome would have made such a better wife. They fit so well together.
The only thing she hated more than gossip was being the center of gossip, but she couldn't be bothered to care. She couldn't be bothered to care about anything at the moment.
Abyss eyes looked down into a pair of stoic gold orbs. Sesshomaru shivered at the vagueness in them. She was sitting in her sakura tree gazing at the peaceful countryside. It was a famous past time of hers that she adopted for peace. She ignored him and continued to stare absently.
“When did you return?”
His voice was filled with curiosity as could be expected. He dreamt beautiful dreams about her for ages, only to wake up and remember she had disappeared. Now she returned and he had no idea how to react. She continued to ignore him.
“Answer me wench, I grow tired of your deaf insolence.”
It wasn't the firmness in his voice that made them come back, it was being brought back from reality that caused her eyes to tear once more. They flowed rapidly down her face in such a silent manner. She gracefully landed from the tree directly in front of him. Golden orbs were filled with shock and confusion, and some foreign feeling he couldn't quite declare. Although he was certain of one thing, he never wanted to feel it again.
“It doesn't matter for there is no reason for me to stay any longer.”
It was the whisper again, and that feeling clenched his heart tighter, what was happening to him? Where did this horrid feeling come from?
“Sesshomaru we are leaving. Your brother has once again made a mockery of our name.”
Inutaisho bellowed bursting through the doors of the house and stomped towards his car. For a moment he stopped and glanced at the broken girl withering in front of his eldest son a sympathetic glance takes only a second before it washes over and life continues.
“What a surprise. My condolences Kagome.”
That was the moment Sesshomaru Taisho knew what a broken heart felt like, watching Kagome wither slowly against the tree killed him. That was the moment he promised himself never to feel this pain again, even if it meant his own demise.
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One may say time flies by, however it can surely be concluded that Kagome Higurashi believes strongly otherwise. It was evident she hadn't slept, blue ovals lay peacefully below her red lined eyes. Her pink pillow, which her had had not graced since high school, reeked strongly of salt. And her hair was a birds nest that had been abandoned. The night passed slowly and it was evident Kagome Higurashi had not slept. Instead she thought, she thought of her brother, and high school. Then she thought of Inuyasha, and how he broke her heart in the most painful way possible, well that's what she thought. It turns out loosing a family member, a brother, can break a heart of ice. He wedding would be in a few hours and although Kagome was dead tired she was determined to go.
“Mother fucking bitches. This is clearly not going to be a good day. Fuck I need to get out of this country.”
She moaned dragging herself out of bed and down the stairs, she could help her mother clean later right now it was pertinent that she get home and change into proper attire. It was another sunny day, god how she hated that Kikyo would get a lovely outdoor wedding. She slid on a stunning peach Versace sun dress that ended right above the knee. It had thick satin straps that crossed her back along with a satin bust. The rest of the dress was made from the softest Egyptian cotton and it flowed loosely from her bust. Her feet adorned off-white Gucci stilettos while her hair hung freely down her back but her bangs were held classily with a pear clip. After finishing her smoky eye make-up to accentuate her eyes she stuffed her keys and a few random items into a white clutch that adorned pearl beading.
“Here goes nothing.”
She said with a sigh and then focused all her energy into transferring her body to look like Indigo. Her skin tanned and her hair rippled light brown curls. She arrived just as the ceremony had began. Everything looked beautiful, fresh. Kikyo wore and over beaded strapless dress that didn't truly compliment her figure, but probably cost a fortune and Inuyasha wore a simple black tux looking adoringly at his wife. He used to look at her like that. The ceremony was painful, and her energy was draining fast but there was no way for her to escape, she would have to bolt out the door as soon as it was finished. It seemed time slowed even more for Kagome as she watched them kiss, it took ages, the kami's were obviously trying to punish her.
“Thank god its over.”
The happy couple made its way out and as everyone was exiting she heard two voices in the corridor that brought her to a sudden halt.
“Are you certain boss, no one else saw her change. And no one saw her at the funeral.”
“Yes, I know what I saw you imbecile don't test me or I'll have you killed. I know she's somewhere in Tokyo and I will find her.”
Kagome's eyes widened as she noticed Mr. Wind's voice. What the hell is he doing here?
“I don't know boss, she's pretty sneaky.”
“You stupid fuck, I am certain. I didn't kill that boy for nothing. She will show up.”
Kagome growled deeply and lunged viscously at the two voices. That little cunt had the nerve to kill her brother!