InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ Shit. ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Thanks for the reviews! More are always appreciated though (: enjoy xx
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Kagome woke up occasionally in the following days, it was always the same thing. Sesshomaru would help her sit upright, he would feed her a bit of food and give her water then both he and Inuyasha would jump right into the questions.
“Why were you disguised as Indigo?”
“Why did you try and kill Mr. Wind?”
And by far the most important question.
“What's going on?”
None of the questions were answered of course, her shimmering blue eyes just gazed over both of their faces before she drifted back into an endless sleep. It was by far the most infuriating thing Sesshomaru had ever experienced, it took all of his focus not to shake her violently awake. Instead he focused on ruining Inuyasha. At first it was just simple insults, but then it escalated into physical contact. Which then resulted to having Inuyasha shipped off to his country house 4 hours away to spend time with his wife. Needless to say he was furious.
“Sesshomaru, remove yourself from me. Immediately.”
Kagome had finally woken up, and was furious at their current spooning position. Sesshomaru however, being the stubborn arrogant man he was only proceeded to hold her closer. A fangy smirk graced Kagome's fragile face, she moved her hand slowly down to grab his. A relaxed sigh was released into her hair, however it was quickly followed by a yelp at the sound of bones cracking and extreme pain shooting from his hand.
He was seething, his eyes were beginning to bleed red.
“Oh please Sesshomaru, show a little bit of self control. How long have I been asleep?”
“5 days. I believe you have some things to clear up for us.”
She was obviously not in the mood, instead she settled for grabbing Sesshomaru's hand and healing it in a remarkable speed. His golden orbs shimmered in wonder.
“Kagome, what's going on?”
Sighing she stood and stretching walking over towards the window, the sun was barley rising over the mountains. Sesshomaru followed placing himself next to her, it was a portrait of beauty, the icy lord and the broken miko demoness, even the gods were in awe.
“It started when I was in New York, I was turned demon and things were easier after that. Control came so easily, everything came so easily, my strength, my beauty. It didn't take long to create my own company, I was approached by a man who noticed I was a demon. He trained me, it wasn't long before he realized I had miko powers also. I was perfect for him. Money came easily after that, it only took a few moral sacrifices and some convincing. I had to be very careful with my new job, and after a few close calls I created Indigo, an alibi to hide me from potential… threats. The only problem is my focus can not remain after my beast takes over and the spell dissipates and shows who I truly am. I had a, lets just go with the term run in, with Mr. Wind, things got a bit out of hand and my beast took over. He saw the real me, and he killed my brother…”
Shock engulfed him, a futile battle with a pit of quick sand. It wasn't hard to figure out what her secret job was, despite how eagerly she tried to hide it. He looked down at the small miko demoness who stood stiffly watching the sun rise until it burned her eyes.
“Kagome I'm so…”
“Sorry? Don't be, it's a waste of time. What's happened, happened. He's going to be planning something and I need to be prepared.”
“My family can help you, you can not do this by yourself.”
Where was all this passion coming from?
“If you want to help, you can take Shippo, he's no longer safe with me I would die if anything happened to him.”
“We can do more! Kagome we can't have you disappear again, I would die if anything happened to you…”
The last part was a whisper, but it screamed in her ear. She felt a sudden pang in her heart. No she could not drag them any more into this, it must be taken care of quickly and swiftly. She turned towards him, and he saw the ice in her eyes melt for a brief moment then freeze over once more. Her arms wrapped around his waist and held his muscular body against hers. It felt so good. She mumbled one last sentence into his chest.
“Promise you will take care of him?”
“Anything for you.”
She pulled away and shot the most heart breaking smile he had ever seen, it actually caused him to… smile back. The blasphemy! Jumping out the window she began racing to her house her angry aura killing all the vegetation she raced by.
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“Your going to take me to mama?”
The kit looked up at the man holding his hand through the airport eagerly, his smile dazzled other parents.
“Of course child, she will be picking you up.”
His malicious smile beamed as he walked the child into the limo.
“Thanks Mr. Wind! I've missed her so much!”
`Of course, anything for our darling Kagome Higurashi.”
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Kagome ran frantically through the dark streets, she couldn't even be bothered with her bike it would only slow her down. She had checked all of his usual night spots, but they were all deserted, not even one of his idiotic followers was there. God how she wished they were, she would have loved to torture the truth out of them. She jumped across buildings over looking the city, nothing suspicious could be found. He needed to be dead, everyone was at risk if he wasn't.
You're an accessory to murder. My life's a revolver; my sex is a killer
Who the fuck was calling her right now?
Unknown number
Her voice was harsh, she was not in the mood for this.
“Ms. Higurashi, your attitude is not appreciated.”
“Mr. Wind, how pleasant to here from you.”
Eyes began to bleed red, slowly, a cut trying to be controlled.
“Oh it surely doesn't sound like that! I would have expected you to be a little more respectful, you wouldn't want me to hurt something of yours.”
He was laughing at her! Red flowed violently into her eyes, she was shaking with anger.
“Why your little Shippo! Shippo say hi to mommy…”
“Hi mommy!”
Shippo! His joyous voice caused her eyes to flicker, blue, red, blue, red.
“I suggest if you want him to remain this happy you follow come over to my estate on the country side. Oh and if you tell anyone where you are going, and I WILL know if you do, your poor little kit can lie in a grave next to your brother. See you soon Ms. Higurashi.”
Her breath hitched, no, Shippo. Her legs couldn't move fast enough, sure the leather helped cut wind resistance but it still seemed like ages. Her eyes burned hell, which is exactly where Mr. Wind would be momentarily. Her leather boots kicked down the door of his house and there he was, her baby.
Just as he was about to run to her he was stopped by Mr. Wind.
“Mommy has some business to take care of, Kaugra!”
Kaugra dragged herself slowly into the room, seethed at Kagome then turned towards her father.
“Take him to the Taisho's so he can have a sleepover with Rin tonight.”
He smiled down at Shippo who looked eagerly at his mother, green eyes shining with excitement. Unconsciously her head moved up and down, blue eyes melting, she would not cry in front of her son.
“Ugh, ew. Fine.”
Kaugra could barely hide her excitement, an excuse to go to Sesshomaru's. Oh she was going to have fun tonight.
“Ms. Higurashi, could you please sit here.”
He pointed to a chair in a sealed off room. She trudged over there and sat, only then was Shippo and Kaugra allowed to leave. Metal clamps shut over her wrists just as she was about to stand up again.
“Oh no no, we're just starting to have fun!”
The grin terrified her, however she would never admit it.
“I'm going to fucking murder you, cut you to pieces! How dare you threaten my family!”
Her speech came to a sudden halt and was quickly replaced with screaming as she felt electric bolts being shot through her body. The chair. She should have known. Each time she tried to rip her arms free an electric current shot through her body. To return the favor Mr. Wind punched her, so obviously she spat blood on his beige Dolce and Gabana pants smirking. He grabbed her neck chocking her.
“Its going to be a fun night Ms. Higurashi.”
And then her leather shirt was ripped off. Shit.
……………………… ;……….............................................. .......................................................
Thump Thump Thump
Who the fucking is at his house at… 1:30 in the morning! Flexing his claws Sesshomaru stomped towards the door only to be greeted by a smirking Kaugra. What the fuck.
“Hey Sesshy baby I thought we could have some fun tonight.”
She winked and ran her fingers up and down his bare chest. Just as he was about to strangle the life out of her demonic red eyes he noticed a figure standing behind her. Shoving her out of the way he looked down at an ecstatic Shippo.
“Sesshomaru! I'm here to have a sleepover with Rin!”
Everything just seemed to get increasingly stranger.
“Why are you with Kaugra?”
“Oh I was at Mr. Winds house! Mama is there now, I think she's coming later…”
Shippo was never very good at continuing a single thought, his mind just seemed to wonder off.
“Shippo, why don't you go inside.”
If anyone thought ice couldn't freeze, well they never heard Sesshomaru Taisho's voice. Kagome was at Mr. Wind's house. Alone. Shit.