InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Sex is a Killer ❯ This wasn't supposed to happen ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Thank you so much for those reviews! I know I should have made the chapter longer, my bad! Enjoy this chapter!

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“Excuse me?”

Her eyes grew wide like shimmering sapphires; this was definitely not something she wanted to get confronted with. Especially not by Sesshomaru! However his voice stood strong, as always, the deep baritone echoing throughout the room.

“I asked,” He inhaled a deep breath, his eyes rolling with exasperation at even the thought of having to repeat himself. “Do you still love Inuyasha?”

Kagome scowled, her eyes turned into slits as she noticed the degrading facial expressions and his impatient tone used to subtly insult her. She crossed her arms under her breasts and huffed.

“That is none of your business.”

Pivoting towards the kitchen she began preparing an elaborate English breakfast with sausage, bacon, pancakes, waffles and toast. Sesshomaru stormed in after her his eyes blazing molten gold; however his demeanor remained the same.

“Actually it is my business.”

He watched as she skillfully flipped the pancakes while he leaning against the counter.

“And why is that? Incase you haven’t noticed you haven’t been a part of my life for months now whereas I see Inuyasha almost daily.”

His perfect face was marred with a frown, how could he forget? Inuyasha’s stench practically soaked every piece of furniture.

“Yes, well that was your own fault. Who would have thought my confession would have terrified you so thoroughly; personally I thought you were stronger than that.”

There was a long deep screech that caused Sesshomaru’s ears to flinch, when he opened his eyes after taking a deep breath for relaxation there facing him was an enraged Kagome. Her metal pan was bent downwards by the intense pressure she was applying on the handle with her thumb.

“Do you want to repeat that.”

He sighed once again while repeating the same frustrated action ignoring her venomous tone.

“Kagome honestly, I grow tired of repeating myself. Cease this useless habit of ignoring others and pay more attention.”

Suddenly the metal pan was flying towards him, dodging it only briefly his face came in slight contact with droplets of butter that flew erratically from the flying object. Kagome was next to him in milliseconds, her miko powers flaring out stinging the areas it connected with on his skin.

“I invite you in my home out of courtesy for our children in an obviously useless attempt to recreate a relationship. Yet here you are insulting me, asking about my personal life on Christmas day. I suggest you stop, now. You seem to forget that I was a professional killer not to long ago; I have half a mind to kill you right now if it didn’t break Rin’s heart. You left me, you made the first choice and as a result you have no right to demand love from me.”
Her voice was that eerie calm that instilled terror in the most powerful beings; however Sesshomaru remained impassive as always. Her threat was clearly heard and thoroughly analyzed in his mind however Kagome’s close proximity and glistening blue eyes only entranced him further. Kagome ignored the flash of emotions that danced in the inudemon’s eyes and focused on once again cooking.

“Kagome! Rin and Shippo took a long bath in Kagome’s bathtub and Shippo blew bubbles all in Rin’s hair but then Rin blew them back in Shippo’s hair and then Shippo got mad at Rin! Oh food!”

The bubbly brunette came tumbling into the room, words spewing out of her mouth before they could be comprehended by the listeners. She placed herself at the wooden table sitting by a row of windows that overlooked the barn and lake.

“That’s wonderful Rin, where’s Shippo?”

Trudging in was the damp ginger headed boy with a deep scowl on his face, he plopped down in a chair next to Rin, sticking out his tongue at her then crossing his arms under his chest and looking in the opposite direction.

“Now Shippo don’t be nasty to Rin, or else you can’t open your presents.”

The child instantly brightened quickly stuffing the food that was placed in front of him. Rin, equally excited was scarfing food down her throat ignoring the disapproving gaze of her father.

“Calm down, Shippo, Rin, we have plenty of time to open presents.”

Grumbling they began to eat at an appropriate speed before rushing into the living room that held the beautiful Christmas tree and a galore of colorful presents under it. Sesshomaru himself sauntered in behind them and was amazed at the amount of presents Kagome bought for his daughter, she should not be this spoiled. They began tearing away violently at the paper screaming with joy at what the different boxes revealed. Kagome sat on the comfortable couch appreciating the joyful Christmas carols and a hearty glass of eggnog, so what if it was only 11:30 in the morning… it’s the holidays.

…………………… …………….

The rest of the weekend passed in an uneventful fashion, Kagome blatantly ignored Sesshomaru not even looking in his direction much to his dismay. Sesshomaru and Rin left promptly at 6:30 Sunday evening as usual allowing Kagome a brief period of time to open her gift from Inuyasha. It was a simple silver necklace from Tiffany’s with two hearts that dangled freely, it complimented her beauty and her, its. She refused to take it off.

“Yura, I want all my messages in my room in the next 45 seconds.”

Kagome stormed through to her office grimacing at the hideous creature sitting in a small black dress in a desk in front of her office. Her red pumps tapped furiously against the floor until she gracefully sat herself in her large beige chair.

“Ok so the permit for your strip club has been passed and will be placed in central Tokyo however due to new regulations it needs to be referred to as a gentleman’s club and no nude or provocative photo’s and figurines can be placed outside. Also Sara called and says she has something to discuss with you and you need to call her as soon as possible. The Taisho’s-“

“Stop there.” Kagome held her slender manicured hand up, she noticed Yura shiver. She wasn’t unaware that the demoness disliked her cold persona however she chose to ignore her because it was both entertaining and she simply didn’t care for her employees opinions. “Unless it’s from Inuyasha I do not want to here that, make sure your small brain comprehends that. If I have to repeat this instruction again it will be your job.” She paused waiting for the petrified secretary to give a shaky nod. “Wonderful, now bring me a coffee. It better be here by the time I’m off the phone.”

The secretary scampered away to quickly return the muddy liquid. Office coffee always sucked, that’s why she demanded her coffee be from Starbucks. Kagome punched the numbers on her office phone waiting rather impatiently for her PR assistant to answer her phone.

“Hello.” It was a seductive voice that could easily be mistaken for a prostitute if you hadn’t known.

“Sara, explain to me what was so important that you couldn’t wait until my vacation was over to terrorize me with.” She could feel the demoness smirking on the other side of the phone; she loved to irritate her knowing that she was right.

“Well it was useless harassing you before since you clearly don’t check your messages on holiday.”

“There is a reason for that.” Kagome bit out coldly, “I’m on holiday.”

Well I’ve spoken to Toga Taisho,” there was a deep feral growl emitting through the receiver effectively silencing Sara, however as soon as it ended she continued. “We have agreed it would be good public relations if you and Sesshomaru had a pretend engagement. It would show how powerful you are by getting Japan’s most wanted bachelor and it would ease off his playboy image.”

“Sara you better say you are joking if you want to keep your job.” Just then the secretary scurried back in placing the coffee still steaming heavily on her table.

Just think about it and let me know, it will get amazing press.”

Slamming the phone down Kagome started pouring tequila that was hidden in a flask into her coffee… so what if it was only 9 in the morning, she was stressed.

…………………… …………….

Sesshomaru grinned happily after his father left his office, this would be the perfect opportunity to win back the woman of his dreams. He thought of her writhing under him in pleasure as his sultry secretary sucked him off under his desk. Yes, things were definitely starting to look up for him.

……………………̷ 0;………….

Sorry I know this one isn’t that long but I want to begin updating every day to keep this show on the road! Review!
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