InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Someone ❯ The Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own any Inuyasha characters. I own Kim (Kagome’s step mother), Mr. Takaya (Sango’s father) and James (Kagome’s father)
Chapter 1: The beginning
My name is Kagome Higurashi, but everyone calls me Kags. I am seventeen years old and I currently attend Shikon High School. Well, I think I should get to the point. I would like to tell you how I met Inuyasha Takahashi, he saved my life. Maybe I should start from the beginning.

It was a bright summer day, the beginning of my long summer. I stood on the bench, watching everything that was happening. Children building sand castle and swimming. Parents walking around with friends. Everyone was having a good time, everyone that is but me.
“Kagome get back to work. I don’t pay you to day dream,” my boss Mr. Takaya said. He is a really nice guy once you get to know him. Mr. Takaya is my best friends’, Sango Takaya, father. Sango and I have known each other since we were in diapers.
“I’m coming,” I quickly ran to The Ocean Shore Gift Shop. Lame I already know, Sango and I are trying to get him to change the name. Mr. Takaya was standing outside the door with a frown.
“Sango needs help in there. Your break time was over ten minutes ago.”
‘It’s not like there are any people that come to this place’ I said to myself. Mr. Takaya sighed.
“Kagome do you want to keep this job?”
“Then you need to do what you are suppose to do.”
“Yes sir,” I turned and walked in the store. Sango was at the counter helping some customers. I walked to the back of the store and began to unpack some of the boxes. It sucks when you have to work over the summer. But desperate times call for desperate measures. I’m broke and I will NOT ask my dad for money. My dad, James Higurashi, is a famous lawyer. He is always busy and is already ever home. I don’t tell him this because I know he works hard to support his family. He says if I ever need any money than all I have to do is ask. I don’t because I like to earn things. I don’t want to be dependent on my father all the time.
Working at the gift shop is great. I get to be with my best friend and since there was hardly any people that come to the gift shop, I have time to write. I love to write stories and poems. I never let anybody read them except Sango. She thinks they are excellent and says I should enter them in the poetry contest at the Crystal Café. I’m not so sure that is a good idea. But still I think I should since the grand prize is five thousand dollars. Think of all the clothes and shoes I can buy. That would be so wonderful; Sango and I can go shopping every day.
I unpacked the last box and sat on the floor. Just than the door opened and Sango came in. She sat next to me.
“I heard my dad yell at you. You were daydreaming again?”
“As always you know me too well,” I said leaning against the wall.
“About what this time,” I could tell Sango anything. It didn’t matter how crazy it might sound.
“Last night I had this crazy dream. I was pushed…no more like shoved off the cliff by the beach. When I hit the water my body froze; I could not do anything. It reminds me of the incident with Naraku.” I pulled my knees against my chest remembering the incident. My parents divorced when I was five. Since then my mom started to date Naraku. I was ten when I first met him. He seemed to be a nice guy at first. But one day I went outside alone he followed me.
My mom use to live near the beach. I would always play there. When I realized Naraku was following me, I was scared. He had said he wanted to talk to me of course, I believed him. He started to touch me in the wrong way; I pulled away and was about to scream but he pushed me, I fell into the water from the cliff we were sitting on. I was so scared and everything happened so fast. I didn’t know how to swim so I sunk fast, but I was saved by my dad. Naraku had ran off and my father could not see him in the dock. Since then I never steeped foot in the ocean or a pool. Sango is the only person I have ever told this.
“Kagome, do you think it might be Naraku you saw?”
“I don’t know. It scares me just thinking about it,” I sighed.
“Well than…let’s talk about something else. What are you going to wear for Kikyo’s party?” Kikyo is one of my many enemies. I bet your wondering why she would invite me to her party. I’ll tell you, she only wants me to come because of Hojo. Hojo has had a crush on me since middle school. I mean Hojo is hot and all but Kikyo likes him, this is one side love though. I don’t care too much about him but he won’t go to the party unless I go. Don’t think I’m going because of THAT, I’m going because Sango wants to go.
“No I haven’t thought about it.”
“Why not?” whined Sango.
“Well maybe because the party isn’t still August 5th and its June 10th.” Sango just looked at me as if I was from another planet. “Fine than, can we go now?”
“Yeah, dad said we can close up early.” We both got up and headed to the door. The one thing I didn’t tell Sango that I had another dream about a guy. He had long silver hair with dog ears at the top of his head with amazing gold eyes. He looked so amazing; I can remember the dream in every little detail. He was standing over me wearing black ripped up jeans with no shirt. Did I tell you that he had a great, no EXCELLENT body? Well he does! He stood there smiling don at me, he made me feel safe. As he stood there, he was holding his hand out to me, but before I could take it I woke up.
Sango locked the door and we headed down the board walk.
“Do you have any plans?” asked Sango.
“I have to go home and get dinner ready.”
“Well maybe we could hang out tomorrow.”
“Yeah, I got nothing better to do.”
“Okay see you tomorrow on the board walk around noon,” Sango turned and walked off to her dad’s car.
“Guess I better head home,” I began to walk in the other direction. I was not too happy about going home. Why, because my step mother, Kim, would be home. My father met Kim two months after my parents divorced; I guess my dad couldn’t wait. They have together for twelve years been married for ten years. Now I have a five year old step brother. I love him to death but his mother, not so much. I call her Kim even though she tries to get me to call her mom. The funny thing about it is she only is nice to me when my dad is around.
One minute we can be arguing and soon as my dad walks in she tries to HUG ME! I think she is jealous of me because my dad pays more attention to me than her. It’s not that I care or anything. My dad can pay attention to anyone for all I care. My little brother, Shippo, does not like his mother. When Kim holds him, he starts crying, but when I hold him, he is quiet. So basically I take care of him and get paid for it. I don’t have to but Kim thinks I’ll tell my dad that she can’t take care of her own son. I would never do that, but don’t tell her that because I need the money. Mean, I already know. Shippo is five and he still does not like his mother.
After twenty minutes of walking I arrived at my house. All I wanted to do was go to bed.
“Hey princess, how are you?” my dad said giving me a hug, princess is his nickname for me. I don’t understand why, but he is my dad. He only calls me this when it is just him and I; as long as he doesn’t embarrass me, than everything is fine.
“I’m fine, why are you home early?” It was 6:30 p.m. and my dad is usually home by 11:00 p.m., that was a major surprise.
“Well I just thought that maybe we could go on a little vacation.” My dad never lies to me. But I don’t understand why he is now.
“Dad no offense but, you’re a terrible liar,” I said shaking my head. “Why are you really home early?” before he could answer Kim walked in.
“James, I’m all packed.” Kim paused and looked at me than she looked at my dad.”Have you told her yet?”
“Told me what?” I put my hands on my hips and glared at my dad.
“You see Kagome, Kim and I are going away for a while.” I glanced at Kim and the luggage she had.
“Shippo is going right?” hearing his name, Shippo walked in.
“Kagome you’re home!” he ran up to me and I scooped him up in my arms.
“Hi Shippo, how are you doing?”
“Fine, guess what? Mommy and daddy are going somewhere and I can’t go,” Shippo pouted. He looks so cute when he pouts.
“Don’t worry, we’ll have fun together,” he smiled.
“Yep,” I leaned towards his ear. “We can stay late and eat junk food.”
“Yeah!” I put him down and he ran up to our dad. “Bye and I hope you have a safe trip.”
“You have to promise me to be good,” he said kneeling down.
“I promise,” dad patted Shippo on the head and glanced at me.
“Is it okay?” he asked me. I can’t believe he didn’t tell me.
“Sure, it doesn’t matter. It’s not like I have any say so in this anyway,” I walked off and went to my room.
“Kagome,” I stopped and turned around.
“Dad, I don’t care. You and Kim can go and I’ll take care of Shippo.”
“Kagome, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” he walked over to me. I feel that my dad and I are slowly drifting apart.
“Dad, you’ve work really hard. I think you need a very long vacation,” I gave him a hug.
“Thanks princess, I know I can count on you,” he pulled away. “You know I’m going to pay you for this.”
“T hat sounds great, but how long are you going to be gone?”“What do you think?” we walked into my room. It’s nothing great, just a room. My room was the size of your average living room. It had a queen size bed and walk in closet. There was a desk for me to do my writing and the walls were navy blue. I love to read so I have a book case filled with books; we sat on my bed.
“Is it the whole summer?” the look he was giving me said I hit the nail on the head. I sighed, “Dad I promised Sango that I would go to Kikyo’s party.”
“I know, that is why I called for a babysitter for that day.”
“Thanks dad,” he patted my hand and stood up looking at his watch.
“Well, our flight leaves in a hour and a half so we better get going,” I got up and followed him out the door. Shippo ran up to me and I picked him up. “Okay you two behave yourselves.”
“We will,” Shippo and I said in unison. Kim was already in the car when we got outside.
“Dad if I wanted to have a party to have Sango sleep over, would that be okay?”
“Yeah, but if you have a party you have to keep it minimum,” he got into the car.
“I promise, I’ll keep the house clean and will not play loud music.”
“I’ll send you money every week, okay?”
“James, we’re going to miss our flight,” Kim interrupted; I hate her so much.
“Bye dad.”
“Bye daddy,” he pulled off, Shippo and I waved. After his car was out of sight, I turned to Shippo.
“Let’s go in so I can call for pizza.” I put him down and he ran to the front door.
“Pizza! Pizza! Pizza!” I walked after him thinking about asking Sango to spend the night for the next couple of weeks. Maybe having my dad gone can prove to be beneficial.
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