InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Story: A Human 'Tail' ❯ Revelation ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Story: A Human `Tail'
Chapter 9- revelation
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER OWN INUYASHA. But I do own the idea of this story.
A/N: I am sooo sorry for not updating in like a while. But between going away, work, packing for my next trip and trying to balance a social life it was hard. Any ways I edited my story and fixed most of my mistakes (Why didn't any of you notice I changed Myoga's name in the middle of the chapter…I'm sorry if I confused any one with that though. My bad. I had written the story originally for fiction press so the characters were originally all my own. But I got bored with that one and so im just sticking to that one.)
Exciting news guys ….Inu comes into the pic now….well sort of. You see more of him the next chapter though. I will try to update again before I leave for Florida on Saturday.
I felt the Heat of the warm fire as Myoga checked my arm. It wasn't that bad, and it would only take a matter of a few hours to heal, but I couldn't tell Myoga that. He would probably get suspicious. I didn't even bother to tell him about my leg..
“Well it doesn't seem that bad, your wound” Myoga commented, as he wrapped up my leg. “But you should rest it so it can heal properly, but I'm afraid you might just have to bear with it for one more day.”
I nodded my head. I would be all better by tomorrow. The only problem that I might come across is if Myoga decides to check and question my fast healing abilities.
I know that Myoga is very wise and intelligent and will eventually figure things out on his own; I just hope that when he does he will keep to himself about this information.
When the sun rose the next morning I was shaken awake by a very awake Myoga… I don't know how he does it. I decided that it was way too early and nobody in their right mind would be up at this time, so I closed my eyes again.
“Come on Kagome wake up we still have a ways to travel now and we should leave soon, if we want to make it home by night fall” Myoga said.
Groaning I sat up
“Fine, fine you crazy old man….” I sent him a glare….a distasteful and quite harsh glare, but he just smiled and acted like every one was happy and joyous.
“Let me just check your arm, and change the bandages and we can leave”
“NO!” I shouted, “I mean no, it's alright…its really not that bad. Besides it was just a tiny flesh wound”
He didn't look too convinced as I continued my rambling. I couldn't have him look at my arm though. He would notice the abnormal healing and eventually find out the one thing I've spent months trying to keep hidden.
After 10 minutes of arguing and hard glares I finally gave in. damn that old man and his elderly ways. Damn him.
I looked the other way as he un-bound the cloth wrapped around my arm. He gasped.
The Bandages after all was stained with dry blood, but arm was completely healed with only two light scars on my arm from the teeth as evidence that it was ever there.
“How…?” he was still gapping like a fish.
I looked in his eyes and at that moment I saw a look of understanding pass through his eyes.
He knew …. Well at least some of it.
“Your one of them aren't you?”
Should I lie? If I do he will know…if I don't he will no my secret. Coming to a decision I nodded.
With that said or I should say with that gesture I got up and walked away. Getting the idea he followed me, and we headed home.
After two hours of silence he finally decided to speak up.
“I understand now” I gave him a questioning look. “I understand. Your strange ways of doing things, your abnormal looks, the accent. It all makes sense now…I'm sure you don't want people to know, or else it wouldn't be a secret and after all, you are a legend. I'll keep this secret for you, you don't have to worry.”
I looked at him shocked. He knows….but he won't tell. Can I really trust him? I looked him straight into the eyes unblinkingly and found the answer... yes he would. And I smiled at him.
“Kagome” I looked up to him “if you don't mind me asking, what you are?
I gave him a funny look. I thought he already knew!! I guess he caught my look so he explained.
“I knew ever since I was a little boy all of these mystical creatures from tales existed. They were immortals in my eyes, not legends. But you are the first I've ever met…can you tell me which of the immortal creatures I have the honor of being in the presence of”
“You may think and believe in all of the creatures of legend, and you are correct, they do exist. They exist in places hidden from the world of man for they know their time is passed. Soon they passed from stories into legends and some eventually into myths. I am from a world much different from here, a place where −−−− ;”
I was cut off with the sound of hoof beats coming our way. In the trees coming towards us were two men on horseback…well at least they looked like men.
They spotted us and sped our way.
“MYOGA! I finally found you!!”
This could turn interesting.