InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Story: A Human 'Tail' ❯ A Necklace For Sango ( Chapter 17 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Story: A Human 'Tail'
Chapter 15- A Necklace for Sango
DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT AND WILL NEVER OWN INUYASHA. But I do own the idea of this story.
A/N: Here is another chapter guys. I Hope you like.
It's been a week since that conversation that I had with Myoga. And over this past week our friendship grew stronger.
He continued to ask questions, and I continued to answer him truthfully. But I still had one thing or should I say one person still on my mind.
It's weird though. I've only met him once, and disliked him at first site, but ever since our first encounter I couldn't stop thinking of him. Inuyasha.
No, I shouldn't be thinking any of this. I will most likely never see him again, so let's push these thoughts aside.
“Kagome” I turned, happy for the distraction “It's such a nice day today, why don't you have the rest day off.”
“Are you sure Myoga? What if it gets busy?”
“No, go on, I've been doing this for over 20 years, I think I can handle it from here. You enjoy the rest of this nice day. I hear Tomorrow is Sango's Birth anniversary. Why don't you go make her something nice? She would like that.”
Is it really? Well I guess we learn something new everyday, but seriously, why didn't anybody say anything? Maybe I should make her a necklace. She would like that I think, though I don't have any mermaid scales or shark teeth. But I'm sure I can find something to substitute it with.
As a mermaid, we never really celebrated our birth anniversaries. It always seemed so completely pointless. But I guess as a mortal, ever year matters and it becomes something to celebrate.
“You're right Myoga, it is a fine day, and I should like to go pick up a few things at the market. I'll see you tomorrow then, right?”
At his nod, I said goodbye and left the shop.
Once in town, I looked around. The only things I could find were demon teeth necklaces and dead fish, but I guess it will have to do. Buying the necklace and the smelly fish, I headed down to the sandy shores.
I picked up a few nice shells to work with and then dismantled the necklace I purchased.
I cleansed the fish with a little magic and then plucked the scales. Once every piece was clean and ready, I pulled one strand of my long hair out.
With those supplies and a little magic, I was able to complete a beautiful, necklace like my own, to give to Sango.
It's the least I can do for her. She has done so much for me over this past month and a half. Any ways—
“Watcha doing there” A voice broke in.
Who's there? No wait, I know that voice. Turning around I see …
“Prince Inuyasha! Wha—“
“What?” I replied very stupidly
“It's Inuyasha. I don't like being called Prince, It makes me sound…” I could tell he was trying to find the right words to say. Maybe I should help him.
“Like Royalty?” Well duh! That's what he is, genius.
“Exactly! Any ways just call me Inuyasha”
“Alright Pri—Inuyasha, What are you doing in these parts?” A thoughtful look crossed his face. He looks kind of cute like that…WAIT! What am I thinking? No, Get out of my head—
“I just like the beach. It's soothing. I come here often to relax and think. What about you?”
“I just came down here to sort a few things out. Myoga gave me the rest of the day off, so I decided to make a necklace for Sango. It's her Birth anniversary tomorrow, and she's done so much for me….” I trailed off.
“May I see it” Sea mother, He wants to see it. What if he thinks it's ugly. What if—wait, why do I care what he thinks anyways.
Taking it out I show him. Gently he picks it up and examines it.
“It's really kind of pretty. I'm sure she'll like it. What's it made of?”
“Um, string, Fish scales Shells and teeth.” He looked at it skeptically.
“Are those demon teeth?” Oh Great. He's gonna get all weird on me now, I know it.
“Um, Probably, Who knows” Giving me a weird look, I continue “I found them in the market place. I couldn't use shark teeth like I used on mine, now could I. That would have taken ages to find, so I just settled with these”
“Ok, Ok no need to get all snippy” Ok maybe he wasn't going to get all weird, I lied Whoop-dee-doo. Hey wait a second…
“I was not `all snippy'!”
“Yes you were, just admit it.”
“Fine, I admit I was a little frustrated, But I wouldn't call it snippy”
“Fine, What ever you say…Wench” Oh how I just wanna smack that smirk right off of his face.
After that we talked for hours.
“Just look at it. It's so beautiful and mysterious.”
“Why do you like the sea so much?” I asked him curiously.
“I don't know. The Mystery, the Beauty, the fact that it is untouched and pure. Unlike here, where the land is covered with bloodshed, violence, crime and wars, the sea seems so calm and full of peace…”
Yeah right. Peace my ass. War and violence is what drove me away from the ocean in the first place.
“Do you ever wonder what it would be like to be a part of it?”
“Truthfully, No” and it was the truth. To me the sea was not a mystery, undiscovered. I've already been part of it, and sometimes yes I do miss the ocean, for it is were I naturally belong, but here on land, I have a home. For the first time, I have friends and family, and that beats anything the ocean had offered me.
“It's getting late now” He said, cutting me from my thoughts. “You and I should both head back now.”
“You're right. It's already past sundown, and I should be heading back. Good bye”
As I turn to leave, I felt a weight on my shoulder. Inuyasha's hand.
“Wait. Can I see you again? Tomorrow?”
“I'm Sorry I can't Inuyasha” His Eyes saddened and his ears drooped. I feel guilty….and I didn't even get to finish my sentence.
“Tomorrow is Sango's Birth anniversary. How about the day after? After I get off from work, Right here?”
His eyes brightened up, and he nodded his head enthusiastically.
“I'll see you then. Bye Kagome” He finished and then walked off.
I walked back home, thinking one thing: How nice it felt when he said my name.
A/N: Here you go people. Chapter 15…WOO-HOO!!! Anyways first off, when I mentioned “Sea Mother” I ment it like the saying “Oh My God” or “dear God”, but because she's from the sea and has different beliefs and stuff it then becomes “oh bless the great Sea mother” or something like that. I don't know… you can figure it out your self. Secondly give me a few days with the next chapter, only because I have to go into work all weekend. So if I get time, I'll right some stuff. But you will have it soon.