InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Seven ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Citrus Warning (For entire story)
Dante awoke with a start. Blinking in confusion, he glanced at his surroundings, taking everything in. He was in a car. Erik's massive frame was blocking the view in front of him. He hadn't realized he fell asleep but, from the light outside, he had been so for quite awhile.
His cell chirped again. Leaping in his seat, he quickly dug into his pocket to fight the phone out. After a few more rings, he finally pulled it out and accepted the call. “Dante,” he answered.
“Did you sleep well?” a man's voice asked. Dante recognized it immediately as his client. The remaining grogginess vanished.
“What the hell was up with this morning's stunt? Are you trying to get me killed?”
“Killed? Heaven's no! Why would we try to kill you?”
“I don't know! That's why I'm asking you!”
“I think you misunderstand our intentions.”
“You think? I've done everything you've asked me to do and what do you do? You pull something like this morning!”
“Did they do anything?”
“Well, no. But they were staring. Now there is no way I can just approach them.”
“You flatter yourself. There is little chance they will remember a passing stranger at a diner. However, this morning's experiment wasn't without its rewards.” So now I'm nothing more than a guinea pig to you? “Those two were the most powerful of the demons, and even they failed to detect you.”
“That was a risky move. What would have happened if they had?”
The man sounded amused. “I'm confident you could have handled yourself.” He continued before Dante could say anything. “But this also means that it's time to stop messing around and get to business.”
“I'm listening.”
“My colleagues and I are growing impatient. Yes, I understand you are providing results, and we thank you for it. However, we gave you a list with priority targets for a reason; and time is running short.”
Dante didn't need the man to explain what he meant. “You want me to go after one of the big ones.”
“Not just any high priority. We want either the first or second one.”
“The ones I saw at the diner?” He had to be honest; he had been debating to go after one of them all morning. They had both been stunning, even if they weren't really his type. Now that he had orders to… So that's why they sent me there. He quelled the rage that boiled inside him. There were better ways… He didn't like being treated like a lab experiment.
“This isn't going to be easy. Both are sure to be on their guard. Not to mention they are going to be looking for me.”
“Are you saying it's not possible?”
“I never said that,” he answered quickly. “Only that it won't be easy.”
“We have confidence in you Mr. Rizzo.”
He licked his lips anxiously. “They are probably going to search for me in a specific area… can you find it for me?”
“Of course. I'll let you know when we have it.”
“Thank you.” He quickly shut his phone, dropping it on the seat beside him.
“Where to?” Erik said from the front.
“The hotel,” he said, looking down at his rumpled clothes. If they are looking for me, it's going to be somewhere fancy. “I need to get ready.”
Inuyasha leaned back in his chair. Rubbing his eyes, he looked away from laptop screen. There wasn't much he could do from home other than look over the changes Miroku had already made and test it to make sure everything was working. Still, it was something Miroku didn't have to do. It was amazing how much work his friend had accomplished. Even with the whole relationship issue. Or maybe it was because he was having trouble with Sango that he was working so hard. If so, Inuyasha was going to have to keep a close eye on him. The last thing he wanted was Miroku collapsing from overworking.
Leaning back precariously on his chair, he glanced through the kitchen opening into the living room. Yumi sat at the couch, humming in tune to the TV as she colored something in a book. He frowned, looking from the laptop back to his daughter. Setting the front chair legs back on the floor, he stood up, closing the laptop. “Hey, how about we go on a walk?”
Looking up at him, her eyes went wide. “Really?”
Smiling, he nodded. “Really.” Leaping to her feet, she was at the door before he knew it. “Hey, don't forget your coat. It's windy outside.”
Taking the time to double-check that he had everything, he followed Yumi out the door, locking it behind them. He barely had time to turn around before a gust of wind hit him. Realizing Yumi wasn't behind him, he spun around. His shoulders relaxed when he spotted her near the stairs. “Yumi, don't run off like that,” he said, catching up.
Ignoring him, she grabbed his hand, tugging it impatiently. “This way! This way!”
Sighing, he let the young girl pull him in the direction she wanted to go. They walked for nearly an hour, pausing every so often for her to look in a store window. After an hour, they stopped at a park, mostly so he could rest and she could burn off more energy. It was pathetic how tired he was. Collapsing back on the park bench, he was nearly gasping for breath. By the sounds of it, he might as well have run a marathon. Good God, am I that out of shape? Before today, he had thought he had been in pretty good shape. Obviously, he was wrong. Here everyone told me that half-demon side of me would give me strength and stamina. Ha! It was almost enough for him to burst out in laughter. Forty-five minutes and they were off again, this time to get something to eat.
“I want Ramen,” Yumi declared suddenly after leaving the park.
Inuyasha smiled proudly at his daughter. “That's my girl.” It had been awhile since he last had a bowl of Ramen. Nothing sounded better than eating some with his daughter.
It was a bit of a walk, but he took them to his favorite Ramen shop. It was small, but he liked the people who ran it. Stepping inside, he was surprised to find the place empty.
“Ah! Welcome back!” the owner said, bowing slightly as they entered.
“Good evening,” he said, nodding his head.
Yumi rushed ahead, hopping on one of the stools. “I want a BIG one!” she commanded, holding her arms wide. Behind her, Inuyasha did the opposite.
The owner gave Yumi a big smile, showing a few missing teeth in the process. “You got it!” He looked up at Inuyasha. “The usual I expect?”
“You got it.”
“Want something to drink with it?”
Inuyasha knew he meant alcohol. Under normal circumstances, he would have said yes. Unfortunately, these weren't normal circumstances. With Kagome doing who-knows-what, the last thing he wanted was alcohol in him, even if it was a little.
“No thanks,” he said, politely shaking his head. Taking a seat beside Yumi, he glanced around as the owner got to work. “It's a little slow tonight.”
“Nah, I have a private party coming in.”
Inuyasha frowned. “Is it okay we're here?”
“Of course! They won't be here until later. I have most of the preparation done anyways.”
As they waited for the food, Yumi got out of her seat and wandered over to the large fish tank in the back of the restaurant. Tilting her head to the side, she watched the fish, mesmerized. Several minutes later, the owner set two bowls of hot, steaming, Ramen before them. She quickly ran back to her seat.
“There you are.”
“Thank you!” Yumi said, smiling as she grabbed her chopsticks.
Inuyasha watched her slurp up a mouthful and then lightly fan her mouth. “Like it?” he asked with a grin. Smiling, she nodded enthusiastically. He looked up at the owner. “Thanks.”
“No problem. Enjoy.” Wiping his hands, he went about cleaning the cooking area.
They ate in silence, both too engrossed in their food for conversation. Yumi finished first, patting her stomach happily. She looked up at him. “When's Mommy going to be home?”
I wish I knew. He swallowed the noodles in his mouth. “Late.”
She didn't like that. “I want to stay up.”
“I don't think that's such a good idea.” He knew what happened last time they let her stay up. It took them a week to get her sleep schedule back on track. Tears forming, she stared into his eyes, lips quivering. It was an absolute heart-wrenching sight. Sighing, he quickly surrendered. “Fine, but don't blame me if she gets mad when she sees you still up.”
“Okay!” In an instant, the tears were gone, all trace of sadness with it. He looked away. If she was this good at manipulating the hearts of men… I pity the man who falls for her. His brain automatically corrected him. I pity the men who fall for her. It was difficult, but he was slowly forcing himself to accept that reality. He had to do it quickly too. There was only a week to go before Yumi's ritual. He was tempted to ask if they could delay it, but understood its importance enough not to. It wasn't just Yumi's transition into adulthood, but it was also a way to remove the curse that Kagome's people carried. That was the hope at least. He might have been a little selfish, but he wasn't that selfish. He knew that some things had to be done for the greater good.
Finished with dinner, he pulled out his wallet, counting the bills He frowned when he came up short. Pulling out his card, he handed it to the owner. After a few seconds, the owner turned around with an embarrassed expression. “I'm sorry, the card has been denied.”
That got his attention. “Denied? That's not possible. Can you try it again?”
“I ran it three times,” the man said, smiling apologetically.
Taking the card, Inuyasha looked at it curiously. It was impossible for the card to be denied. Even though he constantly refused money from Kagome's mother, she still deposited a large chunk of money every couple months. Not to mention he got money from the company he ran with Miroku and Sango. There was no way the account was empty. He shook his head, smiling sheepishly. “Here, let me try another card—”
“Don't bother,” a voice said beside him, causing him to jump. Looking over, he found a man standing over his shoulder. He looked odd, even for a foreigner. He wore an expensive looking suit, custom made to fit his hefty frame, with a large black hat. A pair of round glasses sat atop his large nose. He held out a large hand with several bills in it. “I'll pay.”
“No, I can—”
He smiled down at him, showing perfectly straight and white teeth. “No, no, allow me Mr. Tanaka.”
Inuyasha was instantly on alert. He had never seen this man before and yet he spoke as if he knew him. He glanced over at Yumi before making eye contact with the man. “I'm sorry, do I know you?”
“Ah, right, I'm terribly sorry. My name is Edward Small. Yes, I know my name is quite the contradiction.” He extended his hand towards Inuyasha. He was correct. There was nothing small about him. Cautiously, Inuyasha took it. “I must say, it is an honor to meet you.”
“I'm sorry, but I have a private party coming in tonight—” The owner said, offering the man his change.
He waved the offered change away. “Yes, we are a little early I'm afraid. The reservation is under Rockwell.” He set his hat on the counter in front of him, revealing flat, gelled black hair.
Peering around Edward, Inuyasha found several other men standing with their hands clasped in front of them. There was a definite Yakuza feel to the situation. The owner obviously picked up on it as well, for he immediately snapped into an overly polite greeting, bowing several times. He gave Inuyasha a look as he backed away. `What did you do and why did you bring it to my shop?' As soon as he was able, the owner disappeared into the back.
Edward smiled down at Inuyasha. “May I sit?” he asked, gesturing to the open seat.
“We were actually just leaving,” Inuyasha said, standing. “Come on Yumi.”
“I know what this may look like, but we aren't here for trouble,” Edward said, not making any effort to stop him as he pulled Yumi towards the door. “However, I'm afraid I can't say the same about your wife.” Inuyasha froze in mid-step, Yumi nearly crashing into him. Slowly, he turned to face the grinning man. With a massive hand, he gestured towards the empty seat beside him. “Please, sit.” When Inuyasha still didn't move, he continued, holding his hands up. “I only intend to talk. You have my word.”
Crouching down, he smiled at Yumi. “Why don't you go watch the fish? Daddy has to talk for a bit.” Giving a dark look towards the man, she didn't say anything as she shuffled off towards the fish tank. It's not the best place, but if things turn for the worst… His thought ground to a halt. Then what? If things turn bad, there is absolutely nothing I can do about it. If there were one or two, he might have had a chance, but six? If Kagome was here… The thought made him feel even worse about things. Was he really so weak he needed his wife to protect him? Even if she was a powerful demon, it still embarrassed him.
Slowly, he took a seat next to the man. “What do you want?”
He spread his hands before him. “As I said, I only wish to talk.”
“Then start talking.”
“Such hostility! Have I justified such a response?”
“I don't like being threatened.”
He shook his head. “I apologize if it came off like that. I really had no intention of threatening you yet.”
Yet. Inuyasha wondered if Edward had let it slip, or if he said it on purpose. After a few seconds, he figured it was on purpose. “You still haven't answered my question. What do you want?”
“I represent a certain group of people who have a great interest in you and your family.”
“This group have a name?”
“They are simply known as The Five.”
“That's a pretty dumb name. Let me guess: there are five of them?”
Edward raised an eyebrow. “An astute observation, as expected from one such as yourself.”
“And? What do these `Five' want?”
He gave a disarming smile, or at least, as disarming as a man with multiple chins could give. “Your cooperation.”
“Mine?” The man nodded. “What do you need me for?” He could understand using him to get Kagome to do something, or even some other succubus. But him? It just didn't make sense.
“The timing is not quite right for that information. However, you have my assurance it is nothing harmful to you or your family.”
“What happens if I refuse?”
The man's expression darkened. In fact, the entire room seemed to darken, or was that just a trick of the light? Either way, there were few things in life that truly terrified him. This was one of them. All at once, the light returned to normal levels and the dark expression was replaced by a smile. “I'm sure your wife told you about the deaths of certain friends.”
His eyes widened. “You're responsible?”
“Me? Heaven's no! I'm just a representative.” The smiled disappeared. “I will recommend you cooperate. My clients are not the sort of people you wish to cross.”
“Well you can tell these `clients' of yours that their threats are meaningless. I'm not afraid of them. The Order of the Silver Cross tried to kill me and my friends, look how they ended up.” Granted, they came very close to killing him. If it wasn't for Kagome, he wouldn't be among the living. But he didn't need to mention that.
Edward chuckled softly. “Mr. Tanaka, I don't think you fully understand who you are about to make enemies with. There were people even the Order was afraid of.”
“If you're going to try and scare me, at least make it believable.”
With a heavy sigh, Edward pushed his glasses farther up his nose. He picked his hat up from the counter and rested it atop his head. “They that expected something like this might happen. A demonstration is in order.” Instantly, Inuyasha was ready to fight, glancing over to the other men. All were still frozen in place. “Relax, I told you I was here to talk, and talk I have. You and your daughter are free to go.” As if on cue, two of the bodyguards stepped aside, allowing them to exit. “I do suggest you keep our conversation a secret however. Tell no one if you value their life. You will soon know how serious my clients are.”
“Come on Yumi,” Inuyasha called, getting up. She was at his side in an instant.
“I must inform you, my clients always get what they want,” Edward called out as they headed towards the exit. “Goodbye Mr. Tanaka. I'll be in touch!”
Once outside, he moved as quickly as Yumi could keep up. Only when the building was several blocks away did he stop to catch his breath. Fear clutched his gut as he quickly pulled his cell phone from his pocket, hitting the speed-dial for Kagome's cell. Come on Kagome… pick up! After one ring, it connected. “Kagome!”
“The number you have dialed is not in—”
“Shit!” he shouted, slamming the phone into the nearby brick building. Yumi stared up at him. “Sorry.”
“Is Mommy going to be okay?”
“She'll be fine. I won't let anything happen to her.” He wished he could fulfill that promise. He tried the phone again. Only to find he had broken his when he slammed it against the wall. Crap. He looked down at Yumi to find her staring back in the direction they had just come from. “Everything okay?”
“I'm scared,” she said, stepping closer to him.
Forcing a smile, he crouched down. “Did that guy scare you?” She nodded slowly. “Don't worry he's gone now.”
She shook her head, frightened tears forming in her eyes. “No Daddy… he's not…”
Standing, he turned around, her hands tightening their grip on him. There was no one on the road. Granted, it was getting dark, but there should have been at least some other people. A chill wind hit him, the cold cutting through his jacket like it was his bare skin. Behind him the traffic light turned red, washing the street in an ominous red glow. He's not there. No one is. He relaxed a little, resting his hand on Yumi's back. But why do I feel so damn terrified?
“May I buy you a drink?” a man asked, sliding in next to Kagome at the bar. She moved her hand in such a way to bring attention to the ring she wore.
“No thanks,” she said, smiling politely. She hoped the ring would give him the hint that he didn't have a chance. Sometimes it worked, other times it only made the man try harder. Luckily, this one got the hint. Smiling, he left with as much dignity as he could muster after getting shot down. He wasn't alone. He was the sixteenth man who had approached her in the last two hours. The number for the day was much larger.
While Kagome chased the men away, Kikyo gathered them like bees to a queen. They had discussed it earlier. Since Kagome felt uncomfortable with the idea of playing bait, she would be the one to watch for any signs of trouble. Instead of gathering attention and standing in the spotlight, she kept to herself in the dark corners, watching her sister happily lead the men on.
I can't believe I let Kikyo talk me into this dress. It wasn't the worse she had worn, but it was far more revealing than she had planned on wearing. Her red dress showed just as much cleavage as Kikyo's, but Kikyo's… assets… suited hers better. Not to say Kagome didn't look good in hers. From the amount of men throwing themselves at her, she had to be. There was another downside to the dress. It was tight, meaning her mobility wouldn't be one hundred percent.
Laughing, Kikyo danced between several men on the dance floor. It took Kagome a few hours to realize her sister didn't believe they would find the man. That really worried her. While Kagome was keeping a close eye on her, she didn't feel her sister was doing her part. If he goes after me, would she see it? If she was keeping an eye on her, she hid it very well.
Kagome glanced down at her watch. It was nearly ten. Yumi would be in bed by now. She was tempted to call, but resisted the urge. Smiling, she ran her fingers along the top of her glass. Besides, how much trouble could they get into in one day? A few more hours and they would call it a night. The later it got, the less likely they were going to find the man. Judging by how Kikyo was acting, she wouldn't be going home alone.
A quick trip to the bar to get another drink was delayed by yet another man who attempted to woo her over with a drink. Turning him down, she retreated quickly to her dark corner. She was almost there when a voice stopped her. “Kagome?” Recognizing the voice, she turned around. Her jaw dropped at the familiar sight. “It is you!”
“Koga! Is that really you?” She reached out, careful not to spill her drink as she wrapped her arms around him in a hug. “What are you doing here?”
After a few seconds, he pulled away, running his eyes over her. “I was invited. Wow, someone's dressed up. Looking for a little action?” he asked, raising his eyebrows.
She smiled brightly. “Afraid not,” she said, wiggling her ring finger. “I'm actually just here to babysit,” she said, motioning over to Kikyo.
He looked from Kikyo back to her. “You got married?” He sounded surprised and… disappointed.
“Yeah, a little over two years now,” she said, nodding happily.
“Let me guess, Inuyasha?”
“Lucky bastard. Last I heard, he was living the good life in college. Living with two succubi and having college girls just jumping to screw him, I'm surprised he's still living.” He nodded slowly, as if impressed. “Here I thought you weren't the type to share.”
“I'm not,” she answered.
He looked as if he just realized he had wandered into a minefield. “I'm sorry, I just thought you were… uh… one of the succubi.”
“Don't worry about it. It's all in the past. Speaking of which, where did you run off to?” She knew she was changing the subject. If he caught it, he didn't let on.
“My father was called off to China to help protect a newly born land god and dragged me with him. I only came back here recently.”
Kagome was surprised at the news. “I had no idea land gods were born.”
He smiled. “I didn't either. They are a pain in the ass to take care of. You have no idea how difficult it is to keep a baby safe when it isn't in control of its powers. China is a big damn place for a baby to be teleporting around randomly. It didn't help that the mother was constantly panicking and teleporting randomly trying to find it.” He sighed, shaking his head as if remembering an unhappy memory. “But I'm back now.” He glanced down at her ring. “Two years too late apparently.”
She smiled mournfully. “Four actually. Inuyasha and I went on a little world trip for a couple years before coming back and having Yumi.”
“You have a daughter too?” He pressed his hands to his temples. “One bomb after the next!
Laughing, they eventually made their way back to the table she had been sitting at. With someone to talk to, no one else bothered her and it made the time pass much quicker. They spent the next three hours catching up. Every so often, Kagome would look out to make sure Kikyo was okay. With the bar closing in an hour, there was little chance their target would show up.
“Kagome, can I ask you something?”
She smiled. “Of course.”
“Did I ever have a chance?”
Her smile faded as he stared at her with a serious expression on his face. “Koga I…” She stopped, meeting his gaze. “Four years ago, yes; you had a chance. Even up to the night I got married, I might have considered a night or two.” That surprised him, but not as much as it surprised her. Would I really have slept with him when I was dating Inuyasha? There was a chance, but there wasn't any point thinking about it now. Ever since she said `I do,' Inuyasha was, and would continue to be, her only man.
He shifted anxiously in his seat. “Okay then, let me ask this then: Do I still have a chance?” She was about to answer `no' when he continued, stopping her. “I don't mean right now of course. Inuyasha is human after all. A couple decades from now…”
She sighed. “I don't know Koga, I really don't. Honestly, I don't want to think about that right now.”
He backed away quickly. “Okay, I understand. It's all just hypothetical after all.” Glancing down at his watch, he took a deep breath. “Speaking of time, I have to get going. Unlike someone, I need sleep.” Kagome smiled as he stood. It appeared that he wanted to say something, but was torn whether to ask or not. Finally, he managed to spit it out. “You… think we could keep in contact?”
“Of course!” Taking a napkin, she quickly wrote down her cell number and address. “Give me a call sometime and we can catch up more.”
Nodding happily, he stuffed the napkin into his pocket. “It was great seeing you again.”
“You too,” she said, pressing her lips softly against his cheek. Smiling, he backed away, giving her a wave before turning and heading off towards the exit. Sighing heavily, she glanced down at her watch. It was late. Better let Kikyo know it's time to go. Knowing her, she's probably dying to release some of the excitement that she's built up. Stepping away from her table, she scanned the dance floor for the large group of men that usually surrounded her sister. Icy fear spread across her chest at the absence of the mob… and her sister. The place was starting to clear out. Spinning around in panic, she scanned the entire establishment but Kikyo was nowhere in sight. Rushing over to the bar, she flagged down the bartender.
“Have you seen my sister? She was wearing a black dress… kind of like mine. She's a little taller, but we look very similar.”
“Of course I've seen her. I've been staring at that piece of eye candy all night!” His eyes ran over her. “You're not so bad yourself.”
She ignored him. “Where did she go?”
He looked unhappy. “She left with some guy about five—ten minutes ago. She broke a lot of hearts tonight. Lucky fucking bastard.”
One moment, Kagome was at the bar, the next, she was running full speed towards the exit. She lost her shoes somewhere between the second and third floor. Eyes followed her as she sprinted through the lobby and burst through the double doors. Gasping for breath, she looked left and right. Cars sped past her as she desperately looked for any sign of her sister. Spinning around, she stared at the doorman who shifted uncomfortably as she ran up to him.
“There was a woman, taller, looked a lot like me. Did you see her?” He nodded quickly, back pressed against the building. “Where? Where did she go?!” she shouted, grabbing the man's shirt, shaking him slightly.
“W-white BMW. Left awhile ago,” the man sputtered.
“License plate!?” When he didn't answer fast enough, she shook him some more. He was clearly surprised someone so small had so much strength. “What was the license plate number!?”
“I-I-I don't know!” the man shouted. It looked like he was about to cry. Releasing him, she backed away slowly, pressing her hands against her forehead. Fuck…. FUCK! Kikyo! Tears stung her eyes. She had let herself get distracted. I'm so sorry Kikyo…. I'm so sorry….
At first, Kikyo swore she had seen the man before. The more she tried to place him, the more the feeling that she recognized him faded. Unlike the other men who had swarmed around her, he had a certain air about him that immediately jumped out at her. From his skin and accent, she immediately knew he was from the Mediterranean, most likely Italy. Italian men weren't bad. Even if he wasn't the best looking of the group, it was better than just another Japanese man. She'd had nothing but them ever since she came back to Japan.
When he had her attention, he gave her a charming smile. “Hello, my name is Dante.”
“Kikyo,” she said, bowing her head slightly. Around her, the other men shot him warning glares. `She's ours, back off.' Funny thing was she could have bedded all of them if she wanted. They were completely entranced by her. She tossed the thought. She wasn't that hungry. Besides, groups over three became more trouble than they were worth. One was great, two a treat. Three…
“It's a pleasure to meet you Kikyo.” He glanced down at her drink. “I would offer you a drink, but it appears you already have one.”
Tipping it back against her lips, she finished off the remains of what she had been nursing for the past thirty minutes. It burned her throat as it made its way down. Smiling, she rotated the empty glass in her hand. “Another drink sounds nice.”
Only one side of his mouth went up in a half-smile. “I'm not sure about that now. The last thing I want is you thinking I took advantage of you.”
“Confident, aren't we? What makes you so sure you'll be the one I go home with?”
This time, he did smile. “A night with me and you'll never need another.”
It took quite an effort to keep from laughing. I find that hard to believe; the bigger the boast, the bigger the letdown. Still, he held an advantage over the other men plying for her attention. He was different and… interesting.
Pretending to think it over, she finally nodded. “Okay.” The other men cried out in outrage. She silenced them with a wave of her hand. “Go on,” she said, eyeing the other men. With mournful expressions, they dispersed. She almost felt sorry for them, almost. Even if they hadn't reached their ultimate goal of taking her home, they had fun with the attempt. Facing her chosen partner, she smiled sweetly. “You have a car, right?” She already knew the answer. This wasn't the kind of place that people without cars came to. They weren't cheap cars either.
“Of course.”
“I came here with someone. I just need to let them know—”
One of his eyebrows rose in interest. “Oh? I didn't figure you were the type of person who needed permission to leave.”
She frowned. “I don't.”
“Night is fading quickly. You'll want all of it, and more,” he added casually.
Kikyo shook her head. “You really are full of yourself.”
He grinned as he offered his arm. “Why don't we find out just how much of it is true?”
Smiling, she took it. This should prove interesting…
Astonishing was all she could describe it as. The man named Dante wasn't as ordinary as he seemed and his skill far exceeded his boasts. His every touch set her alight as he ran his hands across her bare skin. Her breaths were ragged gasps as his lips brushed the smooth skin of her stomach. He traced his tongue along the black of her cursed tattoo. It was incredible and impossible at the same time. She could feel no difference in his technique from any of the others, yet the results were in a completely different world.
Her hands combed through his thick black hair as he ran his tongue along her slit. Moans of pleasure escaped her lips as his tongue probed her depths, quickly escalating to screams of passion. Her body writhed against the bed, fists clenching the bedding as she gasped for air. If this wasn't the fastest she'd been brought to orgasm, it was a close second. Body quivering, her legs tightened on his head as she came. She all but collapsed against the bed, her body limp from exhaustion as she struggled to fill her lungs with air.
His face appeared above her, a smug smile on his face. “Am I living up to your expectations?”
“You—shattered—them,” she gasped, her mind sluggishly crawling back into gear. It had been a long time since she considered taking a man as a steady lover, but Dante had potential. She wondered if Inuyasha was like this with Kagome and that was why she was so determined to stay with only him. From what she told me before, not by a long-shot. The thought made warmth bubble inside her, spreading quickly from her stomach to encase her entire body. Kagome may have found a delicious meal, but Kikyo had found an incredible lover. So what if the ending was great if you didn't enjoy getting to it?
As her mind cleared from the post-orgasmic bliss, an odd feeling began to fall over her. There was something about the situation that wasn't right. As she mulled things over in her mind, Dante continued as normal. Spreading her legs so he could fit between them, he slid his hand over his erection several times, his eyes taking in her nude form. A wide smile spread across his lips as he positioned himself at her entrance. Feeling the tip press against her, her mind suddenly stumbled upon why the situation was weird. Oral sex! It was extremely rare for a succubus to have oral performed on them. In fact, the only way she knew how was if another succubus was the one performing it or if it was another woman. The link formed between a succubus and her partner made it impossible for her to cum in that situation. If she did, the man would cum automatically as well and, without him being inside her, it would be a complete waste. So if I came and he didn't… She could only think of one way that could be possible. There is no link between us! Her blood ran cold as fear took hold. Kagome!
He thrust himself inside her. Instantly, all thought was washed away as pleasure overloaded her senses. Her control unraveled as she screamed loudly, bucking desperately against his forceful thrusts. Hands sliding along his sweat-covered skin, she did everything she could to get every ounce of power from him. His hands grabbed at her breasts, kneading them roughly as he slammed himself repeatedly into her.
Somewhere inside her, a small part of herself remained conscious of what was happening, but things unfolded in a blur. One moment she was on her back, the next, she was on her hands and knees, struggling to keep herself upright as he brutally slammed himself against her from behind. It's too much! Too much! She screamed inside her head. As much as she commanded her body to stop, it refused. Like a drug, her body lusted for more, craving it with every cell of its being.
Next she found herself atop him. Her body ached, franticly trying to get the feeling it desired. Yet no matter how fast or hard she went it was never enough. Hands behind his head, he wore a smug smile as he watched her bounce atop him. Her hands pressed against his chest, mattress squeaking in protest below them. The small part of her consciousness knew she was now playing by his rules. There was obviously a link between them, only it was reversed. It had to be since she would have came a dozen times by now.
“You are far different from the others. No wonder you were number two on their list.” He sounded calm, not like a man who had been having wild sex for the past twenty minutes. Talking was impossible for her. Even if she could form the words between her moans and yells, she was too busy gasping for air. Sweat covered her body. She wondered if she would die of exhaustion before anything else. “None of your other friends were this… passionate. Most tried to fight me off before… well, before the end I guess.” To her surprise, a pained expression crossed his features. “I wish we had met in different circumstances.”
She screamed at her unresponsive body to stop, to get off him and run. Sitting up, he wrapped his arms around her, holding her down atop him. The gleam of life left his eyes, giving him a dead, lifeless look before he pulled her tightly against him. Her body quivered as she came, the same instant, warmth spread inside her as he followed. Mouth open in a silent scream, she twitched against him as her body did what it was designed to. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. Energy came in many different `flavors,' but nothing could be compared to this. It felt like a thick sludge was entering her. First, it filled her stomach before gradually spreading to other parts of her body. It hurt. Pain, unbelievable pain spread through her. Yet as much as she wanted to, she couldn't scream out. Body ridged, she twitched violently against his firm grasp. With all the internal pain, his mouth against her shoulder hardly registered.
Only once the sludge had filled every ounce and every cell of her body did he release her. Gently, he lowered her back against the bed. She stared at the ceiling, unable to move, unable to scream. That didn't mean she was still. At random intervals, her body continued to jerk and twitch. It was amazing she could still breathe. It felt like she was burning from the inside out.
Pulling out of her, he hovered over her. Biting his lower lip, sad eyes stared into hers. “I know how this sounds, but I am sorry.” Awkwardly, he leaned down, kissing her gently on the forehead before backing away.
With all her remaining strength, her hand shot out, grabbing his arm before he left the bed. “P-please…” she wheezed her lungs aflame. “Kill… me…” She was already dead, she understood that. She just didn't want to wait around for Death to finally realize it too, not with the intense pain she felt.
His expression was one of horror. “I-I can't,” he whispered, pulling away from her. He wasn't even fully dressed as he left, the door slamming behind him. Tears rolled down her face. She didn't even have the strength to wipe the tears from her eyes. Fighting against the overwhelming pain that threatened to consume all reason, she tried to think of how long she had left. She knew only one thing: the end couldn't come soon enough.
Thanks once more to Jay for taking the time to edit this for me. Also, thank you for everyone who left a review! They help motivate me to write more! I hope to have the next chapter out soon.