InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Succubus Wife ❯ Chapter Nine ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any characters associated with it. This story is rated for a mature audience.
Citrus Warning (For entire story)
*Not edited. Will update with edited version later.
For a brief moment, Miroku felt exhilarated at what he had accomplished. The changes to the program were almost complete and he had done nearly all of it by himself. Granted, most of it was minor interface tweaks, but it was still time consuming. Leaning back in his chair, he rubbed his eyes before glancing over at his cell phone resting beside the keyboard. Inuyasha had said he was going to work from home, but he had never called once. None of the emails Miroku sent had been answered either. In the end, Miroku had to test the software changes himself.
What the hell is going on with everyone? The situation with Sango was understandable, but Inuyasha disappearing was inconceivable to him. Inuyasha had always made sure to let Miroku know where he was going if he was going to be out of contact for awhile. Sure, Miroku could go to his house and see what was up, but the possibility that Sango was there kept him away. If - no - when he met Sango again, he wanted them to be alone. There was a lot for them to discuss.
Running his hands through his hair, he spun his computer chair side-to-side. Saving his work, he shut his computer off. That's enough for today. Gathering his things, he headed for the door. He gave the small office a quick look over before turning off the lights and closing the door. Locking it, he headed for the exit. It was dark outside. Glancing down at his watch, he let out a weary sigh. It was later than he expected it to be. No wonder I'm so tired. At least I don't have to come in that early tomorrow. With things as they were, he could easily finish things in a few hours. There was no sense for him to rush to work when he was just going to leave early anyways.
After deciding against waving down a taxi, Miroku started off in the direction home. It was chilly, but not unbearably so. As he strolled past closed shops, he debated whether to take a detour to rent a video or two. After working over fourteen hours straight, he needed to do something to wind-down and relax. He knew what he really wanted, but Sango wasn't there. His stomach rumbled angrily, reminding him there were more important things than sex, like not eating in the past fourteen hours.
“Fine, fine. I'll get you something to eat,” he said softly as he patted his stomach. So first the convenience store and then the video store. Mentally plotting out his course, he adjusted his direction accordingly. He was still a few blocks away when his cell began ringing. “About time,” he muttered as he pulled it from his pocket. Pausing to glance at the caller-ID, he was surprised to find it wasn't Inuyasha calling. Opening the phone, he held it to his ear. “Hello.”
“Ah, hi,” Avery said, sounding surprised. It struck him as odd since she was the one who called him. “It's Avery,” she added as an afterthought, as if he wouldn't recognize her voice.
“Hey, what's up?” he asked, slowing his pace.
“Uh… not much. You?”
Frowning, Miroku scratched the back of his neck. It sounded like she had no idea what she wanted to say. Again, it was odd. “I just got out of the office. The software should be ready by tomorrow.” He nodded to himself. I need to keep things professional.
“That's… good to hear.” There was a definite pause in her answer.
“That's not why you called, is it?”
“No.” Before he could say anything, she continued. “Are you free right now?”
Miroku chewed on his lower lip as he took a deep breath through his nose. He looked around as if he was going to get caught doing something he shouldn't. “I don't know—”
“I ordered some Italian food earlier that I can heat up. Please? We really need to talk.”
The mention of food got a big thumbs-up from his stomach. That wasn't the only thing that got excited at the prospect of visiting Avery. The thing that concerned him was he didn't know which one influenced his decision more. “I'm on my way.”
“You know where to go, right?”
“If you didn't move hotels on me, I remember.”
“Okay, I'll see you in a bit.” To his surprise, she hung up immediately. Eyeing the phone suspiciously, he snapped it closed before depositing it back in his pocket. She didn't sound like she usually did, which worried him more than he thought it would. Looks like I'll need a taxi after all.
After finally flagging a taxi down for a ride, he sat in silence, antagonizing the entire trip. Miroku arrived at the hotel Avery was staying at, knots forming in his gut. Riding the elevator to the fifth floor, he found himself in front of her door. Taking a deep breath, his hand rose, freezing in the air. He knew he should have followed Inuyasha's advice and gone straight home. But it's too late for that now. There was something about Avery's tone. He tapped at the door with his knuckles and waited. The door opened a few seconds after. Avery wasn't in the revealing negligee she had worn last time he visited her, instead, she was dressed in a much more conservative shorts and loose t-shirt. A part of him was disappointed, but the smell of food wafted past his nose, instantly overwhelming any other thoughts.
“Come in,” she said, stepping aside to let him pass. He didn't hesitate as he entered the room. His sights automatically locked to the various dishes resting on the table near the wide window. “Help yourself,” she said behind him, closing the door.
Miroku was only a few steps away from the table when he realized none of the dishes had been touched. In fact, no one would order this much food without knowing company was coming. He looked over his shoulder as Avery approached. “You just ordered this, didn't you?”
“I had a feeling you would be hungry.” Avery gestured to the seat across from her as she sat down. “Please, join me. We can talk after. I haven't eaten either.”
Giving her a suspicious look, Miroku slowly sat in the other seat. His suspicion was soon replaced by hunger as the strong smell of garlic and other spices rose from the dishes laid out before him. The strange circumstances of tonight's meeting were temporarily forgotten as he filled his plate. It was strange eating in silence. Ever since Sango had moved in, it was rare for him to eat dinner alone. The silence at the table now was just another reminder of how much he had taken things with Sango for granted. And here I am, doing the same stupid things that broke us apart in the first place. Now that his grumbling stomach was silenced, his mind was free to focus on other things. Like why he was here.
Finally finished, Miroku set the silverware against his plate before looking over at Avery. She sat there, waiting patiently for him to finish. He cleared his throat, shifting comfortably in his seat. “So, what was it you needed to talk about?”
Sitting up in her seat, Avery folded her hands together before resting them against the table. “I believe I owe you an apology.”
He cocked his head to the side, giving her a bemused smile. “An apology?”
She nodded. “I've caused both you and Sango a great deal of trouble. For that, I'm sorry.”
“You don't need to apologize. Both Sango and I are adults. Everything that happened was consensual.”
Avery suddenly looked uncomfortable as she diverted her gaze and fidgeted anxiously in her seat. “That… isn't quite right.”
Miroku waved it off. “Sure, there was alcohol involved, but Sango isn't the type of woman to do stupid things just because she's drunk.” He paused for a moment of thought, reliving a series of old memories of Sango drunk. “Okay, nothing that stupid. What I'm trying to say is, if Sango truly didn't want to do it, she would have said no. It's as simple as that.”
To his surprise, the statement only made Avery look more uncomfortable. “There was more than alcohol involved with her decision.”
“What?” Alarm filled his voice. For a split second, Miroku wondered if Sango had been slipped drugs. Continuing down that path, he wondered if Avery had slipped Sango drugs. If that's the case…
“I'm afraid I haven't been completely truthful about my intentions here.” To his bewildered look, she continued. “While it's true the VOX Corporation is interested in your company's software, I may have - influenced - their decision to choose yours over other companies.”
“I don't understand.” Miroku was completely at a loss. If she wasn't here for the software, what was she here for? To ruin my relationship with Sango? As laughable the idea was, it was the only one that fit with what she was trying to say. After all, it was the only thing she had done other than sign the contract. “Why pick us?”
“You weren't with the other companies.”
At a loss for words, he floundered around a bit before finally getting words out. “I'm flattered but—”
Holding up her hand, she stopped him. “It's not like that, at least, not at first. I was given the task of finding a replacement for our aging software when I found your small company. Honestly, I was tempted to skip over you when—” She stopped suddenly. It was obvious she was trying to pick the next words carefully.
“When?” he pressed, leaning forward.
“I - got a feeling.”
Miroku raised an eyebrow. “A feeling?”
“Yes. When I stumbled across your picture, I felt that I needed to look into things farther. The more I did, the more I was compelled to meet with you personally.”
“So you picked our software… just so you could meet me? That's—” He couldn't pick the right word. Odd? Insane? Creepy?
“I know it sounds strange, but I have reason for following my feelings.”
“And why's that?”
Avery took a deep breath before looking him in the eyes. “I'm a mage.”
The room was deathly quiet for a long time before Miroku broke it with a soft snort. Gradually, he lost his composure, before breaking out into gut-wrenching laughter. Avery scowled in disapproval as he howled in laughter. “You're kidding right? A mage? You know how ridiculous that sounds?” Magic? Her? How could he not laugh? Humans couldn't use magic, at least, not anymore. Thanks to the old Order book he had bought from Kagome's mother years ago, he knew most of the human's who could naturally use magic were hunted to near-extinction centuries ago. Those that survived went into hiding and gave up their practice, refusing to pass it onto the next generation.
“For someone with a half-demon and succubus as a friend, I'm surprised you dismiss my claim so readily.”
That got his attention. Suddenly quiet, he leaned forward as he glanced around nervously. “How do you know about that?” he whispered harshly, as if afraid someone was listening in.
Avery mimicked him. “Mage? Remember?” Setting back in her chair, she continued at normal volume. “Inuyasha was easy, I knew right away he was different. I had to work to find out about his `wife.' But I guess it's not too surprising you don't believe me. There aren't many humans with the affinity for magic. Those that use magic mostly cheat by contracting with demons.” She crossed her arms. “But honestly, I was surprised when I met your friend Inuyasha. I didn't think there were any half-demons. I really had hoped…” She drifted off.
Miroku was still reeling from the fact Avery knew about Inuyasha and Kagome. When he finally recovered from the initial shock, he narrowed his eyes in suspicion. “What do you want?”
“Surprisingly enough: you.”
“Me?” The revelation caught him off-guard. It wouldn't have surprised him if she needed something from Inuyasha or Kagome. Both were special in their own ways. Even Sango with her past experiences wouldn't have been unexpected. But him? Other than his fascination with the occult, he was the only one of the four that could be considered `normal.'
Avery gave a curt nod. “Believe me I'm as surprised as you are. I figured I was being guided to either Inuyasha or his succubus partner. I see now that wasn't the case.”
Miroku gave a quick glance towards the door. Could he escape if he needed to? If she could use magic, it was highly unlikely. But escaping was the last thing he wanted to do at the moment. While the situation was unsettling, he didn't get the impression he was in any immediate danger. He had a newfound fascination with Avery that went beyond looks. If what she was saying was true, then she had information he wouldn't find anywhere else in the world. It was an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
“Why me?”
“Males capable of performing magic are rare. If I'm correct, which I know I am, you are what we've been looking for.”
Miroku's jaw dropped. “Are you saying I can use magic?” He had seen Kagome do magic before and knew the wondrous things you could do with it. He also knew enough from ancient texts to know what magic could do if used improperly. To think he could use it was… unexpected. He didn't know what to think about it.
Avery nodded once more. “That's correct. Part of the allure you feel towards the occult stems from your natural affinity for the art. To put it simply, your talent for magic is unconsciously seeking a way to be released.”
Miroku sat in stunned silence, her words barely registering. “But… magic?” he said dumbly, eyeing his hands as if discovering them for the first time.
“In time, I'm sure they would have surfaced naturally due to your relationship with magical creatures. But that would have taken decades and you never would reach your full potential. Since I found you, we can change that.”
“You can teach me?” Miroku asked excitedly, looking back at Avery.
“Human magic isn't taught, nor is it learned, at least not in a normal way.” Avery tapped at her chin as she searched for the right words to explain. “I guess you could say it is unlocked. Letting it mature naturally would be like opening the floodgates on a dam. The water escapes, but in a small, controlled amount. What I can do is blow up the dam, releasing all the water at once.”
“Cool,” he whispered softly, nodding to himself. His mind no longer questioned if she was telling the truth or not. If it was some sort of scam, he had fallen for it. He couldn't help it. It was as if his entire being held on to each word she spoke like it was the absolute truth. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. There are so many questions I have to ask.
Before he could ask any, she held up her hand, stopping him. “I know you have a lot of questions, but many will be answered if I unlock your abilities. It's kind of like… remembering an old memory. Everything comes naturally. But if it isn't about magic directly, I can answer any questions you may have.”
Miroku began sorting his thoughts. There was so much he wanted to know, so much to ask. It was hard deciding what to ask. Part of him didn't even want to ask and just wanted to skip right to whatever had to happen to unlock his powers. “You mentioned male mages are rare?”
Avery nodded. “Currently, there are four hundred and sixteen mages including myself. All are female. The last male mage we had…” She searched her mind for a date. “Died about seven years ago.”
“F-four hundred?” There were a great deal more than he expected.
“That's right. We stick together for the most part. Our two largest villages are in Canada near the US border and Russia.”
“Are male mages more powerful or something? It sounds like you go through a great deal just to find one.”
“I wouldn't say they're more powerful, but they are important. You will be able to do things I cannot. At the same time, I will be able to do things you cannot.”
“So you do whatever it is you do to unlock my magical talent and I'll be able to use it just like that?”
“Yes and no. You'll be able to use and understand it right away, but more powerful things will come later.”
Her answers were bringing more questions to mind. The more questions that formed, the more he had to push aside. Miroku wanted to ask her more, he craved the knowledge she held inside her, but he knew there were more important things to discuss. As wonderful and exciting the idea of him being able to use magic was, Sango held greater importance to him than magic ever could. “And this thing with Sango…”
Avery had a pained expression on her face. “I knew things would come back to this.”
“What exactly happened that night?”
Sighing, Avery nodded. “As I mentioned before, I thought Inuyasha was the one I was being guided to. However, I was rejected.” Miroku caught a glimmer of disappointment in her expression before she continued. “That's when I started talking to you and Sango. At the time, I was at a complete loss. The entire time, I had been focused on Inuyasha and suddenly it turned into a dead-end. As we started talking, the more I was drawn to you and the more comfortable I became.”
Miroku nodded slowly, remembering back to the conversation topics they shared. They had gotten personal quite quickly. “Here I thought it was due to the alcohol.”
Avery smiled. “I'm sure that had a small part to play.” The smile faded as she continued. “I began to realize that maybe you were the reason I had been drawn here. I had no way of confirming it however. In order for me to do it with any accuracy, it has to be against bare skin and you have to be still for several minutes.” She grinned. “Even if you were drunk, I doubted you would sit still while I drew on your arm.”
Miroku chuckled softly. “No, I probably wouldn't have.” With the mention of her drawing, he remembered what set human magic apart from demon magic. Humans had to draw runes in order to cast a spell. It was a severe handicap at times, but it did have advantages. One was permanency. So long as the rune survived, the spell did as well. This also meant a spell could be reused multiple times.
“Not to mention I have to keep a low profile. Even if the Order has all but collapsed, there are still things that dislike the idea of humans having power equal to their own.” Avery's expression sobered. “Then you brought up how you and Sango once had a more… open relationship.”
“So that's why you were so interested in it.”
Her cheeks flushed slightly. “It wasn't the only reason, but it was the primary one. Unfortunately, Sango made it quite clear those days were over.”
Miroku frowned, scratching the top of his head. Things were a little fuzzy, but he clearly remembered Sango agreeing to it. “That's not how I remember it.”
“I…fiddled with your memories of the night,” she said as she braced herself for the reaction.
“You what?
“It wasn't anything major, nor was it harmful,” Avery said quickly. From her expression, she looked as if he was about to hit her. The fact that he did want to hit her probably had a lot to do with it. “Because of who you are, I can't actually wipe your memories, only alter them slightly. Sango on the other hand… Human magic trumps demon when it comes to things of the mind. She has no memories of the night at all.”
Miroku rubbed at his temples. No wonder everything's so messed up! That wasn't the worst of things. If she altered those memories, what stopped her from altering other things? For all he knew, the entire failed proposal could have been made up. No, that really happened. Something inside him knew Avery was telling the truth, however uncomfortable it was.
“So you cast a spell on us or something?” She nodded, not meeting his eyes. “Why didn't you just do the checking then? Surely going though all… that could have been avoided.”
“I told you before, finding out wasn't the only reason. I found,” she shook her head before correcting herself. “I find you attractive and… uh… even though I'm totally not into women… Sango is… nice?” She was grasping at words. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath before opening them again. “When you're a mage, you become… accustomed to certain things. Mostly, when you want something, you can have it. Would some of the men I've had willingly cheat on their wives? Probably. Would all of them? Probably not.” She hesitated before continuing, an embarrassed smile on her face. “Inuyasha appears to be immune to my spells regarding that. No doubt he has quite a resistance built up from his partner.”
Miroku was horrified. “You tried that on Inuyasha?! How…” He shook his head, pressing his hands against his temple. “Why would you even do that?!” He was seeing Avery in a completely different light, no doubt her true self. Suddenly, she wasn't quite the alluring woman she had once been. She destroyed my relationship with Sango for what? Because she wanted to try something new? If she had managed to seduce Inuyasha… He didn't want to think about that. Miroku had hope he could somehow salvage his relationship with Sango. Something told him things would be vastly different for Inuyasha.
Avery wore a sad smile on her face. “I don't expect you to understand, at least right now.”
Miroku met her gaze. “No, I don't expect ever to understand.” He began to stand. “I want nothing to do with this - with you.”
“Miroku, please!” she said, standing up with him. She reached over to grab his hand, but he quickly pulled it away. “Let me explain!”
“I don't want you to explain.” His thoughts focused on Sango. I have to find her… tell her. He ignored Avery's pleas as he walked towards the door.
Please listen to me!” she cried hysterically. “Your friends are in danger. We're all in danger!”
Miroku froze, hand hovering over the doorknob. Turning slightly, he glanced over his shoulder at the panic-stricken woman. He knew he had no reason to believe anything she was saying, yet there was something about her words that struck deep inside him. Inuyasha wasn't acting like he normally did, which meant he was most likely involved in something that had to do with Kagome. From past stories, everything Kagome pulled him into got him in trouble. Still, he didn't want to blindly follow her every words, no matter how much he wanted to. “Why should I believe you?”
“I know you have no reason to, but you have to trust me.”
“Trust you? You destroyed the only real thing I cared about!”
Avery straightened, regaining some bit of pride. “I don't regret what I did.”
“Goodbye,” he said as he turned to leave.
“The same people who threaten your friend and his partner will kill Sango too. She's just as involved in all this as they are.”
“Kill Sango?” He faced her once more. “What is she involved with?” Avery was silent. “Avery, tell me what's going on!” he said, taking a menacing step towards her.
His threatening posture evoked the opposite reaction. Instead of shrinking away, she stood taller, a defiant glimmer in her eye. “I'll tell you everything you want to know on one condition.”
Miroku let the silence stretch before finally capitulating. “What is it?” he asked wearily.
“Let me perform the unlocking. With your powers, your friends may stand a chance.”
He glared suspiciously at her. “I don't understand. What do you get out of it?”
Avery simply shrugged. “Does it matter?”
Miroku thought about it for some time, the minutes ticking past slowly as he tried to figure out how it would benefit her. As hard as he tried, he couldn't think of any reasons. It was a tempting offer, he could see that much, but he had no idea what worms lurked under the surface waiting for him to bite. But I don't have a choice now do I? If Sango was in danger, he would do anything to protect her. It was the least he could do for her. “Fine,” he answered reluctantly. “Let's get this over with.”
She looked relieved. “Thank you.”
Miroku thrust a finger towards her chest. “But you need to hold up your end of things. I want answers.” She nodded excitedly. “Okay, so… what do we—” He stopped as her shorts fell to her feet. Her shirt shortly followed, leaving her standing nude before him. Frozen, his eyes wandered her nude form as he gaped speechlessly.
Frowning, she covered herself as if he had walked in on her. “W-what?” she flustered, face reddening. “It's not like this is the first time you've seen me like this.”
“Why are you naked!?” he shouted, finding his voice again.
“Why do you think?” she spat back angrily. Forgetting her modesty, she placed her hands on her hips. “Do you want me to help you or not?”
Grudgingly, Miroku began undressing. “Is this really necessary?” From talking with Sango, he knew that most of Kagome's rituals dealt with sex, but that was expected from a succubus. Does human magic work the same way? He didn't quite see how it could. What did sex have to do with runes?
Avery waited for him to finish undressing before answering. She took a step closer. He could feel her warmth radiating from her body as it hovered mere inches from his. “For me to unlock your powers?” Miroku simply nodded, eyes wandering over the large swells of her breasts. He hated himself, his body reacting to the naked woman before it. It was Avery who destroyed his relationship with the woman he loved and he still wanted her. Closing the distance between them, the warmth of Avery's body climbed as she pressed herself against him. Hands on his shoulders, she craned her neck so her lips were against his ear, her hot breath brushing against his skin. Her voice was a sultry whisper. “No, it doesn't.”
Thoughts of Sango retreated to the back of his mind as Avery pulled him onto the bed atop her. Anger fueled his every thrust. Avery didn't seem to mind the rough handling he gave her, quite the opposite. Her high-pitched squeals of pleasure urged him on, which only enraged him further. The last thing he wanted was her to enjoy it, yet there she was, crying out in ecstasy. He was furious at her, but not nearly as much as he was with himself. As much as he should hate the woman below him, he couldn't bring himself to do it. Just as he had the previous times, he enjoyed being with her. Her warmth as her legs pulled him closer to her, her voice as she cried out, the feeling of her nails against his back. It wasn't just the sex either. What allured him was the nature of the situation. To him, Avery was a person whom he should consider an enemy. Yet here he was, screwing her to both their enjoyment. Tonight, he had learned something important about himself and knowing made him sick. I'm pretty messed up…
Avery wasn't about to let him do all the work. After a quick wrestling match, Miroku found himself under her his eyes memorized by the bounce of her breasts as she ground herself against him. Hands against her sides for balance, he was vaguely aware of her finger against his chest. After a few seconds, he remembered the situation he was in. It was too late however. The rune she had traced out on his chest was complete. What felt like an invisible hand slammed against his chest, the air leaving his lungs in a huff. The last thing he saw was a sad look on Avery's face as she faded into darkness.
When Inuyasha awoke, it was much more graceful than his previous foray into the conscious world. Squinting his eyes against the light, his glanced around as his surroundings came into focus. It didn't take long for them to rest on a familiar face, one that wore a radiant smile.
“Good morning,” Kagome said sweetly as she ran a hand over his forehead. “Feeling better?”
Opening his mouth to respond, he felt his lips crack. After working his mouth a few times, he managed to gasp `water' out. Kagome disappeared from view for a second to reappear with a glass in hand. Helping him sit up, she gently tipped the clear liquid into his waiting mouth. Swallowing greedily, he didn't stop even as water slipped past his mouth and onto his bare chest. Once the glass was empty, he sat back, letting out a satisfied sigh. “Much better,” he croaked out after a few seconds. He felt something bounce against the bed. Rolling his head away from Kagome, he found Yumi had climbed onto the bed, her brown eyes meeting his.
“Be careful. Daddy is still sick,” Kagome warned.
“Are you feeling better Daddy?” Yumi asked sweetly, crawling towards him. Reaching out, she rested her small hand against his forehead. “You're not hot anymore!” she stated with a proud nod as she looked over at her mother. “Daddy isn't hot anymore!”
A smile forming, he rustled her hair. “Did you help Mommy?” She gave a big nod. “Thanks sweetie.” He took a deep breath, looking back at Kagome. “Boy, I was really worried there for a moment.”
You were worried? If you had—” Kagome caught herself, eyeing Yumi before continuing. “Well, you're getting better. That's all that matters now.” Inuyasha grunted as he tried to pull himself up into a sitting position. “You need to rest still,” Kagome protested as she pressed a hand against his chest.
Shaking his head, he pulled himself into a comfortable sitting position. Surprisingly, it wasn't as bad as he expected. As the grogginess from sleep left him, so did the fatigue. “I'm fine.” He looked around. “How long was I out this time?”
“You slept through the night,” Kagome answered, resting her hand against his arm. She was constantly in touch with him, like he would slip away if she let go.
Smiling, he reached over to rest his hand atop hers. She looked down in surprise, as if just noticing her hand was there. “I'm fine. Really.” His stomach grumbled as a not-so-subtle reminder that he hadn't eaten in awhile. “Though breakfast sounds really good right now.”
“What do you want?”
Inuyasha rested his head against the bed frame. “At this point? Anything edible.” The awkwardness he expected wasn't there, not that he was complaining. He needed to keep things positive. Nodding, she moved to stand only to have him stop her. He caught a brief look of surprise as he pulled her down into a kiss. The surprise was quickly replaced as she returned his kiss. Several seconds elapsed before he reluctantly released her. “I love you,” he whispered softly as they separated. It took a large amount of willpower to stop him from pulling her onto the bed and showing her just how much he did.
A look of guilt flashed over her features as she looked away. “I love you too,” she choked out, fighting tears. “C-come on Yumi. Let's go fix Daddy some breakfast!”
“O-okay,” Yumi said, confused as to why her mother was fighting back tears.
Inuyasha watched as the two left, Kagome closing the door behind her. Scratching his head, he tried to figure out the look of guilt Kagome had given him. Memories of Kikyo floated to the surface of his mind. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't bury them as quickly as they appeared. If anyone should be guilty, it's me.
Fighting a losing battle, Inuyasha decided to focus his attention on something else. He ran a hand along his arm. “I need a shower,” he muttered as he pulled the covers aside. Setting his feet against the floor, he cautiously rose to his feet. He felt… great. Better than great in fact. He felt like a teenager again. He resisted the urge to go out and run to burn off the excess energy he felt.
Still amazed by his sudden recovery, he shuffled into the bathroom as he eyed his hand in wonder. Last night, he had really slammed it into the wall, yet it felt perfectly fine. Turning the hot water of the shower on, he moved over to the mirror, gazing curiously at the figure before him. Turning sideways, he flexed slightly. Is it just me or are there more muscles here than before? He almost laughed at the thought. Muscles didn't form overnight. Still, he hadn't seriously worked out since Yumi was born. Shaking the thought aside, he turned on the faucet. Must be my imagination, he thought as he bent over, splashing cold water in his face. Turning the water off, he wiped the excess water from his face as he straightened. Looking back into the mirror, he found another man standing behind him. Yelling out in surprise, Inuyasha spun around, taking out all the items on the sink before slipping on the rug, slamming his head against the door before ungracefully landing on his back. Gritting his teeth from the pain, he slowly opened his eyes as he rubbed his head to see the man crouch down beside him.
“Graceful,” he said with a dazzling white smile. Inuyasha had never seen the man before, nor had he any idea what he was doing in his bathroom, let alone how he had got there. Dressed in a grey suit with a red and white striped tie, the man had a professional air about him. Clear blue eyes watched him with curious amusement. Like Inuyasha, the mystery mans hair was platinum blonde.
“Who the fuck are you?” Inuyasha asked, recovering himself. “How did you get into my bathroom?” The man stood as Inuyasha climbed to his feet, clasping his hands in front of him to cover himself.
Our bathroom Inuyasha,” the man said, looking around impressed. “I must say, our wife has a wonderful eye for décor.”
“Kagome is my wife,” he growled. “You still haven't answered my questions!”
The man pressed his hand against his chest as he gave Inuyasha a hurt look. “You forget the man who saved your life so quickly? Inuyasha, I'm hurt!”
Inuyasha's expression twisted in confusion. “Saved my life?” Realization sunk in. “You're the demon! How did you get in here?!”
The man spread his arms out before him. “I'm here because you're here. We are one in the same. Your body is my body.” Giving a disarming smile, the man took a step back. “Only you can see and hear me however.”
Inuyasha felt his flesh crawl. The last thing he wanted was this. “Well go away. I freed you, didn't I?”
The man's smile turned sorrowful. “I would like nothing more than to leave. It seems like we will be roommates of a sort, at least for the time being.” At Inuyasha's displeased glare, the man held his hands out before him as if protecting himself from an oncoming blow. “In time, I will be able to leave. Believe me I will stay no longer than absolutely necessary. You have my word.”
“The word of a demon is worth less than shit.”
“Come now… our arrangement can't be all bad can it? You can feel it, no? My - our power? It is there. Just look at you!” He gestured towards the mirror. Glancing over, Inuyasha gave himself another look. It hadn't been his imagination. It wasn't that he looked stronger, he was. “You can't say you are displeased with the results.”
“I—” Inuyasha's words caught in his throat. He wasn't displeased. He hadn't been in this good of shape since high school. Hell, even in high school he never reached this level. “I guess I can't.”
“It is only beginning.”
“What do you mean?” Inuyasha asked, glancing over his shoulder at the demon.
“My power, it has only just begun integrating itself with you. In a couple days you will be able to do things past even your wildest dreams.”
Inuyasha looked back at his image in the mirror. He liked the sound of that. Finally, I'll be able to do something! He wouldn't need to rely on Kagome's protection any longer. Turning back to the demon, Inuyasha gave him a guarded smile. Even if he was playing nice now, Inuyasha had no doubt the demon had something planned. “Given we are going to be seeing more of each other, you have a name?”
“Ryuu,” the demon said with a grin. “You may call me Ryuu.”
After a hot shower and fresh clothes, Inuyasha felt a hundred times better. He wasn't the only one to notice his newfound vitality. Kagome gave him a curious look as he entered the kitchen, her eyes running over him. “You seem… lively.” Her expression quickly turned to concern, her voice lower than normal. “Are you sure you should be up? You can eat in the bed.”
Waving her concern aside, he approached, wrapping his arms around her as he pulled her into a kiss. He felt her body stiffen in surprise before melting to his impassioned kiss. Pulling away, she swayed slightly eyes fluttering as she gasped for breath. Grinning victoriously, Inuyasha steadied her. “I feel fantastic! The last thing I want is to go back to bed… unless a certain someone is with me.”
Kagome's face reddened as she glanced anxiously at Yumi who sat at the table, watching the exchange curiously. “Inuyasha, Yumi…” she whispered softly, resting her hands gently against his chest to keep him at bay.
Following her gaze, Inuyasha smiled over at Yumi before turning his attention back to Kagome. The normal embarrassment and restraint around Yumi was completely absent. His mood was soaring, it seemed like nothing could crush the high he was feeling. And it's about damn time too! With all the drama and stress the past several days had brought, he needed a pick-up. “What about her?” he asked, running a hand through Kagome's hair. “You said it yourself… she needs to learn somehow.” The statement caught her by surprise. Feeling her guard drop, he moved in for another kiss. Tongue entwining hers, he quickly overwhelmed her resistance. She grew heavy in his arms, their heated kissing sapping her reluctance as she melted into him. Inuyasha was aware of Yumi's gaze, but stopping was the last thing on his mind. His desire for Kagome overwhelmed everything, sense and reason set to the wayside by the blind obsession that controlled him. He would have her here and now, and he was damned if anything would stop him.
Slamming her into the refrigerator, it shuttered violently as the things atop it clattered to the floor. Both fought for breath between kisses, her arms wrapping around his neck as his snaked up her light blue sweater. His cool hands felt the warmth of her body as they inched their way up her body, taking the sweater with it. Inuyasha turned his attention towards her neck, kissing it softly as his hands reached her chest. He felt a shiver run through Kagome as his chilled hands cupped her breasts. Her lack of bra only increased his desire. She let out a small moan as he bumped her against the refrigerator again, fingers running over her erect nipples. She moaned his name softly as his hands ran along her smooth skin before loosening her belt. The button and zipper followed shortly, her jeans slipping down her waist. Inuyasha was seconds away from fiddling with his own belt when a soft voice cut through the mist that had enveloped his mind.
“Are Mommy and Daddy playing a game?”
Inuyasha shot away from Kagome, holding his hands up like he had just been burned. Stumbling back, he tripped over a chair causing both him and the chair to nosily clatter to the floor. Dazed, the disheveled Kagome slid against the refrigerator as she collapsed to a sitting position, face flushed as she stared blankly into the distance. Reason returned like a slap to the face. Blinking rapidly, Inuyasha racked his brain trying to figure out what had gotten into him, into both of them. Horrified, he scrambled to his feet, ignoring the pain in his leg. Had Yumi not spoken when she had… The situation that formed in his mind was too horrific to pursue further.
A single glance at Kagome told Inuyasha she wasn't going to come around for a few minutes. Not only had the experience been impromptu, it had been incredibly heated. “I need to take a walk,” he said, slowly backing away. He had no idea what had come over him, but he knew that he needed to get away from Kagome before she recovered from her shock. He might have recovered his senses, but Kagome was a different story entirely. Coming down from this sort of stimulation would take some time. If he hung around for her to recover, she would undoubtedly attack him seeking release. They had been lucky the first time, who knew what would happen the second.
“Is Mommy okay?” Yumi asked, giving Inuyasha a curious glance.
Taking a few quick breaths to steady his racing heart, Inuyasha smiled as he moved to her side. Bending slightly so he was eye level with her, he rested his hand on her shoulder. “Mommy's fine. Can you do Daddy a favor? Can you watch Mommy for me?”
“What's wrong with her?” she asked, looking past him.
“She's just…” He glanced over his shoulder at Kagome before turning back to Yumi. “Really happy right now. So what do you say? Can you watch over her for me?”
Yumi didn't look happy. “I guess.”
“What's wrong?” It was rare for Yumi to look so unhappy.
“I don't think Mommy is happy at all,” she stated matter-of-factly, crossing her arms. Her brown eyes turned to meet his. It felt like she was peering into his inner self. He shifted uncomfortably. The feeling of being read didn't sit well with him.
Chuckling nervously, he couldn't help but look away from her piercing gaze. Instead, he focused on her forehead as he brushed a hand through her hair. “What makes you say that?”
“Daddy didn't finish the game. Mommy doesn't like when Daddy doesn't finish.”
Flustered, Inuyasha pulled back slightly. “Did Mommy tell you that?” Yumi shook her head violently, her black hair tossing from side-to-side. It was obvious to him that there was something she was hiding. Looking down, Yumi pulled at the bottom of her shirt. He ran a hand across her cheek. “Can't you tell Daddy? Please?” She shook her head, staying silent. Smiling, he crept closer, keeping his voice soft. “You're not in trouble. Daddy just wants to know.”
She stopped playing with her shirt, narrowing her eyes as she stared into his. “Daddy won't be mad?” Inuyasha shook his head. Yumi's hand shot up inches from his face, surprising him. “Daddy promises?”
“I promise, I won't be mad,” he said as he took her offered pinky and shook it.
Yumi sighed, her body language shifting to that of someone much older than her. It was almost frightening to watch. “Mommy and Daddy play this game a lot. Mommy really likes playing it.” Inuyasha stood in shocked silence, almost missing what Yumi said as she continued. “But when Mommy and Daddy start playing it and Daddy leaves, Mommy looks really sad. Mommy doesn't let Daddy see it though.”
“I - we -” He stumbled over his words. Clamping his mouth shut, he decided it was better to just stay silent in this situation until he found something to say. But how much does she know? A nauseating feeling crept over him, latching onto his gut. From the sound of it, she knew much more than he was comfortable with her knowing. Taking a deep breath, he shifted into a more comfortable pose. “Have you… have you seen Mommy and Daddy play? Before now?” A part of him didn't want to know the answer to this, but he knew it was something he had to ask. To his horror, Yumi nodded slowly. Squeezing his eyes closed, his head dropped. He felt… ashamed, like he had just introduced his daughter to something dirty. What do I even say to this? He suddenly wished Kagome was... herself. He didn't want to be in this situation, but there was no running away from it this time and hiding things obviously didn't work. Still, he didn't want to do this alone.
Yumi must have picked up on his discomfort because her eyes widened in fright. “Mommy said I wasn't allowed to play but Mommy really likes playing it and - and - and.” Fists balled, she rubbed at her eyes as tears formed, her voice breaking down into sniffles.
“Shh, you're not in trouble,” Inuyasha said, wrapping his arms around Yumi and pulling her against his chest. “Daddy is just… surprised.” He waited for her to calm down before releasing her. She stared at him with damp, slightly red eyes. He gave her a big smile, one she returned as she hiccupped softly. Gently, he wiped at her wet cheeks. I need to think of where to start. How much do I tell her? Yumi was smart. She'd proved that countless times. He had no doubt she could handle anything he told her. Still, that didn't mean he was comfortable telling her everything. “It's called sex,” he blurted suddenly. Even he was surprised by his mouths abrupt betrayal. “Err… the game we play,” he said, trying to gracefully recover. “And it's just not Mommy and Daddy. All… uh… most adults… err… play it?” He had no idea why he made it sound like a question. It made him sound like he knew as much about it as his daughter. This is turning out great.
Yumi stared at him, wide-eyed. “Do they all play sex as much as you do?”
Inuyasha wanted to cry as he hung his head. He knew what she meant, but she made it sound like they were constantly going at it. Resting his hands on her shoulders, Inuyasha took a deep breath. “Uh, you can just refer to it as `the game' like you did before. And to answer your question, some people do, yes. There are others who don't play as much. Mommy and Daddy do it a lot because Mommy is… special.”
“I see,” she said, pulling at her bottom lip.
“Do you - do you have any questions?” he asked hesitantly. Please Kagome! Wake up! He pleaded as he glanced back at her. She stirred slightly, but she still seemed off in her own world. Waking up and talking about sex wasn't going to help matters, but he would much rather deal with that than face Yumi's unending curiosity alone.
Pursing her lips, Yumi thought for a moment. “What is a…” She paused, fighting over the word. “`Three-some?'” she finished slowly.
Inuyasha felt like he had been hit by a truck. Completely unprepared, the mental shock froze him in place. “W-w-where did you hear that?” he finally spat out. He was expecting something like basic mechanics, not… that.
Yumi shrunk away from his heated tone. “Mommy and Aunt Sango were talking about it,” she said weakly. “Aunt Sango said—”
“No, no, that's okay. You don't have to say anything more,” he said quickly. He scratched at the back of his neck. He didn't want to venture into that territory. The fact Yumi was able to connect it to the current conversation made him wonder what Kagome and Sango had been discussing. Either that or Yumi knows far more than I think. Both thoughts offered little comfort. “Don't you have any other questions… like how to play?”
“I already know how to play,” she answered with a frown.
“Y-you do?” His voice cracked. “H-how? Did Mommy tell you?”
“No. Yumi figured it out,” she boasted, puffing her chest out.
“Y-you did?”
She nodded happily. “I watched you and Mommy play.”
She continued before he could say more. “Mommy get's on top of Daddy and starts—”
“Ahh! Back up! Back up!” Inuyasha squealed, face turning pale. “L-let's talk about something else…”
Yumi cocked her head to the side, giving Inuyasha a perplexed look. “Then… what's a three-some?” she asked, returning to her original question. Suddenly, Inuyasha wondered if he had made the right decision to switch topics again.
“That's when three people have sex,” Kagome said softly, causing Inuyasha to jump, twisting around to look at her. She brushed herself off as she pulled herself off the floor. She gave Inuyasha a curious look. “Really, this isn't the conversation I expected to wake to…”
Inuyasha chuckled nervously. “Not one I expected to get into either.” Standing he moved closer to her. He noticed her eyes flash as he approached. For a second, he wondered if he was going to have to defend himself from her. Luckily, she seemed to resist the urge to pounce him. “Are you sure you should be telling her things like that?” he whispered.
“Why not?” Kagome asked as she stepped past him to take a seat next to Yumi. “If she wants to know, we should tell her.” She smiled, resting an elbow on the table before propping her head up as she looked at Yumi. “Yumi can handle it. Right?”
“Right!” Yumi answered happily.
“Still…” Inuyasha said. She might be able to handle it, but what about me? “D-do we have to do this now?”
Kagome whipped her head around to glare at him. He knew why she was angry. Inuyasha knew how it felt to be teased and then suddenly cut off from any sort of release. He could only imagine how frustrating it was for Kagome to experience it. “You've already started, so why not?” She pointed towards the seat on the other side of the table. “Sit.” It wasn't a magic order where he blindly obeyed, but by the tone she used, it might as well have been. He darted over to the seat, folding his hands in his lap. Smiling contently, Kagome turned her attention back to Yumi, who was watching the two in fascination. “Now tell me… how much did Daddy tell you and how much do you already know?”
Inuyasha squirmed uncomfortably for the next ten minutes as Yumi displayed her knowledge of the subject with agonizing detail. He felt faint listening to Yumi talk about `Mommy bouncing' and “bed squeaking.' Had it not been so deathly embarrassing, Inuyasha would have found Yumi's view of sex amusing. To her, the goal was to get the squeaking bed to thump the wall. Her reasoning? The more it hit the wall, the happier Kagome got. For Inuyasha, it only meant it was time to get a new bed, one that he would pick. Kagome laughed before correcting her, giving both the normal, human reason and `her' reason. That temporarily steered the conversation away from the topic of sex and on to succubi, one Inuyasha was grateful for, getting a small breather before Yumi inevitably brought the conversation back to its original topic.
“Does Mommy play sex with other people?” The question hit Inuyasha like a blow to the gut. To him, he felt like he had just boxed twelve rounds with the world champion. He wondered if he would have preferred that to this.
Kagome only smiled, taking the question in stride. “No, Mommy only does that with Daddy.” Inuyasha glanced over at her as guilt cut into his gut like a dagger, twisting and pulling at him. Other than finding out Kikyo had made a full recovery, neither of them mentioned her and what… transpired between them. Now is neither the time nor the place. He continued to study his wife, as if he could somehow scry her innermost thoughts by simply staring at her long enough. Eventually, she noticed his stare and smiled brightly back at him. If there were unsettling thoughts about what had happened between Kikyo and him, she was hiding them well.
“But you said succubi—” Yumi pronounced `succubi' slowly, ensuring she pronounced everything correctly.
Kagome answered her before she could finish her question. “Mommy is special. She loves Daddy so much that she married him! Most succubi don't do that.” Reaching over, she ruffled Yumi's hair like Inuyasha normally did, causing her to giggle softly. “You'll understand when you grow up.”
If Yumi's words were a punch to the gut, Kagome's was a freight train of guilt. All happiness and vigor he had left were drained from him with those words. He felt like trash, worse than trash. Unable to look at her, he mindlessly twisted the ring on his finger. To his surprise, Kagome's hand rested atop his, stopping his fidgeting. Looking up, he fought back tears as she tightened her grip on his hand. She flashed him a smile before turning her attention back to Yumi. Her hand however, remained on his. Pulling a hand out from under hers, he rested it atop hers, squeezing it back. It didn't absolve the burning guilt that ate at him, but it made it a miniscule more bearable.
The silent conversation between the two did not escape Yumi's gaze. Either she did not fully understand or she knew better to ask, Inuyasha was relieved when she remained silent, waiting for Kagome to turn her attention back to her before asking another question. With Kagome's hand firmly in his, the questions were no longer the ordeal they had been before. He even mustered the strength to answer a few on his own, much to Kagome's amusement. His explanations danced around the answer, to which Kagome promptly, and often bluntly, corrected. Still, she seemed overjoyed that Inuyasha was participating. The happiness she expressed rivaled the happiness she expressed the first time she held Yumi in her arms. Never in his wildest dreams did he expect to meet, let alone marry, a parent so enthusiastic about explaining the birds and the bees to their child. The conversation far exceeded the details Inuyasha got from his parents. The fact that Yumi was the one driving the conversation deeper into more explicit realms both frightened and thrilled him. Yumi was proving once more that her intellect and maturity exceeded far beyond her age. It was almost torturous for him to watch. His innocent little girl was aging ten years right before his eyes as she absorbed every bit of information they gave. Had Inuyasha been in charge of the conversation, he would have put on the brakes long ago. A couple questions after the basic mechanics were answered would have been a great stopping point. Even the most liberal parents wouldn't have gone this far. The more questions Yumi asked the more personal they became. Yet Kagome answered them all without the slightest hint of embarrassment or hesitation. It was actually a little envious. It was obvious Yumi and Kagome were bonding in a way he never could. It hurt seeing a connection he could never share form. Tightening his grip on Kagome's hand, Inuyasha focused back on the conversation.
“So threesomes are bad?” Yumi asked, her attention completely on her mother. She had given up asking him long ago. Inuyasha briefly contemplated if he had made the right decision to leave the relative bliss of ignorance his inner thoughts offered. So we've circled back around to this again? Considering how much they talked about how it normally worked, he doubted there was much left on the topic they could talk about. Leading them to this…
“In the case of Uncle Miroku and Aunt Sango, then yes.”
Yumi looked confused. “But they aren't married.”
“No… but they are - were dating. When you date someone, it's like being married, but it's not as permanent. You understand?” Finally! Something we can agree on! It was a small comfort Kagome was guiding Yumi to live more like her rather than someone like Kikyo. He didn't have anything personal against her sister; she did what she needed to do to survive. Still, the thought of his daughter acting the same disgusted him.
Gradually, Yumi nodded. “I think so.” She was silent for a moment, thinking to herself. Her thoughtful expression disappeared as she moved on to her next question. “Has Mommy been in a threesome?”
It was one of the few times Kagome hesitated. For a brief second, Inuyasha thought she wasn't going to answer. To his dismay, she answered as soon as he finished the thought. “Yes.” He noticed that she didn't look over at him, though he felt her hand tense below his.
Yumi worsened the situation by looking over at him with her wide, piercing eyes. “With Daddy?”
“No… not with Daddy.” It was the first time since they started talking that Kagome looked uncomfortable.
“This was before I married Daddy.”
Yumi picked up the discomfort between the two. “So they are bad!”
“I…” Inuyasha was surprised by how quickly and energetically Kagome reacted. Catching herself, Kagome turned a dark shade of red before continuing at her normal pace and volume. “Wouldn't say that…” Inuyasha stared over at Kagome in astonishment. It seems there is more to discuss than I thought. He wasn't looking forward to that conversation.
Sighing, Yumi crossed her arms, furrowing her brow as she slowly shook her head. “Confusing… so confusing.” It seemed even Yumi had her limits. He was actually glad she had one. She's going to be scary when she's older. “Mommy, Daddy,” she looked at each as she spoke their names. “Thank you, but I really need to go think.”
Both blinked in silent astonishment as their daughter slid from her chair and calmly left the room. Slowly, their heads turned, eyes meeting. “I need a walk,” Inuyasha said suddenly, pulling his hand out from under hers.
“Inuyasha!” she called after him as he shot from the room. It wasn't fast enough however. Stopping at the doorframe, he turned his head slightly to let her know he was listening, unable to actually look at her. “We… we need to talk. About… things…” The situation was almost enough to make him laugh. For the past hour, she had been quite unabashed at explaining every little personal detail on what happened between them in the bedroom to their daughter yet she suddenly shied away from this. “Please,” she added feebly.
“I know,” he said, looking down at the floor. “But I really need a walk to clear my mind. I… I don't think I can handle another conversation like that; at least, not now.”
“I understand,” she said softly. “W-when can we…?”
“When I get back,” he said, focusing his attention towards the door. He knew Kagome had a surprised look on her face. She hadn't been expecting it quite so quickly. “I have some things I need to tell you as well. I'll be back in a couple hours.”
“Have a safe trip,” she said, her voice sounding relieved.
Nodding, he headed towards the door, quickly pulling his shoes on and grabbing his nearby coat before exiting the apartment. Door closed behind him, he took a deep breath, the oppressive weight leaving his chest and shoulders. Never before had he felt so liberated. I'm here to clear my mind, not run away.
“Our little girl's growing up!” Turning, Inuyasha found Ryuu leaning against the door, wiping a finger under his eye before flicking the tear away. “I must say, I don't think I've ever seen you under so much stress. A couple of times there, I didn't think you would make it.” He laughed as he straightened, moving over to Inuyasha's side before nodding in approval. “But you did well. I'm proud of you.”
Inuyasha's expression darkened. “She's my little girl, not yours.”
Ryuu smiled apologetically. “Right, right. You see, I've been with her ever since she's been born, just as you have. We've become so close over the years I get a little confused on what is what.” He sighed deeply as he leaned against the rail overlooking the city. “I was there when Yumi was born. Remember it like it was yesterday in fact.” Nodding, he continued. “I remember making love to Kagome under that waterfall in Hawaii. Oh my, then there was that night at Rio.” He shook his head, grinning as he chuckled softly. “Kagome really set the bar that night, huh? London… Berlin… L.A… D.C… Moscow… I remember them all. Then there was our wedding.” He sighed sweetly, lowering his head closer to his hands that rested against the railing. “That day was truly phenomenal.”
Rage boiled inside Inuyasha as he glared at the apparition before him. “That was me. I was there when Yumi was born. I made love to Kagome. It was I who married her. You had nothing to do with any of it! Understand. Nothing!
Ryuu frowned. “Is that really true? I'm your other half. Without me, you would be dead just like I would be dead without you. One completes the other.”
“No, this is my body. You are the guest. I never wanted you.”
“That may be the case, but you're certainly glad I'm here now, what with our family in trouble and all. You certainly couldn't protect them before.” Clenching his fists, Inuyasha shook violently as he glared at the demon. “Surely you wouldn't want to go back to that pathetic state we were in before you released me. Not with people like Edward Small running around.”
“You know him?”
Ryuu shrugged helplessly. “No more than you do I'm afraid. I do understand he's dangerous, but I don't think I need to tell you that.” Inuyasha continued his glare, causing Ryuu to sigh helplessly. “Listen, I know you are unhappy, but I honestly can't do anything about it. Was it my fault Naraku used you to summon me? No. Is it my fault I feel, see, hear, taste and smell everything you do? No. Can you really blame me for getting so confused? I hope you can see that I'm just an innocent bystander in all this.”
That I don't believe. Nothing about you is innocent.”
“Not all demons are bad Inuyasha. I think Kagome is all the proof you need.”
“Kagome's not a demon, at least, not the kind you are.”
Ryuu waved his hand in front of him. “Technicalities. A demon is still a demon. She can use demon magic, no? Sounds like a demon to me.”
“I'm done talking. Go away. I left because I wanted time to sort things out, not for you to bug me.”
Sighing, Ryuu shook his head dejectedly. “Fine. I understand you're untrusting now. I accept that. In time, I know you'll come around.” With that, he was gone, vanishing as quickly as he appeared. Sighing in relief, Inuyasha set off for the stairs. He didn't know where exactly his walk would take him, but he did know where it would end and it was comforting to know Kagome and Yumi would be there waiting.
Ah, it feels like forever since I wrote this chapter, so I don't know what to say about it. Gradually, I'm catching up with the chapters I have finished.
Thanks to those who have stuck around, I hope I can continue to entertain you in the chapters to come! As always, I appreciate everyone who takes the time to write a review. They really do help to motivate me to write more.